09-04-90 CC Minutes Regular F1eeting of the City Council September 4, 1990 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 7800 Golden Valley Road in said City on Septer�ber 4, 1990 at 6:30 P�1. The following members were present: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson. Also present were: 4Jilliar� Joynes, City Manager; Lowell Odland, Director of Public Works; Allen Barnard, City Attorney; and Judy Nally, Administrative Secretary. Approval of P�inutes : August 7, 14 and 21, 1990 P10VED by Stockman, seconded by Thor�pson and r�otion carried unanir�ously to approve the City Council minutes of August 7, 1990 as subr�itted. P10VED by Johnson, seconded by Thompson and r�otion carried unanir�ously to approvP the City Council minutes of August 14, 1990 as subr�itted. P10VED by Thompson, seconded by Stockr�an and r�otion carried unanir�ously to approve - the City Council r�inutes of August 21 , 1990 as subr�itted. Approval of Agenda P10VED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and r�otion carried unanimously to approve the agenda of September 4, 1990 as amended: Addition of Mayor and Council Iter�: Laurel Avenue/I-394 Access. Approval of Consent Agenda 110VED by Stockman, seconded by Thor�pson and r�otion carried unanimously to approve the items on the consent agenda, indicated by an asterisk (*) , except rer�oval of Playor and Council Iter�: Appointment to Conmunity Action for Suburban Hennepin Board. *Bills and Claims P10VED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanir�ously to authorize payment of the bills as subr�itted. *Licenses P10VED by Stockman, seconded by Thor�pson and r�otion carried unanir�ously to authorize the issuance of license #13442 to #13447 and #6205. *��1inutes of Board and Commissions P10VED by Stockman, seconded by Thor�pson and motion carried unanir�ously to receive and file the minutes received as follows: 61ack History P1onth Cor�mittee - August 16, 1990 Board of Zoning Appeals - August 14, 1990 Regular Pleeting of the City Council Septe�ber 4, 1990 Page 2 Public Hearin� - Co�prehensive Plan Amend�ent - Transportation and Sewer Ele�ents P1ark Grines, Director of Planning and Development and Lovaell Odland reviewed the transportation and sewer elements of the Co�prehensive Plan and answered questions from the Council . The P�1ayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so �ver� afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Hearing and seAing no one, the Playor closed the public hearing. P1e�ber Johnson introduced the following resolution and �oved its adoption: RESOLUTION 90-54 RESOLUTIOfd AMEfJDING THE TRA�lSPORTATIOP� APJD SEL�ER ELEPIENTS OF THE COP1PREHEPJSIVE PLAN The r�otion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by f1er�ber Thompson and upon a vote being taken thereon, th� following voted in favor thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson; and the following voted against the sar�e: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the P1ayor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. Inforr�al Public Hearing - First Consideration - Ordinance #43 - Alcoholic Beverages Licensing and Regulations The following ordinance was f10VED by Bakl<en, seconded by Johnson: ORDINANCE #43, 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMEfdDING THE CITY CODE (Ar�endments Respecting Alcoholic Beverages Licensing and Regulation) Al1en Barnard introduced the agenda item. The tlayor opened the r�eeting for public input and persons present to do so were afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Hearing and seeing no one, the P1ayor closed tne public hearing. The Council requested the Attorney to clarify the Exclusive Liquor Store definition in the ordinance before Second Consideration. *Letter from Dwight Anderson P,egardinq Storm Brush Pick-Up �10VED by Stockman, seconded by Thor�pson and motion carried unanir�ously to receive and file the letter fror� Dwight Anderson, dated August 7, 1990 regarding storr� brush pick-up. Regular hleeting of the City Council September 4, 1990 Page 3 *Requests to Serve Beer and/or Wine at Brookview Park P10VED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unani�ously to receive, file and approve the following requests to serve beer and/or wine at Brookvie�v Park: Fireman 's Fund, dated August 16, 1990 to serve beer and wine at the large shelter on September 6, 1990 from 5:00 PP1 until dusk; Caroline Ainsworth, dated August 