03-16-54 City Council MinutesREGULAR MEETING
of the
Village Council
March 160 1954
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of
the Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley, Hennepin
County, Minnesota, was held in the Village Hall in said Vil-
lage on the 16th day of March, 1954, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The
following members were present: Bias, Foss, Huebsch, Rahn,
Stark; and the following members were absent: None. The Mayor
called the meeting to order at 7:45 o'clock F.M.
MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark carried that the reading of the
minutes of March 2nd, 1954, be dispensed with and ,said minutes
stand approved as submitted to each member of the Council prior
to this meeting unless some member of the audience wishes them
read. (The minutes were not read.)
Sanitary Sewers: MOVED by Foss seconded by Stark that the Vil-
lage of Golden Valley agree to pay 65% of the initial construc-
tion cost of a Golden Valley -Crystal joint sanitary sewer in-
terceptor, and that the Village of Crystal pay 35% of said cost.
Discussion on the motion followed. Possible savings to the
Village of Golden Valley and the Village of Crystal were anal-
yzed in detail. It was pointed out that in these negotiations
1% equals approximately X5,000.00. Member Foss agreed to with-
draw the above motion and Member Stark agreed to withdraw his
second of said motion in deference to the following motion:
MOVED by Huebsch seconded by Rahn carried that the Administra-
tive Assistant be instructed to advise the Village Council of
the Village of Crystal that the Village of Golden Valley is
willing to arbitrate the division of initial construction costs
of a joint sanitary sewer interceptor on the basis of probable
savings over a 20 year period, said cost basis not to include
the cost necessitated by reason of making the pipe large enough
to carry anticipated future sewage flow from the northwestern
portion of the Village of Golden Valley.
Mayor Huebsch then introduced the following resolution herein
quoted by title as follows, 'RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND
its adoption. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing re-
solution was duly seconded by Member Rahn, and upon vote being
taken thereon the following members voted in favor thereof:
Bias, Huebsch, Rahn,.Stark; and the following, with permission
from the Council, abstained from voting : Member Foss; where-
upon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted,
signed by the Mayor, and his signature attested by the Clerk.
See Resolutions Book. No. AL_.
The Village Attorny presented the proposed contract for the
construction of sewer laterals. No action was taken.
The Council agreed to a meeting with the Village Council of the
Village of St. Louis Park, said meeting to be held on Friday,
March 19th, 1954, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the Village Hall in
the Village of Golden Valley. Member Foss stated that he
would be unable to attend the meeting.
Rb: Appointment of Village Assessor: At the request of Mayor
Huebsch, Mr. George Quam, Assessor for Minnetonka Mills, addres-
sed the Council and the audience regarding the duties and the
importance of the assessor. Mr. Earl Maffett then addressed
the Council regarding his qualifications for the office of Vil-
lage Assessor.
Mayor Huebsch appointed a committee to consist of Members Rahn,
Foss and-Huebsch to interview Mr. Maffett at the Village Hall
on Thursday, March 18th, 1954, at 5:00 otclock P,.M. Mayor
Huebsch instructed the Attorney to check the law regarding ap-
pointment of assessors.
Radio Service: At the suggestion of Member Stark the Adminis-
trative Assistant was instructed to assemble all information
regarding possible methods of radio communication and present
it to the Council at the earliest possible time.
Re: Appointment of Village. Engineer: MOVED by Stark seconded
by Rahn carried that Mr. Norris Ogard be appointed to the posi-
tion of Village Engineer on the basis of a salary of 45,000.00
per annum, provided however, that if Mr. Ogard will not_.accept
said position at said salary, that Mr. Charles Soutter, Jr..be
appointed in place of Mr. Ogard. It was agreed that the Engin-
eerts Committee will consult with Mr. Ogard within the next,
few days to determine whether or not Mr. Ogard will accept said
position at said :salary.
