08-18-42 Council MinutesAug. 18,1942 J
The meeting v3 -a& called to order by the .Chairman Raymond TAO skop
Members present Raskop, Frandsen Busch and Wilson
Member absent Reiss.
Minutes od the Council meeting held Aug. 411942 were read.
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Busch that the minutes stand
approved as read.
Raskop, Frandsen Busch Wilson (YES)
A Treasureres report was read and ordered placed on file.
The chairman gave a summary on the Relief Meeting held at tle Village
Hall at 7.30 P.M.
The chairman end opened the public hearing on the vacatingcf oerta%t
streets and alUys in the Glenwood& aditiouThe clerk read a
petition projeseing the proposed closing of Jean Ave. from dean ,
Highway North.
Mr. Kane the Illage attorney ,stated that the petition presexft to
the Councilo did not conform with the request asked by the Role
Northfield & Southern R.R.
ro ats
Mrs JI.Curgis and ars. Max Hleld gave Oral R$ against the Vacatig
of certain streets and alleys in the Glenwood Aditioa. After
a short discussing Mr.s Curtis and Mrs Feld withdrew there oW otions.
Motion by Busch ec*tonded by Frandeseen to adopt the following
WHEREMS,, the Village Council has been 10iticned to vacate certain
streets and allays in Gle ood, according to the Plat thereof on file and of
record, in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of
Hennepin, State of Minnesota, such plat being recorded in Book 84 of Plats
on page 21; and ager posting and publishing notice of a hearing thereon such
hearing has boon held, e d it appears that such vacation will be for the
public interest,
NOWWit BZ IT RX30LVXD, that that portion of Tean Avenue
bordering on Late numbered 84 to 83 inclusive, Glenwood, be and the same hereby
Is vacated; and that portion of the alley lying between Virginia Aue and
Tean Avenue, South of Eighth Avenue North, bordering an, the ream of the South
me—half of Lots nvmtbered 86 and 100 'and on the rear of 1,ots nunbered 85 and 101;
84 and 102. 03 and 103; 62 and 104' all in Glenwood, .lire and the hereby Ll
vacated. and 100; 90 and 106; 79 and 107; 7' n 10R
Raskop, Frandsen `Baecli Wi-IiOf, -t?ESOl _ ` ` _ - _
Clerk and Recorder within
and for the 73lla-0 of Golden Valley, County Of Hennepin and State of Minnesota,
do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the above and foregoing copy
of a Resolution with the record thereof as recorded in my office, as a part of
the Itinutes ofa Useting of the Village Council., held evening,
1942, and that the s is a true and correct transcript
and cop of the games and of the whole thereof, and :I do further certify that I
OR the officer in whose custody said record is required by law to be kept.
IN ,#gym mywt Ive hereunto set ray hid and official seal
this _ day of r A* D. 1942.
01" of GQldeai Valley
The chairman gave a report on the progress of the Village Fire
Mrtion by Busch sounded byFrandsen that the El otion board
for District No. One consist of Mrs Glorvick; Clerk Mrs
Geo.'Casey, Mrs Nm Busch, and Mr. Nels Frandsen Judges, Mrs
kary.Kuntson.as substute and that the slecwtion Board for Diskrit
number two consisit of Mrs Thotland , C1e14:, Mrs Lynds, Mrs Sch*ok
Mrs C.Cellias, Judges. Mrs. Graff as substute. 6"W', -fes w v
hXVL" 7 Fk �I -t� 0, Pin
Raskop, Frandsen Busch Filson (YES)
Mr. Kane the Village Attorney reported that the road to the Mr. A Nelson
property was a private one and the Village could not repair it.
&r. Kane present" a onsuk to the Village Treasurer from the Tna
West Qo lux tuo bo"de on Street improvement # 2.
Two cancelled Oodds were presented to the Clerk and ordered piaad
oft tile*
ffir. Lane asked zue council to pay SYUUQ*0U to the J.R.Craig coal
and fbuuU.uv to 1*0 Lander Norbloom Unristainson Ca. for taei.
wv:ca done on Streat improvement No. 2.
,Motion by Frandsen seconded by Busch to adjourn was so ordered.
asxop, Frandsen Buscn Wi.ison (Yxs)