01-03-50 City Council Minutes175
January 3, 1550
Pursuant to due call and notice, a regular meeting of the
Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley, Minnesota.,
was duly held at the Village Hall in Golden Valley on January 3,
1950, at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
The followinq, members were present: Pinch, Putnam, Reiss,
Stark and Stasel, and the following were absent: none.
Minutes of the December 20 meeting were read and on
motion by Pinch seconded by Stark anproved..
Motion by Reiss seconded by Stark carried to rean;coint
Stanley D. Kane as village attorney for the year 1950 at a
fee of .75.00 per month.
Mr. Stasel recommended the reanpointment of Swan Trickson
and L. J. Riegert to three -pear terms on the Planning Commis-
sion, the reapvointment of M. A. Hetland to complete the unex-
pired term of Kimbel Pofahl (term expires December 31, 1950),
and the apvointment of George Germain, George Loughland and
Harold Lynch to three-year terms expiring December 31, 1952.
Motion by Putnam seconded by Pinch carried confirming the
anpointments as outlined by the Mayor. Mr. Paul rnghauser
being present, the Mayor thanked him on behalf of the Council
for the service he had rendered in the past; further, the
Mayor knew mr.nghauser would be available for advice if
called upon.
Mr. Stasel recommended the rea-onointment of Mr. Winslow
Moes to a three-year term expiring December 31, 1952, on the
Park Board. Motion by Piech seconded by Reiss carried to con-
firm the reappointment of. ?!r. noes.
Motion by Stark seconded by Reiss carried to confirm
the reannointment of Mr. Y. R. Olmen to a three -yeas term of
membership on the Civil Service Commission exoicing December 31,
Motion by Reiss seconded by Pinch carried to reannoint
Lester L. Flstad as electrical inspector for 1950 and to con-
tinue the fee at 601 of hermit fees collected.
Motion by Pinch seconded by Reiss carried to reappoint
Harry Harnman as plumbin7 insnector for 1950 at a fee of 754 -
of hermit fees collected.
Potion by Stark seconded by Reiss carried to appoint
Terzich as building insnector with no additional compensation.
Apr. Jack Meyer, 800 S. Turner's Cross 'goad, made a verbal re-
quest for consideration to appointment as building insnector.
The Council agreed to give further tnought to the vossibility
of calling on Mr. Meyer for specific cases at a fee to be
determined at a later date.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Pinch carried to confirm
the appointment of Harry Swanson as weed inspector for the
Village for the year 1950.
Motion by Reiss seconded by Stark carried to confirm
the ap-pointment of Dr. Proffitt as health officer
for the Village for 195u.
The annointment of a -pound master was def. erred -pending
further study of the possibility of establishing a more
effective means of controlling -problems created by dogs in
the Village.
Motion by Stark seconded by Putnam carried to reannoint
Patrick J. Loaney as road foreman and Arno Denzin as assis-
tant with the -pay for road foreman to be raised from .0240.00
per month to 4255.00 Der month, and, the pay of the assistant
to be increased from $240.00 Der month to §250.00. Letter
dated January 3, 1950, signed by Mr. Loaney and ?fir.. Denzin
was read requesting a, sa.lary of `285.00 ver month for fore-
man and 8275.00 per month for assistant. Followinz consi-
deration by the Council and expression of views fromthe
floor, the Council concurred in allowing the motion to stand
at salaries stated, with the stipulation that reconsideration
would be given to the salaries in sixty days.
Motion by Putnam seconded by Stark carried to rename
Mrs. Awry Raymond as clerk at $1.00 Der hour, the hours to
be worked to be determined by the Administrative Assistant.
Motion by pinch seconded by Reiss carried to appoint
E. George Minder as village engineer.
Motion by Putnam seconded by Reiss carried continuing
the 1949 tray scales for firemen to 1950: $2.00 the first
hour and 01.50 for additional hours for the chief, $1.50
for the first hour and $1.00 for each additional hour for
other firemen.
The Mayor az)-oointed the following to Council committees:
Road Committee -
Park Committee -
Finance Committee
- Trustee
Poor Committee -
License Committee
- Clerk
Motion by Putnam seconded by Pinch carried esta,blishinq
the salaries of the Mayor, Trustees a,nd Clerk at 2,5.00 Der
month for the year 1950.