02-18-41 Council MinutesFebr. 18,. 1941 The meeting was called to order by the chairman Raymond T.Raskop. In the absence of Wilson , Recorder. kr. Reiss acted as temporary recorder for the meeting Members present Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch. �jember absent Nilson lotion by Frandsen seconded by the Busc'i that we des-oense with the reading of the Minutes of the last meeting Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch (YES) A report from the Planning Commis. -ion in regard to new ordinance on billboard was read. Lotion bJ Frandsen seconded by Busch that the ordinance be tabled until the next meeting. Raskon) Frandsen, Reiss. Busch (YES) The cabbage ordinance was tabled until the next meeting. Captain PvcKinnis gave a report on the placing df signs on roads in Golden Valley. A report from -Wr. Graber investiggting new Q.P.A. projects for 1941 was read. Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss that the report of Mr. Graber's be adopte d. Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch (YES) lotion by Frandsen seconded by Busch to grant the kpls. Gas Light Co permit for the extension of its mains as requested. Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch (YES1 emotion by Frandsen seconded by Busch to grant the Ypls, Gazeral Elec Co. a permit to erect poles as requested ��skop) Frandsen, Reiss, Busch (YES) Lotion by Frandsen seconded by Busch to adopt the Following resolution Resolved that to conforu with the pervisions of laws of 1939) chapter 328, sectionl, that the Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley hereby approves the change in the ciassifica.tion of the attached list of :forfeited lands in said Village frofa lion Agricultural to non— Conservation. Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch (YES) otion by Frandsen seconded by Buscl to adjourn was so ordered askob, Frandsen, Reiss, BuschlYes ) Hans Reiss Acting Clerk m 1