12-08-43 Council Minutes255
Dec. 8, 1943
The regular meeting of the Village Council was called to
order by the chairman Raymond T Raskop
Members present Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch and Wilson
-kinutes of the Council meeting held Nov.16,1943 was read.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Busch that the minutes stand approved
as read.
Raskop Frandsen It. Busch Wilson (YES)
A report, read by the treaurer, Geo. Casey, was ordered placed
on ,file.
A police report was given by ®apt. McGinnis
A report from the chairman of,the Road committee was ordered
placed on file.
A letter from Mr. Lund ,deputy Commissioner, was referred to
Fire Chief Lovering.
A order from Judge Anderson on a seperate Demurrers was placed
on file
Mr. Kane stated that he had been tetained by the White family
and that the White family wished to with draw their request
to the Council for a road into their nroperty.
The chairman of the licensee comraitteee gave a report on the
Mrs Radisch licenses.
Thh Clerk read the following returns from the Village election
held Dec.7,1943
For President of the Council Geo.E. Hanson received 524 votes
Raymond T #askop received 230.votes
For Trustee. Curtis Moe received 533 votes Bursnard Busch received
222 votes
For TreasuraT Carl I Johnson rec&ived 483 votes and Geo. L.Casey
received 270 votes
For Justice of the Peace Wm Sweeney received 452 votes and
John Enghauser received 297 votes
For Constable Eugene Anderson received 459 votes and Pete Faust
received 235 Votes
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the Council meeting
as a canvassing board ezeatt the returns as read.
Raskov Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion- by Reiss seconded by Busch that the State Audottor
continue auditing the Village books up to Jan.1,1944
Raskop Frandsen Reiss Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by franaser, secoLdea by lieiss to adjourn was so ordered
Raskop Frandsen "eiss Busch Nilson (YES)