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1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes
March 22, 2021, Planning Commission Meeting
4. Public Hearing – Continued Consideration of a Major Amendment to Hidden Lakes PUD 74
Applicant: Regency Hospital
Address: 1300 Hidden Lakes Parkway, Golden Valley, MN
5. Public Hearing – Amendments to Future Land Use and Zoning Maps
Applicant: Golden Valley Country Club
Address: Northwest corner of 7001 Golden Valley Road
– End of Televised Portion of Meeting –
To listen to this portion, please call 1‐415‐655‐0001 and enter meeting access code 133 457 6958.
6. Council Liaison Report
7. Reports on Board of Zoning Appeals and Other Meetings
8. Other Business
9. Adjournment
April 12, 2021 – 7 pm
This meeting was held via Webex in accordance with the local emergency declaration made by
the City under Minn. Stat. § 12.37. In accordance with that declaration, beginning on March 16,
2020, all Planning Commission meetings held during the emergency were conducted
electronically. The City used Webex to conduct this meeting and members of the public were
able to monitor the meetings by watching it on Comcast cable channel 16, by streaming it on
CCXmedia.org, or by dialing in to the public call‐in line.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Chair Blum.
Roll Call
Commissioners present: Rich Baker, Ron Blum, Adam Brookins Andy Johnson, Noah Orloff, Lauren
Pockl, Ryan Sadeghi, Chuck Segelbaum
Staff present: Jason Zimmerman – Planning Manager, Myles Campbell – Planner
Council Liaison present: Gillian Rosenquist
2. Approval of Agenda
Chair Blum asked for a motion to approve the agenda.
MOTION made by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, to approve the agenda
of March 22, 2021. Staff called a roll call vote and the motion carried unanimously.
3. Approval of Minutes
Chair Blum asked for a motion to approve the minutes from March 8, 2021.
Commissioner Johnson asked for the expanded conversation on above or below stormwater
retention to be addressed as well as edit his comment to accurately reflect the irony of cutting
down trees to then sell electric vehicles.
MOTION made by Commissioner Segelbaum, seconded by Commissioner Brookins, to approve
minutes. Staff called a roll call vote and the motion carried unanimously.
4. Discussion – RLUIPA
Jason Zimmerman, Planning Manager, started his presentation by defining RLUIPA: Religious Land Use
an Institutionalized Persons Act. This act was passed in 2000 to protect religious organizations from
discrimination in land use regulation. The goal was to state no substantial burdens could be places on
religion unless it can be shown there is a compelling interest. Zimmerman went on to explain ways
RLUIPA regulations can come up and reminded Commissioners that the Planning Commission
discussed RLUIPA as it relates to the Golden Valley zoning chapter in 2017. This conversation led to
recommended updates. Some of the recommendations became part of the City Code recodification. A
March 22, 2021 – 7 pm
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
March 22, 2021 – 7 pm
recommendation related to parking will be revisited in conjunction with a review of all City parking
requirements later in 2021.
The final item to discuss is if the City should expand areas for religious institutions to locate. A list was
displayed to show zoning districts where there are existing and proposed permissions for places of
Commissioners discussed the definition of “a place of worship” as well as other language choices in
the memo. Differentiating between places of worship and other facilities with a religious affiliation
was discussed, such as a community center or daycare.
Commissioners and staff discussed zoning districts, uses, locations, definitions, and inclusivity.
5. Discussion – Pawn Shops, Precious Metal Dealers, and Payday Lenders
Myles Campbell, Planner, reminded Commissioners that at the request of City Council a moratorium
on new pawnshops, precious metal dealers and payday lenders put in place in August 2020. Staff was
directed to examine how these establishments are handled in the code. The concerns mainly revolved
around potential issues surrounding public safety, risks regarding stolen goods, impact on surrounding
properties, and consumer protections.
The examination of uses within the context of the current zoning code aligns with the current revisions
to the land use tables.
Campbell went on to explain the current code regarding Pawnshops and Precious Metal Dealers.
Pawnshops are currently classified as “general retail” and are a licensed use. Payday lenders are
considered a financial institution; no licensing is required with the City but a state license is required.
Staff reviewed zoning code in adjacent cities while assessing changes to the Golden Valley Zoning Code.
Staff found most communities use the definition of “Currency Exchanges” rather than payday lenders
to differentiate banks from other financial businesses.
Campbell provided a list of zoning control examples for both pawn shops and currency exchanges,
many akin to those in place for tobacco sales.
Staff recommendations:
Introduce “Pawnshops and Precious Metal Dealers” and “Currency Exchange” to the Zoning Code
Pawnshop and Precious Metal Dealers are defined in Sec. 16‐389. of City Code, no new definition
o Added as a restricted use to the Commercial Zoning District only
Restrictions should at a minimum include density restriction, proximity to
residential zoned properties, and visibility requirements
Currency Exchanges will need a new definition in the zoning code
o Commissioners can consider also adding a definition for “Payday Lenders”
o Currency Exchanges are added as a restricted use in the Commercial Zoning District
Restrictions should again focus on a density restriction between exchanges, and a
proximity restriction to residential zoned properties.
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
March 22, 2021 – 7 pm
Campbell wrapped up with providing definitions of currency exchanges and payday lenders, as well as
provide a list of potential restrictions for pawnshops and currency exchanges.
Commissioner Baker supported staff recommendations but wanted input from staff’s Equity &
Diversity Manager to ensure the list isn’t excluding services vital to some populations. Commissioner
Segelbaum mostly echoed Baker’s statements while adding he too doesn’t want to put so many
restrictions on currency exchanges that it limits access to anyone who cannot access a bank. Chair
Blum cited case studies from Florida that show pawnshops enhance property crimes and facilitate
criminal activity. He added that property crimes related to pawnshops tend to be underreported and
often lack evidence to be further investigated.
