02-17-48 City Council MeetingX48 February 17, 1948 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley, Minnesota, was duly held at the Council Roam in the Village Hall in said Village on the 17th day of February, 1948 at 7:30 P.M. The following members were present: President Cordner, Trustees Frandsen, Pinch, Putnam and Reiss, and the following were absent: Done. Minutes of the regular meeting held on February 3 were read and on motion by Pinch seconded by Frandsen approved. On motion by Pinch seconded by Frandsen minutes of the special meeting held February 13 were approved as read. Treasurer's report dated February Z'f listed available balance in the general fund of $��3755.12 and the following receipts totalling $3447.03, end a copy was placed on file: Mrs. C. Boyer Carl Engebretson Swan Erickson rr 11 Adams Food Market Edw. Mergen. State of Minnesota Garbage License 25.00 it if 25.00 Bld g.Permit Fees 34.00 Plbg . Permit Fees 19.75 Electrical " " 33.00 Cigarette Lie. 12.00 Elec. License 1.00 Cig.& Liquor Tax3297.28 3447.03 Motion by Putnam seconded by Reiss to approve the following bills in the amount of X2287.18 was carried: x'1373 Al McGinnis $119.10 1374 Everett Frandsen 121.50 1375 Geo. Homberger 125.70 1376 Patrick Loaney 107.10 1377 Paul LeBrun 105.62 (Above orders issued for pay't•) 1378 Chester E. Campbell 9.00 1379 John F. Enghauser 12.00 723.12 1380 Julius A. Schmahl, Treasurer 1381 Morell & Nichols, Inc. 372.96 1382 Morell & Nichols, Inc. 18.00 1383 McGlynn Oil Co. 102.86 1384 Wm. Proffitt, X -D. 18.00 30.26 1385 Dickey & Milbert, Inc. 7.84 1386 1387 Skelly Oil Co. Service Equipment Mfg. Co. 29.70 1388 Hitchcock & Estabrook, Inc. 288.66 1389 Lenders Norblom Christenson Co. 17.72 1390 Shell Oil Co., Inc. 31.50 6.24 1391 1392 Geo. T. Ryan Co. Diamond T Twin City Truek Co. 11.42 1393 Columbus Auto Supply Inc. 1.50 1394 Swatez Dept. Store 1.98 1395 Construction Bulletin 18.80 1396 Enterprise Publishing Corp. 6.60 x'2,28 8 - Orders x'1356-1372 covering bills approved February 3 were issued for payment. The President opened the meeting for consideration of water meter bids and Mr. Lindsay, representing Hitch- cock & Estabrook, read that firm's written recommendation of the Badger Meter Model A -10T without connections with a direct register measured in gallons. Commu4ication of February 10 was read from the Badger Meter Mfg. Co. point ing out that they had followed the specifications in bidding on the 5/8" meter with connections. Telegram from Mr. Kane was read urging the Council to delay action on accepting a bid. The possibility of a legal techni- cality which might be raised by the bond attorneys led to a motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen and carried, to table the water meter bids to the regular meeting of March 2. Mr. Melvin Hetland and Mr. Louis Rie Bert spoke on behalf of the. Citizens Fire Barn Advisory Committee reporting that the Committee had contacted a number of architectural firms who were interested in planning the station and that the committee hadconcluded that none of the existing plans would meet the requirements and that all should be discarded. Letters were read and filed with the Clerk from the following firms outlining the conditions under which they would undertake the work: Armstrong & Schlichting, Gerhard Brandhorst, Magney & Tusler, Glynne W. Shifflet. Following discussion of the information submitted and the presentation of a sketch by Mr. Riegert showing the tentative plan of the Committee, the following motion by Pinch was seconded by Reiss and approved: RESOLVED, to designate the firm of Armstrong & Schlichting as architects to prepare plans and specifica- tions for the fire station and that Mr. Cordner authorize them to make preliminary sketches based on the planning and drawings of the Fire Barn Committee, and to submit their preliminary sketches to the Council before starthEr- any work on final plans; the total amount of all archi- tectural -fees to be $900.00 and a formal contract pre- pared by the Village Attorney to be entered into by the Village of Golden Valley and Armstrong & Schlichting. Howard LaZerte appeared before the Council statig that the Building Inspector had denied him a permit to extend the East end of his garage on his South lot on Lilac Drive an additional 24 feet. Mr. Erickson reported that he could not issue the permit because the addition would constitute an auxiliary building not auxiliary to a present residence. Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen was carried to refer the request to the attorney for report 150 at the next regular meeting. Mr. William Morehouse, 1208 Dolliver Avenue, requested gravelling of Dolliver Avenue. The matter was referred to the Road Chairman. The Rev. John Bronner of the Golden Valley Baptist Church appeared before the .Council requesting information regarding the vacating of Roberts Street on the West Bide of the Church property, which action might make it poedble for the Church's building plans to meet side yard require- ments. It was suggested that Mr. Bronner contact the attorney for additional information. Motion by Putnam seconded by Reiss was carried, to give a second reading to AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF GOLDEN VALLEY, ADOPTED MAY 3, 10380 BY PROVIDING A METHOD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS FROM THE PROVISIONS OF SAID ORDINANCE. The ordinance was given its second reading. Motion by Pinch seconded by Reiss was carried to refer the ordinance back to the attorney for revision to limit the Planning Commission to recommending adjustments as outlined by the ordinance and limiting the time allowed for the Commission to make their recommendations to the Council following the public hearing. Therefollowed a discussion of the police radio service contract with the City of Minneapolis, and the feasibility of changing to the Sheriff' B radio. It was determi led that before any further discussion it would be necessary to clarify the possibility of terminating the present contract with the City of TY.inne- apolis and it was agreed that Mr. Cordner would contact Mr. Kelly of the Minneapolis service for this purpose. Motion by Reiss seconded by Pinch was approved granting the Minneapolis Gas Light Company main extension permit into Woodlawn Park per their drawin X4262; dated January 30, 1948. Trustee Reiss introduced the following resolution and moved its, adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDINGFOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $21,000. FIRE STATION BONDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley, Minnesota as follows: 1. The Council Bhall meet at the Council room in the Village Hall of the Village of Golden Valley on the 16th of March, 1948, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of opening, receiving and 151 considering bids for the purchase of 21,000. Fire Station Bonds, dated April 1, 1948, and maturing serially as follows: $1,000. on April let of each of the years 1950 to 1966, both inclusinve and $2,000. on April let in 1967 and 1968, all without option of prior payment, except that bonds matur- ing after April 1, 1959, shall be subject to call for prepayment, at the option of the Village, on said date and on any annual interest date thereafter. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of the sale of said bonds by .publication once each week for two successive weeks in the official newspaper. The motion 1br the adoptionof the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Pinch, and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Cordner, Frandsen, Pinch, Putnam,and Reiss; and the following voted against the same: None; whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Motion by Pinch seconded by Reiss was carried, to give a first reading to AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL IPSPECTOR FOR SAFEGUARDING PERSONS AND PROPERTY AND PROMOTING THE WELFARE OF T:E PUBLIC; AND PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES, RIGHTS AND AUTHORITY; ESTABLISHI1,1G STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMEIuT AND FOR ITS I11STQ.LLATION AND REQUIR- ING CONFORMITY THEREWITH: MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO UNDERTAK E 71E INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IFI THOUT A PERMIT THEREFOR, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED: PROVIDI G PENAL- TIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALII'{G ALL ORDINANCES AIM PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE". The Clerk gave the ordinance its first reading. Motion by Putnam seconded by Feiss to approve the ordi- nance on its first reading was carried. Motion by Putnam seconded by Reiss to adjourn was carried. Attest: President Clerk