This meeting was conducted in a hybrid format with in‐person and remote options for
attending, participating, and commenting. The City used Webex to conduct this meeting and
members of the public were able to monitor the meetings by watching it on Comcast cable
channel 16, by streaming it on CCXmedia.org, or by dialing in to the public call‐in line.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Chair Pockl.
Roll Call
Commissioners in person: Adam Brookins, Sophia Ginis, Andy Johnson, Lauren Pockl, Mike Ruby
Commissioners absent: Rich Baker, Chuck Segelbaum
Staff present: Myles Campbell – Planner
Council Liaison present: Gillian Rosenquist
2. Approval of Agenda
Chair Pockl asked for a motion to approve the agenda.
MOTION made by Commissioner Brookins, seconded by Commissioner Ruby, to approve the agenda
of October 25, 2021. Motion carried.
3. Approval of Minutes
Chair Pockl asked for a motion to approve the minutes from October 11, 2021.
MOTION made by Commissioner Brookins, seconded by Commissioner Johnson. Motion carried.
4. Informal Public Hearings – Consideration of Preliminary Plat, Conditional Use Permit No. 171
Address: 6440 Wayzata Boulevard
Applicant: Spire Credit Union
Myles Campbell, City Planner, gave a summary of the property location, it’s zoned Commercial, and
the CUP proposed for it to be a financial institution with a drive‐through.
The current building on site is vacant and was otherwise used as overflow parking for the restaurant
to the east. The site is mostly impervious surface and there is no significant topography or landscaping.
Campbell displayed images of the existing site and the proposed site with details on the south lot
redesign. He went on to discuss the subdivision proposal, factors, and reviewed the area/dimension
Campbell discussed staff notes from the Engineering; the Fire Department did not have concerns with
the subdivision.
October 25, 2021 – 7 pm
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
October 25, 2021, 2021 – 7 pm
Staff recommends approval of the proposed minor subdivision of 6440 Wayzata Boulevard, subject to
the following conditions:
1. The City Attorney will determine if a title review is necessary prior to approval of the final
2. Easement agreements for utilities and shared private access shall be recorded prior to release
of the final plat.
Campbell, Planner, discussed the second portion of this request – the South Lot CUP.
New 5,050 sq. ft. financial facility
New parcel would be 49,652 sq. ft.
New stormwater management system
Increased pervious surface and landscaping
o Decrease in existing impervious by ~8,100 sq. ft.
3 lanes of drive‐through windows
o Bypass lane to the north of drive‐through
31 parking spaces, 2 are handicap accessible
o 7 spaces on the south end of the property would require separate variance approval
due to encroaching on the front setback
The initial and revised designs were reviewed and staff added more details about parking and
circulation, trees and landscaping, and expected operations.
Staff reviewed comments by Engineering and the Fire Department.
Staff recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 171 allowing a drive‐through financial
institution at 6440 Wayzata Boulevard.
This approval shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. The plans by submitted by HTG Architects on September 24, 2021, shall become a part of this
2. The recommendations of the Golden Valley Fire Chief shall be incorporated into the site and
building plans for permitting.
3. A snow storage management plan shall be submitted with building permit materials.
4. A minimum of 4 bicycle parking spaces shall be provided on building permit site plans.
Campbell answered a few clarifying questions from Commissioners on the lot and proposed drive
through. Commissioner Johnson asked a number of questions specific to the parking lot, traffic, and
process of approving the CUP prior to a potential variance approval at the BZA meeting the following
day. Staff and Commissioners continued to discuss both lots in the subdivision and more details on the
BZA meeting the following day.
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
October 25, 2021, 2021 – 7 pm
Chair Pockl invited the applicant to present.
Pat McCann, Applicant, reviewed their process thus far with purchase of the lot and planning forward
with this space.
Commissioner Johnson asked the applicant about parking in the south and north lot. The applicant
responded that their parking space request is based on data from previous locations and activity. He
added that for safety reasons, they want staff to have parking access within very close proximity to the
building. The applicant went on to discuss parking lot grading, spaces, traffic, and separation between
the neighbors and the south lot. Commissioner Ginis and the applicant discussed details on lot specifics
as it relates to parking and employee safety. Commissioners and the applicant went on to discuss
parking, the drive through, and the future variance request.
