02-25-46 Special MeetingSpecial Council meeting
Febr 25,1946
Persuant to due call and notice the Village Council met at the Village
Hall at 8 P.M. on Febr 25,1946
Mem'bire present Swenson Reiss Moe and Wilson (4& -
Member absent Frandsen.
The President announced that the purpose of the meeting was to meet
with the members of the Planning Commission and discuss the Mendel
cook Property for a Civic center, and the Council to hear the second
reading on the new Taxi ordinance.
Motion by Moe seconded by Reiss that the Taxicab ordinance be amended
as follows" That the title to said ordinance be admend by inserting
after the words, " taxi OWI-In-said;.��1����;��}}o�l�g: and prDvate
auto liveries".
Swenson Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the Taxicab ordinance be amended
as follows" That sub -section (a) of section I be amended by iBserting
after the words, or otherwise operated for hire", the following:
"except private auto liveries as herein defined".
Swenson Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
potion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the Taxicab ordinance be amended
as follows " That there be inserted after sub -section (g) of section
I, the following "(h) A private auto livery shall mean an automobile
used to carry persons for hire other than by solidtation ofl'business
by cruising about the streets "
Swenson Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the Taxicab ordinance be amended
as follows " That the following shall be inserted in said ordinance
after Section 12 and shall be known as section 14: "Section 14.
Private auto liveries as herein defined and their drivers may be licen-
sed as such at the same rates and under the same regulations as
taxicabs except that a private auto livery need not have any desig-
na#rion of the character of the vehicle painted thereon, nor shall
the driver be required to wear any metal plate or designation on his
cap, nor shall such private auto liveries be required to be equipped
with a taximeter,"
Swenson Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the Taxicab ordinance be amended
as follows" that Section of 14 of the present proposed ordinance be
changed to read Section 15, and that Section 15 of the present
proposed ordinance be changed to read Section 16.
Swenson Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that Al McGinnis be appointed inspector
of Taxicabs
Swenson Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the rates charged for conveyance
in taxicabs shall be 25 cents per mile.
Swenson Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Mee
designated as a Taxi stand.
Swenson Riess Moe Wilson (YES)
that 4140 Wayzata Blvd shall be
Motion by Moe seconded by Reiss that in the Taxicab ordinance
section 10 word city be deleted and the word Village be inserted.
Swenson Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the ordinance entitled
11 An ordinance providing for the licensing of Taxicabs and private
Liveries and regulating their operation in the Village of Golden
Valley" be given a second reading and placed upon it's final passage
The Ordinance was given A second reading by the Clerk
Roll call on the final passage of the Taxicab ordinance was
Swenson Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
The Clerk read the resignation of Peter Faust as constable
"otion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the resignation of Peter Faust
be accepted with regrette
Swenson Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe to adjourn was so ordered.
Swenson Reiss Mese Wilson (YES)
Approved -------------1946
Legal Publications
The Village Council of the Village of
Golden Valley do ordain:
otherwise expressly stated, whenever used
in this ordinance, the following words shall
have the meaning given to them by this
a. The word "taxicab" shall mean and
include any motor vehicle engaged in the
carrying of persons for hire, whether over
a fixed route or not, and whether the
same be operated from a street stand or
subject to calls from a garage, or other-
wise operated for hire except private auto
liveries as herein defined but the term
shall not include vehicles subject to con-
trol and regulation by the Railroad and
Warehouse Commission or vehicles regu-
larly used by undertakers in carrying on
their business.
b. The word "street' shall mean and
include any street, alley, avenue, court,
bridge, lane or public place in the Village
of Golden Valley.
c. The words "taxicab driver" shall mean
and include any person who drives a taxi-
cab, whether such person be the owner of
such taxicab or be employed by a taxicab
owner or operator.
d. The word "operator" shall mean and
include any person owning or having con -
trot of the use of one or more taxicabs
used for hire upon the streets or engaged
in the business of operating a taxicab with-
in the city.
e. The words "taxicab stand" shall mean
and include any place along the curb or
street or elsewhere which is exclusively
reserved by the city for the use of taxi-
f. The word "taximeter" shall mean and
include any mechanical instrument or de-
vice by which the charge for hire of a
taxicab is mechanically calculated, whether
by distance traveled or waiting time or by
both, and upon which such charge shall be
indicated by figures.
g. The word "person" shall mean and
include one or more persons of either sex,
natural persons, corporations, partnerships
and associations.
h. A private auto livery shall mean an
automobile used to carry persons for hire
other than by solicitation of business by
cruising about the streets.
