01-03-95 CC Minutes unsigned Regular Meeting of the City Council January 3, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 7800 Golden Valley Road in said City on January 3, 1995 at 6:30 PM. The following members were present: Johnson, Micks, Russell , Thompson, and Tremere. Also present were: William Joynes, City Manager; Allen Barnard, City Attorney; and Judy Nally, Administrative Secretary. A roval of Minutes: Cit Council Meetin and Executive Session Statement - November 15, 9 MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Russell and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the November 15, 1994, Executive Session Statement as submitted and City Council minutes as amended: Authorization for Human Rights Commission Poster Contest - second paragraph - second line - . . .consider, add "including all students K-5, in all public and private schools located in Golden Valley, with notification of other students in the city newsletter." Approval of Agenda MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to approve the agenda of January 3, 1995 as amended: deletion of Departmental Items - Request by Treasurer' s Island to Raise Pylon Sign, and Call for Administrative Hearing - Junk Cars and Related Violations - 7100 Sandburg Road - 1/17/95. Approval of Consent Agenda MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to approve the items on the consent agenda, indicated by an asterisk (*). Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem Mayor Tremere introduced the agenda item. MOVED by Russell , seconded by Thompson and motion carried unanimously to appoint Council Member Johnson as Mayor Pro Tem for a period of one year. *Set Time and Place of Agenda Closing MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to set the closing time and place for receipt of public information for the Council agenda at 4:30 PM on the Wednesday preceding the Council Meeting in the City Manager's Office. *Designation of Official Publication MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to designate the New Hope-Golden Valley SunPost as the City' s official newspaper. Regular Meeting of the City Council January 3, 1995 Page 2 *Bills and Claims MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to authorize payment of the bids as submitted. *Licenses MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to authorize the issuance of license #15308 - #15309 and #6641 - #6643. *Precious Metal Dealer License - AAA Watches, Incorporated - 7924 Olson Memorial Hi hwa MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to approve the 1995 precious metal dealer license for AAA Watches, Inc. , located at 7924 Olson Memorial Highway. *Solicitor's License - Sexual Violence Center MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to approve the solicitor's license for the Sexual Violence Center. *Minutes of Boards and Commissions MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the minutes received as follows: Board of Zoning Appeals - December 13, 1994 Continued Public Hearin - First Consideration - Ordinance #119 - General Plan Approval - PUD # 5 - Golden Valley Shopping Center The following ordinance was MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Russell : ORDINANCE #119, 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE Approval of the General Plan of Development for PUD #65 7901 Golden Valley Road, 505 Winnetka Avenue, 7860-8040, 8200, and 8224 Olson Memorial Highway Trach Properties, Applicant William Joynes updated the Council on the status and reasons for continuation of the public hearing. The Mayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Hearing and seeing no one, the Mayor closed the public hearing. MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Russell and motion carried unanimously to continue the public hearing for consideration of Ordinance #119 until January 17, 1995. Regular Meeting of the City Council January 3, 1995 Page 3 *Designation of Depositories for City Funds Member Thompson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 95-1 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Micks and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Johnson, Micks, Russell , Thompson and Tremere; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. *November, 1994 General Fund Budget Report MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the November, 1994 General Fund Budget Report. *Request by Treasure 's Island to Raise Pylon Sign The item was deleted from the agenda for further staff review. *Call for Administrative Hearing - Junk Cars and Related Violations - 7100 Sandburg Lane - 1/17/95 The item was deleted from the agenda for further staff review. Announcements of Meetings - Set Date for Council /Staff Retreat - Reset Council Meeting Dates The Council set the Council /Staff Retreat for February 11 , 1995 at 8:30 AM at the Brookview Community Center. The Council was requested to have retreat topics forwarded to the Mayor by January 11, after which the Mayor and City Manager will review the topics. The Council discussed limiting the topics to 3 or 4; and/or set time limits, and have some staff inembers attend the first part of the retreat and continue the remainder of the meeting with a limited number of staff. MOVED by Micks, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to reset the following City Council meetings: July 4 to July 11; October 3 to October 10, and November 7 to November 14, 1995. Mayor' s Communications Mayor Tremere reviewed communications he received regarding appointment to the Metropolitan Council and NLC policy committees. Regular Meeting of the City Council January 3, 1995 Page 4 Council Assi nments - Lea ue of Minnesota Cities, Association of Metro olitan Municipalities, and Council Commission ubcommittees William Joynes introduced the agenda item. MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Russell and motion carried unanimously to make the following appointments: Legislative Liaison and Spokesperson - Mayor Tremere - 1 year term League of Minnesota Cities - Mayor Tremere, Delgate; and Council Member Thompson, Alternate - 1 year term Association of Metropolitan Municipalities - Council Member Johnson, Delegate; and Council Member Russell , Alternate - 1 year term Association of Metropolitan Municipalities Legislative �iaisons - First Contact - Mayor Tremere; Second Contact - Council Member Micks - 1 year term Council Commission Subcommittees - 1 year term Planning Commission: Russell and Thompson Human Rights Commission: Johnson and Micks Open Space and Recreation Commission: Johnson and Micks Staff was requested to check on the appointment of Council Member Micks for the Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council Executive Soard. Council Appointments - Assistant Weed Inspector, Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council Executive Board, and Northwest Suburbs Cable Commission Mayor Tremere introduced the agenda item. Mayor Tremere will appoint Ron Hammer as the Assistant Weed Inspector for a one year term. MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to appoint Carol Johnson to the Civil Service Commission for a three year term to expire on January 1, 1998. The Council discussed the appointments to the Northwest Suburbs Cable Communications Commission. Mayor Tremere will speak with Ray Stockman about reappointment, and the item will be placed on the January 17, 1995 Council Agenda. Conference/Seminar Registrations - GTS Seminars for All Elected Officals; LMC Conference for Newly Elected Officals and NLC Annual Congressional-City Conference Mayor Tremere asked the Council Members to notify staff if they plan on attending any of the conferences and/or seminars. Regular Meeting of the City Council January 3, 1995 Page 5 Presentation of Certificates of Appointment The Mayor presented Robert Lang, Human Services Foundation P�ember; and Arthur Sirkin, Civil Service Commission Member; with a Certificates of Appointment and mug. Presentation of Awards to Photo Contest Winners Cheryl Weiler, Communications Coordinator, reviewed the rules and criteria used in judging the photos for the second annual "Views of the Valley" photo contest. She also discussed the possibility of the Human Services Foundation publishing a calendar using contest photos and selling it as a fundraiser. The winning photos were shown to the Council and the winners were each presented with a Certificate of Appreciation, ribbon, cash award and mugs. The first place photo will be used on the cover of the residents ' guide. The second and third place photos will be published in the guide. The winners are: First Place - Marguerite Harbison, 6038 Golden Valley Road; Second Place - Stan Waldhauser, 3220 Orchard Avenue North; and Third Place - Linda Athens, 2009 Hillsboro Avenue North. The Council congratulated the winners. Adjournment MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 PM. Blair Tremere, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Nally, Administrative Secretary