Chair Pockl asked if there was an agreement in place with the neighbor for the shared driveway. The
Applicant stated there will be but it will be navigated after plans are approved and they know the
status of the variance request.
Commissioners and the applicant went on to discuss the drive‐up windows, driveway, signage,
vehicle/pedestrian traffic, and operations.
Chair Pockl opened the public hearing at 8:03pm.
There were no residents present for comment nor were there callers.
Chair Pockl closed the public hearing at 8:07pm
Chair Pockl opened the discussion for the sub‐division and reminded Commissioners that if all the
regulations are met, the group must recommend approval.
Commissioner Brookins asked if any parts of the subdivision needed to be noted as a condition to the
lot or its access. Staff responded that both lots have access to the street and utilities without condition.
Brookins asked on curb cut limitations, staff stated there are no restrictions on curb cuts.
MOTION made by Commissioner Brookins, seconded by Commissioner Ruby, to recommend approval
of the proposed minor subdivision of 6440 Wayzata Boulevard, subject to listed conditions.
Motion passed unanimously.
Chair Pockl opened the discussion for the conditional use permit.
Staff clarified that the CUP is related to allowing the use of the drive through, not parking or spaces.
Commissioner Johnson asked if the lot plan was the best option. Staff responded that it’s an efficient
solution and referenced Engineering comments that there are no safety concerns. Commissioners
discussed satisfaction in safety and standards being met.
MOTION made by Chair Pockl, seconded by Commissioner Ginis, to recommend approval of
Conditional Use Permit No. 171 allowing a drive‐through financial institution at 6440 Wayzata
Boulevard, subject to the listed conditions.
Motion passed unanimously.
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
October 25, 2021, 2021 – 7 pm
5. Informal Public Hearings – Future Land Use Map Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment,
Consideration of Preliminary Plat
Address: 6300 Olson Memorial Highway
Applicant: United Properties
Jason Zimmerman, Planning Manager, articulated that there was one hearing but three separate
items requiring three votes from Commissioners.
Zimmerman described the lot and displayed a map and the zoning map while giving a background on
the site, which has been vacant since 2016. The 2030 Comp Plan re‐guided the site for Office but zoning
was not modified until 2020.
The site is 28 acres with a 340,000 sq ft office building, wetland/wooded area in the NE corner, and
over 1,300 parking spaces.
United Properties would like to redevelop the site for a new Golden Valley business center. The two
existing buildings would be demoed and two new buildings would be constructed. The land use would
need to change from Office to Light Industrial, zoning would need to change, and stormwater would
need to be addressed along the north property line. Staff displayed images from a few other examples
of sites United has developed and a rendering of the potential building for this site.
1. The fist consideration is the Future Land Use Amendment and there are no specific standards
within the City Code to evaluate. Zimmerman described the land use descriptions, impacts to
the character of the area, and comprehensive plan consistency.
2. The second consideration is the zoning map amendment, and as before, there are no specific
standards within the city code to evaluate. Zimmerman described the purposes of zoning
districts, listed the permitted/conditional uses for current and proposed zoning, and
compatibility with surrounding uses.
Zimmerman went on to discuss the subdivision and transportation improvements.
Future Land Use Amendment:
Staff recommends approval of the requested amendment to the Future Land Use Map, changing
the guided land use from Office to Light Industrial
Zoning Map Amendment:
Based on the findings above, staff recommends approval of the requested amendment to the
Zoning Map, changing the zoning designation from Office to Light Industrial
Based on the factors of evaluation, staff recommends approval of the proposed preliminary plat
for the Golden Valley Business Center, subject to the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall work with staff to dedicate land through the site sufficient to provide
right‐of‐way for a future public road.
2. The applicant shall include on the final plat the dedication of all drainage and utility
easements deemed necessary to meet City Code requirements (including floodplain and
wetland areas).
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
October 25, 2021, 2021 – 7 pm
3. Any comments from the Minnesota Department of Transportation or Hennepin County
shall be incorporated into the final plat.