MOVED by Foss seconded by Bies carried that notice of public
hearing on theproposed rezoning of a tract of land lying be-
tween T. H. #55, Sixth Avenue North and County Road #18 be
zoned from Open Development to Commercial and that notice of
public hearing be inserted in the official Village newspaper,
said public hearing to be held on April 6.1 1954•
by Stark seconded by Rahn carried that notice
of public
on the proposed rezoning of a tract of land
lying east
of the
Golden Valley Golf Club and north of T. H. #55,
20 acres, be inserted in the official Village
said public
hearing to be held on Peril 6th, 1954•
by Rahn seconded by Stark carried to approve
the issue
of the
following Non -Intoxicating Malt Beverage Li-
censes, Off -Sale,
per applications on file.
MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark carried to approve the issue
of the following Non -Intoxicating Malt Beverage Licenses, On -
Sale, per applications on file.
Number of License To Whom Issued
Brookview Country Club
Martin & Minnie
Number of License
Ta WhA Issued
A.dam's Liquor Store
New Boulevard Oafe
The Bowery
Cramer's Market
Feld's Cut Rate Market
Gadboi-s Superette
Golden Hills Liquor Store
Golden Valley Off -Sale Liquors
Jensen's Super Valu
henbill's Market
Lindstrom's Grocery
Log Cabin Liquors
Martin and Minnie
National Tea Company
Schuller's Tavern
Valley Inn
Waldron's Drugs
The White House
-The Point
MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark carried to approve the issue
of the following Non -Intoxicating Malt Beverage Licenses, On -
Sale, per applications on file.
Number of License To Whom Issued
Brookview Country Club
Martin & Minnie
Board of Park Commissioners
Valley Inn
Golden Valley Golf Club
MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark carried to approve the issue
of the following Tavern Licenses, per applications on file.
Number of License
To Whom Issued
New Boulevard Cafe
The Bowery
The Point
Schuller's Tavern
The White House (no sale of Non-
Intox. On -Sale)
MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark carried to approve the issue
of the following Soft Drink Licenses, per applications on file.
�aewrQ® tF
4 Y
Number of License To Whom Issued
Golden Valley pure Oil
Woodfill's Shell Service
Board of Park Commissioners
Hyer's Drive In
Golden Valley Off -Sale Liquors
New Boulevard Cafe
Cramer►s Market
Gadbois Superette
Feld's Cut Rate Market
The Point
Valley Drive In
The White House
Waldron's Drugs
Valley Inn
Brookview Country Club
Log Cabin Liquors
Schuller's Tavern
Mae Quist
Pylon Drive In
National Tea Co.
The Milk House
Martin & Minnie
Lindstrom?s Grocery
John Kennedy ::
Kenbill's Market
Jensen►s Super Valu
Homberger Service Station
Golden Valley Golf Club
Golden Hills Liquor Store
The Bowery
Adam's Liquor Store
MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark carried that the issue of a
Soft Drink License to John Kennedy be predicated upon no change
in the residential character of the neighborhood.
MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark carried to approve the issue of
the following Filling Station Licenses, per applications on file.
Number of License
To Whom Issued
Homberger's Service Station
Hyer's Mileage Station
Carl Quist
Ramacher's 66 Service
Golden Valley Pure Oil
Woodfill's Shell Service
Westwood Hills Service
MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark carried to approve the issue
of the following Milk Licenses, per application on file.
Number of License
To Whom Issued
Cloverleaf Creamery
Ewald Brothers Dairy
Ewald Brothers Dairy
Ewald Brothers Dairy
Ewald Brothers Dairy
Ewald Brothers Dairy
Ewald Brothers Dairy
Ewald Brothers Dairy
Ewald Brothers Dairy
Franklin Co-operative Creamery
Franklin Co-operative Creamery
Norris Creameries, Inc.
Norris Creameries, Inc.
Northland Milk and Ice Cream Co.
Northland Milk and Ice Cream Co.
