06-23-47 Tax Review MeetingJune 23, -L,947
The Council of the Viilage of Golden Vailey mat as
a Board of Tax Review with the Village Assessor, Folke
N. Shubert at 8:15 P.M. on June 23, 1947 at the Village
Hall with the following members present: President
Swenson, Trustees Frandsen, Pinch and Putnam. Absent,
Trustee Reiss.
Having heard those present and effected changes in
the assessments in certain cases appealed, the motion by
Frandsen seconded by Pinch to authorize the President of
the Council and the Clerk to execute acceptance of the
assessor's records received the following vote: Frandsen,
Pinch, Putnam and Swenson - Yes.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.