11-21-89 CC Minutes Regular Meeting
of the
City Council
November 21, 1989
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 8200 �Jayzata
Boulevard in said City on November 21, 1989 at 6:30 PP1.
The following members were present: Anderson, Bakken, Stockman and Thompson;
and the following was absent: Johnson. Also present we re: William Joynes,
City Manager; Lowell Odland, Director of Public Works; Allen Barnard, City
Attorney; and Judy Nally, Deputy City Clerk.
A�proval of Minutes - City Council Plinutes - November 8, 1989 and Canvassing
Board P�1i nutes - November 8, 1989
P10VED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to approve
the City Council minutes for November 8, 1989 as amended: Continued Informal
Public Hearing - No Parking Request - Glenwood Avenue at Turners Crossroad -
add "and Glenwood Avenue" to the end of paragraph two; and Announcements of
��eeting - Council Member Stockman did not attend the meeting regarding Valley Days.
MOVED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to approve
the Canvassing Board minutes for November 8, 1989 as submitted.
Approval of Agenda
MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Bakken and motion carried unanimously to approve
the agenda of November 21, 1989 as submitted.
A�proval of Consent Agenda
h10VED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to approve
the items on the consent agenda, indicated by an asterisk (*).
*Bills and Claims
P10VED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to authorize
payment of the bills as submitted.
MOVED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to authorize
the issuance of license #12832 to #12837.
*Minutes of Boards and Commissions
�10VED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to receive
and file the minutes received as follows:
Bassett Creek Water Management Commission - October 19, 1989
Regul ar P1eeti ng of the Ci ty Counci 1
November 21, 1989
Page 2
Informal Public Hearing - No Parking Restrictions - Turners Crossroad (T.H. 12
to Glenwood Avenue
Lowell Odland introduced the agenda item.
The r�ayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon.
Christine Brown, 5011 Circle Down, feels the intersection at I-394 and Turners
Crossroad is a dangerous intersection and is in favor of the parking restrictions.
The Mayor closed the public hearing.
Member Bakken introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by P�ember
Thompson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Stockman and Thompson; and the following was
absent: Johnson, and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon
said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and
her signature attested by the Deputy City Clerk.
Staff was requested to refer the petition, received November 7, 1989, to MN/DOT
for their response and forward said response to the Council and Christine Brown.
Public Hearing - 1990 Budget
William Joynes outlined the proposed budget. Don Taylor, Finance Director,
was present to answer questions from the Council and public.
The t�layor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon.
Mary Durda, 7801 Ewald Terrace, wanted to know why her market value increased
$18,000, and why the city increased the taxes 20%.
Donald McPhee, 7780 Ewald Terrace, wanted to know where the levy is going to be
added to - the gross market value or tax figure.
Larry Olson, 450 Valleywood Circle, asked if any staff increases are projected
and why there is an increase in funding for consultant and professional services.
Joe Brochin, 2230 Vale Crest Road, asked why garbage collection costs are
increasing when there is a recycling program and would like to see the street
lights along Highway 100 replaced as soon as they burn out.
Floyd Pearson, 8115 Plymouth, wanted to know what effect the new state law has
on the city and school district and if the budget will be adopted before the
December deadline.
The Mayor closed the public hearing.
Regular h1eeting of the City Council
November 21, 1989
Page 3
Public Hearing - 1990 Budget - Continued
MOVED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to reconvene
the public hearing for adoption of the 1990 Budget to December 5, 1989 at 7:30 P�1.
Informal Public Nearing - First Consideration - Ordinance Amendment - Seasonal
Load Restrictions
MOVED by 6akken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to approve
the fol 1 owi ng ordi nance:
(Amendments Respecting Seasonal Load Restrictions)
William Joynes introduced the agenda item.
The Mayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Hearing and seeing no
one, the h1ayor closed the public hearing.
Upon a roll call vote, the vote was as follows:
Informal Public Hearing - First Consideration - Ordinance Amendment - Alcoholic
Beverage Licensing and Regulations
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to approve
the following ordinance:
(Amendments Respecting Alcoholic Beverage Licensing and Regulations)
William Joynes introduced the agenda item.
The Playor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Hearing and seeing no
one, the Mayor closed the public hearing.
Upon a roll call vote, the vote was as follows:
*Petition Regarding Turners Crossroad
MOVED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to receive
and file the petition, received November 7, 1989, and consider it at the public
hearing rega rding no parking restrictions on Turners Crossroad.
Regular Meeting of the City Council
November 21, 1989
Page 4
*Thank You Letter from Golden Valley Women of Today
MOVED by Qakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to receive
and file the thank you letter, received November 14, 1989, from Golden Valley
Women of Today.
Staff Report - Traffic Concerns - Thotland Road
Lowell Odland reviewed the petition requesting installation of a stop sign and
children at play signs, and the criteria used to determine if a stop sign is
The f�layor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon.