Ohleen Dairy Company
Ohleen Dairy Company
Ohleen Dairy Company
Ohleen Dairy Company
Superior Dairies, Inc.
Lakeview Sanitary Dairy
MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark
carried to approve the issue
of the following Garbage Licenses, per applications on file.
Number of License
To Whom Issued
Boyer Garbage Service
Carl Engebretsen
Charles Ost
MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark
carried to approve the issue
of the following Auto Livery
License, per application on file.
Number of License
To Whom Issued
Alfred Hay
MOVED by Stark seconded by
Foss carried to refer the applica-
tion of Mr. Clifford Haley,
1920 Medicine Lake Drive, for the
issuance of an Auto Livery
License to the Medicine Lake Taxi
Company be referred to the
chairman of the License Committee
for report and recommendation
at the meeting of April 6th, 1954•
Request for Street Lights;
Mr. Clayton Lisy, 3225 Major Avenue
North, advised the Council
that he represented the Noble Grove
.Association, and that said
association requested that the Coun-
cil order the installation
of street lights at the following
intersections: Noble and Adell
- 10,000 lumen light
Culver and
Lee - 4,000 lumen light
Elmdale and Lee - 4,000 lumen light
MOVED by Stark seconded by Rahn carried that the Administrative
Assistant be instructed to cause the installation of the above
mentioned street lights, provided however, that the location of
said street lights may be changed in the discretion of the Ad-
ministrative Assistant and street lighting engineers.
The Mayor instructed that the Council consider the adoption of
a policy regarding the installation of street lights at the
meeting of April 6th, 1951.
Opening of Bids, Motor Grader: The Village Clerk presented an
affidavit of publication of notice of intent to purchase a 100
H. P. diesel motor grader, according to specifications approved
by this Council on March 2nd, 1954. Said affidavit was examined,
approved and ordered placed on file.
The Mayor announced that this is the time and the place for o-
pening and consideration of sealed bids for the purchase of
said motor grader in accordance with the notice of ..advertise-
ment for bids published by the Clerk and heretofore presented
to this Council.
The Clerk presented to the Council three sealed bids submitted
in the course of said notice. Said bids were then opened,
publicy read and considered. Said bids were found to be as
Name of Bidder Total cost, includinEtrade-in allowance
Wm. H. Ziegler, Co. 013,936.50
Rosholt Equipment Co. 014,328.00
Borchert -Ingersoll, Inc. 413,880.00
MOVED by Foss seconded by Bies carried to accept the bid of the
Wm. -H. Ziegler Company for the furnishing of one Model No. 12
Caterpillar according to specifications and the bid submitted,
in the sum of 43,936.50, payment to be made on or before Sep-
tember 30th, 1951, and that the bid checks be returned.
Land Use Permission, Hoff Rubber Stamp Company: Member Stark
introduced the following resolution herein quoted by title as
HOFF' RUBBER STAMP CO., INC.", and moved its adoption. The mo-
tion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly sec-
onded by Member Bies and upon vote being taken thereon the fol-
lowing members voted in favor thereof: Bies, Foss, Huebsch,
Rahn, Stark; and the following voted against the same: None,
whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted,
signed by.the Mayor, and his signature attested by the Clerk.
See Resolutions Book Page No. -4 IL-.
Contract Hennepin County Relief Board: Member Foss introduced
the following resolution herein quoted by title as follows, "RE-
and moved its adoption. The motion for the adoption of the
foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Stark and
upon vote being taken thereon the following members voted in
favor thereof: Bies, Foss, Huebsch, Rahn, Stark; and the fol-
lowing voted against the same: None; whereupon said resolution
was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and
his signature attested by the Clerk. See Resolutions Book
Page No. a.