Commissioner Johnson stated some of the proximity restrictions in light industrial, may interfere with
places of worship, per the previous conversation. Johnson added he was surprised to see the definition
of a payday lender included to provide a loan. He added a question asking why defining a person’s use
for an establishment is listed in a city code. Campbell responded that the particular language
referenced is from another city and state licensing references “short‐term consumer loans”. He added
that purpose language could probably be removed aside from the business use description.
Campbell stated that City Council direction wasn’t related to crime and safety but to consumer
protections. There are studies that show payday lenders utilize predatory practices to garnish wages.
Campbell asked Commissioners if they are comfortable with removing some language in the definition
as suggested by Commissioner Johnson. Chair Blum and Commissioner Pockl suggested edits.
Segelbaum pointed out that payday loans are very specific and some of the suggested edits sound like
a general short‐term lender. Campbell said staff would review statute language and state licensing
requirements to make sure city code is as in line with them as possible.
Commissioner Pockl asked if Golden Valley Police are included in the conversations related to pawn
shops. Campbell responded that it’s part of the next step in this process.
6. Discussion – PC Annual Report/Work Plan
Jason Zimmerman, Planning Manager, presented the annual report, he summarized the work the
Planning Commission did, the application types, code amendments, and recommendations of approval
or denial. The end of the report illustrates the work plan for 2021.
Commissioner Baker asked if corrections need to be made to adjust for the light rail no longer coming
through Golden Valley. Zimmerman said there are a few areas to be rezoned and the final decision will
occur when the City knows the final status of the light rail. Commissioners and staff discussed a few
more specifics regarding the 2021 work plan.
Chair Blum pointed to the bullets on the Planning Commission purpose statement. He suggested
developers not be first but mention the residents of Golden Valley first. Blum felt that this will show
commitment to the people and not developers. Zimmerman responded that this was in discussion the
previous year and the process to change this is a bylaw change. City Council needs to approve that
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
March 22, 2021 – 7 pm
7. Discussion – BZA Annual Report
Myles Campbell, Planner, presented the annual BZA report, he summarized the work done, variance
application types, hearings, practical difficulty standards, and recommendations of approval or denial.
BZA members will be attending a similar diversity and equity training as the Planning Commission.
Televised portion of the meeting concluded at 8:56 pm
8. Council Liaison Report
Council Member Rosenquist informed the Commission that the rowhouse changes to the zoning
chapter were approved by the City Council. She updated the Commission on talks with the
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board around a Memorandum of Understanding for operations
at Twin Lake, and reported on public engagement around the Police Task Force. She also noted
that concepts were being developed for the Facilities Study.
9. Reports on Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings
10. Other Business
11. Adjournment
MOTION by Commissioner Segelbaum to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Pockl, and
approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:08 pm.
Adam Brookins, Secretary
Amie Kolesar, Planning Assistant
Date: April 12, 2021
To: Golden Valley Planning Commission
From: Jason Zimmerman, Planning Manager
Subject: Informal Public Hearing – Continued Consideration of a Major Amendment to
Hidden Lakes PUD No. 74 – 1300 Hidden Lakes Parkway
Regency Hospital of Minneapolis, LLC, is applying for a Major PUD Amendment to allow for the
expansion of the existing hospital building within the Hidden Lakes development on the east side of
Twin Lake. The expansion would include 9,531 square feet of office/mechanical space and 19,722
square feet of space for 26 new patient suites. In addition, the expansion would trigger a
reconfiguration of the parking lot, utility reroutes, changes to landscaping, and new stormwater
The Planning Commission initially considered this application at its regular meeting on January 25,
2021. After a lengthy discussion that included comments from residents as part of the public
testimony, Commissioners tabled the item without taking action in order to allow the applicant and
the Hidden Lakes Homeowners Association time to continue to work to resolve a handful of
Since that meeting, the Association Board and the hospital have worked to finalize the details of a
private agreement addressing a number of items. In addition, the applicant has prepared updated
plans that primarily include changes to the eastern edge of the parking lot in an effort to better
mitigate impacts to the surrounding neighborhood.
Outstanding Issues
At the conclusion of the previous meeting, four main issues remained to be resolved:
1. Hidden Lakes Parkway – concerns around traffic speeds, stop sign compliance, and cost
sharing for construction damage and future maintenance of the roadway
2. Parking lot – issues related to the layout and impacts on the immediate property owners
3. Landscaping – questions regarding the extent and quality of the vegetation chosen along
the eastern property line
4. Trash complaints – expressed desire for a plan of action to address litter emanating from
employees and visitors of the hospital
Each of these four issues, along with other areas of discussion, were addressed within either the
new private agreement or the revised plan set.
Updated Proposal
As part of the revised plans, the parking lot would be pulled back from the east property line,
creating additional space for landscaping and a solid limestone wall. The reduction in parking lot
width would be achieved by reducing the width of two drive aisles from 27 and 28 feet to the 24
foot minimum allowed by City Code. The additional seven feet of space saved would then be
utilized to construct a six foot high brick or limestone wall as well as a vegetative buffer of trees
and shrubs between the parking lot and the public trail. Additional landscaping would be added
throughout the site, but would be focused on the north edge of the building (the initial view upon
entering the site) and the entrance area surrounding the port cochère.
Overall, 37 parking stalls would be added for a total of 210 spaces. This is a reduction of seven
spaces over the previous parking lot layout. The City’s required parking ratio for a hospital is one
space per every 350 gross square feet. For the proposed building size (112,995 square feet), this
would result in the need for 323 parking spaces. However, the applicant has stated that the type of
facility (acute care) operates differently than a typical hospital and requires fewer parking spaces.
