07-09-19 Rising TIDES Minutes7800 Golden Va l ley Road I Golden Valley, MN 55427 Litt of
763-593-3991 TTY 763-593-3968 763-593-8109(fax) I www.goldenvalleymn.gov gO4dLr l
Va.1 l 1-
Rising TIDES Task Force
July 9, 2019 — 5:15 pm
Golden Valley City Hall
7800 Golden Valley Road
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:20 pm by Vice Chair Harris.
Roll Call
Members present: Amber Alexander, Tanveer Gulzar, Ajani Woodson, Ruth Paradise, Melissa
Johnson, Millicent Flowers, Maurice Harris, Joelle Allen (arrived at 5:37 pm)
Members absent: Sheri Hixon and Sam Powers
Staff present: Tim Cruikshank, City Manager, Kirsten Santelices, Human Resources Director,
and Maria Cisneros, City Attorney
Approval of Agenda
MOTION by Member Alexander to approve agenda. Seconded by Member Paradise. Motion
Approval of Minutes
MOTION by Member Paradise to approve the May 14 and June 11, 2019 regular meeting
minutes as submitted. Seconded by Member Johnson. Motion carried.
Public Input and Communication Process Discussion
Vice Chair Harris provided a recap of the June meeting where members of the Task Force discussed
communicating the Task Force initiatives and the equity plan with the community. Commissioners
discussed whether or not it would be too early to get feedback from the community because there
haven't been any official recommendations made by the task force. Member Johnson shared that the
current structure of asking for feedback afterward, rather than now, that some communities may feel
that they have not been heard, which is traditionally how marginalized groups have felt. Member
Johnson posed the question, "How does the City flip it so that communities feel included from the
Members discussed whether or not the Task Force wants input on particular topics, or the entire equity
plan. Further discussion took place on why it may be important to get community input sooner in the
process rather than later. Member Flowers asked what tools of communication have been successful for
the City in the past. The City Manager provided an overview of the tools the City traditionally uses to
communicate, including social media, website, CCX media and other media sources, newsletters,
postcards, etc.
Chair Allen responded to questions about the direction of the Task Force and clarified for members that
the goal is to ensure that they provides deliverables and specific recommendations for the City Council.
Chair Allen shared a template for recommendations based on the topics discussed at the last meeting.
July 9, 2019
Chair Allen moved the topic into New Business to discuss part of those recommendations, a new meeting
structure. Chair Allen proposed that the Task Force members re -assign themselves to be owners of
meeting topics. Furthermore, in lieu of a team building activity an assigned Task Force member would
present recommendations from the previous meeting to the full Task Force. To formulate
recommendations, the "topic owner' would use their own expertise, the meeting minutes, and any
other sources of information. Each recommendation would be voted on by the Task Force to include in
the final report presented to City Council.
Chair Allen clarified for the group that each topic memo would become part of the final report that the
Task Force would review and vote on in its entirety before submitting to City Council. Furthermore, Chair
Allen shared that this was the recommendation phase, and there would be an implementation phase,
which should also be part of the final recommendation to Council.
Chair Allen passed around a sign-up sheet for members to sign up for a topic. The Commission agreed
that more than one member could sign up for a topic and work together. Chair Allen then distributed
proposed/draft recommendations memo with the Task Force on communicating equity with the
community (document) and opened up the floor for discussion.
The group discussed one of the recommendations, to host an open forum for community members to
come and give input on the work of the Task Force and each topic. Member Alexander proposed that
advertising and messages about the open forum be reviewed by the Task Force, or at least the topic
owners (Chair Allen and Member Johnson).
Another recommendation that was discussed was an opportunity to highlight members of the Task Force
through a "Why I Serve' campaign. Chair Allen showed the group an example of what the campaign
could look like. This campaign could eventually be extended beyond just the Task Force members.
It was clarified that the recommendations posed by Chair Allen were more immediate, unlike
recommendations for the other topics, which would go to Council as part of the final report.
Commissioners asked that part of each topic recommendations memo include timing so there is
flexibility to implement items sooner than the end of Phase I.
Further discussion took place around Task Force Members connecting with the community through
attending community events, sharing publications/materials that the City help to create, and reaching
out to their own communities to share the equity plan and the work of the Task Force.
MOTION by Vice Chair Harris to approve the recommendations memo presented by Chair
Allen with addition of "preview publication materials for open forums," and "create
marketing materials for the Task Force," and to approve the "Why I Serve" campaign to
start in August. Seconded by Member Paradise. Motion carried 8-0.
The Task Force will spend the August meeting hearing recommendations on the topics of "Eliminating
Bias in Reviewing RFP and Contracting" and "Diversifying Boards, Commissions, and City Council."
July 9, 2019
Meeting adjourned by Chair Allen at 6:21 pm.
4oellell , Chair
Kirst n Santelices, Human Resources Director