05-13-47 Special MeetingM
May 13, 1747
A special meeting of the Village council called for
the purpose of taking action on the theatre license appli-
cation submitted by Mr. Gordon Greene was held May 13 at
the Village riil. Members present: Trustees rcrandsen, Pinch,
Putnam and Reiss. Absent: President Swenson.
Motion by Pinch was carried thst Trustee Reiss act
as President pro tem. Motion by Putnam to dispense with
the reading of minutes was carried.
There was a motion by Pinon seconded by Putnam to
grant the license per the application of Mr. Greene.
Chairman Reiss called for the reading of letters on file
frons Mr. Whetstone and Mr. Enghauser. r'ormal appi-ication
and letters of reference were submitted by Paul K. Eng-
hauser for a proposed theatre to be situated at the
intersection of the Dison highway and the %alt Line.
Mr. whore, attorney for Mr. Greene, questioned the legality
ow the Council considering anything other than Mr. Greene's
application. He also took issue with Mr. Kane's opinion
that the application ci Mr. Enghauser could be considered
although the area given as the location in the applicEtion
was still under consideration for rezoning. Roll Call:
Frandsen, No; Pinch, Yes; Putnam, Yes; Reiss, No.
Motion by r,randsen to refer the applicationsto the
Planning Commission for their recommendation as to which
one should be accepted, with the reruest that if possible
the Commission report its findings before the regular
meeting on May 20 was seconded by Pinch and received the
zoliowing vote: r'randsen, Yes; Pinch, Yes; Putnam, No;
Reiss, Yes.
retitions containing 259 signatures in support of Mr.
Greene's application and urging the Council to grant the
license were placed on file with the Clerk.
Motion for adjournment made and carried.
clerk President pro tem