This meeting was held via Webex in accordance with the local emergency declaration made by
the City under Minn. Stat. § 12.37. In accordance with that declaration, beginning on March 16,
2020, all Board of Zoning Appeals meetings held during the emergency were conducted
electronically. The City used Webex to conduct this meeting and members of the public were
able to monitor the meeting by calling in.
Call To Order
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Richard Orenstein.
Roll Call
Members present: Chris Carlson, Sophia Ginis, Nancy Nelson, Richard Orenstein, Lauren Pockl–
Planning Commissioner
Staff present: Planning Manager Jason Zimmerman and Planner Myles Campbell
Approval of Agenda
MOTION made by Ginis, seconded by Carlson to approve the agenda of March 23, 2021, as submitted.
Staff took a roll call vote and the motion carried. Nelson was not present for vote.
Approval of Minutes
MOTION made by Ginis, seconded by Orenstein to approve the December 22, 2020, meeting minutes.
Staff took a roll call vote: 3 approved, Lauren Pockl abstained. Nelson was not present for vote.
1. 750 Boone Ave N
Joshua Pardue
Request: § 113‐151, Off‐Street Parking and Loading, Subd. (b)(21) Compact Vehicle Requirement.
7 compact parking stalls above the 6 allowed by code for a total of 13 stalls.
Request: § 113‐151, Off‐Street Parking and Loading, Subd. (b)(8) Parking Layouts – Aisle Width.
2 ft. off the minimum required 24 ft. for a drive aisle width of 22 ft.
Request: § 113‐151, Off‐Street Parking and Loading, Subd. (b)(8) Parking Layouts – Parking or
Drive Aisle Setback to Principal Structure.
3 ft. 4 in. off the required 10 ft. of distance between a drive aisle and a principal structure to a
distance of 6 ft. 8 in.
March 23, 2021 – 7 pm
City of Golden Valley BZA Regular Meeting
March 23, 2020 – 7 pm
Jason Zimmerman, Planning Manager, gave a brief background on the address, its location on a
map, and these variances being part of a proposal to construct a new animal hospital at this address.
750 Boone Ave N is a light industrial property with an office building, it backs up to Bassett Creek and
there are floodplains on either side with an additional shoreland overlay to the east. A CUP for the
construction of a new animal hospital was approved in late 2020. Considering the restriction on the
site, the applicant is requesting variances to the parking lot to try and meet the needs of a new
Zimmerman discussed the zoning code the applicant is requesting a variance from as well as laid out
the three requests. A map and parking diagram was displayed to illustrate where the reduced aisle
width, additional compact spaces, and reduced setback locations are. Based on the proposed square
footage of the building (15,113 sq. ft.), minimum parking requirements are 51 spaces. The applicant
prefers a ratio of 4.5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. or 68 spaces. 66 spaces are proposed.
Practical Difficulties
1. The use of the property for an animal hospital meets the use requirements for a Light
Industrial zoning district (requires a CUP). The proposed site plan respects the shoreland
overlay and observes the mapped floodplains. Remaining areas are balanced between
building and parking. Staff believes the use as proposed is reasonable.
2. The lot abuts Bassett Creek and is constrained by the presence of both a shoreland overlay
and federal and locally mapped floodplains. This limits how much of the property can be
developed with structures and/or pavement. Staff believes this creates a unique
circumstance for the property.
3. The requested changes to parking lot dimensions are small would likely go unnoticed. Staff
believes the requests would not alter the essential character of the area.
Other Considerations
Staff assesses whether the request represents the smallest feasible variance or if there are other
options available:
Other options include expanding the building footprint into the shoreland overlay area
(would require a variance), reducing the parking count, or reducing the square footage of
the building.
Alternatively, the 10‐foot landscaped buffer along the south property line could be reduced
to 6 feet 6 inches and thereby provide enough width for the full drive aisle, regular sized
parking spaces, and a full buffer along the building. This would require a different variance
to be granted by the BZA.
The Fire Department reviewed the parking lot plans and had no concerns with the layout or with
the proposed drive aisle width.
City of Golden Valley BZA Regular Meeting
March 23, 2020 – 7 pm
1. Staff recommends approval of the variance request of 7 additional compact spaces above
the 6 allowed by code for a total of 13 spaces, with the following condition:
a. All spaces along the south face of the building shall be clearly signed to ensure the
area is reserved for compact vehicles only.
2. Staff recommends approval of the variance request of 2 ft. off of the minimum require 24
ft. for a drive aisle width of 22 ft.
3. Staff recommends approval of the variance request of 3 ft. 4 in. off of the required 10 ft. of
distance between a drive aisle and a principal structure to a distance of 6 ft. 8 in.
Chair Orenstein invited the applicant to comment on his petition for the variances.
Josh Pardue, Applicant, stated his organization has been working very hard to accommodate the
needs of the tenant while following the constraints of this unique location. Planning Commissioner
Pockl asked why there was a need for additional parking as she isn’t familiar with the parking
density needs. The applicant responded that the parking lot at an animal hospital accommodates
parking for staff and then there are peak times where the lot fills up. If there isn’t adequate
parking, excess car traffic can become a burden for the community.
Board members discussed the application and expressed strong support for staff recommendation.
Chair asked for a motion.
A MOTION was made by Nelson and seconded by Ginis to follow staff recommendations and
approve all three requests, and to approve the condition all spaces along the south face of the
building be clearly signed to ensure compact vehicle parking only.
2. Presentation of 2020 Board of Zoning Appeals Annual Report
Myles Campbell, Planner, introduced the 2020 BZA annual report. Campbell listed the purpose,
mission, and prescribed duties; he also highlighted the criteria for analysis. In 2020, 27 variances
were considered, 18 were in the R‐1 district and Campbell broke them down further by type.
Out of the 27 variances, 15 were approved as requested, 5 were approved with a modification, 6
were denied, and 1 was tabled.
Campbell went on to review the previous 5 years of variances presented to the BZA. He broke
them down by district, type, BZA final decision, project, and then described each variance type.
Campbell was able to collaborate with the City’s GIS Specialist to create a map with the locations of
the variances for 2020 and the previous 5 years. The focus trends in the single‐family
Ginis asked if the variance map would be compared to overall construction permits to see if there’s
a correlation. Staff said they’ll check with the GIS Specialist to see if creating that is possible. Ginis
City of Golden Valley BZA Regular Meeting
March 23, 2020 – 7 pm
added that it would be interesting to see if there’s a correlation between variance requests and
higher property values.
Staff and members continued the discussion on patterns in variances, what was learned, and how
the mapping tools will be beneficial in the future.
MOTION made by Pockl, seconded by Carlson and the motion carried unanimously to adjourn the
meeting at 7:50 pm.
Staff called a roll call vote and the motion passed unanimously.
Richard Orenstein, Chair
Amie Kolesar, Planning Assistant