09-07-43 Council MinutesI
Sept. 7)1943
The regular meeting of the Village Council was called to order
by the Chairman Raymond T.Raskop
Members nresent Raskon Frandsen -"eiss Busch and Wilson
Minutes of the regular Council meeting held Aug.17)1943 were read.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that the minutes stand approved
as read.
Raskon Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Minutes of the special meeting held Aug. 20,1943 were read.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that the minutes stands an-oroved
as read,
Rasko-o F-P&R4een Aeiss Busch Wilson (Yes)
Frandsen (NO)
A reportpread by the treasurer) Geo. Casey, was ordered placed on fi
A -police report was given by Capt. McGinnis.
A letter from fire chief Lovering was read by the Clerk.
The chairman reDroted on the drills made by the Fire Dent. on
the Glenwood Hills Hoenktal grounds,
err. Frandsen) chairman of the road Committeee; re-ovrted on the wo:kk
being done on the Glen Urban roads*
Notion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss that the Village Budget be
tabled until the,next Council meeting*
RaskoD Frandsen 'eiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Uri Hensler and �.Ir. Rayler insurance reDresentitives ) Bub-.,riited
proposed insurance nolic:Ves and rates to the Council. The chair—
maa referred these figures to the Council meeting to be held
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that Pbte Doaan's 3.2 on sale
licenses be transferred to Schultz —Lynch Inc.
Raskon Frandsen Heise Busch 'Nilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that Atay Doran's off sale
liquor license be transferred to Schultz—LyWch Inc.
Roll call Raskon Reiss Busch (YES)
Frandsen Wilson '(NO )
Mr. Homberger asked the Council for an increase in police wages*
The chairman was instructed to gather figures on the salar:Ves of
police offiexs in other Villages I and report his findings to the
Council at its next meeting.
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Busch to adjourn was so ordered.
Raskon Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)*