17, 1990 to serve beer and wine at the s�all shelter on Septe�ber 5, 1990 fro� 5:00 Pf1 until dusk; General ��ills (P1arketing), to serve beer and wine at the large and small shelter on Septe�ber 22, 1990 from 11:00 Ah1 until 4:00 PM; Honeywell (f1RC) , dated August 23, 1990 to serve beer and wine at the small shelter on September 12, 1990 from 5:00 PP1 until dusk; MotivAction, dated August 28, 1990 to serve beer at the large shelter on Septe�ber 7, 1990 fro� 5:00 PP1 until dusk; and Cesco Products, dated August 29, 1990 to serve beer at the large shelter on September 19, 1990 fro� 5:00 P�1 until dusk. *Waiver of Public Hearing and Ordering Construction and Approval of Plans and Specifications and Order Planner of Construction - 90 bJf1 4 - 1532 Boone Avenue North Plember Stockman introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIO�d 90-55 RESOLUTIOPd 6JAIVING THE PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT TO ��1IfJNESOTA STATUTES 429.031 , SUBD. 3 AND ORDERING CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PP,OPOSED PUBLIC IP1PROVE�1ENTS 90 4JP1 4 1532 BOONE AVENUE NORTH The r�otion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by f�er�ber Thompson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thor�pson; and the following voted against the sar�e: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Playor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. P1er�ber Stockman introduced the following resolution and r�oved its adoption: RESOLUTION 90-56 RESOLUTIO�I APPf:OVING PLANS APdD SPECIFICATIOPdS APdD ORDERING �1ANNER OF COPJSTRUCTION 90 bJP1 4 1532 BOONE AVErJUE NORTH The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by flember Thompson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockr�an and Thompson; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the P1ayor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. Regular t,1eeting of the City Council September 4, 1990 Page 4 Update on Soo Line Railroad Crossings at Laurel Lowell Odland introduced the agenda item. MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the memo fro� Scott Brink, dated August 30, 1990, regarding installation of rubber crossings at the Soo Line Railroad tracks at Laurel Avenue and report back to the Council on the status of the project in early 1991. Mayor Anderson requested staff send a letter to Audrey Nesheim at Laurel Hills Condominiums informing her of the Council action. *Quotes - Asbestos Abatement Brookview Clubhouse ��OVED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to authorize the removal of asbestos in the Brookview Golf Course clubhouse prior to the remodeling from the lowest responsible bidder, Allegro for $9,305.00. The quotes were as follows : Allegro $ 9,305.00 P1avo 10,740.00 *Bids - See�an Park Tennis Court Repair and Resurfacing MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Tho�pson and motion carried unani�ously to award the bid for the Seeman Park tennis court repair and hard surface play area resurfacing from the lowest responsible bidder, Plehal Blacktopping for $26,000.00. The bids were as follows: Plehal Blacktopping $26,000.00 Bitu�inous Consulting 27,566.00 Barber Construction 32,350.00 *Quotes - Sander P�OVED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to purchase one monroe sander from the lowest responsible bidder, Crysteel Truck Equipment for $1,420.00. The quotes were as follows : Crysteel Truck Equipment $1,420.00 MacQueen Equip�ent, Inc. 1,997.00 *Quotes - Pond Dredging f�10VED by Stock�an, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to authorize the re�oval of sand and silt from Bassett Creek adjacent to Zane Avenue in Bassett Creek Park from the lowest responsible bidder, F. F. Jedlicki , Inc. for $80.00 per hour for an estimated cost of $1 ,500.00. The bids were as follows: F. F. Jedlicki , Inc. $80.00/per hour S. P1. Hentges & Sons, Inc. 125.00/per hour Regular Meeting of the City Council September 4, 1990 Page 5 Bids - Brookview Golf Course Clubhouse Addition and Re�odeling William Joynes introduced the agenda item. P10VED by Johnson, seconded by Tho�pson and motion carried unanimously to award the bid for the Brookview Golf Course clubhouse addition and remodeling from the lowest responsible bidder, �1et-Con t1etro for $418,030. The bids were as follo4rs: Met-Con Metro $418,030 Parkos Construction 467,625 �lerrimac 481,426 Shingobee Building 509,327 Socon Construction 577,900 