10-15-19 Rising TIDES Minutes780o Golden Valley Road I Golden Valley, MN 55427
763-593-3991 1 TTY 763-593-39681 763-593-8109 (fax) I www.goldenvalleymn.gov
Rising TIDES Task Force
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:22 pm by Chair Allen.
Roll Call
city Of
October 15, 2019 — 5:15 pm
Council Conference Room
Golden Valley City Hall
7800 Golden Valley Road
Members present: Joelle Allen, Ajani Woodson, Ruth Paradise, Amber Alexander, and Maurice
Members absent: Sam Powers, Sheri Hixon, Melissa Johnson, and Brad Davis
Staff present: Kirsten Santelices, Human Resources Director
The Task Force discussed the format for the October 23 Open Forum. Chair Allen provided an overview
of the proposed format, which included: Phase I: Introducing the Task Force members and the topics;
Phase 2: Facilitated discussion around the three topics, specifically requesting feedback on the
recommendations the Task Force has made; Phase 3: Wrap-up and share City resources. Members were
positive and enthusiastic about the proposed format.
Chair Allen and Santelices shared the locations that the Open Forum had been advertised, including: City
Website, social media, current board and commission members, the League of Minnesota Cities, and the
library. The information was also sent to several media outlets. Chair Allen encouraged all members to
share with their own networks. Several members provided examples of organizations and individuals
with whom they should share the event details.
Santelices shared a document that encompassed the draft recommendations for each topic and
additional notes and considerations. Members agreed that the document should be presented to
attendees. The document shows the progress the Task Force has made over the past ten months.
Santelices will update the document to add a column for community member feedback.
The Commission discussed a few logistics, including room set-up, sign -in procedures, and Santelices
clarified which items staff was to provide. Santelices will remind the entire Task Force to send their
pictures for inclusion in the presentation.
Meeting adjourned at 6:04 pm.
Kirs en Santelices, Human Resources Director