Police and Justice Reports for the Month of December, 1953:
Mayor Huebsch presented his analysis of the Police and Justice
Reports for the month of December, 1953• Mayor Huebsch further
stated -that one officer had worked 21 out of 31 days in Decem-
ber, 1953, and that the reports showed that he had failed to
issue any tickets for traffic violations. The Mayor further
stated that the Justice Reports showed that the income of the
Village collected through the efforts of the Police Department
for the month of December came to only $48.00. Member Foss
pointed out that the old squad car at the time would not go
over 40 miles per hour. and was unsafe for use of any kind.
Report of Attorney, Re: Billboards: The Village Attorney ex-
plained past Council procedures regarding billboards, with
particular reference to a policy adopted by this Council on
January 5th, 1954, and stated that in his opinion said policy
may constitute sufficient grounds for billboard companies to
successfully litigate the order of this Council that certain
billboards be removed. The Attorney further advised the Coun-
cil that during the week of March 7th, 1954, the Village Clerk's
Office had received letters from several billboard companies,
said letters accompanied by checks purporting to pay past bill-
board license fees. The Village Attorney requested that he be
given additional time in which to study the matter and that at
a future date he would give a written opinion to the Council.
After further discussion, MOVED by Stark seconded by Bias car-
ried that the billboard companies be advised that the Council
does hereby extend the dead line for the removal of the unli-
censed billboards referred to above. The Council instructed
the Administrative Assistant to obtain the ordinances of neigh-
boring communities and to present them to the Council for
study. Mr. Lyle Larson, 7430 Wayzata Boulevard, then advised
the Council of his recent request that a permit be granted for
the construction of a billboard on his property, and of the
refusal of the Council to allow the issuance of said license.
MOVED by Stark seconded by Bias carried that the Village.Attor-
ney be instructed to compare the billboard ordinance of the
Village of Golden Valley with that of neighboring communities
and to report his findings to the Village Council.
Re: Sunday Closing Ordinance: MOVED by Stark seconded by Bias
to give a first reading tAN ORDINANCE REPEALING 'AN ORDIN-
MOVED by Foss to amend the above motion as follows: "... that
out of the license fees paid by on -sale liquor establishments
the Council appropriate the sum of X1,000.00 per annum to pro-
vide for Sunday policing of on -sale liquor establishments, by
a private concern, those places that are open on Sundays for
the serving of meals." Member Foss stated upon question that
he believed such a private police agency has regular police
powers, whereupon the Village Attorney stated that any citizen
has the right of arrest when misdemeanors or felonies are com-
mitted in his presence.
Mayor Huebsch read a prepared statement setting forth his views
upon the issue of Sunday closing and the conduct of this hear-
The Mayor then announced that the Council would hear opponents
and proponents on the issue:
The proponents spoke as follows:
Dr. Fred Holzapfel Dr. Holzapfel stated that he represent -
311 Burntside Drive ed a large group of people not present
tonight who objected to closing restau-
rants and cafes on Sundays on the following grounds: (1) That
the selling of food on Sunday was a perfectly legitimate enter-
prise and that he and his neighbors wanted the privilege of
"eating out" on Sunday. (2) It was discrimination to permit
private clubs to remain open on Sunday while prohibiting duly
licensed restaurants from serving similar meals. (3) That he
understood that there was a question as to whether or not mis-
memeanors have been committed on Sundays through the selling,of
liquor in said establishments. Dr. Holzapfel stated that if
proof is submitted that misdemeanors have been committed he and
others would want such establishments closed immediately, but
that he understood that there had never been any signed com-
plaint whatsoever against any establishment, that there have
been only second or third party rumors, but that all rumors
have been checked and have been found to be without foundation,
that such rumors always turned out to be rumors without basis
in fact. (4) Such establishments have spent large sums of cap-
ital to serve the public with adequate meals and entertainment,
and that they should not lose a portion of the possible returns
on their capital outlay by being closed on Sunday. (5) Records
show that additional policing has not been necessary. (6) That
in the opinion of himself and his neighbors no "carnival spirit"
prevails at the establishments which have in the past choosers
to remain open on Sunday. Some citizens cannot afford to be-
long to a private country club and therefore the only place for
such persons and their families to "eat out" on Sunday is at a
licensed cafe or restaurant, that the same conditions of con-
sumption of alcoholic beverages can exist in a private home as
in a duly licensed restaurant or cafe. Dr. Holzapfel further
stated that by permitting country clubs to remain open on Sun-
day for serving of meals the Council is placing confidence in
one group of people and is in effect saying that this group of
people is better than another group consisting of the general
public. (7) Dr. Holzapfel then discussed the transportation
of bottles of intoxicating beverages into public restaurants,
stating that the restaurant cannot prohibit such transportation,
but did attempt to prevent consumption on the premises.
