04-14-75 Special MeetingJ..
of the
April 14, 1975
The Meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M., by the Mayor. Present were:
Anderson, Bix, Hoover and Riggs. Also present: City Engineer Lowell Odland,
Richard Johnson, Valley Square Task Force Chairman (General Mills).
Interviews were held with Robert P. Schaferand Arthur Leonard for Council
The Council then held discussion regarding the proposed transportation portion
of the Comprehensive Plan. Discussion at this meeting was limited to future
traffic plans for the 5th Precinct. The City Engineer presented various alter-
natives of traffic patterns for this precinct. After discussion by all Council
members MOTION by Hoover, seconded by Anderson, to instruct City Engineer and
staff to prepare schematics, projected costs, potential property condemnation
existing traffic counts and neighborhood impact on the following alternatives
for Precinct 5:
Alternative 1:
The construction of the Winnetka, Western and Louisiana portion as
provided for in the Comprehensive Plan. This Alternative also pro-
vides for the construction of Laurel Avenue between Turner's Cross-
road and Pennsylvania, with a traffic diverter at the Laurel -Penn-
sylvania intersection and also provides for continued thru traffic
on Winnetka between Highway 55 and Highway 12.
Alternative 2:
The construction of Laurel Avenue between Turner's Crossroad and
Winnetka. This Alternative could provide for either the closing
of Jersey Avenue at Laurel or leaving Jersey Avenue open. At this
point, Bix requested the motion to be amended to include the follow-
ing Alternative. This was agreeable to the mover of the primary
Alternative 3:
The construction of Laurel Avenue between Pennsylvania and Turner's
Crossroad. At Laurel Avenue and Pennsylvania, the westbound traffic
on Laurel Avenue would be diverted south on Pennsylvania to Highway
12. Traffic travelling south on Pennsylvania from the north would
be diverted to Laurel westbound only. Traffic east on Laurel from
going north on Pennsylvania from Highway 12 or the service roads would
be diverted on Laurel eastbound only. This Alternative presumes that
Jersey Avenue could be closed at Laurel or left open.
The City Engineer then presented a proposed plan for an interchange
at Boone Avenue and Highway 12 for Council review.
Special Meeting of City Council, April 14, 1975
The meeting on the Transportation Plan was continued to April 28, 1975 at
7:30 P. M.
Meeting adjourned at 11:10 P. M.
Minutes submitted by Milton Bix.