Across the country, the facilities operated by Select Medical construct a minimum of two parking
stalls per bed. Accordingly, they feel a minimum of 92 * 2 = 184 stalls are needed in this case, and
that the number of stalls being proposed sufficiently exceeds this.
Community Engagement
At the initial public hearing on January 25, 11 callers provided comments on the proposal. Since the
conclusion of that hearing, staff has received seven additional emails (attached).
Over the last few months, the Association Board continued to work with the hospital to address
primary areas of concern for residents of Hidden Lakes. Staff fielded many questions regarding
possible mitigation efforts, and ultimately both a private agreement and a revised plan set were
produced. A summary of the private agreement was shared with the residents of Hidden Lakes on
April 7 (attached).
While some residents remained opposed to any expansion of the hospital, primary concerns
appear to have shifted to more nuanced questions about proposed tree species and long‐term
maintenance of landscaping.
Staff did share the revised plans with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. Park Board staff
had no additional comments and remained supportive of the project.
Land Use and Zoning Considerations
As a PUD, the City can offer flexibility from the regular zoning requirements in order to achieve a
better development. The following table summarizes how closely the requirements of the
Institutional Zoning District are met under the current proposal (areas that depart from the typical
requirements are highlighted in yellow):
Institutional Zoning Hidden Lakes PUD 74 –
Amendment #8
Use Hospitals and outpatient
surgical facilities
Acute care hospital
Dimensional Standards
Lot coverage (structures) 25% maximum 11% (existing)
16% (proposed)
Front setback 35’ NA
Side and rear setbacks 50’ 39.62’ (south ‐ existing)
39.62’ (south ‐ proposed)
Building height Three stories or 36’,
whichever is less
27’‐8” to top of roof parapet,
40’‐8” to top of stair towers
Landscaped buffers 25’ in width along side and
rear property lines
As little as 0’ (existing)
As little as 0’ to the south, 8’‐
10” to the east (proposed)
The proposed PUD amendment would require zoning flexibility from the City Code in the following
1) The south corner of the existing building is only 40 feet from the property line, less than
the 50 foot setback required under zoning. This dimension does not change under the
new proposal and all portions of the addition respect the required side and rear yard
2) The height of two new stair towers would exceed 36 feet. Both would rise to a height of
40 feet 8 inches. Staff is comfortable with this zoning flexibility given the limited area
impacted and the purpose being served.
3) The existing site layout does not conform to the requirement that the first 25 feet of each
side and rear yard be landscaped. At various points along the south, east, and north side
of the site, the parking lot extends almost to property line. The proposed site plan
maintains this proximity in some places, extends it in others, and reduces it along the east
property line in order to provide space for additional screening. Staff is comfortable
saying that the proposed site plan is no worse in this regard in comparison to the existing
As discussed above, there are existing nonconformities with respect to the number of parking
spaces currently on site, as well as the number of bicycle parking spaces. The proposed expansion
does increase the number of parking stalls in order to accommodate increases in the number
patients, staff, and visitors, but overall the ratio would remain below what current code requires.
Vehicle Parking
Parking spaces required for:
Hospital (1/350 sq. ft.)
Existing ‐ 83,742 sq. ft
240 required
173 provided (72%)
Proposed – 112,995
323 required
210 proposed (65%)
Bicycle Parking
5% of vehicle parking required Existing – 240 spaces
12 required
0 provided
Proposed – 210 spaces
17 required
0 proposed
1) The number of parking spaces proposed is below the minimum ratio required for a
hospital in City Code. The existing parking ratio is nonconforming but is above the
applicant’s reported target ratio of two spaces per patient bed (66 * 2 = 132 stalls). The
proposed ratio would also be above this target ratio (92 * 2 = 184 stalls). While additional
spaces are being added, the percentage of the required amount is less under the
proposed layout (65% of the number required) than the existing conditions (72% of the
number required). Staff has little empirical evidence as to the adequacy of the current
situation; aerial photos taken between 2000 and 2020 show the lot anywhere from 27%
to 80% full.
2) There are currently no dedicated spaces for bicycle parking on site; the proposal does not
indicate the addition of any spaces. While staff does not believe that the code‐required 17
bicycle parking spaces are needed, 5% of the proposed number of vehicles spaces (11)
does seems appropriate.
There are two separate areas of consideration for Hidden Lakes Parkway, the only access drive
through the development to Regency Hospital.
First, the existing arrangement between the two parties (the Hidden Lakes Association and the
hospital) is a private agreement to share the road and manage all aspects of design, signage,
maintenance, and cost sharing. The City is not a party to this agreement and has no contractual or
property interest in the road. To that end, the City has a very limited role to play in resolving
questions about impacts to the roadway due to heavy use by construction vehicles as well as any
cost sharing arrangement between the parties to finance future maintenance or reconstruction.
However, the City may take the position that resolving and documenting a solution is important
enough that it could withhold approval of the PUD amendment until such agreements have been
reached by the two parties. This has been achieved with the new private agreement drafted in
early April.
Second, the City’s involvement, through police action, in monitoring and enforcing speeds and stop
signs on Hidden Lakes Parkway is challenged by the ownership of this roadway (a private street).
The speed limit on other public local streets is higher than that on the private roads within Hidden
Lakes (30 mph vs. 20 mph). The City Attorney has determined that this limits the City’s ability to
enforce the lower speed limit. It is possible that a reduction in the citywide speed limit – something
under consideration – could make enforcement possible, but that is not a certainty and cannot be
determined at this time. The Police Department is engaged in ongoing discussions with hospital
staff and Association representatives to continue to address this issue. Similarly, police staff have
been in discussions with the hospital to address the issue of failing to stop at the intersection of
Hidden Lakes Parkway with Waterford Court/Drive.
