12-03-79 City Council Minutes"I
Regular Meeting
Of The
City Council
December 3, 1979
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota, was held at 7800 Golden Valley Road
in said City on December3, 1979 at 6:30 P.M.
The following mebers were present: Anderson, Hoover, Johnson, Stockman and Thorsen.
Also present were: City Manager, Jeff Sweet, Attorney, Robert Skare, City Engineer,
Lowell Odland and Secretary, Terri Schroetke.
Closed Session Statement
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Anderson and carried to approve the statement as read by
Councilmember Thorsen, as a summary of the Executive Session held on Tuesday, November
27, 1979, 4:55 P.M. attached hereto and made a part hereof:
A closed session of the Golden Valley City Council was held on Tuesday, November 27,
1979 at 4:55 P.M. in the Gold Room of the City Hall. Those present were Mayor Hoover,
Councilmembers Thorsen,and Johnson,..City Manager, Jeff Sweet, and City Attorney, Allen
Barnard. No other person was present.
The purpose of the meeting was to review the.status of the case, Troyer vs. Hoover,
et al. The City Attorney discussed the preliminary injunction ordered by the court
and answered questions. No other matter was discussed. No action was taken.
The decision to hold the meeting was made at the regular meeting of the City Council
on November 19, 1979 and is reflected in the minutes of that meeting. Ahcontinuous
sound recording was made and is being retained in the Mayor's custody. The meeting
was adjourned at 5:15 P.M.
Bills and Claims
MOVED by Thorsen, seconded by Johnson and carried to pay the bills as submitted on the
check register.
MOVED.by Johnson, seconded by Anderson and carried to approve the licenses as submitted
on the license list. Councilmember Stockman abstained on licenses numbere 6075 & 6.076.
Minutes of Planning Commission
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Thorsen and carried to receive and file the minutes of the
Planning Commission dated November 13, 1979 as submitted.
Op-on°Space Commission
Burt Brown was present to give reports on the Brookview Study Committee and Community
188 Regular Meeting of the City Council - December 3, 1979
Open Space Commission (continued)
MOVED by Thorsen, seconded by Johnson, and carried to receive and file the Brookview
Study Committee report, continuing the discussion at the Council/Manager meeting of
December 5, 1979, 6:30 P.M. to clarify what direction the Council wishes to take, and
having the Study Committee report back to the Council at the"'first meeting in March,
1980, regarding updated revenue projections.
MOVED by Anderson, seconded by Thorsen and carried to request the Open Space & Rec-
reation Commission to continue their deliberations on the proposed *community center,
preparing a written report including proposed funding, revenue projections and costs,
for the first meeting in March, 1980.
Mayor Hoover called a five minute recess.
Plauqe of Appreciation — Harold Lynch
Mayor Hoover presented a plaque of appreciation to Harold Lynch, owner of the Boulevard,
for his contributions to Golden Valley as a citizen and businessman.
Public Hearing - Replat of Lakeview Terrace
John Gassner, Proponent - present to answer questions
Member Thorsen introduced and read.the written resolution and moved its adoption.
(Acceptance of Plat. Lakeview Terrace)
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member
Johnson and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Anderson, Hoover, Johnson, Stockman and Thorsen and the following voted against the
same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed
by the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk.
Public Hearing - Rezoning - M -R Services, Inc.
Thomas Miller, Proponent - present to explain and answer questions
Mayor Hoover opened the meeting for public input and.persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon,
Rhoda Jaffe, 420 Pennsylvania- in favor of the rezoning contingent upon the development
of Laurel Avenue as she is concerned about the increased traffic on Pennsylvania.
Barbara Crolley, 310 Pennsylvania - question re what rezoning entails and also expressed
concern for increased traffic flow on Pennsylvania.
Mayor Hoover closed the public hearing.
MOVED by Anderson, seconded by Stockman and carried to bring on the table for first
reading an ordinance amendment entitled:
(1-1 Institutional Zoning District)
M -R Services, Inc.
Regular Meeting of the City Council - December 3, 1979 1 8 9
Public Hearing - Rezoning (M -R Services, Inc.) continued
MOVED by Anderson, seconded by Stockman and carried to approve the ordinance herein
quoted by title on its first reading. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows:
Public:Hearing - North Wirth Parkway Final Plat
Mayor Hoover opened the public hearing and persons present to do so were afforded
the opportunity to express their views thereon.
