08-07-90 CC Minutes Regular Meeting
of the
City Council
August 7, 1990
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Golden Valley, Hennepin County, P1innesota was held at 7800
Golden Valley Road in said City on August 7, 1990 at 6:30 PP1.
The following members were present: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and
Thompson. Also present were: William Joynes, City t1anager; Lowell Odland,
Director of Public Works; Robert h1eller, Acting City Attorney; and Judy Nally,
Administrative Secretary.
A roval of Minutes: Cit Council - Jul 10, 1990 and July 17, 1990 and
ounci anager - u y ,
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to approve
the City Council minutes of July 10, 1990 as submitted.
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Bakken and motion carried unanimously to approve
the City Council minutes of July 17, 1990 as submitted.
P�OVED by Bakken, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to approve
the Council/Manager minutes of July 10, 1990 as submitted.
�proval of Agenda
P�OVED by Thompson, seconded by Bakken and motion carried unanimously to approve
the agenda of August 7, 1990 as amended: Addition of Departmental Items -
Request to Serve Beer and/or Wine at Brookview Park - Robert Hoover and Request
for Inflatable Balloon for Jir� Lupient Oldsmobile.
Approval of Consent Agenda
P�10VED by Stockr�an, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to approve
the items on the consent agenda, indicated by an asterisk (*).
*Bills and Claims
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to authorize
payment of the bills as submitted.
P10UED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to authorize
the issuance of license #13435 to #13439 and #6203 to #6204.
*Gar�bling License Exemption - Church of St. Margaret Mary
P�10VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to receive
and file the gambling license exemption for the Church of St. Margaret Mary.
Regular Meeting of the City Council
August 7, 1990
Page 2
*P1inutes of Board and Com�issions
P70VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to receive
and file the minutes received as follows:
Housing Task Force - July 16, 1990
Board of Zoning Appeals - July 10, 1990
Building Board of Review - July 2, 1990
Bassett Creek Water Management Commission - P�ay 15 and June 21, 1990
Open Space and Recreation Commission - June 25, 1990
Informal Public Hearing - No Parking Request - Colorado Circle
Lowell Odland introduced the agenda ite�.
The P1ayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon.
Gale Hedman, Airtite, 6160 Colorado Circle, would like about twenty feet on the
right of the driveway entrance and across the street from the driveway to be
posted no parking.
Scott Severson, Green Stuff, 735 Colorado Avenue South, he supports the proposal
reviewed by P�r. Hedman.
The �1ayor closed the public hearing.
htember Thompson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, as
The r�otion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by tler�ber
Johnson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson; and the following
voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted, signed by the Playor and her signature attested by the City
Informal Public Hearing - Stop Sign Request - Aquila Avenue at Rose tlanor
William Joynes introduced the agenda item.
The �1ayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon.
Curt Larson, 2380 Aquila Avenue North, petitioner, feels a stop sign should be
Dennis Davies, 2335 Aquila Avenue North, approves of stop sign request.
Dave Crowley, 2320 Aquila Avenue North, does not want a stop sign, feels a reduced
speed sign should be installed.
Regular Meeting of the City Council
August 7, 1990
Page 3
Informal Public Hearing - Stop Sign_Request - Aquila Avenue at Rose Manor -
�i nue
Clinton Schroeder, 2505 Aquila Avenue North, feels the yellow line at the curve
should not be removed.
The P1ayor closed the public hearing.
MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Bakken and motion carried unanimously to authorize
the staff to install an advisory speed sign at the curve on Aquila Avenue.
*Letter from Herb Bedwell Regarding Valley Days
�10VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and �otion carried unanimously to receive
and file the thank you letter from Herb Bedwell , Golden Valley Lions Club
Representative, dated July 11, 1990 regarding Valley Days Celebration.
*Letters from Julia Taber, John and Jill Breczinski , Glenn and Mar Steinke and
Lloyd Armstrong Regarding Spring and torm Limb Pickup
P10VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unani�ously to receive
and file the thank you letters from Julia Taber, dated July 13, 1990; John and
Jill Breczinski ; Glenn and Mary Steinke, dated �1ay 30, 1990; and Lloyd Armstrong
regarding spring and storm limb pickup.
Petition to "Dead End" Natchez Avenue South
William Joynes introduced the agenda item.
The t�ayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were
afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon.
Dave Albersman, 1405 Natchez Avenue South, petitioner, asked the Council
consider the request to close Natchez Avenue South at I-394.
Lloyd Armstrong, 1415 Natchez Avenue South, feels that Natchez Avenue South
should be closed.
The t�ayor closed the public hearing.
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to call
for an informal public hearing for September 18, 1990 to consider the petition,
and request staff to notify the appropriate sections of the City that may be
impacted by the closing of Natchez and prepare a staff recommendation by
September 13, 1990.
*Letter from Dave Crowley Regarding Stop Sign Request on Aquila Avenue at Rose
P40VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to receive
and file the letter from Dave Crowley, dated August 3, 1990 regarding the stop
sign request and consider it at the public hearing.
