12-06-44 Council MinutesDec. 6,1944 25
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman Geo. E. Hanson
present Hanson
Frandsen ReissMoe and
of the regular,Council
mee1jing held
Nov. 21,1944 ware read.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moo that the minutes stand annroved as read.
Hanson Frandsen Reiss koe Wilson (YES)
kinutes of the Spacial Council meeting held Nov. 29,1944 were read.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the minutes stand approved as read.
Hanson Frandsen Reiss koe , ilson.(YES)
Motiob by Moe seconded by Reiss that the Council resolve itself into
a canvassing board for the purpose of concidering the results of the
Village election.
Hanson Frandsen Reiss koe Wilson (YES)
The election returns for the Village Election held Dec) 5;1944 were as
follows. Lester Elstad received 183 votes, Arthur Jeppesen received
338 votes, Hans Reiss received 363 votes(Trustee for three years)
Clerk for two years, L r,,.,Jol-,nson received 192 votes, Mrs Harry Swansai
received 307 votes; Gal D. Wilson received 382 votes.
Justice of the B,eace for two years. John Finn received 316 votes)
Arthur Oliva received 260 votes, and Carl Quist received 304 votes.
Constable for two years, Bud Balfanz received 198 votes) Peter Faust
received 365 votes and Winslow Fritzen received 314 votes.
Assessor for two years Leslie Erickson received 104 Votes ; John Gaffney
received 777 votes.
Iotion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen to ado-pt.the following resolution:
Be it resolved that the returns ofthe election as read by the clerk
be adopted as official abd that the candadates with the largest votes im
each case be declared elected as follow&: Trustee for three years Hans
Reiss, Village Clerk for two years Gail D.,Wilson, Justilce of the peace
fot two years John Finn, Constable for two years Peer H. Faust, 'and
Assessor for two years John Gaffney.
Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
The chairman called for bids on the new fire station.
A bid was received from Rudy Radmacher for the sum of $5900.00 and a
bid was received from Swan Erickson for the sum of $7042.00.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the fire station bids be
referred to Fire Chief Sohuttleworth.
Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moo Wilson (YES)
Fire Chief Schuttleworth ask the Council to defer building of the new
fire station until spring.
Treasurers, Bldg inspectors, Police and Road Boss reports were read
and placed on file.
The Village attorney presented the proposed contract of the City of
Mpla with Golden Valley dealing with a police radio car servive.
The attorney stated that the contract was proper and fair.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Wilson to table the matter of the police
radio contract until.the next Council meeting.
Hanson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
The Village attorney stated that he had receii;ed complaints that Mr La
Zerty is conducting a business on the residentual nroperty at his home
Ir La Zerty anoeared in his own behalf and stated that he wished to
bldg a garage to house his equipethent at kedicine Lake Rd and the
Belt Line Hghyw
No action was taken by the Council,
The president instucted the Capt. of Police to enforce the zoning and
bldg and health ordinances) if h�- finds that they are being violated
by kr La Zerty) set a time limit of 30 days in which Mr La Zerty must
comply with the ordinance.
Potion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen to adjourn was so ordered.
Hanson Frandsen Reiss koe 'Nilson (YES)