While residents report that it is hospital employees who regularly speed or fail to stop, it is likely
that this behavior extends to some residents of Hidden Lakes as well. Placing the entire burden of
correcting these issues onto the hospital would be unfair. The new private agreement commits
both parties to continuing to work to resolve these concerns.
New lighting is proposed for the expanded parking lot and on the exterior of the building. The
submitted photometric plan appears to meet the requirements of the City’s Outdoor Lighting
standards, though additional adjustments to the lighting under the second floor addition and
within the port cochère are still being discussed. Regardless, the level of illumination at any
property line remains below the 0.5 footcandle limit.
The applicant has proposed to use motion sensors within the parking lot in order allow lighting
levels to remain low when there is no activity within the lot. In addition, residents expressed
concern about the windows on the second floor day room and the potential for interior lighting to
impact homes to the east. The applicant has offered to both install motion sensors in this room and
to provide electronic shades to reduce the possibility of this being a problem.
The landscaping plan submitted primarily addresses two things: screening the parking lot from
homes to the east and providing an enhanced visual experience to those arriving at the site and
using the front entrance.
With the updated plans, staff believes the applicant has provided significant screening in the form
of a solid six foot wall and a variety of shrubs and trees along the east property line, taking the
additional step of pulling back the existing curb of the parking lot in order to provide a wide enough
area to plant significant vegetation. While the trees are meant to provide screening to a significant
height, the addition of the solid wall will shield nearby homes from the glare of headlights as
vehicles utilize the further row of parking stalls. Fire staff have even offered to consider possible
options to allow some degree of screening across the emergency access lane to fill the remaining
While the proposal is to remove approximately 13 significant and legacy trees, the number of
replacements more than compensates for those removals as dictated by the City’s replacement
calculator (roughly 38 replacement trees required; 55 trees, 159 shrubs, and 416 perennials
The City’s forestry staff will continue to work with the applicant to refine the landscaping plan as
the permitting and construction process continues. Initial comments include adjustments to some
species of trees proposed to better fit the space provided, as well as a consideration of alternative
types of plantings.
Architectural and Material Standards
The proposed addition is subject to the City’s architectural and materials standards for additions
and expansions found in Section 113‐157 of the City Code:
Architectural. The exterior wall surface materials, roof treatment, colors, textures, major
divisions, proportion, rhythm of openings, and general architectural character, including
horizontal or vertical emphasis, scale, stylistic features of additions, and exterior alterations
shall address and respect the original architectural design and general appearance of the
principal building on the site and shall comply with the requirements of this section.
Staff believes the architectural design of the addition not only complements the style and
features of the original building and its mid‐century modern character, but provides an
enhanced appearance to both the public and to nearby residents of Hidden Lakes.
Materials. All façades of a building addition or expansion shall be composed of at least 90%
Class I materials until the appropriate minimum Class I percentage standards for the building
are met.
As an Institutional zoned property, any building elevation visible from a public‐right‐of‐way
must be comprised of at least 50% Class I materials and no more than 10% Class III materials.
All other building elevations must contain at least 40% Class I materials and not more than 10%
Class III materials.
Each façade must use a minimum of two types of Class I materials.
Staff finds the proposed material mix for three of the four façades (as shown in the tables listed
with the building elevations in the plan set) meets the City standards.
The east elevation (visible as the public enters the site) has 55% Class I materials and no Class III
The south and west elevations have at least 40% Class I materials and no Class III materials.
The north elevation, which is visible only from the interior courtyards of the hospital, has only
35% Class I materials. Given the limited visibility of this façade staff is comfortable with the
proposed mix of materials.
All sides of the addition contain two types of Class I materials (both natural stone and glass). No
Class III materials are used.
Engineering and Fire Safety Considerations
As is standard practice for development proposals, plans were reviewed by the City’s Engineering
Division and the following notes were provided:
A public walkway easement must be dedicated over the portion of the public trail that
crosses the southeast corner of the site. This trail must be temporarily rerouted and
maintained for public use during construction.
Any proposed changes to the gate or trail used by public safety staff for emergency park
access must be coordinated with public safety staff.
Staff recommends working with the City to dedicate a permanent conservation easement
along the shoreland of Twin Lake consistent with easements previously dedicated on Twin
and Sweeney Lakes. This will help the City meet its floodplain and shoreland
management, natural resources, and climate action goals. The applicant should prepare
an exhibit and the City will prepare the easement documents for recording.
Stormwater Plan
Plans must be reviewed and approved by the Bassett Creek Watershed Management
A stormwater maintenance and chloride management agreement with City shall be
If an existing MPCA Industrial Stormwater permit for outdoor storage and handling of
materials exists for this site, it must be forwarded to staff.
o Staff will work with public safety staff to get their input on potential leaks/spills
from the various sources in the southern portion of the site and the optimal
stormwater management configuration to help mitigate potential environmental
impacts and improve any emergency response effort.
o Applicant should work with public safety to ensure secondary containment on all
outdoor storage areas.
The applicant has provided a stormwater report that describes why above‐ground multi‐
benefit “green infrastructure” will not work on this site, due to balancing numerous
constraints and factors, and what they are providing for public benefit in the proposed
plan (enhanced landscaping, oversizing the required stormwater treatment volume,
capturing and treating as much runoff from existing building and parking lot as feasible).
They are also exploring the dedication of a permanent conservation easement along Twin
Lake to help provide additional public benefit and assist the City in meeting its floodplain
and shoreland management, natural resources, and climate action goals, such as:
o Encourage development that saves or increases green spaces.
o Encourage the preservation or establishment of native and natural vegetation near
o Increase tree canopy in areas with low coverage, areas with high heat
vulnerability, and areas exposed to more vehicle exhaust.