Regular Meeting of the City Council
August 7, 1990
Page 4
*Requests to Serve Beer and/or Wine at Brookview Park
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to receive
file and approve the following requests to serve beer and/or wine at Brookvieva
Park: Sandy Hicks, dated July 13, 1990 to serve beer at the small shelter on
August 12, 1990 from noon to 7:00 PP4; Jet Edge, dated July 12, 1990 to serve
beer at the small shelter on August 18, 1990 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM; Honeywell
Inc. (Contract Sales), dated July 17, 1990 to serve beer and wine at the large
shelter on August 16, 1990 from 11:00 AM until dusk; Honeywell Inc. (P1ilitary
Avionics), dated August 1 , 1990 to serve beer and wine at the large shelter on
August 23, 1990 from 11:00 Aht until dusk; Honeywell Inc. (Residential ), dated
August 1 , 1990 to serve beer and wine at the large shelter on August 30, 1990
from 4:01 to dusk; IDS Financial Services Inc, dated July 19, 1990 to serve beer
at the large shelter on August 10, 1990 from 11:00 AP1 until 4:00 Pt1; Starbird
Electric Company, dated July 26, 1990 to serve beer and wine at the large
shelter on September 8, 1990 from 11:00 AI� to 10:00 Pf1; General hlills (Quality
Control ) , dated July 25, 1990 to serve beer and wine at the large shelter on
� August 21, 1990 from 5:00 PP1 until dusk; General P��ills (P1arketing), to serve
beer and wine at the large shelter on August 15, 1990 from 11:00 AP1 to 4:00 PP1;
Rimage, dated August 3, 1990 to serve beer and wine at a tent on August 11 , 1990
from 2:00 PP� to 6:00 PP�; and Robert Hoover, dated August 6, 1990 to serve beer
and wine at the large shelter on August 18, 1990 fron 11:00 AP1 to 5:00 PP1.
*Appointment of Election Judges for Primary Election
Member Stockman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member
Johnson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson; and the following
voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted, signed by the Playor and her signature attested by the City
*Call for Public Hearin - Com rehensive Plan Amendment - Trans ortation and
ewer lements -
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to call a
public hearing to consider amendments to the transportation and sewer elements
of the comprehensive plan for September 4, 1990.
Regular Meeting of the City Council
August 7, 1990
Page 5
*Authorization to Sign Subrecipient A reement for CDBG Pro ram
P1ember Stockman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
The r�otion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by t1ember
Johnson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson; and the following
voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted, signed by the Playor and her signature attested by the City
*Waiver of Public Hearin and Orderin Construction and A roval of Plans and
peci ications an anner o onstruct�on - ater •a�n - i ac Drive
�1er�ber Stockman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
90 WM 1
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by ��ember
Johnson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson; and the following
voted against the sar�e: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted, signed by the P1ayor and her signature attested by the City
Member Stockman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
90 6JP1 1
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by P�ember
Johnson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson; and the following
voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted, signed by the P�ayor and her signature attested by the City
Regular Pleeting of the City Council
August 7, 1990
Page 6
Call for Public Nearin : 1991 Bud ets (General , Utilit , Brookview Golf and
otor e ic e icens�ng un s
Willian Joynes introduced the agenda ite�.
t10VED by Thompson, seconded by Stockman and �otion carried unanimously to set
November 20, 1990 as the date for the public hearing for consideration of the
1991 Budget and December 18, 1990 as the reconvened public hearing.
Authorizin the Issuance and Sale of $695,000 General Obli ation Im rovement
Bonds, er�es an , enera i ation ui nent erti icates of
n e te ness, eries
Don Taylor, Finance Director, introduced the agenda ite�.
�lember Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by �1ember
Tho�pson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson; and the following
voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted, signed by the P1ayor and her signature attested by the City
Member Stockman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by P�1ember
Bakken and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Tho�pson; and the following
voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted, signed by the flayor and her signature attested by the City
Call for Infor�al Public Hearin - Tem orary Closin of Soo Line Railroad
rossing at Laure venue for nsta lation of Rubber rossings -
Lowell Odland introduced the agenda item.
P-10VED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to receive
and file the information and direct staff to prepare the necessary information
for the September 4 1990 meeting to allow the Council to make a determination on
whether to call a public hearing this year or next on the project.
Regular Meeting of the City Council
August 7, 1990
Page 7
*Establishment of Policy for Retention of Video Tapes
P1ember Stockman introduced the following resolution and �oved its adoption:
The �otion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by hlember
Johnson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor
thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson; and the following
voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly
passed and adopted, signed by the r�ayor and her signature attested by the City
Approval of Permi t for Berm at 5125 f1i nnaqua Dri ve
Lowell Odland introduced the agenda iter�.
. h10VED by Johnson, seconded by Thor�pson and motion carried unanimously to approve
the installation of a berm and pump at 5125 h1innaqua Drive subject to conditions
imposed by the Bassett Creek Water �lanager�ent Commission.
