11-07-40 City Council MinutesNov. 7,19919
The meeting was called to order by the chairman Raymond T.Raskop.
;Lembers present Raskon, Frandsen, Riess, Tolg, Nilson.
:vinutes of the Council meetings held Oct.15,1940 and Nov.1,1940
were read and approved.
A Treasurers report was read and placed ob file.
A report from the Road committee was read and placed on file.
A report was given by the rr.P.A. forman.
The question of liscening Dude Ranches was tabled by the Chairman.
A letter from H.B.Limmer asking permission to nark a House Trailer
on lot #376 in Golden Valley was read.
The Village -attorney was asked to look over the Trailer Ordainence
and make a report at the next meeting.
The Health officer in cooperation with the Police Dept. was asked
to inspect a House Trailer on Plymonth Ave.,
+ Motion by Tolg seconded by Reiss to grant the Kpls, Uas Light Co.
permit for the extention of its mains as requested.
Ra.skop, Frandesen, Reiss, Tidilg, 4ilson(YES)
A letter from Egan,Field and ivowak stating that the streets in the
Glenurban 21id Addition have been completed by the contractor.
The road coma.ittee consistinng of ' r.Tolg,and �jr.Fraridsen approve
the streets in Glenurban grid Addition.
wlotion by Frandsen seconded by Tolg that the roads in the Glenurban
2nd Addition be acceptdd and that the com-oletion Bond be disdharged,
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, Wilson (YES)
A letter from Attorney David J.Smilow it regard to an accommodation
car used by the Police wept. was referred to the Village Attorney.
A petition was presented to the Council askifng that the question
" Shall the Police Civil Service Co7imission be abolished'? be
submitted to the legal voters at the next village Election.
This netition was given to the Village Attorney for study and to be
referred back to the council at its next regular meeting.
Apllications for clerks and Judges to serve on the Dec,3 Election
Bo=ards were read.
',otion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss that Clerks and Judges be
voted on by Ballot.
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, Wilson (YES)
The election Board for District No.One consisted of) 2rs Boyer ,Clem(
Lrs Turner and Irs Bies Judges
The Election Board for District No.Two consisted of Vivian Thotla.nd,
clerk jkrs Lynds and Y-rs Carl Olson Judges.
2• Nov.7,1940 49
motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the Clerks and Judges
to serve on the election boards be accented in the order as polled.
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, Wilson (YES)
Lotion by Tolg seconded by Frandsen to adopt the following resol—
RLSOLVED; that the following discribed roads recentley built
by ir. Sweeney be accepted by the Village subject to the following
1. Filing of needs with the recorder for such roads to the
60 foot width.
2. Proper sloping of banks in cuts.
3. Provision of proper gutters.
4. Provision of ample space at ends of dead end streets to
permit turning of village road maintenance equipment.
The roads to be accepted are described as follows:
This acceptance to become void upon failure of applicants to
conforw to the foregoing by July 1,1941.
Rmaskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, Wilson (YDS)
4.otion by Tolg seconded by Reiss to adopt the following resolution:
Resolved that persons desiring prints from the Village
Topogra.pical :Naps be required to make apolications therefor to the
Village Recorder -ind be required to pay therefor to the Village,
42.00 per plate plus charges for printing and postage-- the tracings
under no circumstances to be perrciited to pass out of the custody
of the Recorder.
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg,Vilson(YES)
.L,Lotion br Reissra seconded by Frandsen to adjourn was so ordered.
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, ilson, (YES)
Expenditures -----------
L, Receipts---------