Resilience and Sustainability Goals to Consider
Add renewable energy capacity or infrastructure (including EV charging stations or
supporting infrastructure).
Integrate energy efficiency standards and sustainable design features into project.
Work with the electric utility during planning and design to identify opportunities and
programs to enhance efficiencies.
Reduce impervious surface area where possible, and use lighter colored pavements and
building materials to mitigate urban heat island effect.
The Fire Department reviewed this proposal to ensure that adequate emergency access is achieved
on the site and that any public safety concerns are addressed.
Other Considerations
At the January 25 meeting, a number of residents expressed concern regarding litter originating
from the hospital grounds and either remaining in the parking lot or being dispersed onto the
public trail and near the pond. In response, the new private agreement outlines steps that the
hospital will take to maintain a designated smoking area for staff and the installation of new trash
receptacles in the parking lot and along the perimeter of the campus.
Many residents also worried that the areas below the proposed second floor addition were being
prepped for future expansions. The applicant has assured both the City and the Association that
there are no future expansion plans. Furthermore, the ability to expand the hospital beyond its 92
bed license would require action by the Minnesota legislature, decreasing the likelihood this would
happen. In order to demonstrate further assurance, the new private agreement includes this
commitment on the part of the hospital.
Anticipated Development Timeline
Although delayed from the originally anticipated timeline, the work to complete the addition
(permitting and construction) is expected to take approximately 12 months from the time of
approval by the City Council.
In order approve an amendment to a PUD, the City must be able to make the following findings:
Quality Site Planning. The PUD plan must be tailored to the specific characteristics of the site
and achieve a higher quality of site planning and design than generally expected under
conventional provisions of the zoning chapter.
The PUD amendment is tailored to the specific characteristics of the site in that it avoids
impacts to Twin Lake by focusing change to the east side of the property and that the
proposed architecture complements the mid‐century modern features of the existing
Preservation. The PUD plan must preserve and protect substantial desirable portions of the
site’s characteristics, open space, and sensitive environmental features including steep
slopes, trees, scenic views, creeks, wetlands, and open waters.
Although the PUD amendment would result in the removal of a handful of existing trees, it
attempts to mitigate these removals through tree replacement and high quality landscaping.
New stormwater treatment would be added to an area in which it is currently lacking,
thereby improving water quality in the Sweeney Lake sub‐watershed.
Efficient; Effective. The PUD plan must include efficient and effective use of the land (which
includes preservation).
The proposed amendment would utilize land efficiently by maximizing the existing license for
hospital beds currently issued for this facility and improving on‐site stormwater treatment.
Consistency. The PUD plan must result in development that is compatible with adjacent uses
and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and redevelopment plans and goals.
The proposal is consistent with the current use on the site and impacts to the surrounding
residential neighborhood have been minimized through landscaping and lighting controls.
The proposal is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which calls for the support of
non‐residential growth opportunities and utilizing the PUD process as a way to achieve
zoning flexibility, as well as requiring the use of high‐quality, durable materials in new
developments and integrating new developments with existing architectural character.
General Health. The PUD plan must be consistent with preserving and improving the general
health, safety, and welfare of the people of the city.
The PUD amendment would improve general health by providing water quality
improvements to the Sweeney Lake sub‐watershed, would improve safety by spurring a
coordinated education and enforcement effort for vehicles traveling along Hidden Lakes
Parkway, and would improve the welfare by allowing for the modernization of an aging
Meets Requirements. The PUD plan must meet the intent and purpose provisions of Section
113‐123 as well as all other provisions.
The creativity and flexibility provided under the PUD section of the Zoning Code allows for
the unique arrangement of uses and parcels within the Hidden Lakes development; achieves
a high quality of site planning, design, landscaping, and building materials; and the efficient
and effective use of land. The PUD amendment meets the Intent and Purpose provision of
the City Code.
After numerous conversations with the applicant and representatives from the Hidden Lakes
Association Board, and with significant efforts on the part of the hospital and the Board to reach
a private agreement addressing numerous issues, staff believes important revisions have been
made that address most of the concerns brought forward by individuals. The Board believes its
primary issues have been resolved and that there is support from a large number of Hidden Lakes
residents. While all residents might not agree with the proposed solutions, staff and the Board
believe the progress that has been made not only supports a recommendation of approval of the
PUD amendment, but also puts into place a number of provisions and protections for the
neighborhood that do not currently exist.
Therefore, staff recommends approval of Amendment #8 to Hidden Lakes PUD No. 74, subject to
the following conditions:
1. The plans for the Regency Hospital addition, submitted January 13, 2021, and subsequently
updated on March 29, shall become a part of this approval. Required revisions include:
a. Showing and labeling the access gate and trail along the south property line.
b. Reducing the lighting levels under the second floor addition and under the port
c. Working with staff to locate the designated smoking area for employees and
d. Indicating the location of trash receptacles in and around the parking lot.
2. Public bicycle racks or similar facilities for a minimum of 11 bicycles shall be provided. The
applicant shall work with staff to appropriately locate the bicycle facilities.
3. The applicant shall provide a snow storage/removal plan that does not reduce the number of
parking stalls nor impact the public trail for staff review and approval prior to City approval of
the PUD Permit.
4. A public walkway easement shall be dedicated over the public trail in the southeast corner of
the site. This trail shall be temporarily rerouted and maintained for public use during
5. A permanent conservation easement shall be dedicated along the shoreland of Twin Lake.
6. The applicant shall repair and maintain the fence along the south property line to discourage
cut through foot traffic to Twin Lake.
7. The applicant shall utilize motion sensors on parking lot lighting, and utilize motions sensors
and motorized shades on timers within the day room, in order to reduce unnecessary
illumination and reduce impacts to adjacent properties.