Bob Mattison, 1120 Angelo Drive, concerned over safety of childen in area because
of speed of cars and bli nd i ntersection; and di stributed a map showi ng where the
neighborhood would like to see a stop sign installed. (Thotland Road and Angelo
Paula Pentel , 941 Angelo Drive, concerned over speeding cars, blind intersection
because cars have ended up on the neighbors front driveway and feels a stop sign
or yield sign should be installed.
Greg Conboy, 1100 Angelo Drive, stated there are alot of new children in the area
and a stop sign would help, especially in winter.
John Roach, 5704 Thotland Road, suggested the Council drive through the neighborhood
themselves, late afternoon to early evening, to see the problem first hand.
Jim Armour, 1121 Angelo Drive, stated the neighborhood has changed and there
are more children living in, stating traffic is worst between 4:30 - 5:30 PM and
feels the stop sign would at least slow the traffic down.
The �layor closed the public hearing.
MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Stockman and rnotion carried unanimously to authorize
staff to install a yield and children at play sign on Thotland Road and additional
radar patrol and monitoring of the neighborhood.
Mayor Anderson will meet with residents in the neighborhood to discuss other
alternatives to increase traffic safety and security in the area, and possibly
incorporate any ideas into a neighborhood watch program.
Regular Meeting of the City Council
November 21, 1989
Page 5
Staff Report - Traffic Concerns - Kyle Avenue
Lowell Odland reviewed the request regarding speeding traffic.
The Playor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Hearing and seeing no
one, the Mayor closed the public hearing.
MOVED by Bakken, seconded by Stockman and motion carried unanimously to request
Public Safety to monitor Kyle Avenue on an irregular basis and issue traffic
violations as warranted.
*Reset P1ileage Reimbursement Rate
Member Bakken introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by ��lember
Thompson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Stockman and Thompson; and the following was
absent: Johnson; and the following voted against the sarne: none, whereupon
said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the ��ayor and
her signature attested by the Deputy City Clerk.
*October 1989 General Fund Budget Report
MOVED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to receive
and file the October 1989 General Fund Budget Report.
Rejection of Bids - Brookvier� Clubhouse
William Joynes stated staff was unable to negotiate the contract with Palani
Construction to an acceptable level to fit within the budgeted amount and is
recommending the bid be rejected.
MOVED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to reject
the bid from Palani Construction for Brookview Golf Course Clubhouse addition
and remodeling and authorize staff to negotiate with the architect to redesign
and rebid the project in 1990.
*Quotes - Flamable Liquor Storage Cabinets
MOVED by Qakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to purchase
five Justrite 45 gallon cabinet and one Protectoseal paint solvent cabinet from
the lowest responsible bidder, Fire Safety and Communications Corp. , (FISCO) for
a total of $3,200.25. The quotes we re as follows:
Justrite 45 Protectoseal Paint
Gallon Cabinet Solvent Cabinet
Uiking Safety Products $577.00/each $488.90/each
Fire Safety & Communications Corp. 542.05/each 490.00/each
Regular Meeting of the City Council
November 21, 1989
Page 6
*Quotes - Hydraulic Pump
MOVED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to purchase
one hydraulic pump from the only responsible bidder, Long Lake Ford Tractor for
*Bids - Fire Pumper Truck and Appurtenances
h10VED by Bakken, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to award
the bid for the purchase and construction of the fire pumper truck for a base
price of $179,935.00 with the following alternates - #2, 110 Volt Air
Compressor; and Alternate #5, Dri Deck on all compartment floors for a total
price of $181,025.00. The bids are as follows:
Alt #1 Alt #2 Alt #3 Alt #4 Alt #5
350 HP 110 Volt Air Alum. Hose Dri
Base Bid Engine Air Comp Cond Bed Cover Deck Total
Custom Fire $179,935 $6,900 $740 $520 $1,100 $350 $189,545
Minnesota Conway 170,305 6,850 797 600 1,404 128 180,084
Announcements of Pleeti ngs
Council Members Bakken, Johnson and Stockman will attend the National League of
Cities Congress of Cities and Exposition on November 25-29, 1989 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Mayor's Communications
�tayor Anderson stated she met with the �layors from Robbinsdale, Crystal and
Brooklyn Center and outlined the city's position regarding the proposed LRT
system. Brooklyn Park will be holding an informational meeting in December
and h�ayor Anderson wi 11 i nvi te Kevi n P�cAleese, Planni ng Commi ssioner and Mark
Grimes, Director of Planning and Development to attend the meeting.
Northwest Hennepin Human Servics Council Long Range Plans
Mayor Anderson distributed copies of the 1989 Long Range Plan for the Pdorthwest
Hennepin Human Services Council .
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to adjourn
the meeting at 9:25 PM.
, �1�' � �� .�'/��`�
�1ary E. derson, Mayor
u y Nall , eputy Cit Clerk