2021-01-19 City Council Minutes7800 Golden Valley Road I Golden Valley, MN 55427, lJ f 763-593-80121 TTY 763-593-39681763-593-8109 (fax) I www.goidenvalleymn.gov golden City Council Val," January 19, 2020 — 6:30 pm REGULAR MEETING MINUTES In light of the recently declared COVID-19 health pandemic, the Mayor of the City of Golden Valley declared a local emergency under Minnesota Statute, section 12.37. In accordance with that declaration, beginning on March 16, 2020, all meetings of the City Council held during the emergency were conducted by telephone or other electronic means. As such, all votes are conducted by roll call, so each member's vote on each issue can be identified and recorded pursuant to Minnesota Stat. 13D.021. The City used WebEx to conduct this meeting electronically. Members of the public were able to monitor the meetings by watching it on Comcast cable channel 16, by streaming it on CCXmedia.org, and by dialing in to the public call -in line. The public was able to participate in this meeting during public comment sections, including the public forum, by dialing in to the public call -in line. 1. Call to Order Mayor Harris called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. 1A. Pledge of Allegiance 1B. Roll Call Present: Mayor Shep Harris, Council Members Kimberly Sanberg, Maurice Harris, Larry Fonnest, and Gillian Rosenquist Staff present: City Manager Cruikshank, Police Chief Sturgis, Physical Development Director Nevinski, City Attorney Cisneros, Communications Director Cheryl Weiler, Building Official Dan Anderson and Deputy City Clerk Sue Schwalbe 2. Additions and Corrections to Agenda Motion by Fonnest, Second by Rosenquist to approve the meeting agenda as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Rosenquist, Fonnest, M. Harris, Sanberg, S. Harris. Opposed: N/A) 3. Approval of Consent Agenda Motion by Rosenquist, Second by Sanberg to approve the Consent Agenda as revised: removal of Item #3131—Approve 2021 Council Assignment to the Business Advisory Committee and the Community Advisory Committee. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Rosenquist, Fonnest, Harris, Sanberg, M. Harris, S. Harris. Opposed: N/A) City of Golden Malley City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 2 January 19, 2021— 6:30 pm A. Approval of City Check Register B. Boards, Commissions, and Task Forces: 2. Approve Resolution #21-05 Appointing Commissioner and Alternate Commissioner to the Bassett Creek Watershed Commission C. Approval of Bids, Quotes and Contracts: 1. Approve Purchase of Mower 2. Approve Purchase of Lift Station Control Panel D. Receive and File November Financial Reports E. Consider Adoption of Building Inspections Administrative Policies 3. Items Removed From the Consent Agenda: 3131. Approve 2021 Council Assignments to the Business Advisory Committee and the Community Advisory Committee The Council interviewed a number of residents who volunteered to be part of the Blue Line Planning Process for the Blue Line Light Rail that is planned for the northwest suburbs. The volunteers would be Council appointments to the Business Advisory Committee and the Community Advisory Committee. Motion by Rosenquist, Second by Sanberg to approve the 2021 Council assignments of Jennifer Cutter to the Business Advisory Committee, Scott Booher to the Community Advisory Committee, and Felipe Sosa to the Community Advisory Committee. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Rosenquist, Sanberg, M. Harris, Fonnest, M. Harris. Opposed: N/A) 4. Public Comment 4A. First Consideration of Ordinance #703 — Modifications to City Code Chapter 103 — Buildings and Building Regulations Physical Development Director Nevinski presented the staff report and answered questions from Council. Mayor Harris directed staff to open the Call Center for public input. No one requested to speak. Mayor Harris closed the Call Center. Motion by Sanberg, Second by Fonnest to adopt first consideration of Ordinance #703 — Modifications to City Code Chapter 103 — buildings and Building Regulations. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Sanberg, Fonnest, S. Harris, M. Harris, Rosenquist. Opposed: N/A) Motion by Fonnest, Second by M. Harris to adopt the summary consideration of Ordinance #703 for publication — Modifications to City Code Chapter 103 — buildings and Building Regulations. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Fonnest, M. Harris, Rosenquist, Sanberg, S. Harris. Opposed: N/A) City of Golden Valley City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 3 January 19, 2021-- 6:30 pm 6A. Review of Council Calendar Mayor Harris reviewed upcoming city meetings, events, and holiday closures. Council Member Fonnest requested an addition to the Council Calendar. February 2, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. with County Commissioner Fernando regarding transportation along Highway 55 to be held virtually. This meeting has been on hold due to the pandemic and will be a discussion regarding bringing bus rapid transit to Highway 55. 6E. Mayor and Council Communication Council Member Rosenquist provided an update on the most recent meeting of the Facilities Task Force. She discussed the 280 responses that have been already received from a current survey. She encouraged residents to participate and provide their comments on City facilities and stated the survey deadline has been extended through January 25. Mayor Harris thanked the Human Rights Commission for helping with the Martin Luther King Breakfast Celebration on January 19, 2021. Mayor Harris thanked the Sweet Potato Comfort Pie friends and Breck School for hosting the Seventh Annual Sweet Potato Comfort Pie Martin Luther King celebration on January 17, 2021. Mayor Harris acknowledged Todd Moffit, General Manager of Lunds/Byerly's, for donating beverages and snacks for the international guard leadership troops on their way to the presidential inauguration. Mayor Harris provided an update on City Engineer Jeff Oliver testifying on January 19 on behalf of the City of Golden Valley at the State Capitol in front of the House Capital Investment Committee for House File 16 - the Highway 55 Pedestrian Underpass bill. 7. Adjourn Motion by Rosenquist, Second by M. Harris to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. (In Favor: Fonnest, S. Harris, M. Harris, Rosenquist, and Sanberg. Opposed; N/A) ATTEST: Sue Schwalbe, Deputy City Clerk troeus�n„ea b S A", fa�wiS Shepard M. Harris, Mayor