12-21-43 Council MinutesDec. 1,1943
The regular meeting of the Village Council was called to order
by the chairman Raymond T Raskop
Memebers present Raskop Busch and `Nilson
Members absent Frandsen Reiss
Minutes of the Council meeting held Dec. 8,1943 .
Notion by Busch seconded by Nilson that the minutes stand approved
as read.
Raskop Busch Gilson (YES)
A report read by the Treasurer, Geo Casey was ordered placed on file
Fire chief Lovering reported on the fire test made with the fire
pumping trailer equipment.
Motion by Busch seconded by Gilson to adopt the following resolution
Be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of golden Valtey
that it is deemed necassary and expedient to install a fire alarm
and phone system
Be it further resolved that B.A.Shuttleworth is diected to nrepare
plans and specifications for said system and to deliver said plans
and specifications to the Village Clerk on or before Dec. 27p1943;
Be it futther resolved that materials for said improvement shall
be purchased by contract to be let to the lowest responsible bidder
and the Clerk is directed to prepare and publish advertisements for
bids thereon to be opened Jan.4,1944, whish bids shall be based upon
the plans abd specifications hereinbefore referred to.
Roll call Raskop Busch 'Nilson (YES)
The chairman read a letter from yrs Finn sec. of the°Planning Commissi
A letter from Mr. Kane was read and nlced on file.
Motion by Busch seconded by Nilson that the matter of payment to
the Held be tabled.
Raskop Busch Milson (YES)
Motion by Busch seconded by 'Nilson to adopt the following resolution
Whereas Arne Benzin, appointed to the post of Constable, has
failed to qualify therefor;
Be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Golden
Valley, that the post is hereby declared vacant.
Be it farther resolved that Pete Faust be and hereby is appointed
to the said post of Constable fom the balance of the term expiring
December 31)1944
Raskon Busch 'Nilson (YES)
Motion by Busch seconded by 'Nilson to adopt the following resolution
Be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Golden
Valley that it deemed necessary and expedient to erect a garage to
house new equipment purehased by the fire dept.
Be it farther resolved that the Bldg inspector, with the assistance
of Paul K.Enghauser, is directed to prepare plans and specifications
to the Village Clerk on or before Dec. 37, 1943
Be it further resolved that said improvement shall be made by contract
to be let to the lowest responsible bidder, and the clerk is directed
to prepare and publish advertisements for bids thereon to be
opened Jan 4,1944 which bids shall be based upon the plans and
specifications hereinbefore referred to.
Raskop Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Busch seconded by Wilson to adopt the following
Be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Golden
Valley that it is deemed necessary and expedient to pureha.se
a police squad oarBe it further resolved that the chief of police
is directed to prepare specifications for said police squad car
and to deliver said 9�ankfications to the Village Clerk on or before
Dec. 27,1943
Be it further resolved thpt said squad car shall be purchased
by contract to be let to the lowest bidder, and the clerk is directed
to prepare and publish advertisements for bids thereon to be opened
Jan. 4,1944, which bids shall be based upon the specifications
hereinbefore referred to.
Raskop Busch Wilson (YES)
The Village Attorney recommended that the Hebing-Holzheu Ostrout
ditbh be opened where it runs on Village Property and that a culvert
be laid under the Ostruot driveway.
Motion by Busch seconded by 'Kilsob that the proper culverts and
drains be made from the Hebing Holzheu Ostrout ditch
Raskop Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Busch seconded by Wilson that Mr. Lovering be instructed
to get permission from the N.W.Bell Telephone C"' fozr use of thier
poles and permission from the Mpls city water works for use of thier
Raskop Busch Wilson (YES)
Motion by Busch seconded by Wilson to adjourn was so ordered.
Raskop Busch Wilson (YES)