Dr. John Shimek Dr. Shimek stated that he and his wife
lib Ottawa Ave. South wanted a local place at which they could
east Sunday dinners, that he wanted to
give his wife a "break" in the daily routine of meal preparation
on Sunday, and that inasmuch as all reputable restaurants are
closed on Sunday he has to drive several miles to obtain dinnners
on Sunday unless he wishes to eat at home, and that some places
serve meals which are "unfit". Dr. Shimek stated that Dr. Holz-
apfel had exactly stated his sentiments on the rest of the issues.
Mr. Burr Markham Mr. Markham stated that he has a cit -
400 Natchez Ave. North izen's interest in the matter and that
ne thought it was "a tempest in a tea-
pot". Mr. Markham stated that he liked to eat on Sundays as
well as on Saturdays, that in the past few years there has been
a nationwide tendency to get away from Sunday "blue laws", and
that he would like to see this Village follow suit in this mat-
ter. If a restaurant is properly run he can see no objection
to its being open on Sunday.
Mr. Maher Troup 1Ir. Troup stated that he had rebuilt
Manager of "The White "The uihite House" under the'impression
House" that he would be allowed to operate
under the same conditions that existed
prior to the destruction of the old "White House" (by fire), and
that he had a X250,000.00 investment in the building and fix-
tures. Mr. Troup stated that he now needs the extra income de-
rived from Sunday business and that he was in favor of the re-
peal of the ordinance closing his establishment on Sunday. The
Mayor inquired as to whether or _riot he felt that he had a pe-
culiar responsibility to the public. Mr. Troup stated that he
felt that he had no more responsibility to the public than any
other business catering to the public, that he has in effect a
4250,000.00 bond posted with the Village of Golden Valley inas-
much as his present building is a one -purpose building and he
therefore would not under any conditions.jeopardize his busin-
ess by unlawful operation. The Mayor inquired as to what steges
a restaurant operator can take to prevent his premises from be-
coming a "bottle club". Mr. Troup stated that he has a 42,000.00
a year insurance policy against persons becoming drunk and dis-
orderly either on his premises or after they leave it.
Mr. Michael I. Mann Mr. Mann stated that he had a family
Manager, "The Point" trade worked up on Sundays before the
Council closed his establishment on
Sundays, that he always tried to operate his business according
to the law and that he intended to operate within the law now
and in the future. Upon question Mr. Mann stated that he felt
that his business had the same responsibility to the public as
any other business. Mr. Mann further stated that until "we
break the law" we should not be condemned and that if we do
break the law in any way then the Council has the right to close
us up on Sunday. Mr. Mann stated that he needed the income that
he derived from Sunday operation and that it helped to meet his
overhead expenses. On question Mr. Mann stated that if a patron
brings a bottle into his club it is not his problem, but that
he had an insurance policy costing more than 42,000.00 a year
against persons becoming drunk and disorderly either on his
premises or after leaving his premises. Mayor Huebsch inquired
as to whether or not the businesses which would stay open on
Sunday, if the ordinance were repealed, would advertise that they
would be open. i1r. Mann stated that it would probably be nec-
essary to advise the public that they would be open on Sunday.
Upon question Member Bies stated that he would agree to Mr.
Fosst motion.