8. The applicant shall install and maintain landscaping adjacent to the public trail on the east
side of the property in accordance with the approved plans on file with the City. Maintenance
shall include all reasonable care, trimming, repairs, and replacement needed to ensure the
landscaping improvements are kept in good condition.
9. With the exception of oxygen deliveries, large truck deliveries and pick‐ups shall be limited to
the hours of 7 am to 8 pm daily.
10. The hospital shall be limited to a total of 92 beds. The building footprint shall not be
expanded without the required review and approval by the City.
11. The applicant shall work with staff to address questions around the outdoor chemical storage
areas near the southwest corner of the building.
12. Plans must be reviewed and approved by the Bassett Creek Watershed Management
13. A stormwater maintenance and chloride management agreement with the City shall be
14. The applicant shall complete all inspections related to the City’s Inflow and Infiltration
requirements and work with staff to resolve any repairs or improvements necessary.
15. An updated agreement between the hospital and association, addressing reimbursement
procedures and commitments for construction‐related damage on Hidden Lakes Parkway and
the reallocation of roadway expenses, shall be provided to the City for review prior to
approval of the PUD Permit.
16. The applicant shall share with the City its plan for management of trash in and around the
parking lot as well as for employee communication around these efforts.
17. The applicant shall address the three conditions outlined by the Minneapolis Park and
Recreation Board in its letter dated December 29, 2020.
18. A development agreement shall be drafted prior to City approval of the PUD Permit and shall
include details on:
a. Permitted days and hours of construction activity.
b. The location and nature of construction parking, access, delivery, staging,
equipment and materials storage, and employee parking.
c. A neighborhood “Hot Line” for issue resolution.
This approval is subject to all other state, federal, and local ordinances, regulations, or laws with
authority over this development.
Location Map (1 page)
Staff memo from January 25, 2021 (14 pages)
Planning Commission minutes from January 25, 2021 (12 pages)
Public comments received by staff and City Council Members since January 25 (7 pages)
Hidden Lakes Homeowners Association Board letter to residents dated April 7, 2021 (3 pages)
Plans from Kimley‐Horn dated January 13 and updated March 29, 2021 (21 pages)
Memorandum from Kimley‐Horn regarding Trip Generation and Roadway Capacity (3 pages)
Letter from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board dated December 29, 2020 (2 pages)
Location Map
Date: January 25, 2021
To: Golden Valley Planning Commission
From: Jason Zimmerman, Planning Manager
Subject: Informal Public Hearing – Hidden Lakes PUD No. 74, Amendment #8 – 1300 Hidden
Lakes Parkway
Property address: 1300 Hidden Lakes Parkway Property owner: Regency Hospital of Mpls
Applicant: Regency Hospital of Mpls Lot size: 9.12 acres
Zoning district: Institutional (I‐3) Future land use: Medical
Current use: Acute care hospital Proposed use: Same
Adjacent uses: Hidden Lakes residential neighborhoods (north and east); Twin Lake (west);
Theodore Wirth Regional Park (south)
2018 aerial photo (Hennepin County)
Regency Hospital of Minneapolis, LLC, is applying for a Major PUD Amendment to allow for the
expansion of the existing hospital building within the Hidden Lakes development on the east side of
Twin Lake. The expansion would include 9,531 square feet of office/mechanical space and 19,722
square feet of space for 26 new patient suites. In addition, the expansion would trigger a
reconfiguration of the parking lot, utility reroutes, changes to landscaping, and new stormwater
Background and Existing Conditions
The Hidden Lakes PUD was created in 1997 and replaced an even older PUD that encompassed a
number of buildings associated with the Golden Valley Health Center. The current PUD includes not
only 152 homes (both single‐family and attached units), but also the main parking lot for the
Courage Kenney Rehabilitation Institute, a public boat launch onto Sweeney Lake, and Regency
Regency Hospital is located at the far south end of the development. The only vehicular access to
the development is via Hidden Lakes Parkway from Golden Valley Road and the streets within the
development are private. A private access easement agreement allows the hospital to use Hidden
Lakes Parkway to reach its property, outlines how maintenance of this roadway is handled, details
rights related to signage, and includes a process for potentially dedicating Hidden Lakes Parkway as
a public right‐of‐way. With Twin Lake to the west and Theodore Wirth Park to the east and south,
there are no other avenues for access to the hospital.
The property is zoned Institutional (I‐3) which treats hospitals and other outpatient surgical
facilities as conditional uses. The western edge, along Twin Lake, falls within the City’s Shoreland
Management area. The property contains a roughly 83,700 square foot two‐story building
constructed in 1957. While it has a license for 92 beds, it currently has only 66 as at some point in
the past the hospital eliminated double patient rooms and moved to a model of single beds. The
proposal to expand the building would include 26 more single‐bed rooms, bringing the hospital
back up to its full allowance of 92 beds.
The building has not yet been found to be compliant with the City’s Inflow and Infiltration
requirements. An initial inspection of the sanitary sewer system was conducted in October of 2020,
but additional investigations remain to be carried out. Any existing deficiencies must be addressed
as a part of this project.
1300 Hidden Lakes Parkway ‐ Existing Conditions
The main entrance drive to the hospital property splits the building, to the west, from the parking
lot, to the east. The current parking lot configuration provides 173 parking stalls, though a less well‐
defined paved area along the southern property line provides space for additional employee
vehicles. Given the size of the current facility, the amount of parking is nonconforming but was
deemed to be adequate when the PUD was first approved. A public trail sits mostly outside of the
property along the east edge of the parking lot, though it does cross onto the hospital property in
the southeast corner.
