03-16-43 Council MinutesMarch 16,1943
The regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Golden
Valley was called to order by the Chairman Raymond T Raskop
".mberr. pre sent Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch and Wilson
Ir. Kane was present at the Council meetings
Minutes of the Council meeting held parch 2,1943 were read.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that the winutes stand approved
as read.
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
kinutes of the Special Council meeting held March 5;1943 were read.
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss that the minutes stand approved
as read and the clerk be instructed to strike out Daragraf nuibera
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch, 4ilson (YES)
Minutes of the Special CQun.dil. meeting°held March 8.1943 were read.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the minutes stand anprovdd
as read. ON
Raskon Frandsen Reiss Busch Gilson (YES)
A report read by the Treasurer; Geo. Casey, was ordered nlaced on fike
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the resignation from
constable John Lnghauser be accepted.
Raskon Frandsen Reiss Busch 4ilsobn (YES)
motion by Frandsen seconded by Busch that the request for an alley
to the John L Wittenberg pronerty be tabled.
Raskon Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that a -...cigarette license be granted
to O.C.Florida.
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch 4ilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded, by Frandsen that Soft drink licenses be
granted to.Irs T.J.'Noodfill; Ikartin Larson, Theo. Wirth Golf Course)
Le:,iard Anderson) Sarenpa&Dolsj and Mae Qukst.
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Lotion by Frands,:-n seconded by Busch that filling Station licenses
be granted to Joe Locketz, Car Quist and Josephine Gatten
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion -by Reiss seconded by Busch that 3.2 off sale licenses be
granted to Mrs T.J.doodfill and kartin Larson. j
1 0 N
Raskon Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES/
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that 3.2 on sale licenses be granted
to Fred SarenDa-Edward Doles) Martin Larson) Theo Wirth Golf Course,
Leonard Anderson and �-rs T -J -t " . oodfill
Raskon Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that 3.2 on sale and Taverne
licenses be granted to jxs Clara SchullerpO.C.Florida; Pete Doran$
,nd Harrey Grobe.
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch Milson (YES)
Motion by Reiss
seconded by
Busch that 15
ball licenses be granted
to the Automatic
Piano Co providinthey
the annual yearly fee.
Raskop Frandsen
Reiss Busch
Wilson NS)
The Chairman stated
that Mr.
Carson had given
an orral resignation
from the post of
Justice of
the Peace and
the Council what action
they wished to take.
Motion by Reiss
seconded by
Frandsen that
resignation be accepted,
Raskop Frandsen
Reiss Busch
Wilson (YES)
Motion by Wilson seconded by Frandsen that Stanley D Kane fill the
vacancy left by Mr. Carson's resignation.
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
The Clerk sweas in Arno Denzin as constable to fill the vacancy by
Edward White.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that Mr. Peter Faust fill the
vacancy left -by Mr. John Enghauser I a resignation.
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Bu -ch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch to adiourn was so ordered.
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (yES