Mr. Bill Varner Mr. Varner stated that in his exper-
6931 Sixth Avenue North ience the on -sale liquor establishments
Constable, Village of have been no police problem whatsoever
Golden Valley and in particular, no police problem
on Sunday, that he felt that paying a
thousand dollars a year to a private agency was an insult to our
local police department, Mr. Whitney of the Liquor Control Com-
mission, and the Hennepin County Police. Mr. Varner further
stated that, "I think that you have one of the best records out
Mr. Troup stated that he pays a fee of 05.00 a month to have
an individual agency check upon the.operation of his business.
and that this agency has critized him for closing the bar to
patrons 18 minutes before closing time and that these reports
were mailed to him at his home.
Member Stark stated that in his opinion it was not up to the
Council to tell private businesses when to close. Mayor Huebsch
then inquired if there were any persons in the audience who
were opposed to repealing the ordinance closing those restau-
rants on Sundays, where said restaurants are licensed for on -
sale intoxicating liquors on weekdays. No persons came
forward to oppose the repeal of said ordinance, whereupon Mayor
Huebsch stated that in his opinion the absence of opposition was
probably due to the lack of sufficient newspaper circulation and
Member Stark outlined past procedures and discussed the opinion
of the Attorney General rendered in July of 1953• Member Stark
also mentioned the petition which he had presented to this
Council in January of 1954, and stated that all businesses
should have the right to be open on Sundays if they wanted to
be open, so long as they obeyed the law.
Mrs. Clara Schuller Mrs. Schuller stated that her business
Schullerls Tavern is not open on Sundays at the present
time but they might want to be open
at some time in the future and that she was opposed to the
Council closing her business on Sunday by ordinance.
Mr. Graydon Ewald Mr. Ewald stated that he is a member
615 Utah Ave. South of the Golden Valley Country Club and
that he could attend said club for
dinners on Sundays and that although it did no "bother him
when they were open or closed on Sunday", he felt that he should
have the privilege to go out-- and patronize such businesses when
he wanted to. Mr. Ewald further stated that he as a private
citizen cannot see any objection whatsoever to restaurants being
open on Sunday.
Mr, Michael I. Mann of the Point stated that at the time the
Council considered the ordinance in 1953 only one woman appear-
ed in support of the proposition of closing his business on
Sunday and that this person was against businesses such as his
not only on Sunday, but every other day of the week.
Dr. Holzapfel requested permission to address the Council again.
Dr. Holzapfel stated that there is no rationale in the talk that
the Council is not informed regarding Sunday closing, that the
petition mentioned by Member Stark was circulated by Dr. Holz-
apfel in December of 1953, and that furthermore, the issue of
Sunday closing was common talk in their own homes, and was dis-
cussed at parties and everywhere where people gathered, either
socially or on business. Dr. Holzapfel further stated that the
petition circulated by himself in December of 1953, attempted
only to convey the opinion of a number of people and that nei-
ther he nor anybody else had made any attempt to set up the pe-
tition as a legal, formal document. Member Rahn stated that it
was his impression, derived from conferences with restaurant
people, that selling meals on Sunday caused said businesses to
lose money and therefore why should such places want to be open
on Sunday. Member Rahn then inquired of Mr. Larry Hork, business
manager of the Point, Member Foss and Village Attorney Kane, as
to whether or not he could devulge certain information. All
stated their willingness for Mr. Rahn so to do; Mr. Kane, however,
stating that he would want to hear what had to be said before
he would agree to any such stipulation. Mr. Rahn then asked
Mr. Hork whether or not Mr. Hork had ever told him that the
Point sold whiskey on Sunday. Mr. Hork said that he had never
made such a statement. Mr. Rahn then asked Mr. Kane whether
or not Mr. Hork had ever told him that the Point sold whiskey
on Sunday. Mr. Kane stated that he recalled the conference to
which. Member Rahn alluded so vaguely that he could not answer
with sufficient accuracy as to give his answer any weight. Mem-
ber Foss stated that he had seen whiskey sold on Sunday over the
bar in 1952. Mr. Hork stated that his business makes a profit
on the Sunday serving of meals and that Mr. Dantes had given
bottles to persons for use in their homes who then returned sim-
ilar type bottles to the Point and that there was thus no sale
of any w'aiskey on Sunday. Mr. Hork further stated that he was
first employed at the Point in 1952 and there has been no vio-
lation or transaction as mentioned above while he has been em-
ployed at the Point. Member Rahn stated that he objected to:
(1) No one but interested operators and their supporters are
present tonight, (2) He was opposed to the additional police
cost as proposed by Member Foss on the grounds that it was not
Member Bies stated he would not want to be told that he could
not operate hiis business on any day when he could make a profit.