A small knoll sits to the south of the parking lot, rising roughly eight feet above the level of the
parking lot. A number of mature elms, oaks, and spruces grow on top of this knoll.
The site is located within the Sweeney Lake sub‐watershed of the Bassett Creek watershed and
therefore all plans must be reviewed and approved by the Bassett Creek Watershed Management
As a part of the engagement related to this proposal, staff have been made aware of three current
areas of complaint regarding the hospital. First, residents within Hidden Lakes have raised concerns
about speeding along Hidden Lakes Parkway. The posted speed limit is 20 mph. Second, there have
been reports that many vehicles fail to stop when they approach the marked intersection with
Waterford Court/Waterford Drive. Finally, residents who walk along the public trail near the
parking lot have complained about a prevalence of litter on the ground.
The PUD amendment before the City would add approximately 29,253 square feet of space to the
existing building. Much of this additional space (19,722 square feet) would be for 26 new single‐
bed suites on the second floor of the hospital, facing the parking lot. An additional 9,531 square
feet would be for reception, offices, a conference room, and mechanicals.
1300 Hidden Lakes Parkway ‐ Proposed Conditions
The addition would extend along the southeast face of the existing building, with much of the new
square footage being added to the second floor to provide continuity with the existing patient care
areas. Existing mechanicals – some of which currently sit outdoors – would be enclosed on the
ground level. A new entrance, complete with a reworked porte cochère, would face the parking lot.
On the second floor, a new day room would be constructed in the northeast corner of the building.
Exterior materials have been selected to complement the existing façades and would consist of
natural stone, glass, artificial stucco (EIFS), and prefinished metal panels. Broadly, the architecture
would continue the current mid‐century modern aesthetic.
In order to accommodate the expanded building, the existing parking lot would be reconfigured.
The entrance drive to the property would shift eastwards, eliminating one row of parking along the
western edge of the parking lot. To compensate, the parking lot would be expanded to the south,
requiring the removal of the knoll and the trees on it. Overall, 44 parking stalls would be added for
a total of 217 spaces. The City’s required parking ratio for a hospital is one space per every 350
gross square feet. For the proposed building size (112,995 square feet), this would result in the
need for 323 parking spaces. However, the applicant has stated that the type of facility (acute care)
operates differently than a typical hospital and requires fewer parking spaces. Across the country,
the facilities operated by Select Medical construct a minimum of two parking stalls per bed.
Accordingly, they feel a minimum of 92 * 2 = 184 stalls are needed in this case, and that the
number of stalls being proposed sufficiently exceeds this.
In response to concerns expressed by residents in homes to the east, the original parking lot plans
were modified to pull the parking lot curb further away from the east property line and to provide
space for an additional vegetative buffer. As can be seen on the attached landscape plan (page 14
of the plan set), a row of trees – primarily evergreens – is proposed to be planted within the buffer,
between the parking lot and the public trail. Additional landscaping would be added throughout
the site, but would be focused on the north edge of the building (the initial view upon entering the
site) and the entrance area surrounding the port cochère.
Stormwater management would primarily be handled through an underground system installed
beneath the parking lot. This would allow surface water to be treated before being directed into
Hidden Lakes Pond 3 to the north of the site.
New lighting would be installed within the parking lot and on the exterior of the building. The
fixtures would comply with the City’s outdoor lighting requirements and would incorporate motion
sensors to ensure that the lights would dim when not needed, thereby reducing levels for
surrounding properties. The new day room constructed as part of the addition would utilize
mechanical shades to help prevent the light from shining out towards the neighborhood from the
large windows at night.
The applicant also submitted a traffic study to provide projections of the additional trips on Hidden
Lakes Parkway likely to occur as a result of the larger facility. It shows an increase of roughly 42%
over the current estimated trips, from 578 trips per day to 822 trips per day. The number of
existing trips is not based on actual observations, but utilizes the Institute of Transportation
Engineers Trip Generation Manual and assigns trips based on facility square footage.
Community Engagement
In light of current COVID restrictions, a virtual neighborhood meeting was held on December 3 in
place of an in‐person meeting. Roughly 53 residents were on the call and expressed a number of
concerns, including those listed above but also frustration at the speed with which the proposal
was advancing. In response to these concerns, and in coordination with staff, the applicant delayed
the initial public hearing from December 14 to January 25.
The proposal for the hospital expansion has been subjected to a great deal of scrutiny as noted
September 22, 2020 – staff meeting on site to understand the project scope
November 6 – electronic plans shared with staff
November 10 – applicant team virtual meeting with staff to discuss plans
November 13 – submittal of PUD amendment application
December 2 – virtual meeting with Hidden Lakes Association board
December 3 – virtual meeting with Hidden Lakes residents
Month of December – subsequent conversations with Hidden Lakes Association board
January 13, 2021 – submittal of revised plan set
January 20 – virtual meeting with staff to review plans
January 21 – virtual meeting with Hidden Lakes Association board to review plans
Staff and elected officials have received numerous communications from residents of Hidden Lakes
about this proposal (attached). Primary areas of concern include:
Excessive speeds on Hidden Lakes Parkway
Failure to stop at marked stop signs on Hidden Lakes Parkway
Concerns over wear and tear to Hidden Lakes Parkway from construction vehicles and
subsequent long term maintenance costs
Spillover from lights within the parking lot and from the proposed day room
Littering within the parking lot and on the public trail
Removal of mature trees and paving of pervious areas
Staff has received comments from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (attached). The Park
Board supports the project, but did provide a few requests related to permitting and construction.
Due to its location adjacent to Twin Lake, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is also
required to be contacted regarding this proposal. To date, staff has not received any comments
from the DNR.
