03-07-95 CC Minutes unsigned Regul ar '•1eeti ng of the City Council !1arch 7, 1995 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Golden Valley, !�ennepin County, '�innesota �,�as held at 7�00 Golden Valley Road in said City on i�arch 7, 1995 at 5:30 PM. The follo��ing m�mbers ��ere present: Johnson, �licks, Russell , Thompson , and Tremere. �lso present �,•�ere: Jeanne Andre, Assistant to the ��1anager; Alleii 3arnard, �ity Attorney; and Judy Nally, Administrative Secretary. Approval of Minutes : Special �ouncil P�eeting - �ecember 20, 1994; and Februarv 7 , 1995 MOVED by Johnson, seconded by "�icks and motion carri2d unanimously to approve `he Dece�nber 20, 1994 and February 7 , 1995 City Council '�inutes as submitted. Approval of ,Agenda "10VED by 4ussell , seconded by Thompson and motion carriQd unanimously to approve the agenda of hlarcn 7 , 1995 as amended: Addition of Mayor and Council Item - Proclamation for Chill Jrill ^lonth. Approval of Consent 4genda MOVED by Johnson, seconded by "�icks and motion carried unanimously to approve the items on the consent agenda, indicated by an asterisk (*) , adding Mayor and Council Item - Proclamation for Chill Drill Month. *Bills and Claims MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Pqicks and motion carried unanimously to authorize payment of the bids as submitted. *Licenses MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to authorize the issuance of license #15324 - �15336 and �6655 - �6657. *Gambling License Exemption - Meadowbrook School PTO ��OUED by Johnson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the gambling license exemption for Meadowbrook School PTO. *Minutes of Boards and Commissions MOVED by Johnson, seconded by P�icks and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the minutes received as follows: Community Standards Task Force - January 25, and February 8, 1995 Civil Service Commission - February 6, 1995 Planning Commission - February 13, 1995 � � Regular '�1eeting of the City Council �arcn 7 , 1995 _ _ Page 2 Public Hearina - 94 SI 10 - Nohle 4venue North, Golden Valley Road to 34th Avenue �dorth Jeann� Andre introduced the agenda item. Jeff Oliver, �ssistant City Engineer; and Fred Salsbury, 'Jirector of Public '.�orks; presented the oroject and answered questions from the Council �nd property owners. Paula Pentel , ?lanning Cor�mission Representative on the Sidewalk Committee, reviewed the �idetivalk �ommittee Report and answered questions from the Council . The "1ayor opened the meetinq for public input and persons �resent to do so were afforded the opportunity to �xpress their views thereon. f�ancy Azzam, 2300 Noble Avenue North, opposed to sideavalk installation, feels that no onP south of 3assett Creek Drive wants sidewalks, fe�ls ther� is very little pedestrian traffic, and asked questions about the �rocess for consideration of the projPc� and suggested neighborhood input earlier in the process. Donna Godejohn, 2091 Ordway, opposed to sideti�alk inst�llation becaus� of appearance and impact on yards, and submitted a petition from some n�ighbors opposing the installation of sidewalk on either side of Noble Avenue. Will Zimmerman, Principal , Noble Elementary School , 2601 Noble Avenue North, would like sidewalks along street, on street parking on at least one side (prefer the west side) stated that although the children south of Bassett Creek Drive can walk they are always bussed because of the lack of sidewalks, stated the school has a few programs each year where the on street par:�cing would be used and that parents often drop their children off in front of the school . Paula Verstegen, 6150 St. Croix Avenue, opposed to sidewalk installation, likes the park like setting and doesn 't want Noble Avenue to become another Winnetka Avenue. Robin Brookins, 4725 East Marie Lane, approves of sidewalk installation, feels Noble Avenue is very dangerous and scarry for walkers. Also spoke on behalf of her neighbors, Paul and ��aureen Pranghofer, 4910 Dawnview Terrace, who are handicapped and would like the sidewalks installed. Shirley Kloster, 2157 Noble ,4venue North, against sidewalk installation, stated she has no problems e�alking on �doble except in winter. Richard Peet, 3245 Noble Avenu� North, concerned for