2021-08-23 EC Minutes7800 Golden Valley Road I Golden Valley, MN 55427 city of 763-593-8027 1 TTY 763-593-39681763-593-8198 (fax) I www.goldenvalleymn.govgolden,,,:, Environmental Commission August 23, 2021— 6:30 pm REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Remote Attendance: Members of the public may attend this meeting via Webex by calling 1-415-655- 0001 and entering access code 177 393 4642. Questions/Comments: Members of the public who have questions about the commission or any items on the agenda should contact the staff commission liaison — Eric Eckman, Environmental Resources Supervisor, eeckman@goldenvalleymn.gov, 763-593-8084. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chair Weirich at 6:35. 2. Roll Call Commissioners present: Scott Seys, Dawn Hill, Wendy Weirich, Jim Stemel, Felix Fettig Commissioners absent: Tonia Galonska, Shannon Hansen, Debra Yahle Council Members present: Larry Fonnest Staff present: Eric Eckman, Environmental Resources Supervisor; Drew Chirpich; Environmental Specialist; Carrie Nelson, Administrative Assistant. 3. Approval of Agenda MOTION by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Seys to approve the agenda for August 23, 2021 and the motion carried with the following changes: • Move item 6A up in between items 3 and 4 4. Approval of July 26, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes MOTION by Commissioner Stremel, seconded by Commissioner Fettig to approve the minutes of July 26, 2021 as submitted and the motion carried. 5. Old Business A. EC/HRC Climate Justice Collaboration i. No updates from the sub -committee. ii. Looking for potential planting projects within the Hwy 55 West redevelopment corridor. Staff has continued to talk with property owners within the corridor and nothing has been set in stone yet. iii. Do another speaker event? a This document is available in alternate formats upon a 72-hour request. Please call 763-593-8006 (TTY: 763-593-3968) to make a request. Examples of alternate formats may include large print, electronic, Braille, audiocassette, etc. City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting 2 Aug 23, 2020 — 6:30 pm iv. With more ash trees with EAB being identified and cut down, there will be more potential areas for possible planting projects. B. Partners in Energy Update L Staff has bi-weekly meetings with Xcel Energy's Partners in Energy team. ii. Sept 9 — Staff, Xcel Energy, and GV's Housing and Economic Development Manager, Cherie Shoquist, will be meeting with multi -family property owners and managers about the Energy Action Plan. 1. Xcel will talk about rebate programs they have. 2. Also talk about Home Energy Squad for multi -family buildings. 1. Send out a post card targeted to older homes that don't have permits on record in our system. 3. New GreenCorps member the end of Sept to help. 6. New Business A. Hennepin County Climate Action Plan L Diana Chaman Salas presented the Hennepin County Climate Action Plan. ii. Two Key Goals: 1. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 1. Use the ICLEI —The US Community Protocol for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions —to track greenhouse gas emissions. L Includes building energy use, vehicle travel and light rail, solid waste management, energy use for clean water, land use and trees. 2. 2/3 of emissions come from energy use, 1/3 comes from vehicle travel. A small fraction comes from solid waste and waste water. 3. In May, the County committed to reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 45% from 2010 levels by 2030. Also, achieving net zero emissions by 2050. 2. Adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change. 1. Climate adaptation is about developing and implementing strategies to help human and natural systems become more resilient to the effects of climate change. L Two trends that are affecting Hennepin County: 1. Wetter Climate a. Significant increase in sever rain and flooding events. 2. Warmer Climate a. Warmer winters. 3. Each of the top 10 warmest and wettest years have occurred since 1998. City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting 3 Aug 23, 2020 — 6:30 pm iii. How are they going to do it? 1. CIP Projects — Incorporate more green and natural infrastructure to manage storm water and improve water quality, decrease the urban heat island, and sequester carbon. 2. Build a more resilient community: 1. Provide financial assistance to residents to help prevent or repair water damage. 2. Increase water holding capacity in areas that are prone to flooding. 3. Strategies to mitigate the disproportionate impacts. Investments meant to respond to climate change should also offer the opportunity to reduce disparities and promote economic growth. iv. Foundational Strategies: 1. Strengthening individual and community resilience. 2. Transitioning to renewable energy sources. 3. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 4. Preventing food waste. 5. Designing infrastructure and buildings that are prepared for future climatic conditions and are based on green infrastructure. 6. Sequestering carbon. 1. No specific strategies for this yet but are considering expanding tree canopy — possibly using tax forfeited land. v. Golden Valley is willing to partner on these strategies and looks forward to talking more in the near future. B. City Energy Consumption Update i. Using the Minnesota B3 Benchmarking program, the City can track energy usage in all Golden Valley City buildings and facilities. ii. 2018 has been chosen as the baseline year since it was used as the baseline year in the Energy Action Plan and was the first full year of reporting on the new Brookview Community Center. iii. CO2 emissions from electricity consumption have been reducing slightly over time; natural gas consumption fluctuates due to seasonal conditions. iv. In 2010, a widespread LED retrofit project to convert traffic signals to LED lights resulted in a drastic drop in energy usage. v. In 2018 more than 500 standard (cobra head) street lights were switched to LED. In 2019 many, but not all, of the traditional decorative lights were switched to LED. This saves the City more than $3800/year and prevents nearly 221,000 pounds of CO2 from entering the atmosphere each year. vi. Over the past few years the City has installed 4, 40-kilowatt solar arrays on top of buildings at the City Hall campus. Each one produces 42,272 kWh annually for a total of 169,090 kWh/year. That's about 8% of the electricity used by the City each year. City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting Aug 23, 2020 — 6:30 pm C. Program/Project Updates i. There is an interactive map on the website for Emerald Ash Borer. n 1. 11 affected tree discovered in 2018. Since then 377 more have been identified. Staff haven't been able to check out all trees in the City, so there is likely much more. There is going to be more money and temporary staff budgeted to help the City inventory more trees next year. ii. Curbside Collection —Staff discussed the new recycling and organics services coming in 2022 and the increased cost (through quarterly utility bills) to support the recycling program. The Commission agreed that they knew there was going to be an increase as part of its research and recommendation to council in 2020. 1. Staff also discussed Hennepin County's new SCORE grant funding policy and how it benefits Golden Valley. D. Council Updates L Aug 24 — Eric will represent the City to receive the step 5 block from GreenStep Cities. ii. Sept 30 — League of Women Voters Forum regarding candidates for City Council in the Council Chambers. iii. The PEACE Commission (replacing the Civil Service Commission) is going to launch shortly. The City is currently recruiting commissioners to serve on this commission. E. Other Business i. People venting on NextDoor about Waste Management missing pick-ups all the time. Consistently seeing the trucks on Saturday. Staff to send warning letter to all haulers. ii. Any discussion with haulers about offering bi-weekly collection? This can be offered by haulers currently. iii. Question about households sharing garbage service. Staff will check code and provide information on this item. 7. Adjournment MOTION by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Stremel to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 pm and the motion carried. ATTEST: AAALA Carrie Nelson, Administrative Assistant Wendy We rich, Chair