09-03-46 Council Minutes221
September 3,1946
The meeting was called to order by the President Harold W Swensen
"embers present Swenson Frandsen Weiss Mee Wilson
Minutes of the Council meeting held Aug 20,1946 were read.
Motion by Moe seconded by Reiss that the minutes stand approved
as read.
Swenson Frandsen Weiss "®e Wilson (YES)
Minutes of the adjourned council meeting held Aug 26,1946 were read
Motion by Reiss secinded by Frandsen that the mtnmtes stand approved
as read.
Swenson Frandsen Reiss Moe Wilson )YES)
Minutes of the adjourned council meeting held Aug 27,1946 were read
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frands en that the minutes stand app-
roved as read.
Swenson Frandsen Ideiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Minutes of the adjourned council meeting held Aug 29,1946 were read.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Moe that the minutes stand approved
as read.
Swenson Frandsen Weiss "oe Wilson (YES)
A treasurers report was read and placed on file.
The president opened the hearing on the Dr Samulson private airport
Mr Babcock attorney for Dr Samualson, Mr Geo Hanson, and kr Lindrud
spoke in favor of the airport
"r Leonard Ziminette spoke in behalf of 86 signers apposing the
airport, the following persons spoke apposing the airport Mr Joe
Shallbeck, Rey Johnson, kr Edwin Racker, Fred Mc Mue, Ed Sweeney
Mr Olson,Harvy Johnston and Mrs Edwin Rocker
A letter from the Golden Valley Civic League Inc annosing airports
in the Village was read and filed.
Mr Jabbson presidentof the Planning commission asked the Council
for help to fight the nreposed airport on Wayzata Blvd.
Motion -by Wilson seconded by Reiss to adopt the following resolution
Be it resolved that the President write the Metrenalitan Airports
Commission stating thdt 86 residents of the Village of Golden valley
-filed a petition protesting the granting of the application of
Dr Samualson for erecting a private airport 6n his property in
Golden Valley and that a copy of said petition be mailed to the
Swenson Frandsen Weiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss that the Village pay the fee
to architec for drawing the set of dans of the proposed fire station
Sweisa Frandsen Reiss Use Wilson (YES)
A letter from the Thompson Lbr Ce was read and filed.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the Clerk be instructed
to write the Mple Northfield & S. R.R• requesting them to raise
their new track 6 inches on Winnetka Ave.
Swensen Frandsen reiss Mee 'Wilson (YES)
A PA&co report was read and filed.
The clerk called attention to the Council that the Police report of
Capt Mc Ginnie showed 73 radio calls received and,the Mpls police
radio log showed 96 calls sent ever their radio.
Motion by Wilson seconded by Reiss that the read supervisior receive
$240.00 per month for the balance of 1946 and comman labor and truck
drivers receive a reaise of 5 cents Der hour for the balance of 1946
Swensen 8494494A Weiss Mee Wilson (YES)
Frandsen (NO)
Motion by Mee seconded by Reiss that the first reading be given the
entitled ordinances " Amendment to ord.innace to regulate the opening
of gravel pits"
Swenson Frandsen geiss Moe Wilson (YES)
hThe clerk gave the first reading ofthe above ordinance.
Motion by Moe seconded by Frandsen that whereas an urgency exsists
the rules be so far suspended that the said ordinance be given it's
2nd reading and placed upon it's final passage.
The ordinance was given it's 2nd reading.
The roll& call on the final passage was as follows Swenson Frandsen
Reiss Moe Wilson (YES)
Motion by Mee seconded by Reiss that R W Maser be granted permits
to operate a gravel it on Gov't lot 3 in se c. 28 T 118 R 21 and
a gravel pit in S W � of see. 26 T 11b K PZ Dosu suujzww wo o,.r Qy—
opinion of the Village Attorney
Swenson Frandsen "eiss Mee Wilson (YES)
A bldg inspectors report was read and filed.
Motion by Wilson seconded by Frandsen that the Platt of Glen Urban
3rd Addition be accepted subject tq grading of the roads
Swensen Frandsen eiss Moe Wilson LYES)
Motion by Wilson seconded b", eiss to adjourn was so 9a44ed. orderdd
SwetBon Frandsen reiss Mee h 1son (YES)
The 'resident called the meeting to order with all membbre present.
Notion by Mee seconded by Reiss to grant Carl Markusen & -kartin Pit-
resewick a 6 month cigarette license and two pin ball licenses.
Swenson Frandsen "eiss Moe Wilson (YES)
®tion by Wilson seconded by k1eiss to adjourn was so ordered.
Swenson Frandsen eiss woe Wilson (YES)
G.V.Luthern Church 8.00
Carl �arkuson 6.00
Atlas Novelty Sales 150.00
State of Minn 166.56
Swan Erickson 314.00
Al P Erickson 15108.84
Harold wenson 50.00
Chas Frandsen 35.00
Hans Reiss 35.00
C Moe 35.00
Gail Wilson 75.00
neo Casey 35.00
Art Nelson 75.00
Swan Erickson 361.20
A Denzin 105.10
F Holzhue 69.90
Paul La Brun 72.90
Don Mullarney 65.90
Geo Homberger 92.80
Glen Johnson 201.83
Ottoe Wichstrom 1.71
Thom son Lbr 1.75
N N Tractor Co 13.00
G.V.Garage 7.50
Wm H Ziegler 1.17
Republic Creosoting Cc
kedicine Lake Garage
H.V. Johnston Culvert
Approved ----------------1946
G.V.Garage 16.38
Harry Swanson 95.35
neinhard Bros 8.88
R C Duncan 12.63
Bureau of Engr. 23.50
F N Shubert 900.00
Minn Fire Equip 2.25
League of Minn kun 45.00
Skelly Oil 5.94
Log Cabin Service 208.55
McGlynn Oil 1157.44
Westwood Hill Service 69.91
A R Nichols 396.75
Log Cabin Service 61.85
Miller Davis 64.00
Chas Lidirud 7135
Lr rroffitt 11.00
Sub Henn Cty Releif "d 74.00
Chas Lindrud 92.88
Al McGinnis 101.10
Eve Frandsen 84.90