01-04-44 Council Minutes.4,1944
The regular meeting of the Village Council was called to order
by the chairman Geo. E.Hanson
Members present Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe and Nilson
Minutes of the Council meeting held Dec.21,1943 were read.
Motion by neiss seconded by Moe that the minutes stand appreoved
as read.
Hansen Frandsen ReisssMoe `Nilson (YES)
A report read by the Treasurer, Carl Johnson, was placed on file
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss that cigarette licenses be
granted to Betty 'Noodfill, Fred Sarampa, Rea Locketz, firs Lucille
Radisch,C.C. Florida, and Mrs Clara Schuller.
Hanson Frandsen Reiss Nneek Wilson (YES)
Motion ,by Reiss seconded by Frandsen thAi bids for a garage, police
squad `'ar,and fire alarm & Phone System be tabled until the next
regular Council meeting.
Hans:n Frandsen Reiss Moe 'Nilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that all appointments be post-
pone until the next regular Council meeting
Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe 'Nilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that Arne Denzin be appointed road
f orman for the year 1944. His wages shall be $200.00 per month
at 40hours per week with $1.00 Der hour for overtime.
Hanson Frandsen neiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Wilson seconed by Reiss that the North Amer.office ofthe
N.W.Nat'L Bank & Trust Co. and the North side Office of the Ist
Nat'l bank & Trust Co be depositories for Village funds and the
banks are authorized to honor the signiltures of Geo E Hansan
president, Carl I Johnson Treasurer, and Gail D `Nilson Recorder
on all Village Warrents and Checks
Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen to adjourn was so ordered.
Hanson Frandsen Aeiss Moe Wilson (YES)