Al Stensrud, Executive Director, Humane Society - Question re legal description
Mayor Hoover closed the public hearing.
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Anderson and carried to continue public hearing on
December 17, 1979.
Public Hearing - Vacation of a Portion of Castle Court
Mayor.Hoover opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Seeing and hearing no one
to speak for or against, Mayor Hoover closed the public hearing.
MOVED by Thorsen, seconded by Johnson and carried to continue the public hearing on
December 17, 1979 as final plat has not been submitted for approval.
Public Hearing - RSL 99 - Brookridge
Mayor Hoover opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon.
Don Lane, 2305 Brookridge - not opposed to street lighting concept, but does not want
a street light on his corner.
John Braden, 5790 Westbrook Road - opposed
Frank Timmesh, 5785 Westbrook Road - opposed
Mayor Hoover closed the public hearing.
Member Stockman introduced and read the written resolution and moved its adoption:
RSL 99
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member
Johnson and upon vote being taken thereon, the following members voted in favor:
Hoover, Johnson and Stockman and the following voted against the same: Anderson
and Thorsen, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed
by the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk. See Resolution Book Page
190 Regular Meeting of the City Council - December 3, 1979
Public Hearing - Preliminary Plat of Florida Restaurant's Addition
Jim Merila, Engineer
Jim Jennings, Land Owner
John Miller, Jennings' Attorney
Bruce Newton, Brookings Development Co.
Virginia Levy, Planning Commission - presented the commission's reasons for denial of
the Proposed plat.
Mayor Hoover opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Seeing and heari;ng no one
to speak for or against, the Mayor closed the public hearing.
Member Anderson introduced and read the written resolution and moved its adoption:
Acceptance of Plat
Florida Restaurant's Addition
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member
Thorsen and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Anderson, Hoover, Stockman and Thorsen and the following voted against the same:
Johnson, werehupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by
the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk. See Resolution Book Page
Resolution - Feasibility Study (80 SI 4)
Member Anderson introduced and read the written resolution and moved its adoption:
(Order Preparation of Report on Improvement)
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member
Stockman and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Anderson, Hoover, Johnson, Stockman and Thorsen and the following voted against the
same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed
by the Mayor and his signature atteste&,by the Clerk. See Resolution Book Page
Request for Building Permit - E1 Torito Restaurant
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Thorsen and carried to give consideration to granting a
building permit to E1 Torito Restaurant in Highway 12 Moratorium area, on the basis that
it meets all necessary criteria.
Councilmember Johnson voted nay.
Request for Building Permit - Product Design & Engineering, Inc.
Steve Montague, Controller, Product -.Design & Engineering, Inc.
Virginia Levy, Planning Commi-ssion - present to give commission's recommendation.
MOVED by Thorsen, seconded by Johnson and carried to give consideration to granting a
building permit to Product Design & Engineering, Inc. for the purpose of building a
metal storage silo in the Highway 12 Moratorium area.
Regular Meeting of the City Council - December 3, 1979
Public Hearing - Rezoning - Bertelson Bros., Inc.
Virginia Levy, Planning Commission - gave commission's recommendation to approve.
Mayor Hoover opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Seeing and hearing no one
to speak for or against, the Mayor closed the public hearing.
MOVED by.Thorsen, seconded by Johnson and carried to bring on the table for first
reading an ordinance amendment entitled:
(Light Industrial Zoning District)
Be�rtelson Bros.
MOVED by Thorsen, seconded by Johnso� and carried to approve the ordinance herein
quoted by title on its first reading. Upon roll call vote the vote was follows:
Northstar Pediatric and Teen Clinic Donation
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Thorsei and carried to accept the donation from David
Bloom, M.D., Northstar Pediatric and Teen Clinic, of one Motorola two-way portable
Call Public Hearing - Minneapolis Clinic re Sema hove
MOVED by Thorsen, seconded by Anders -on and carried to call a public hearing on the
Minneapolis Clinic re semaphore for January 21, 1980.
Fredsall's Addition - Extension of Final Plat
MOVED by Anderson, seconded by Thors n and carried to grant a 90-day'extension noting
that the Council would consider extending the 90 -days contingent upon the satisfaction
of.the outstanding financial and easement matters.
