12-16-41 Council MinutesDec.16,1941 The meeting was called to order by the Chairman Raymond T.Raskop Members present Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch, and Wilson. Minutes of the previous council meeting were read anid apordvdd. e A trasurers report was read and ordered placed on file. Ir John Enghauser, a member of the Golden Valley Planning Commissiu gave a report on the numbering of homes in the Village. A communication was received from Donald Furen, requesting better sanding and snow removing in Tyrol Hills. Said communication was read and referred to the chairman of the Road Committee. Mr. Arvid Johnson, gave a report on time spent inplowing the Village roads. A communication was received from the State of Minn. Dept, of Highways relative to the request from the Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley for the lighting by the State of the intersection of Trunkk Highway #loo with 19th Ave. North. Said Communieation was read and ordered placed on file. A communication was :reoeived from the McGlynn Oil Co., with prices on gasoline tanks and pumps. Said communication was read and orders& placed on file. A communication was received from the N.W.Bell Telephone Co. requesting authority to place approximately 75 feet of buried cable crossing Sunset Ridge in North Tyrol Hills. Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss to graf'tt the N.W.Bell Te1.Co permit to burayy cable as requested. Roll call Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch, Wilson (YES) Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch to adopt the following resolution Resolved that the resolution relative to biphain Heights presented by Paul Enghauser be And the same is hereby repealed and nullified. Roll call Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch, Milson (YES) Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch to adopt the following resolutiay, AHLUASs A large number of lots in the Villhge of Golden .alley, in Subdivisions known as Delphian t3eights, Delphian Heights, Second Unit, and Delphian heights, Third Unit, have been forfeited to the Ht tai �af ginnesota for the non—payment of taxes; end SHE ' E, Heretofore the County Board of Hennepin County's Minnesota, at the request of the hill -, e of Golden Valley, caused: sale prices to be fixed on said lots at a sufficient amount to include the cost of the water mains placed in the streets in said Subdivisions; and WiiMUSj Paul K. Eaghaaser and his associates have agreed to develop said area by rearranging the subdivisions, preparing new surveys where necessary,, and rebui ldins, the roads to comply with Village specifications, without expense to the 'dillt;ge, provided said forfeited lots are scald to said Pahl. X. Enghauser and his assoeiates, at the prices indicated on the schedule hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof; and 19 2 Wsp It is intended that the remaining cost of the seater mains tw placed in said streets shall be hereafter aseeseed. and levied against all abutting lots In said subdivision benefited by the water mains, and that such cost shall not be included in the sale price of the lots to Paul K. End hauser and his associate Novily THUREKREp BE IT USOLVEDt That the Village Of Golden Valley petition the County Board of Hennepin County., Minnesotap., to cause prices to be fixed for the sale of lots in said subdiviFlons at the amounts indicated in Exhibit *A* hereto attached, and that the cost of water mains be omitted from said prices. Dated December -1—p 1941. Village Council of the Vi of valley, By Attest: IJ -40, - 1, - Rap-nrda-r. - M&U.SAS A. "DelpLian Heights, Hennepin QouatZ, mjaajgg Block 1 - Lots I and 11. Block k - Lots It 6p 8, 12t 14, 21. Bloax 5 - Lots It k, 40 61 61 St at 10p Up 15. Block 4 - Lots 16t 17, 18, 190 200 kip u. Also balance of lots in above blocks that rixe state orned. With Fater gains - proposed sale price of each lot,........ 100.00 B, "Delphian Hsi_ !hts_ SecondUnit.. liennapin County. 3dinnesota. Block 1 - Lots 5, 10p Up Up 15. Block 2 - Lots It k, 8, 7, Bt 91 10p, 11, 12s 141, 16j, 16S 170 lop 192 20. Block 3 - Lots 21, St 8, 11, 1Z, 15, 14, 15p 16, 17, 18, 19# 20p 21p Up '<16, k4p r15t 26, 270 B. Also balance of lots in above blocks that are state owned. Lots With Water. Mains - proposed s&,le price of each lot....... 100,00 Lots Tithout Water lain -proposed sale price of' each lot.j.... $65.00 Q*"Uel yhi,-jjHeiahts Third. Unit Hennepin County, 4jqAjggt4 It Block 1 - Lots 1 to 16 13lock 2 — Lots I to kl Block 3 -- Lots 1 to 14 L I I 2 Dec.16,1941 Black 4 - Lott 1 to 57 These lots are Without rater Maine -- proposed gale price3 of each lot ..... • i Block 6 (AllLots) 1 to ll,, Inclusive Black 6 - (All hots) 1 to 180 inclusive To be conveyed to the Village VY�illaget+��y f olden 'Valley car —0 — Rollpurposes — no isV'aYWdn Wr �it+h Vii l! i M N i i 11 s i ri i Y M i M Y 1Y 11 i# 6 —0— Roll Call Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch, Wilson (YES Ftiotion by Reiss seeonded by Frandsen to adopt the following ordinance 46. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING DIG- GING AND E%CAVATING IN PUBLIC The second reading to apeal two ordinances was given THOROUGHFARES, REQUIRING A PER- Motion by Frandsen sevonded by Reiss to adopt the following ordinance; MIT THERE100R, SETTING THE TERMS OF SUCH PERMITS, AND REQUIRING A OF Ordinance BOND'AS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO The Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley does ordain as GRANTING SUCH PERMITS. 'The follows; Village Council of the Village of Section 1. Those certain ordinances entitled as follows ; An ordinance Golden Valle$ do ordain as follows: Conserning the issuance of Bldg Permits, passed Sept.2,1924 and Sept.16,1924, 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, arid. or corporation hereafter to dig or excavate An ordinance providing for the manner of conducting Village Elections in any street, alley, or public highway in this in the Village of Golden Valley and providing for the use of the so called village for any purpose whatsoever without Australian Ballot System and penalties for the Vilslatiori thereof and duties first having received a written permit from of candidates and registration Days passed Jan.6 1P25, be and the same hereby the Village Council. are repealed. 2. Such permits shall be granted only upon Raskop, Frandsen heiss Busch Wilson (YES) the written application of the person, firm, The second.;.reading of the ordinance regulating digging and excavating in or corporation, contemplating such digging public thoroughfares. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be Ftiotion by Reiss seeonded by Frandsen to adopt the following ordinance 46. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING DIG- GING AND E%CAVATING IN PUBLIC - ' --- 4. The Council may, as a condition piece- THOROUGHFARES, REQUIRING A PER- dent to the granting he ap permit under this ordinance, require. the applicant to a MIT THERE100R, SETTING THE TERMS OF SUCH PERMITS, AND REQUIRING A OF post in an amount not exceeding $1,000.001 -and BOND'AS A CONDITION PRECEDENT TO whose bond shall run to the ge Bae and '. whose terms shall save the Village harmless GRANTING SUCH PERMITS. 'The from any and all damages suffered by any Village Council of the Village of party by reason of such digging or excava- Golden Valle$ do ordain as follows: tion: 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, 5. Every person, firm, or corporation who or corporation hereafter to dig or excavate shall violate any provision of this ordinance, in any street, alley, or public highway in this shall ,upon' conviction thereof, be deemed village for any purpose whatsoever without guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a first having received a written permit from fine of not less than ten dollars nor more the Village Council. than one hundred dollars and costs of prose - 2. Such permits shall be granted only upon cution, or by imprisonment in the village or the written application of the person, firm, county jail for not less than ten days nor or corporation, contemplating such digging more than 90` days. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be or excavation or authorizing the same and in force from and after its passage and pub - such application shall be accompanied by a lication according to law. fee in the amount of $1.00 covering the costs 7. Passed by the Village. Council this 7th of inspection and issuance, such fee to be day of October, 1941, paid to the treasurer of the Village. 3. Such permits shall contain such condi- RAYMOND T. RASKOP, President of t he Council. tions as seem fit to the Council of the Village Attest: and, in addition, every such permit shall con- GAIL D. WILSON, tain the following provision, which provi- sion shall be binding upon the applicant: Recorder. "This permit is granted subject to the Published in The Robbinsdale.Post, October 9, 1941. provision that the holder thereof will not dig or excavate in any street, highway or - public thoroughfare in the Village of Golden Valley for the purpose of laying or constructing any sewer pipe or line which shall now or later be connected with the sewage pipe, line, or system of any municipality or political subdivision of the State of