12-29-75 Special MeetingADJOURNED MEETING
of the
December 29, 1975
An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Golden Valley was
held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m., December 29, 1975 pursuant to
notice given at the December 15th Council meeting.
The following members were present: Hoover, Anderson, Thorsen, Swartz, City
Manager Barkley G. Omans and Administrative Assistant Jeff Sweet.
Discussion on Resolution Supporting Corps of Eng neers' Plan for Bassett's
MOTION by Anderson, seconded by Swartz, carried, that Councilmember Thorsen
and Chairman Klovstad of the Environmental Commission meet and draft a letter
to the Corps of Engineers setting forth points needing additional work regard-
ing Bassett's Creek Plan or Environmental Impact Statement.
The Council requested that the draft of the letter to the Corps of Engineers
and the resolution of support for the Bassett's Creek Plan both be placed on
the January 19th Council agenda.
Communication - Police Association re: Salaries:
The Council received a letter from the Police Association accepting the Man-
ager's proposal on wages and fringe benefits for 1976-77.
MOTION by Thorsen, seconded by Anderson, carried, to receive and file the
letter with the Mayor responding for the Council.
City Council discussed the general policy approach on Vages and Salaries, the
current negotiations with Local #49 and individual salary classifications.
MOTION by Anderson, seconded by Thorsen, carried, to adopt the Classified
Salary Schedule as submitted, with no action on Local #49 which is in media-
MOTION by Swartz, seconded by Thorsen, carried, to adopt the Non -classified
Salary Schedule except for the Manager.
MOTION by Swartz, seconded by Anderson, carried, that the Manager's salary he
set at $27,500 plus $8,000 in deferred compensation.
MOTION by Swartz, seconded by Anderson, carried, that the Manager be author-
ized six weeks vacation for 1976, to be entered on the record January 1, 1976.
The Council instructed that a formal resolution be drawn for the adoption of
wages and salaries, changes in fringe benefits and setting forth the two-year
salary policy, to be placed on the January 5th agenda for final action. Coun-
cilmember Swartz indicated that due to an out-of-town law case, he would be
absent from the January 5th meeting and that due to a prior commitment, he
would be out of the City from February 16th through March 4th.
Adjourned Council Meeting, December 29, 1975
MOTION by Thorsen, seconded by Anderson, carried, to adjourn at 10:30 p.m.,
with the next meeting of the Council being January 5, 1976 organization of
the new Council.
Minutes prepared and submitted by
Barkley G. Omans, Acting Clerk