Staff Training - Equity 101 HandoutGOLDEN VALLEY’S EQUI TY 101
Feedback Survey:
Purpose: To build common equity vocabulary, understand the City of Golden Valley’s Equity Plan and each
department’s goals and to determine and reflect on your personal social identifiers
The City’s Equity Plan is four commitments:
1. Infrastructure that supports and advances equity
2. Fair and equitable hiring practices
3. Providing impartial public service
4. Framework of an inclusive community engagement
Human Resources: Continue managing equity work , including completing Phase I of Rising TIDES and starting
Phase II, facilitating all-staff training, and onboarding the new Equity and Inclusion Manager
Legal: Incorporate equity and inclusion principles into the City’s RFQ, RFP and bidding processes
Physical Development: Seek bids from and increase engagement with socially and economically disadvantaged
Communications: Edit, redesign and implement upgraded City website, including language conversion tools, while
maintaining ADA compliance AND i mplement comprehensive community engagement tools, including
incorporation of methods to reach underrepresented populations
Fire: Use data to develop a fire and life safety education program to address fire and life safety risks in the
Parks and Recreation: Develop strategic plan and timeline to increase accessibility of City park shelter building
(including assessing ADA compliance and updating HVAC, flooring, windows and door) AND i ncorporate inclusion
principles into RFP process to select prefer red caterers for Brookview Golden Va lley to begin providing in 2021
Public Works: Advocate Public Works as a career option to surrounding school districts to increase opportunities
for a diverse workforce
Police: Increase diverse candidate pool by analyzin g recruitment practices and eliminating barriers in current hiring
process. The current process limits the Department’s a bility to more swiftly when hiring quality candidates in an
ultra -competitive market
• Disparity: A pattern of disproportionate life outcomes based on a social identity
• Diversity: All the ways in which people can differ
• Equality: Evenly distributed tools and assistance
• Equity: Fair treatment access, opportunity and advancement for all people. One’s identity cannot predict
the outcome; custom tools that identify and address inequality
• Inclusion: A variety of people have power, a voice and decision-making authority
• Inequality: Unequal access to opportunities
• Justice: Fixing the system to offer equal access to both too ls and opportunity
• Oppression:
• Personal: thoughts, beliefs and attitudes about yourself, coworkers, supervisors, customers,
residents, etc based on their social identity
• Interpersonal: Negatively expressed words and actions based on a social identity
• Institutional: Golden Valley created and adopted practices, policies and procedures that impact
specific populations
• Structural/Systemic: Golden Valley enforced practices, policies and procedures created by larger
entities (local, state, federal government and agencies)
• Social identity: all of the ways people are grouped and stratified in society e.g. race, socioeconomic status,
gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, nation/language of origin, family structure, age,
religion, immigration status, etc