08-03-43 Special MeetingSpecial meeting Aug. 3rd 1243 Lq-P _
A special meeting of the Village Council was calied to order
by the Chairman Raymond T.Ra.skop.
Members present Raskop Frandsen reiss Lusch and Nilson.
Motion by 'eiss seconded by Frandsen to adopt the following
resolution. Resolved that the Council authorize purchase
od credical Inaterial for Street Improvement Number 2 for
maintinance and repair purposes.
Raskop Frandsen reiss Buch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss sec6nded by Busch to adopt the following $
resolution resolved that the seconded allternitive offer made
by Bonlander Co. for repairs in street improvement # 2 contained
in letter date Aug. 3,1943 be accented. as made in that letter
as corrected.
Raskop Frandsen eiss lusch Wilson (YES)
Motion by eiss seconded by Busch that the firm of Hitchcock
and Eaterbfook Inc.1ve paid $350,00 for the en ineering
supervision 6f repairs in Street ImproveAent 2 said sum to
be paid in the first instance out of Street Improvement fund
Number 2.
Raskop Frandsen reiss Busch 'Milson EYES)
kotion by Reiss seconded by Busch to ddjourn was so order,
Raskop Frandsen reiss Busch Wilson (YesO