property, neighborhood, traffic, speeding of cars, and over the procedure as the project was first stated to be to 34th Avenue North and now changed to Culver Road; stated at the first neighborhood meeting held the rPsidents stated they would like the street as narrow as possible, stated that State Aid streets can be 26 feet with no parking. � �egular '�eeting of the City Council '�1arcn 7, 1995 - Page 3 Public Hearinq - 94 SI 10 - Noble Avenue North, aolden Vallev Road to 34th 4venue North - Continued �avid Jalle, 2201 Noble Avenue North, opposed to side���alks because of slope of `he yards, concerned over possible loss of trees and ��ould like to see the road improved north of Culver '�oad but take the sidewalks out of the picture. Dr. Stacey Stockdill , 2925 ^loble Avenue North, stated at the neighborhood meeting g0% of the peoplA there ���anted the narrowest street possible, no sidewalks, no parking, asked if the residents north of Culver °oad will be tied to the �ction from this public hearing as the people north of �ulver Road were told they did not h�ve to attend any future meetings, and asked questions about notification procedures. Atashi �charya, 2640 NoblA Avenue North, has sidewalk in front o` her house and feels it would be impossible to live without it, and without on street parking, stated she has had problems with people parking in an�i blocking her driveway ��hen there are �vents at Ploble School , and state� she sees people of all ages use the sidewalk in front of her hous2. Pam '�delch, 2107 Noble Avenue North, opposed to sidewalk installation. Bill ��larden, 2650 Noble Avenue North, supports the staff recommendation for 36 foot wide street with sidewalks, and feels sidewalks are very necessary to �olden Valley Road. Jim I�umbeutel , 2243 PJoble Avenue North, opposed �o sidewalks. Elsa Peet, 3245 Noble Avenue North, attended the first neighborhood meeting and felt the consensus was for the narrowest street and left that meeting thinking the street could be 32 feet wide and concerned over speed of cars. Bruce Scott, 2770 Orchard Avenue North, doesn 't want anything done to Noble except to maintain it, questioned the statistics stated and suggested putting off the project for one year to analyze the project a little more. The �layor closed the public hearing. Allen Barnard answered questions regarding the procedure for consideration of the project and amendments to the project. Regular Meeting of the City Council �arch 7, 1995 - Page 4 Public Hearin - 94 SI 10 - Noble Avenue Pdorth, Golden VallPy Road to 34th Avenue North - Continued ^lember Thompson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, as amended: change 34th Avenue North to Culver Road, the project will be 36 foot wide, parking on the west side, with a 6 foot sidewalk. RESOLUTION 95-23 RESOLUTI��I OROERING CERTAIN PROPOSED PUgLIC I^1PROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZ�NG 3IDS 94 S? 10 ' NOBLE AVENUE NORTH, GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD TO CULVER ROAD The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution ���as seconded by Member Russell and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Russell , Thompson and Tremere; and the following voted against the same: Johnson and �'�icks; whereupon said resolution �vas declared duly defeated. "�OVED by Johnson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to reconsider the action on 94 SI 10. �OVED by Johnson, seconded by P�icks and motion carried unanimously to table consideration of 94 SI 10 until March 14, 1995. The Council took no action on Resolution 95-24, Resolution Restricting Parking on Portions of Noble Avenue North. Public Hearing - Preliminary Desiqn Plan Approval - PUD #66 - JLO Addition Jeanne Andre introduced the agenda item. Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development, reviewed the plan, staff recommendation and was available to answer questions. Doug Sailor, Midwest �anagement; Chuck Habiger, RLK Associates; and Mort Garren, Infinity Dealership; representing the applicant reviewed the plan and answered questions from the Council and public. The Mayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Robin Richmond, 234 Kentucky Avenue South, concern over use of each other PUD's, asked why can 't the entire area be considered together, feels there is too much there as several car dealerships are squeezed into space, concered over traffic issues, storage and aesthetics. Tom Lieberman, 250 Jersey .4venue South, asked questions about aesthetics, directional lighting to shield neighborhood, hours of lighting, landscaping or screening for neighborhood. - - - - Regular �1eeting of the City Council "�arch 7, 1995 _ - Page 5 Public Hearing - Preliminar �esiqn Plan A�proval - PUD �66 - �JLO Addition - Continued Lu P,ockman, 130 Jersey ,4venue North, concerned over loss of �,vetlands, sea of cars, visual impact, suggested more landscaping and/or berming and concerned over lighting. Julie l�Jade, 270 Louisiana avenue South, concerned over use of loudsoeakers and lignting at all hours, and asked about hours of operation, signage and sign design. �..hoda Jaffe, 420 Pennsylvania Avenue South, asked about hearing notification procedures, feels there is too much in too small of area, concern for noise, road testing of cars, asked hoav many cars can be on site, and how many amendments to the PUD can they make. �ary Hoffman, 3aby and Teen, 5740 Wayzata Boulevard, asked about the policy r�garding the height restrictions along I-394 and ��hen discussion of his request for a raised pylon sign would be considered. �"�1ort Garren, Infinity Dealership, 7100 Wayzata Boulevard, r�vie��ed the hours of operation and use of loudspeakers. Paul Jaffe, 420 Pennsylvania 4venue South, asked questions about process for consideration of the plan, and landscaping master plan. The Mayor closed the public hearing. MOVED by Thompson, seconded by Johnson and motion carried to approve the preliminary design plan for PUD #66, JLO Addition with the following conditions: 1 . The site plan dated October 3, 1994 and the landscape plan dated September 30, 1994 submitted by Opus Architects and Engineers, Inc. become a part of the approval . 2. The property shall be legally platted and recorded, with the designation "P.U.D. No. 66" to be a part of the plat 's title. 3. The three pylon signs be only as high as needed to be seen from I-394. A sign study must b� submitted to the Inspections Department indicating the sign height needed to be seen from I-394. 4. Prior to the occupancy permit being issued for the Infiniti dealership, signage on the site must meet all City Sign Code requirements (including size and location). 5. The setback area along Market Street shall be increased to 35 feet. 6. All required storm sewer improvements shall be made with approval of the City Engineer. These improvements shall be made in conjunction with parking lot improvements. Regular 'leeting of the City Council �arch 7 , '�995 -- Page 6 Public Hearing - Preliminarv Desian Plan Aoproval - PUD �66 - JLO Addition - Continuea 7. The proposed parking lot improvements (including curb and gutter) shall be installed no later than ^Jovember 15, i995. 8. The �arking lot improvements and curb and gutter shall be installed no later than Novemb�r 15, 1995. 9. JLO agrees to pay its share of assessm�nts for the proposed traffic signal at Louisiana Avenue and "�arket Street that is scheduled to be constructed in 1995. 10. i_ighting plan that minimizes the glare and spillage of light into the � surrounding neighborhoods. '�10VED by 4ussell , seconded 5y Micks and motion carried unanimously to amend condition 1 to include more descriptions as to elevations and screening and plant materials that are going to be used in the areas they designated on their landscape plan. '�10VED by "licks, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to add the follo�ving condition: 11. Specifically address the noise from the public address system for alternative technology to minimize the impact on the surrounding neighborhood. '�IOVED by Russell , seconded by ��icks and �notion carried unanimously to add the following condition: 12. Address the hours of operation. Upon a roll call vote on the main motion, the vote was as follows: JOHNSON - YES ��ICKS - ABSTAIN RUSSELL - YES THOMPSON - YES TREMERE - YES Public Hearinq - Preliminary Design Plan Approval - Amendment #1 - PUD #53 - Saturn Addition Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and �evelopment, reviewed the plan, staff and Planning Commission recommendations