Workforce Equity Plan The City of Golden Valley’s Valley Values embraces the opportunity to further explore our community’s inclusiveness, and we recognize the need to openly examine and willingly engage together in advancing equality by:  using racial equity tools to create and amend policies, educate our constituencies, and share our message  strengthening our community socially, culturally, and economically  believing all can have access to the opportunities necessary to satisfy their essential needs, advance their well-being, and achieve their full potential For us, the journey toward racial equity starts within the organization. Our 2017-2019 action plan is designed to focus on our internal practices, with some additional resources directed at community involvement/engagement in our Workforce Equity Plan. The Inclusive Engagement–Workforce Equity Team is made up of the City’s management/department heads: City Manager, Human Resources Director, Communications Manager, Finance Director, Physical Development Director, Parks and Recreation Director, Police Chief, and Fire Chief. Objectives of the City of Golden Valey – We commit to the following: 1. an infrastructure that supports and advances workforce equity. 2. ensuring fair and equitable hiring practices. 3. a framework for inclusive engagement and equitable business practices. 4. providing impartial public service. Objective 1. Commit to an infrastructure that supports and advances workforce equity. Action Items Lead Performance Measure Progress Develop workforce equity team dedicated to workforce equity, with authority and ability to influence change and direction of the City. Tim Completed Spring 2017 Design workforce equity plan Kirsten/ Workforce Equity Team Completed 2017 Review Valley Values Do our values reflect an inclusive,diverse, and equitable workforce? Kirsten/ Cheryl Survey all staff Completed Summer 2017 Provide ongoing training Current staff need training on workforce equity – to understand the importance, and how each staff member plays a role Kirsten/ Workforce Equity Team Staff attendance – all staff trained by end of 2018 Objective 2. Commit to ensuring fair and equitable hiring practices. Action Items Lead Performance Measure Progress Identify representation of diverse candidates in recruitment pools. Collect demographic data of applicants over past two years. Where do applicants find us? Basic demographics: race/ethnicity, gender, and age group. Kirsten Establish framework for inclusive and effective recruitment measures Using demographic information, identify areas for improvement in job posting locations. Review policies and practices for potential equity barriers (in hiring, retention, and upward mobility). Review recruitment practices and identify ways to enhance recruitment opportunities within diverse communities (eg, online postings, job fairs, and college and high school relations). Kirsten/ Workforce Equity Team Conduct initial and ongoing implicit bias training Reduce implicit bias in hiring by providing all supervisors/hiring managers with training. Objective 3. Commit to a framework for inclusive engagement and equitable business practices. Action Items Lead Performance Measure Progress Review City contracts and RFP process to ensure elimination of racial biases. Tim/Marc/ City Attorney Leverage relationships with community members who have ties to diverse organizations and can communicate equity goals. Including commissions, boards, and advisory groups. M-Team Objective 4. Commit to providing impartial public service. Action Items Lead Performance Measure Progress Continue conscious inclusion and implicit bias training with members of public safety. Continue opportunities for community education and outreach. Jason/John