12-01-42 Council MinutesDec. 1) 1942
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman Raymond T Raskop
Frandsen Reiss Busch and Wilson.
of the
meeting held Nov.16,1942 were read.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the minutes stand approved
as road.
Raskop, Frandsen Reiss Busch wwilson )'YiS(
A Treasurers report was read and ordered placed on file.
Mr. Frandsen, chairman of the Road Committee) reported that Mr, SweeVey
wanted his road accepted by the Council. Mr. Frandsen recommended that
the "ouncil no# a9cept the Sweeney road until it was put in better shape
and given a name.
Mr. Olson reported that the now siren would be delivered before the
Doc.14th blackout. He also reported that a charge of .6260.00 for a
transformer, and i 42.00 per month for electric would baebilikedtby,thv
Norther5tates Power Co.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the Council instruct the
Building committee to -ourchasl a transformer and have the new sizan
installed and wired atop the Village Hall*
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch Nilson )YES(
A -copy of the results of the test made on the used fire a-p-peratus
was placed on file.
The clerk have notice that the Council meeting as a canvassing baard
meet Wed. Doc.9,1942,
Motion by Reiss se--onded by Frandsen that Mrs Guthals be appointed to
serve as a Judge on Election District Number One Board.
Raskop) Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by eiss seconded by Busch to adopt the following resolution:
Be IT RES.- LVr 6D) That the contract submitted by -,.the Suburban Henn.
County Relief Board of the County of Henn. for the administration and
supervision of poor relief in the Village of Golden Valley be acceDtedlo
and approved; and,
Be IT FURTHER RESOLVED) THAT the Droner officers.of said Village
og Golden Valley be directed to execute said contract in duplicate
and when executed to return one of said contract,,'#4-tWo-,5ubt1rb&n Henn.
County Relief Board,
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss to adjourn was so ordered.
Raskop Frandsen heiss Busch Wilson (YES)