10-20-42 Council MinutesV'i 3
The meeting was called to order by the chairman Raymond T Raskep
Members present Raskep Frandsen, Busch and "ilse,iz
Member absent Reiss.
kimutes of the Couf.,oil meeting held Oct 6,,1942 were read.
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Busch that the minutes stand approved
as read.
Raskop Frandsen Busch Wilson (YES)
Minutes of the special meeting hold Oct.14 p1942 were read.
Motion by Bushh seconded by Frandsen that the minutes stand approved
as re -,.d.
Raskop Frandssn Busch) Wilson (YES)
A Treasurers report was read and ordered placed on file.
Officer Frandsen reported that all milk drivers had been notified
of the now m6lk ordinance,
,,".,Dtion by Frandsen seconded by Busch that all milk drivers without
license* be taggdd and brought into duattoo Court*
Raskop Frandsen Busch Wilson (YES)
The Village attorney presented to the Council a proposed ammendment
to the Black Out Ordinance, and asked that they consider the passage
of this ordliasaeo, ammendment.
Motion by Busch seconded by Faandeen that a first reading,of the
prpposed ammendment to the Blackout ordinance be given by the
'Village Attorney*
Raskop Frandsen Busch Nilson (YES)
A letter from the I&pls Planning Commission was read and ordered
Dlased on files
Motion by Busch seconded by Frandsen that the next regular Council
Ineeting be hold Nov. 4.1942.
Raskep Frandsen Busch Wilson (YES)
The Village Attorney presented a list of insuance policy dates. and
the Chairman ordered them placed in the care of the Clerke
The Village attorneyturned oy�rL/ to the Village Treaurer the missing
Glen Urban Street Improvement"assessment roll.
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Busch to adjourn was so ordered*
Raskop Frandsen Busch, ilson (YES)