No operator shall operate a taxicab within
the city limits without first having ob-
tained a taxicab license therefor under the
provisions of this ordinance.
Each applicant for a taxicab license shall
apply to the village clerk for such license
upon a form to be provided by the village
and must comply with the following pro-
visions to the satisfaction of the village
a. Be a citizen of the United States.
b. Be of the age of twenty-one (21)
yeathe rs or case over
if any a natural co partnehip person, firm or
corporation, must be authorized to operate
taxicabs and carry on business in accord-
ance with the laws of the State of Min-
C. Must fill out upon the blank form
provided by the village a statement cover-
ing each vehicle to be so licensed, giving
the full name and address of the owner;
the class and passenger -carrying capacity of
each vehicle for which a license is de-
sired; the. length of time the vehicle has
ben in use; the make of car; the engine
number, the serial number and the state
license number; whether the same is mort-
gaged, the name of the mortgages and the
amount of said mortgage; also the holder
of legal title applicant; orwhethersaid ve-
d toe if other
than the app
hide is leased, licensed, or under any form
of contract permitted to be used and
operated by some other person than the
one holding legal title thereto, and what
person, firm or corporation collects the
and pays the expenses
con of said taxi
abof operating the
If said application is made by an individ-
ual owner, it shall be signed and sworn
to be such owner; if it is by a partnership,
then it shall be signed and sworn to be one
of the partners'; and if by a corporation,
then by one of the duly elected officials of
said corporation.
plicant applying for a taxicab license shall,
before being issued said license, pay into
the village treasury the sum of Ten ($10.00
Dollars for each and every vehicle to be
so licensed; provided, that if the said
license is denied for any reason, the afore-
sai dfee or fees shall forthwith be returned
to the applicant. All licenses hereunder
shall expire on the lst day of April in
each year. Any license may be transferred
during any year only upon the additional
payment of a proportional part of the fee
by the transferee in addition to the regular
fee paid by the transferer when the license
was issued, and upon approval of the
village council of such transfer.
TAXICABS.—The council shall cause the
chief of the police department or some
other employee on behalf of the villlage
thoroughly and carefully to examine each
taxicab before a license is granted to oper-
ate the same. No taxicab shall be licensed
which does not comply with the following:
a. It must be in a thoroughly safe con-
dition for the transportation of passengers.
b. It must be clean and of good appear-
ance and well painted and varnished.
Such other examinations and tests of
licensed taxicabs may be ordered by the
,council from time to time as it may deem
advisable and the council shall maintain a
constant vigilance to see that all taxicabs
are kept in fitness for public service.
If the village council is satisfied that the
public convenience and good order will be
served thereby, it may grant a license to
any such applicant. Each license granted
shall be given a number and shall give the
number and an adequate description of the
taxicabs licensed thereunder.
NUMBERS.—There shall be delivered to
the operator of each and every licensed
taxicab a metal license tag to be fastened
and displayed upon the outside of the
windshield of each and every taxicab so
that said license may be plainly visible
from the front of said taxicab at all times.
Said license tagshall not exceed two and
one-half inches n the longest measurement
and shall bear the' license number of the
taxicab and proper descriptive words, in-
cluding the year for which the license was
issued, and such license tag shall be of
distinctly different shape for any three
successive years. In case any licensed
operator shall lose a metal license tag he
shall secure a duplicate thereof by apply-
ing to the village clerk and paying the sum
of $1.00 therefor before doing any further
business with the taxicab from which the
tag is lost.
Every taxicab which shall solicit or ac-
cept business on the streets of this muni-
cipality, or stand or wait for hire 'shall
have some designation of the character of
the vehicle painted in plain visible letters
on each side thereof. Every driver of any
such taxicab shall wear on his cap or hat
a metal plate bearing the words `Licensed
Taxicab printed in letters at least one-
half (%) inch in height.
The operator of any taxicab shall cause to
be printed in plain, legible letters displayed
inside the taxicab a card giving the num-
ber of the license, the maximum rates of
fare to be charged, and a statement that
any package or article left in the taxicab
must be returned by the taxicab driver to
the village clerk's office, where it may be
identified and claimed. The card shall also
contain the statement, "Ask the Driver for
Bill and Receipt," in bold type.
licensed taxicab shall be equipped witla a
taximeter which shall at all times be kept
accurate and in working condition and
shall be in plain view of the passenger. All
taximeters shall be approved by the council,
and each taximeter shall be sealed with
case and gear intact. Rates charged for
conveyance in taxicabs in this village shall
be fixed by resolution of the village council
from time to time. No operator or taxicab
driver shall charge any passenger a rate
in excess of such fixed rate. Every pas-
senger shall receive a receipt therefor w4en
he pays his fare.