4. A park dedication fee of $519,180 (or 6% of the land value) shall be paid prior to the
release of the final plat.
5. The City Attorney will determine if a title review is necessary prior to approval of the final
Commissioner Ginis asked staff if there had been conversations with the applicant about curb appeal
and access; and staff affirmed. In addition, the location is a main intersection and thus gateway to the
City, conversations have occurred with the architects to ensure attention to façade is prioritized.
Commissioners and staff discussed the wetlands on the site, the road around the site, traffic, zoning
designation options, and the road right‐of‐way that the applicant and Country club don’t want.
Chair Pockl invited the applicant to present.
Connor McCarthy, United Properties Developer ‐ Applicant, gave a brief presentation on the site, its
location, and background. The applicant discussed office uncertainty, the current zoning of this site,
and prediction of use based on a rezoning to light industrial. Commissioner Ginis asked the applicant
how they’re thinking about alternative transportation for their site plan. The applicant stated they are
looking to offer bike parking and sidewalks to create safe access for alternative modes. The site plan is
just entering the phase where the details of those items are being developed. Commissioner Ruby
asked the applicant to expand on plans for the wetlands. Tom Lincoln, Civil Engineer ‐ Kimley Horn,
said they conducted a wetland delineation with Golden Valley staff. There is a technical evaluation
panel and the group is in the process of creating a mitigation plan. The area was a wetland, became a
stormwater collection area in the 1960’s, then evolved into a larger wetland. It’s currently considered
a regulated wetland under the Wetland Conservation Act. Mitigation was considered onsite but
neither the soil nor space would allow for stormwater management. The proposal is to mitigate offsite
but develop a filtration system to replicate the native possibilities of the existing wetland.
Chair Pockl opened the public hearing at 9:03pm.
There were no residents present for comment nor were there callers.
Chair Pockl closed the public hearing at 9:06pm
Chair Pockl opened the discussion on the requested amendment to the Future Land Use Map.
Commissioner Brookins stated that he thinks Mixed Use – Employment would be better suited.
Commissioner Johnson seconded this statement. Staff discussed this option as a lot of intended
trucking and delivery uses may not fit in that use. Commissioners continued this conversation on
making the site marketable for the present and future and discussed with staff the difference in
zonings. Commissioners discussed this zoning with the applicant and the applicant has a strict purchase
agreement with the seller and due to that they may not have an extended timeline to discuss this
zoning possibility. Staff added the proposal presented also will not meet the requirements of Mixed
Use – Employment.
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
October 25, 2021, 2021 – 7 pm
MOTION made by Chair Pockl, seconded by Commissioner Ruby, to recommend approval of the
requested amendment to the Future Land Use Map, changing the guided land use from Office to Light
Aye: Ginis, Pockl, Ruby
Nay: Brookins, Johnson
Motion Passes 3‐2
MOTION made by Commissioner Pockl, seconded by Commissioner Ruby, to recommend approval of
the requested amendment to the Zoning Map, changing the zoning designation from Office to Light
Aye: Ginis, Pockl, Ruby
Nay: Brookins, Johnson
Motion Passes 3‐2
Commissioners discussed the right of way, roads, the luce trail, and the north/south connection.
MOTION made by Commissioner Brookins, seconded by Commissioner Ruby, to recommend approval
of the proposed preliminary plat for the Golden Valley Business Center, subject to the listed conditions.
Motion passed unanimously.
Chair Pockl closed the discussion, and ended the televised portion of the meeting at 9:41pm.
6.Council Liaison Report
Council Member Rosenquist updated the Commissioners on Home Energy Audits/light bulb kits being
offered via the Physical Development Department. She praised the Commission for its work and noted
that October is Community Planning Month. Rosenquist also reported on recent actions by the City
Council, including an update form the Historical Society, a report by Hennepin County Sheriff
Hutchinson, approval of a curbside organics program, and the receipt of the Downtown Study.
7.Other Business
MOTION by Commissioner Ginis to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Ruby, and approved
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm.
Andy Johnson, Secretary
Amie Kolesar, Planning Assistant