03-05-46 Council Meeting1
Marck 5,1946
The meeting was called to order by the President Harold W.Swenson
Members present Swenson Rcdddson xeiss Moe and Wilson
Minutes of the Council meeting held rebr. 19,1946 werer read.
Motion by Moe seconded by Frandsen that the minutes stand approved
as read.
Swenson Rrandsen Weiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Minutes of the Council meeting held tebr. 2511946 was read.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that ^the minutes stand approved
as read.
Swenson IRrandsen Weiss Mme Gilson (YES)
A treasurers report was read and filed.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the Capt. of Police make a
survey of the Villgge for safty signs and report back to the Council.
Sire nson Frandsen eiss Moe Wilson (YES)
*etion by Wilsob seconded by Reiss thatt the'Council advertise for
one - 2 killawatt 110 Volt A.C. auxilary electric light plant.
Bids to be open March 19,1946.
Swenson Frandsen Reiss Mee Wilson (YES)
The Capt. of Police reported that Mr. Alfred Kay's Cab was in good
safe riding condition
The Village Attorney stated that the insurance binder submited byr
Mr Hay was sufficient until the regular policy was sent in.
Motio4 by.Reiss seconded by Moe to grant Alfred Hay one private
auto livery license.
Swenson/Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
The clerk read the application of Le Roy Schuller for a filling
station license.
Mr. Kane, attorney representing Mrs Schuller stated that the filling
station would be built in a commercial area.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the Schuller application
be referred to the license committee.
Swenson Frandsen rieiss Mae Wilson (YES)
A bldg inspectors report was read and filed.
The clerk read the resignation of Stanley Kane as Justice of the
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the resignation of Stanley
Kahe be accepted.
Swenson Rrandsen Weiss Moe Wilson (YES)
The clerk read the resignation of Jack Smith as constable.
Lotion by Mese seconded by t`eiss that the resi gnation of Jack Smith
be accepted.
Swenson Frandsen Reiss MOO Wilson (YES)
Motion by Wilson seconded by Reiss that Jack Smith be appointed
J stice-of the Peace to fill the unexpired term of Stanley Kane.
Term to expire Dec. 31,1946
Swenson Frandsen xeiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Mr Oaks and Mr. Dorighty spoke in favor of a new Plumbing Code inthe
Village of Golden Valley.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the first reading be given the foll—
owing entitled ordinance " An ordinanceregulating Plumbing an d licmasing
plumbers including regulation of installation of cesspools and septic
tanks and requiring a permit to perform such plumbing and cesspool work
and adopting the Minn Plumbers Code.
Swenson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson (TES)
The Clerk gave the first reading of the above ordinance
Motion by Moe seconded by Frandsen that the Plumbing Code be laid over
until the next meeting.
Swenson Frandsen 'esiss Moe Wilson (YES);
Motion by Moe seconded by Reiss that the new speed ordinance lay on the
table until the next regular Council meeting.
Swenson Frandsen RoissMee Wilson (YES)
The Village Attorney presented to the Council the gick claim decd from
Cleo Kennedy of Lot B in Tyrol Hills) he reported that the same
had be recorded in the office of Register
The Village Attorney reported that the appraosers in the Belmont
lots condemnation proceedings appraised the lots at $1,000.00
The Presiden announced that Tues. nite March 13,1946 at 8 oclock P.M.
an open meeting would be held in the Village hall to discuss the future
of Golden Valley, problems of Taxes, future playgrounds,and a fire
far. Petoo Schmitz, county wood inspector was present at the Council meetig
They Village attorney announced that the water connection for Delphian
Heights had been referred to the city attorney of Mpls.
Mr. Erickson, Bldg inspector asked the Council if nrefaburcated homes
should or should not be allowed in the Village.
The Village attorney suggested that the Planning Commission be instructed
to make recommendations on the admendments to the Bldg code.
Rece ipts
Hhware kut. Cas Co 78.00
International Harvester 7.55
Le Roy Schuller 5.00
Swan Erickson 72.00
A.Hay 10.00
H.Swenson 50.00
Gail Wilson 75.00
Art Aelson 75.00
Hans "eiss 35.00
Chas Frandsen 35.00
C Moe 35.00
Swan,.,Erickson 43.20
Geo asey 35.00
Al McGinnis 95.00
Geo Homberger 86.70
E. Framdsen 78.70
Hoff Rubber Stam_p7.00
Flour City Body 135.00
Peter Faust 25.00
kinn Fire Lquip Co 12.00
Hdware Mut. Oas. 182.71
March 5,1946
N.W.Bell lel 7.25
:sic Glynn Oil 35.20
Enterprise Publ. 25.20
F Holzheu 51.60
A Denzin 112.50
Otto Wickstrom 2.66
Carl Quist 5.17
`'entury "ash band 6.39
medicine Lake Garage 23.75
Thomgson Lbr 75.12
Sub enn Cty Releif Bd 59.40
G.V Motor 38.9OCity of Mnis
Village of G.V. .25
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Mae to adjourn was so ordered$
Swensen Frandsen Heiss Moo Wilson (YES)
Approved ---------------1946