01-06-42 Council MinutesJan. 6,194.
The regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Golden
Valley was called to order by the Chairman Raymond T.Raskop.
Members present Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch, and Wilson
Minutes of the regular council meeting held Lec. 26th,1941 were read
and approved.
Minutes of the Special Qouiadil meeting held Dec.26th,1941 were read
and approved.
Treasurer, Geo.L.Casey read his annual financial report. Said report
was ordered placed on file.
Rev. Spicer gave,the Invocation.
Dir Raskop, gave a report on the Civilian Defense meeting held in the
Village Hall Dec.30,1941.
Mr. Raskop swore in Mr. Chas Frandsen,Hans Reiss, Gail Wilson, Bernard
Busch, Geo. Casey, Stanley Kane,and Swan Erickson ,each newly appointed
Village Police officers.
Hans Reiss gave a report on the Relief cases in Golden Valley.
Mr. Reimer was called before the Council.
Stanley Kane, the Village Attorney gave a report on the Glen Urban
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss to adopt the following resolution:
Resolved by the Village Counail of the Village of Golden Valley
that the Council does hereby authorize and request transder of title
to lots 382,383, and 388 to the Village of Golden Valley for use for
park purposes.
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss Busch Nilson (YES)
A letter from Mrs Lynds was read and ordered placed on file.
Motion by Reiss sec6nded by Busch that the Northern States Power Co
be granted permit to erect poles as requested ,subject to the approval
of the Bldg Inspector.
Roll Call Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch. Wilson (YES.
Applications for the various appointive positions were presented to
the Council.
One application for Village attorney was peesented to the Council.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that Stanley Kane be appointed
Village attorney for the year 1942.
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
One application for building Inspector was presented to the Council.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that Swan Erickson be appointed
Bldga nspector for the Year 1942. Compensation to be 50% for
the Bldg Inspector and 50% for the Village of all permit fees
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen Reiss Busch WiisontY♦ 3 j
-'VI-0 application for aoad CorTniisslori�--r were presented to the Council
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that voting be done by secret ba2110ti
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch 'Wilson (YES)
Arvid Johnson received 3 Votes
Arno Denz-n received 2 votes
The Chairman declared Kr. Johnson appointed to the office of Road
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the jobs of Janitor and
weed inspector be abolished and placed under the Road Commissioner
The salary of the Roard C�,mmissioner to be placed on an annual basis
of 4125.00 per month.
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Wilson seconded by Frandsen that sir. Raskop, be appointed
Chief of Police,
Roll call Frandsen Reiss Busch Nilson (YES)
Raskop. (NO)
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss that Dr. INM Proffitt be appointed
Village doctor and health Officer for the year 1942
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss that appointees to Village Offices
receive the same salaries in 1942 as 1941.
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)_
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that yrs Lynds,rs C.F.'itt, and
Mrs 'Wm Busch continue to serve on the 00'elfare Baord during the
year 1942.
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
The chairman appointed C.F-Witt, John Gaffney. Sylvestor Kootz,
Peter Faust, Arthur Hensler and Glen Richardson members of the
Planning Commissionan:'asked conformation by the Council
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the appointments be confirmed
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen Reiss Busch Anion YES
The Chairman appointed the following cbrmit--tee%cdairreans and committee
Chas, Frandsen chairman of the road committee and Hans Reiss a
Hans Reiss chairman of the Relief committee and Chas Frandsen
a member.
Gail Gilson chairman of the license committee and Chas a member
Bernard Busch chairman of the Bldg Committee and Gail 4ilson a
2. Jan.6,1942 rL
The chairman appointed ter. Wm Carson a member of the Civil Service
commission for a three year term)and ask confermation by the Council
kotion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the appointment be confirmed.
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen Reiss Busch "ilsob (YES)
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Busch that Swan Erickson and Gail Milson
be appointed Health officers for the year 1942
Roll call Raskop, 10'randsen reins Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Wilson seconded by Frandsen designating the North Amer.
office of the N-W.Nat'l Bank & Trust Co. and the North Side office
of the Ist Nato bank and Trust Co, as depositories for the Village
funds and the banks are authorized to honor the signitures of
Raymond T.Ra.skop, President and Geo. L.Casey Treasurer. and Gail D
Filson-ecorder an all Village warrents and checks.
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen "eiss Busch Wilson (YES)
A bldg inspectors report was given by Swan Erikson
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that the clerk and Arvid Johnson
take an invetory of all Village Equipment. i
Raskop, Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch to adjourn was so ordered,
Roll call Raskop, Frandsen j`eiss Busch Wilsob (YES)
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