Palani Construction 593,000 *Bids - Brookview Golf Course Clubhouse Kitchen Equipr�ent P10VED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and r�otion carried unaninously to award the bid to provide kitchen equipment at the Golf Course Clubhouse fror� the lowest . responsible bidder, Palr� Brothers for $32,868.00. The bids were as follows: Palm Brothers $32,868.00 Johnson Equipment 35,717.00 John Sexton & Co. 35,990.00 *Quotes - 2 Pdozzles for Fire Department MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to purchase five 21�" nozzles to replace equipment in the Fire Department from the lowest responsible bidder, Cleary Safe Equipment, Inc. for a total of $2,787.50. The quotes are as follows: Cleary Safety Equipment, Inc. $2,787.50 P�innesota Conway Fire & Safety 3,090.00 Custom Fire 3,125.00 Awardin Sale of $695,000 General Obli ation Im rover�ent Bonds, Series 1990B and 300,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 1990C Don Taylor, Finance Director and Dave r4acGillivray were present to review the bids and answer questions from the Council . P�ember Thompson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: P,ESOLUTION 90-57 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE, AWARDING SALE, PRESCRIBING THE FORM A��D DETAILS AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAY�IENT OF $695,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 1990B The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by t�ember Johnson and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the r�ayor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. Regular P�eeting of the City Council Septe�ber 4, 1990 Page 6 Awardin Sale of $695,000 General Obli ation Im rovement Bonds, Series 19906 and 300,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 1990C - Continued �lember Thompson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 90-58 RESOLUTION PRESCRIBI�JG THE FORf� AND DETAILS AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYF1E�lT OF $300,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, SERIES 1990C The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by f1e�ber Bakken and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, Stockman and Thompson; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the t1ayor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. Announcements of �leetings Mayor Anderson stated the Group No�e Se�inar will be held on October 23, 1990. The Council set October 16, 1990 at 4:30 P�1 as the date for the Budget l�Jorkshop. The date for the Govern�ent Center Grand Opening is October 2, 1990. P1ayor Anderson, Council ��e�ber Stockman and staff will meet with Tom Anding regarding the I-394 corridor on Septe�ber 6, 1990 at 8:00 Af1 in the �1anager's Conference Room at the Gov�rnment Center. *f�ayor's Co��unications - Red Ribbon Campaign �10VED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and �otion carried unanimously to receive and file the �emo dated August 15, 1990 from the Red Ribbon Planning Com�ittee. *P1ayor's Communications - World Su��it for Children Proclamation MOVED by Stockman, seconded by Thompson and motion carried unani�ously to proclai� Septe�ber 23 - 30, 1990 as World Su��it for Children Week. Appointment to Community Action for Suburban Hennepin Board �1ayor Anderson introduced the agenda item. P�OVED by Thompson, seconded by Stockman and motion carried unani�ously to thank Gloria Johnson for her willingness to serve and endorse and support her appointment to the Community Action for Suburban Hennepin Board for a one year term expiring September 30, 1991. Reqistration for LP1C Policy Adoption Meeting P4ayor Anderson and Council Plember Bakken will attend the Policy Adoption meeting. Staff will include a copy of the detailed agenda for the LP�C meeting when it is available. Regular Pleeting of the City Council September 4, 1990 Page 7 Laurel Avenue/I-394 Access Council Member Thompson suggested directing traffic between 4Jinnetka Avenue South and I-394 east via 4Jestern and Pennsylvania rather than or as well as via Laurel to Louisiana. Council P�1embers are to drive the routes individually and staff is to prepare comments for discussion at a future meeting. Adjourn�ent P10VED by Tho�pson, seconded by Stockman and �otion carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 PM. � � � ' '! ' 1 ,�� P1ary E. erson, P1ayor ATTEST: �.� �' �:��.��, �_��-�, J d� P�all , Adminis4 ative Secretary �1