Mr. Harold Lynch stated that on August 4th, 1953, he had been
in favor of the ordinance in 1953, but that present sentiment
in the Village is for repeal; that he did not feel that the ex-
penditure of 11,000.00 for a private police agency was warranted.
Mr. Lynch further stated that he will keep closed on Sunday but
that he felt that voluntary clesinb was the ideal way of meeting
the problem and that he felt that the future of the Village was
more secure if all on -sale liquor establishments keep their
restaurant facilities closed on Sunday. Member Foss then stated
that he would , if the Council would agree to it, stipulate in
his proposed amendment that an additional fee be charged to those
businesses who wished to remain open on Sunday and suggested a
minimum charge of 010.00 per Sunday. Mr. Troup stated that his
on -sale intoxicating liquor license, other license fees, and
the general tax on his property is sufficient to provide adequate
policing for his business and that of his colleagues.
Mr. Lester Elstad Mr. Elstad stated 'chat in his opinion
120 Edgewood Avenue South the citizens of Golden Valley will
police those businesses which wish to
remain open on Sunday for the serving of meals. If there is
any violation of the ordinance the public would demand that they
be closed up and that it was a matter ofindividual responsibil-
ity on the part of every citizen of the Village.
Mayor Huebsch suggested that the matter of appropriating 41,000.00
to a special police agency for policing restaurants open on Sun-
day be held in abeyance. Member Foss thereupon withdrew his a-
mendment to the above motion.
THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: Mayor Huebsch then called for a vote on
the previous question. Upon vote being taken thereon all voted
in favor thereof except Members Huebsch and Rahn; Member Huebsch
abstaining from voting and Member Rahn voting "NO".
MOVED by Foss seconded by Stark carried to approve the above or-
dinance quoted -by -title on its first reading.. Member Huebsch
abstained from voting. Member Rahn voted "NO" on the above
Bills: MOVED by Rahn seconded by Stark carried to approve the
following bills in the total amount of :3,502.91 with the pro-
vino that
the Administrative Assistant be
ordered to withhold
the check
of the Waterbury Company pending investigation of the
installation of the suspended furnace in
the Belt Line Fire Sta-
tion; and
further that the Administrative
Assistant be instruct-
ed to obtain a letter from the Rettinger
Motor Company of Way-
zata, Minnesota stating why the police car
was not delivered on
January 5th, 1954, per the bid submitted
by said company.
through 6i51 Payroll
Minneapolis Star & Tribune
68.15 °1
Post Publishing Co.
Ed Ryan Sheriff
Miller -Davis
J. A. Curtis
Panama Carbon Co.
W. A. Moes
10.00 ,
N. W. Bell Telephone Co.
40.90 �
Thompson Lumber Co.
Standard Oil Company
Farnhamts Stationery
N. W. Tire Company
Minn. Sand and Gravel
Minn. F. W. D. Co.
Valley Pure Oil
Hanover Tool Sales
Lyle Sign Company
Adler Steel Products
Black Top Service Co.
Rosenwald -Cooper
Robert F. Fitzsimmons
H. J. Hagen
35.00 tg
Village of Crystal
Ot 02.91
MOVED by Stark seconded by Foss carried that the meeting adjourn.
Attest: ILUZ"'