04-13-53 Special Meeting30
4 -
of the
April 13, 1953
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meet-
ing of the. Villa ge Council of the Village of Golden
Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at the
Village Hall in said Village on the 13t# day of April,
1953, at 7:30 P.M.
The following members were present: Foss, Rah*, Reiss
Stasel, and the following member was absent: Stark.
The Mayor announced that this was a special meeting of
the Council and representatives of the G.M. Orr Engine-
ering Company for the purpose of studying the sanitary
sewer problem, to which the public has been invited.
The Mayor then explained past procedures of the Council y
withrespect to the subject at hand, and stated that
after the representatives of the Orr Company had explained
his company's report members of the audience would be
permitted to participate in the meeting.
Mr. Mayeron stated that Golden Valley breaks up into
sewer areas rather than sewer districts and indicated
said areas on a map which was on display. Mr. Mayeron
then proceeded to discuss his company's report in detail.
The meeting was then thrown upen to questions from the
audience. The discussion which followed snowed that
the probable cost to a perm n owning a 100 foot lot
would be approximately $ 10 00.00 including the
interceptor, laterals, stubs, house connections, re-
placing streets, and interest costs on a 20 year special
assessment plan. Service charges to Minneapolis were
stated to be $ .50 per house per month.
The Mayor then instructed the Administrative Assistant
to arrange a meeting with the Crystal Council. Mayor
Heise, of Crystal, who was present stated that his council
would like to meet with the Golden Valley Village Council
on Thursday, April 16, 1953, at 7:30 P.M. at the Crystal
Village Hall.
All members agreed to the above meet n r' h `sting
adjourned by mutual consent. I / i