Licensed taxicabs shall when not in motion
be parked at stands designated for that
purpose from time to time by resolution of
the village council. Said resolution shall
aso designate the number of taxicabs which.
may be stationed at any such stand. No
taxicab shall remain parked at the head of
a column of two or more taxicabs at any
stand for more than one hour consecutively.
After that time, it shall move and permit
the taxicab next in line to move up to the
head of the column. No taxicab driver shall
solicit passengers as fares except when
travelling around the streets or at a regu-
larly designated stand. No driver shall dis-
mount from his taxicab at any time for the
purpose of soliciting passengers; provided
that this shall not prohibit any driver from
dismounting from his cab to assist a pas-
senger entering his taxicab or dismount-
ing therefrom. No taxicab shall park within
thirty (30) feet of any cross walk unless
this portion of the street has been desig-
nated as a taxicab stand. Only licensed
taxicabs shall be permitted to park at any
taxicab stand. '
No person, either the operator or employee
of such operator, shall drive a taxicab in
this village without first having been
licensed as a chauffeur under Section 2712,
General Statutes of Minnesota, 1923; and
every driver shall display such chauffeurs
license badge conspicuously upon his coat
or cap as therein provided.
Before a license shall be delivered to any
operator he shall deposit with the village
clerk a policy or policies of an insurance
company or companies duly licensed to
transact such business in this state, insur-
ing the operator of any taxicab to be
licensed against loss from the liability im-
posed by law for damages on account of
bodily injuries or death, or for damages
to property resulting from the ownersh+p,
maintenance or use of any taxicab to lie
owned or operated under such license, and
agreeing to pay to any judgment rendered
against the assured by reason . of such
liability. The policy or policies shall be ap-
proved by the village attorney as to form
and compliance with this ordianance. The
limit in any such insurance policy of such
liability of the insurer on account of the
ownership, maintenance and use of such
taxicab shall not be less than $10,000 for
bodily injuries to or death of one person
and $20,000 on account of any one acci-
dent resulting in injuries to and/or death
of more than one person, and a total of
$5,000 liability for damage to property of
others, arising out of any one accident.
a. All taxicab drivers shall be clean and
courteous at all times.
b. No driver of any licensed taxicab
shall carry any other than the passenger
first employing a taxicab without the con-
sent of such passenger.
c. No person shall charge or attempt to
charge any passenger a greater rate of
fare than that to which the taxicab is en-
titled under the resolution of the council.
d. No taxicab driver shall deceive any
passenger who may ride with him, or who
may desire to ride in any such vehicle, as
to his destination or distance travelled or
to be travelled.
e, rwery taxicab shall be provided with
windows in the tonneau sufficient in mpii-
ber and of such size and dimensions that
at all times persons may be readily seen
through such windows with sufficient dis-
tinctness to identify such person.
section, provision or part of this ordina•;ce
is declared separable from every other sec-
tion, provision or part; and if any section,
provision or part of any ordinance shall be
held invalid, it shall not effect any other
section, provision or part thereof.
SECTION 14.—Private auto liveries a`s
herein defined and their drivers may be
licensed as such at the same rates and un-
der the same regulations as taxicabs except
that a private auto livery need not have
any designation of the character of the
vehicle painted thereon, nor shall the driver
be required to wear any metal plate
designation on his cap, nor
private auto liveries be required to be
equipped with a taximeter.
SECTION 15. PENALTY.—Any person
violating the -provisions of this ordinance
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall
upon conviction thereof be punished by a
fine of not more than, One Hundred
y)days,or imprisonment
tmore than
both, for each offense. -
SECTION 16. EFFECT.—This ordinance
shall take effect from and after its passage
and publication and upon the adoption of a
resolution or resolutions designating cer-
tain taxi stands and fixing a schedule of
rates to be charged hereunder.
Passed the council this 25th day of
February, 1946.
President of Council
Attest: GAIL D.WILSON, Village Clerk.
(Published in The Robbinsdale Post
Feb. 28, 1946.