and answered questions. Fred Salsbury, Director of Public Works; and Allen Barnard answered questions. Doug Sailor, 'Nidwest "�anagement; and Chuck Habiger, RLK Associates; representing the applicant reviewed the plan and answered questions from the Council and public. The Mayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Julie tidade, 270 Louisiana Avenue South, asked questions about landscaping on the site, traffic signal installation and use of neighborhood streets for road testing. Regular "1eeting of the �ity Council �arch 7 , 1995 - Page 7 Public Hearing - P�reliminarv Design Plan A�proval - Amendment �1 - PUD �63 - Saturn Addition - Con�inued Tom Lieberman, 250 Jersey Avenue South, suggested more landscaping on the site, concerned over the "sea of cars" , asked about �he procedure for notifying residents of the plans and suggested that some projects r�quire mor� than notification of property owners within 500 feet, and the area should b� looked at in its entirety not just one parcel at a time. �obin Richmond, 234 Kentucky 4venue South, concerned over the mixing of PUD uses, aesthestics, lighting hours, glare of lighting, and asked about traffic signals. Lu Rockman, l30 Jersey Avenue Plorth, ��ants to see ^�ore landscaping on the site. The '�ayor closed the public hearing. '10VED by Johnson, seconded by Thompson and motion carried to approve the preliminary design olan for �mendment "l , ?UD 763, Saturn Addi �ion �vith the following conditions: 1 . The plans dated January ?0, 1995 and submitted by Opus Architects and Engineering, Inc. become a part of the approval . This incl�ades the site plan, landscape plan, utility plan and architectural plans. 2. The Londo Boulevard Collision Center building �nay be expanded as shown on the plans to include 10 new work stations. The second level par�cing area cannot be converted to work space and shall only be used for parking of vehicles ti�►aiting for service. The stacks facing Laurel avenue shall be screened prior to a certificate of occupancy being granted for the addition to the collision center. 3. 411 signage on the site shall meet the requirements of the City' s sign code. 4. Jim Lupient Oldsmobile Company agrees to any assessments for a new signal at Market Street and Louisiana .Avenue and for the reconstruction of Market Street. 5. Lighting plan that minimizes the glare and spillage of light into the surrounding neighborhood. o. Specifically address the noise from the public address system for alternative technology to minimize the impact on the surrounding neighborhood. 7. Address hours of operation. Upon a roll call vote, the vote was as follows: JOHNSON - YES MICKS - NO RUSSELL - YES THOMPSON - YES TREMERE - YES *Letter from DeDe Scanlon Regarding Use of Schaper Property for Athletic Fields �10VED by Johnson, seconded by P�icks and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the letter from DeDe Scanlon, dated i�arch 1, 1995 regarding use of Schaper Property for athletic fields. 2egular "�eeting of the City Council '�arch 7 , 1995 - Page 8 *Call for Public Hearing - 94 SI 12 - Traffic Siqnal Insta� lation - Louisiana Avenue South and '�ar!�cet Street - 4/4/95 "1amber Johnson introduced the following resolution and ��oved its adoption: RESOLUTION 95-25 RESOLUTION °ROVIDING FOR PUBL?C HEARI�lG ON CERTAIN PROPOSED PUBLIC I^�PROVEMENTS 94 SI 12 TRAFFIC SIGN,4L I"�STALLATIO�! LOUISIANA AVEP�UE SOUTH .4ND MARKFT STREET The motion for the adoption of the for�going r�solution �,�as seconded by ��ember `licks and upon a vote being taken thereon, �he following vote� in favor thereof: Johnson, "�icks, Russell , Thom�son and Tremere; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and ��dopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the �ity Clerk. *Authorization to Sian Southwest �lutual Aid Association Aareement Member Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved i �s adoption: RESOLUTION 95-2u RESOLUTION ENTERING INTO A REVISED JOINT AND COOPERATVE AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTHWEST MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION FOR USE OF FIRE PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution �:�as seconded by Member Micks and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Johnson, Micks, Russell , Thompson and Tremere; and the following voted against the same: none, t�hereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. *Call for Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment - Adoption of 1994 State Building Code - 3/14/95 MOVED by Johnson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to call for an informal public hearing to consider approval an ordinanc� amendment regarding the adoption of the 1994 State Building Code for '�larch 14, 1995. *Call for Public tiearinq - Preliminary Design Plan Approval - PUD #68 - auto Mall - 4/4/95 P10VED by Johnson, seconded by Micks and motion carried unanimously to call a public hearing to consider approval of the preliminary design plan for PUD #68, Auto h1a11 for April 4, 1995. Regular '�1eeting of the City Council '�arch 7 , 1995 - ?age 9 Aqproval of Federal �rant for Police Officer '-iiring Jeanne /lndre introduced the agenda item. �ean '^ooney, Dir2ctor of Public Safety, reviewed the request and answered auestions from the Council . '�OVED by Thompson, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to authorize the hiring of an additional officer under �he 1994 Crime f3ill . Staff was directed to prepare a r2solution for the budget adjustment for approval at a future meeting. *Quotes - Purchase of Not� Cards for '-luman Services Foundation �und Raiser '�tOVED by Johnson, seconded by Mic'�s and motion carried unanimously to print four ValleyView photos on note cards and provide r�atching envelopes from the lowest rasponsible bidder, Color Express for 51 ,123.00. The quotes were as follows: Coref1ar 32,103.00 Color Express 1 , 123 .00 Rrooklyn Printing 1,974.00 �rossman Design Associates 4,152.00 Announcements of Meetings Due to the lateness of the hour the Council deferred action and/or discussion on the item until the i�arch 14, 1995 Council "leeting. , Mayor and Council Communications Due to the lateness of the hour the Council deferred action and/or discussion on the item until the March 14, 1995 Council Meeting. 3oard/Commission Appointments Due to the lateness of the hour the Council deferred action and/or discussion on the item until the March 14, 1995 Council Meeting. *Joint '�later Commission Appointment Member Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 95-27 RESOLUTION APPOINTING CITY P�ANAGER AS CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY REPRFSENTATIVE ON THE GOLDEN V4LLEY-CRYSTAL-NEW HOPE JOINT WATER COMMISSION The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by i�lember `�icks and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Johnson, '�icks, Russeil , Thompson and Tremere; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the ��ayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk. Reguiar '•?eeting of the City Councii "�arch i, �995 - - Page i� Appointmen�s to Sidewalk Committee Due to �he ' 3teness of the hour the Council deferred action and/or discussion on the i �am un�il the i�arcn 14, 1995 Council Meeting. Set Date {or 3oard/Commission 2ecoqnition Dinner Due t� the � ateness of the hour the �ouncil d�ferred action arid/or discussion on the it�m �n�il the "1arch 14, 1995 Council '�eeting. Registrati �n for L"1C Leqislative Conference Due to the '. 3teness of the hour the Council deferr?d action and/or discussion on the item until the ��arch 14, 1995 Council P�eeting. Possihln �i�v Involvement in Golden Vall�y !Jomen of Today FunFest Terri '"attson, Gold2n `Jalley '�lomen of Today, distributed coaies of financial statements �or previous FunFest events, revie�raed past FunFest events and future events; and request�d the Council take a more active role in publicizing and/or partic;pation of the event. The Council discussed various ways of possible participation by the City, and the Golden Valley Human Services Foundation. Council �1�mbers Micks and Johnson will work with the LJomen of Today on future FunFest activities and participation in other events. *Proclamation for Chill Drill Month MOVED by Johnson, seconded by "4icks and motion carried unanimously to praclaim �larch, 1995 as Chill Drill Month. Adjournment MOVED by i'�ompson, seconded by Russell and motion carried unanimously to adjourn the meeti ng at 11:56 PP�I. 31air Tremere, P�ayor ATTEST: Judy Nally, .administrative Secretary