Call Public Hearing— Vacation of Stlreet — Lakeview Terrace
MOVED by Thorsen, seconded by Johnson and carried to call a public hearing for the
vacation of street, drainage and utility easements in Lakeview Terrace, for January
21, 1980.
Call Public Hearing-- PUD #25 - Westiview
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Stockn
Westview, for December 17, 1979.
C.A.A. Position Statement
Councilmember Johnson gave a report
Thorsen regarding the direction the
and carried to call a public hearing for PUD #25 -
the outcome of her meeting with Councilmember
ncil might take regarding C.A.A.
192 Regular Meeting of the City Council - December 3, 1979
C.A.A. Position Statement (continued)
Member Stockman introduced and read the written resolution and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member
Johnson and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Hoover, Johnson, and Stockman and the following voted against the same: Throsen, and
Member Anderson abstained, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and
adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk. See Resolution
Book Page
Selection of an Auditor
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Anderson and carried to accept the firm of Anfinson,
Hendrickson & Company as the auditors for Golden Valley, for an amount not to exceed
Resolution - Consolidated Dispatch Service
Member Anderson introduced and read the written resolution and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of.the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member
Stockman and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Anderson, Hoover, Johnson, Stockman and Thorsen, and the following voted against the
same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed
by the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk. See Resolution Book Page
Resolution - Cable TV Needs Assessment
Member Johnson introduced and read the written resolution and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member
Thorsen and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Anderson, Hoover, Johnson, Stockman and Thorsen and the following voted against the
same: none., whereupon said resoluti"on was declared duly passed and adopted, signed
by the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk. See Resolution Book Page
Quotations - Loader Tires
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Stockman and carried to award the bid for tires for
cat load unit #770 to Firestone Tire in the amount of $2,735.32.
Quotations - Plow Blades
MOVED.by Stockman, seconded by Anderson and carried to award the bid for snow plow
blades to Paper Calmenson Co. in the amount of $1,055.39.
Regular Meeting of the City Council - December 3, 1979
Authorization for Funds to Assist T.H. #12 Residents Potentially Displaced
MOVED by Thorsen, seconded by Stockman and carried to authorize the transfer of $1,500
from the General Contingency to the T.H. #12 Advisory Committee for the purpose of
funding informational efforts to potentially displaced T.H. #12 residents.
Councilmember Johnson voted nay.
Resolution - I.S.I.S.
Member Johnson introduced and read the written resolution and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member
Stockman and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Anderson, Hoover, Johnson, Stockman and Thorsen and the following votedagainst the
same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed
by the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk. See Resolution Book Page
Quotations — Plowing Parking Lots and Driveways
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Stockman and carried to award the bid for plowing of
parking lots and driveways to Burschville Construction Company.
Resolution - Condemnation for Acquisition of Wisconsin Avenue
Member Johnson introduced and read the written resolution and moved its adoption:
Authorizing the Acquisition by Purchase of
Condemnation in Fee Simple of Certain Property
for Street Right -of -Way
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member
Thorsen and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Anderson, Hoover, Johnson, Stockman and Thorsen, andithe following voted against
the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted,
signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk. See Resolution Book
Amendment to Tax-exempt Financing Policy
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Thorsen and carried to approve the amendment to the tax-
exempt financing policy to permit consideration being given to vacant.school property.
Monthly Budget Report
by Stockman,
by Johnson and carried to receive and file the monthly
report for
194 Regular Meeting of the City Council - December 3, 1979
N.S.P. Franchise
MOVED by Thorsen, seconded by Johnson and carried to bring on the table for first
reading an ordinance amendment entitled:
(Electric Franchise Ordinance
Northern States Power Company)
MOVED by Anderson, seconded by Johnson and carried to approve the ordinance herein
quoted by title on its first reading. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows:
"Golden Valley Report" - KQRA Radio Program
Mayor Hoover.related to the Council the concept of a new radio program on KQRS Radio.
The program will be a 10 -minute informational talk show with the Mayor as "host" on
Sunday nights, 10:00 P.M., the first Sunday of each month. There was discussion of
the possibility of interviewing various people in Golden Valley and also possible
advertising to let Golden Valley citizens know about the show. ,
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Thorsen and carried to adjourn at 11:00 P.M.