10-17-44 Council Minutes15 Oct. 17,1944 The meeting was called to order by the,=chairman Gee. E. Hanson Members present Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson Minutes of the regular Council meeting held Oct «,1944 were read. Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the minutes stand approved as read. Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES) The chairman called for bids on stokers and furnacesp Bids were received from Owen A -Smith and E.J. Morrow Co. Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the bids be referred to Fire Chief Shuttleworth. Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES) Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission were read Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the minutes be referred back to the Planning Commission. Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES) The chairman recommended that Jim Brown replace Donald Fruin as civil Service Commissioner. Motion by Wilson seconded by Reisss that the Council conferm the appointment of Jim Brown to replace Donald FrtLin as civil service commissioner. Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES) A receipt of the original and duplicate copies of Golden Valley Fire EquiDement certificates for the year 1944: from the State o4na— of Minnesota was read and placed on file. A lwtter from the County Auditors Office stating their williness to take care of the service road West of Turners Cross road along Wayzata Blvd.was read and placed on file. A letter from the Hdwre Mutual Ins. Co. of Minn. stated that they are marking the Golden Valley policy for termination. (62899) Motion by Moe seconded by Wilion that the requipt from the DO IT Club be tabled until the next meeting. Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES) Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the next regular Council meeting be held Wed Nov. 8 1 1944 Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES) Motion by Wilson seconded by Reiss that the election boards for the Geberal Election Nov.7p1944 shall concist of the following Election Board # 1 Mrs Wm Busch Clerk, Judges Mrs Guthal;' Mee Helwig, and Mrs Horsanger Allternates Mrs Mary Swanson and Mrs Claud Jones. Election Board # 2 Mrs Gail Wilson , Clerk, Judges Mrs Koontz, Mrs Lester Johnson) Mrs Balfranz Alternates Mrs garl Olson and Mrs Crandalh. Roll call Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES) 1bMotion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that a public hearing ba the DOG ORDINANCE be held in the Village Hall Nov. 8,1944. Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES) Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that a second reading be given the Pin Ball ordinanceand that the ordinance be adopted as read. Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES) SECTION 3. LICENSE TO BE.DIS- PLAYED. Every license granted here- under shall be posted in a conspicuous place Ordinance was given its second reading, on or and shall dentifyear thethe same,mbysnumbereor descrip- tion. - council as herein provided. Application for SECTION 4. PROHIBITED PRAC- AN ORDINANICE TO LICENSE such license shall be made to the village TICES AND RESTRICTIONS. No li- AND REGULATE GAMES OF clerk upon a form to be supplied by the cense hereunder shall be issued for any SKILL AND PROVIDING A municipality, and shall give the name and address of the owner and applicant, the game of skill within 1000 feet of any school building. No person shall use any PENALTY FOR THE VIO- place where such game or device is to be device licensed under this ordinance as a LATION THEREOF operated, what business is conducted at gambling device, and no licensee shall per - The Council of the Villa e of Golden % Valley do that place, the name, number and descrip- tion of the game or particular piece of mit any person or persons to use any game licensed hereunder for gambling pur- i ordain: equipment to be licensed, the fee for play- poses, and the operation of any lottery or SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. The term "a ing the game and prize, if any, and such gambling device is declared to be contrary game of skill" as used herein shall in- other information as the council may re- to this ' ordinance. No minor under the clude any device played by manipulating quire. Every such application shall ac- age of eighteen years, or any minor en - special equipment by hand or mechanically fee companied by the annual Kcense fee of rolled in a public school, shall be permitted and propelling balls, figures or numbers $50.00, which shall be paid into the general to plav any such device. across a board or field into respective posi- fund of the municipality. Such application SECTION 5. PENALTY. Any person tions, the object of which is to secure a shall be considered by the council at its violating the provisions of this ordinance special number or numbers of high total to the figures next regular meeting and granted or re- shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon score, or place or numbers jected. License shall be for a term of one conviction thereof shall be punished by a in special positions, which game may be year for each such game of skill. It may fine of not to exceed $100 or by imprison - played by the public generally at a price be transferred to another location in this ment for not more than ninety days. Upon either directly or indirectly for such privi- municipality upon filing notice with the conviction for the violation of any law of lege, whether a prize is offered for the game clerk of such transfer, upon the payment the state relating to gambling involving any or not, whether known as a pinball game of $1.00. Upon application to the recorder, such game or device the license to operate or by any other name. accompanied by a fee of one dollar, any the same shall be forthwith revoked. SECTION 2. LICENSE REQUIRED, license issued hereunder may be re -issued SECTION 6. EFFECT'. This ordinance No person, firm or corporation shall oper- for a game of skill maintained or kept in shall take effect and be in force from and ate or keep for operation any game of skill place of the game of skill originally li- after its passage and publication. without having applied for and received censed, provded that all provisions of this Passed the council this 17th day of Octo- a license therefor from the city (village) ordinance shall be complied with in re-issu- % ber, 1944. ance of said license. - (SEAL) Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the Pin Ball ordinance be placed upon final passage. Roll call Hansin Frandsen Reiss Moe Gilson (YES) Treasurers and Road Boss reports were read and Placed on file. Fire Chief Shuttleworth recommedded that the Council reject all stoker and furnace bids. Lotion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that theCouncil reject both stoker and furance bids and that the clerk be instructed to return certifged checks. Hansen Frandsen heiss Moe Wilson (YES) kation by Reiss seconded by Moe to adjourn was so ordered. Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Gilson (YE Si - -- Approved, GEO. E. HANSON, Attest: Mayor. GAIL D. WILSON, k. Published this 19th dalyrof October, 1944, in the Robbinsdale Post. { C Special Council meeting Qct. 17,1944 17 Persuant to due call and members of the Council beilgg present and waiving notice of the meeting a special meeting was called to order at 9.30. P.M. in the Village Hall for the purpose of advertising for a stoker and furnace not to be installed. members present Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe and Wilson Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the Council advertise for bids on a stoker and 32 inch furnace ( not installed ), bids to be opened at the next Council meeting Nov. 8,1944 Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Filson (YES) Motion by Moe seconded by Reiss to adjourn was so owidered, Hanson Frands -n Reiss Moe Wilson (YES) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Legal Legal Notices Village Council of Golden Valley will receive bids at the office 'bf NOTICE the Village Clerk until 8:30 P.M., Notice is hereby given that on Nov. 8, 1944, which will be opened the 7th day of November, 1944, a at the Village Council Chambers special election will be held in the in the Village Hall at 8:30 P.M., Village of Golden Valley on the Wednesday, for one stoker and 34 question (Shall the Village of inch hot air furnace, not installed. Golden Valley bond itself for All bids must be sealed and ac- 1$4,500.00 for the purpose of build- companied by a cash deposit or ing a fire station in the Village of certified check payable to the Golden Valley?). Village of Golden Valley for not The voting will be at the regular less than 10 per cent of the bid. voting places from the hour of The Village Council reserves the 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. right to reject any and all bids. GAIL D. WILSON, GAIL D. WILSON, Recorder for Golden Valley. Recorder. (Published in The Robbinsdale (Published in The Robbinsdale Post, Oct. 26, 1944.) Post Oct. 19, 1944.) 18 iu 1