P�layor Anderson suggested the Council request the Bassett Creek Water Management
Comr�ission to ask the federal government to reinstate funding for flood proofing.
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanir�ously to have
the �1ayor write a letter to the Bassett Creek Water Management Commission asking
the federal government to reinstate funding of the flood proofing program down
stream of T.H. 100 as proposed in the original Bassett Creek Plan.
Request for Inflatable Balloon for Jim Lupient Oldsmobile
William Joynes introduced the agenda item.
F10VED by Thompson, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to grant
the request submitted by Sky-Tracker Pror�otions to display a 30' inflatable
balloon at Jim Lupient Oldsmobile located at 7100 Wayzata Boulevard from August
10, 1990 thru September 3, 1990.
*Quotes - Fall Soccer Clothing
h10VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to purchase
clothing for the 1990 fall soccer program from the lowest responsible 5idder,
Kokesh Athletic for $1,444.90. The quotes were as follows:
Kokesh Athletics $1,444.90
Star Sports 1,717.90
Flagship Promotions 1,558.15
Regular f4eeting of the City Council
August 7, 1990
Page 8
*Quotes - Window Cleaning for City Buildings
P�OVED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and �otion carried unanimously to authorize
the hiring of a window cleaning co�pany for the city hall buildings from the
only bidder, Action Window Cleaning for $1 ,760.00.
*Emergency Generator Power Connection
�10VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to authorize
the installation of panel connections to the generator in the Public Safety
Building from Egan McKay, Inc. for $2,725.00.
*Bids - Honeywell Little League Field Lighting
P�10VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to award
the bid for lighting of the Honeywell Little League field from the lowest
responsible bidder, Electric Service Company for $28,803.00. The bids �vere as
Electric Service Company $28,803.00
CSI Electric 32,870.00
*Bids - Lakeview and 6Jesley Park Outdoor Lighting
��OVED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and �otion carried unani�ously to award
the bid for the installation of outdoor lighting at Lakevieva and Wesley Parks
from the only bidder Electric Services for $41 ,589.00.
*Quotes - Playground Equipment for Papoose Park
�10VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to authorize
the purchase and installation of playground equipment at Papoose Park from the
lowest responsible bidder, Earl F. Anderson for $13,623.25. The quotes were as
Earl F. Anderson $13,623.25
Gerber Leisure Products 15,685.00
Dakota Equipment Co�pany 16,210.00
*Quotes - Irrigation Parts for Golf Course
F10VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unani�ously to purchase
irrigation parts for the golf course from the lowest responsible bidder, P1TI for
$1,054.08. The quotes were as follows:
�1TI $ 1,054.08
Reliable Irrigation 1,200.00
Regular t�leeting of the City Council
August 7, 1990
Page 9
*Quotes - Government Center Signage
MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to purchase
building identification and regulatory signs for the Government Center from the
lowest responsible bidder, Plidway Signs for $3,263.34. The quotes were as follows:
Midway Signs $ 3,263.34
Nordquist Signs 4,800.50
Bids - Western Avenue Trail
William Joynes introduced the agenda item.
P�OVED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to award
the bid for the construction of an asphalt trail along Western Avenue between
Winnetka Avenue and the existing trail in Lions Park from the lowest responsible
bidder, Barber Construction for $36,927.60, including the installation of concrete
in front of the homes at 7500 Western Avenue and 7450 Ridgeway Road. The bids
are as follows:
Barber Construction $36,227.60
Bituminous Consulting 39,492.00
Driveway Design 40,660.00
Bituminous Roadways 56,511.00
Announcements of Meetings
No action taken.
Set Day for Board/Commission Interview
Mayor Anderson will contact some of the previous applicants to see if they are
interested in being interviewed for the Board of Zoning Appeals vacancy.
Mayor's Communications
No action taken.
Presentation to Robert Hennessey, Fire Chief
The �layor presented an engraved pewter bowl to Robert Hennessey for his service
to the community. The Council expressed their appreciation for his service.
VFW Donation of Fire Department Training Equipment
The VFW presented the Fire Department with a CPR practice dummy. The Council
and staff thanked the VFW for their donation.
HRC Proposal for Group Homes Seminar
The Council discussed the proposal . Council P1embers Johnson and Stockman will
meet with Gene Sylvestre and �embers of the Human Rights Com�ission to review
the proposal and report back to the Council .
Regular P�eeting of the City Council
August 7, 1990
Page 10
Registration for LP1C Regional Meeting - 9/12/90
Mayor Anderson stated if any members are interested in attending the meeting to
contact staff.
Registration for NLC 1990 Congress of Cities and Exposition - 12/1 - 12/5/90
P�ayor Anderson asked the Council to notify staff if they plan on attending the
Congress of Cities.
P10UED by Thompson, seconded by Stockman and motion carried unanimously to adjourn
the meeting at 8:30 PM.
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P�ary E. erson, �1ayor
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all , dministr ive ecretary