Minnesota; and subject to the further provision that the applicant shall save the Village harmless from any damages that may result from such dig- ging or excavation or a violation of the terms of this permit shall be construed as binding the Village, expressly or im- pliedly, to any agreement in contraven- tion of the terms of this permit or of the provisions of the ordinance under which it ru to RaskoppfReiss;(YES) 94 An Ordinance licensing and regulating the retail sale of Cigarettes and Cigarette wrappers, was given two seperate readings Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that the Council dispense with the proceedure as outline by the Village ttorney. Roll Call Raskop, Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson. (YES) Motion by Frandsen secmnded by Reiss to adopt the following Ordinance. 50. AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REG- ULATING THE RETAIL SALE OF CIGA- RETTES AND CIGARETTE WRAPPERS - The Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. License Required. After December 31, 1941, no person, firm or corporation shall directly or indirectly or by means of any device keep for retail sale, sell at retail, or otherwise dispose of any cigarette or ciga- rette wrapper at any place in the Village of Golden Valley unless a license therefor shall first have been obtained as provided in this ordinance. See. 2. Application and Issuance. Applica- tion for such license shall be made to the village recorder on a form supplied by the Village. Such application shall state the full name and address of the 'applicant, the loca- tion of the building and the part intended to be used by the applicant under such license, the kind of business conducted at such loca- tion, and such other information as shall be required bythe application form. Upon the filing of such application with the recorder, it shall be presented to the Village Council for its consideration, and if granted by the Council, a license shall be issued by the vil- lage clerk upon payment of, the required fee. Sec. 3. License Fee. The fee for every such license shall be $12.00 per annum. Every such license shall expire on December 31 next after its issuance. For any license issued after Jan- uary 31 in any year, the fee shall be com- puted at the rate of $1.00 per month for each month or fractional part of a month covered by the license, provided that for any, license issued after June 31st of any year the license fee shall be $6.00 for the remainder of the year. Licenses shall not be transferable from one person to another. Sec. 4. License Shall Be Displayed. Every such license shall be kept conspicuously post- edabout ce for which the license is issix d and hshall abe exhibited to any person upon request. Sec. 5. Restrictions. No license shall be is- sued except to a person of good moral char- acter. No license shall be issued to an ap- plicant for sale of cigarettes at any place; other than his established place of busi- ness. No license shall be issued for the sale, of cigarettes at a movable place of busi- ness; nor shall anylicense be issued for the sale of cigarettes at more than one place of business. No person shall sell or give away any cigarette, cigarette paperor cigarette wrapper to any person below the age of 18 years. No person shall keep for sale, sell, or dispose of any cigarette containing opium, morphine, jimson weed, belle donna, strych- nia, cocaine, marijuana, or any other deleteri- ous or poisonous drug except nicotine. Sec. 6. Revocation. Every such license may be revoked by the Council for a violation of any provision of this ordinance if the licen- see has been given a reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard. Sec, 7. Penalty. Any person who shall vio- late any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon Conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed $100 or by imprisonment for not to exceed 90 days, Passed this 16th day of December, 1941, RAYMOND T. RASKOP Attest: President of the Courted GAIL D. `VILSON, Recorder Published Dec. 25, 1941; Jan. 1, 1942. [1 Roll Calll Raskop, Frandsen Reiss Busch Milson (YES) Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that the Chairman of the Roard Committee be instructed to purchase Two Fire Extingushers Roll Call Raskop, Frandsen Aeiss Busch Wilson (YES) Mr. Wood requested the Council to take over the upkeep of the State read abutting the Jenson Addition. Motion by Reiss seconded by u randsen that thii request be referred to the Planning Commission x Raskop, Frandsen eias Busch Milson (YES) Motion by Reiss sec$nded by lilson to adjourn was so ordered Raskop, rrandsen eiss Busch Milson (YES) Clerk