Land Use and Zoning Considerations
As a PUD, the City can offer flexibility from the regular zoning requirements in order to achieve a
better development. The following table summarizes how closely the requirements of the
Institutional Zoning District are met under the current proposal (areas that depart from the typical
requirements are highlighted in yellow):
Institutional Zoning Hidden Lakes PUD 74 –
Amendment #8
Use Hospitals and outpatient
surgical facilities
Acute care hospital
Dimensional Standards
Lot coverage (structures) 25% maximum 11% (existing)
16% (proposed)
Front setback 35’ NA
Side and rear setbacks 50’ 39.62’ (south ‐ existing)
39.62’ (south ‐ proposed)
Building height Three stories or 36’,
whichever is less
27’‐8” to top of roof parapet,
40’‐8” to top of stair towers
Landscaped buffers 25’ in width along side and
rear property lines
As little as 0’ (existing)
As little as 0’ to the south, 8’‐
9” to the east (proposed)
The proposed PUD amendment would require zoning flexibility from the City Code in the following
1) The south corner of the existing building is only 40 feet from the property line, less than
the 50 foot setback required under zoning. This dimension does not change under the
new proposal and all portions of the addition respect the required side and rear yard
2) The height of two new stair towers would exceed 36 feet. Both would rise to a height of
40 feet 8 inches. Staff is comfortable with this zoning flexibility given the limited area
impacted and the purpose being served.
3) The existing site layout does not conform to the requirement that the first 25 feet of each
side and rear yard be landscaped. At various points along the south, east, and north side
of the site, the parking lot extends almost to property line. The proposed site plan
maintains this proximity in some places, extends it in others, and reduces it along the east
property line in order to provide space for additional evergreen screening. Staff is
comfortable saying that the proposed site plan is no worse in this regard in comparison to
the existing situation.
As discussed above, there are existing nonconformities with respect to the number of parking
spaces currently on site, as well as the number of bicycle parking spaces. The proposed expansion
does increase the number of parking stalls in order to accommodate increases in the number
patients, staff, and visitors, but overall the ratio would remain below what current code requires.
Vehicle Parking
Parking spaces required for:
Hospital (1/350 sq. ft.)
Existing ‐ 83,742 sq. ft
240 required
173 provided (72%)
Proposed – 112,995
323 required
217 proposed (67%)
Bicycle Parking
5% of vehicle parking required Existing – 240 spaces
12 required
0 provided
Proposed – 217 spaces
17 required
0 proposed
1) The number of parking spaces proposed is below the minimum ratio required for a
hospital in City Code. The existing parking ratio is nonconforming but is above the
applicant’s reported target ratio of two spaces per patient bed (66 * 2 = 132 stalls). The
proposed ratio would also be above this target ratio (92 * 2 = 184 stalls). While additional
spaces are being added, the percentage of the required amount is less under the
proposed layout (67% of the number required) than the existing conditions (72% of the
number required). Staff has little empirical evidence as to the adequacy of the current
situation; aerial photos taken between 2000 and 2020 show the lot anywhere from 27%
to 80% full.
2) There are currently no dedicated spaces for bicycle parking on site; the proposal does not
indicate the addition of any spaces. While staff does not believe that the code‐required 17
bicycle parking spaces are needed, 5% of the proposed number of vehicles spaces (11)
does seems appropriate.
There are two separate areas of consideration for Hidden Lakes Parkway, the only access drive
through the development to Regency Hospital.
First, the arrangement between the two parties (the Hidden Lakes Association and the hospital) is a
private agreement to share the road and manage all aspects of design, signage, maintenance, cost
sharing. The City is not a party to this agreement and has no contractual or property interest in the
road. To that end, the City has a very limited role to play in resolving questions about impacts to
the roadway due to heavy use by construction vehicles as well as any cost sharing arrangement
between the parties to finance future maintenance or reconstruction. However, the City may take
the position that resolving and documenting a solution is important enough that it could withhold
approval of the PUD amendment until such agreements have been reached by the two parties.
Second, the City’s involvement, through police action, in monitoring and enforcing speeds and stop
signs on Hidden Lakes Parkway is challenged by the ownership of this roadway (a private street).
The speed limit on other public local streets is higher than that on the private roads within Hidden
Lakes (30 mph vs. 20 mph). The City Attorney has determined that this limits the City’s ability to
enforce the lower speed limit. It is possible that a reduction in the citywide speed limit – something
under consideration – could make enforcement possible, but that is not a certainty and cannot be
determined at this time. The Police Department is engaged in ongoing discussions with hospital
staff and Association representatives to continue to address this issue. Similarly, police staff have
been in discussions with the hospital to address the issue of failing to stop at the intersection of
Hidden Lakes Parkway with Waterford Court/Drive.
While residents report that it is hospital employees who regularly speed or fail to stop, it is likely
that this behavior extends to some residents of Hidden Lakes as well. Placing the entire burden of
correcting these issues onto the hospital would be unfair. Staff supports all parties continuing to
work to address these concerns.
New lighting is proposed for the expanded parking lot and on the exterior of the building. The
submitted photometric plan appears to meet the requirements of the City’s Outdoor Lighting
standards, though additional adjustments to the lighting under the second floor addition and
within the port cochère are still being discussed. Regardless, the level of illumination at any
property line remains below the 0.5 footcandle limit.
The applicant has proposed to use motion sensors within the parking lot in order allow lighting
levels to remain low when there is no activity within the lot. In addition, residents expressed
concern about the windows on the second floor day room and the potential for interior lighting to
impact homes to the east. The applicant has offered to both install motion sensors in this room and
to provide electronic shades to reduce the possibility of this being a problem.
The landscaping plan submitted primarily addresses two things: screening the parking lot from
homes to the east and providing an enhanced visual experience to those arriving at the site and
using the front entrance.
Staff believes the applicant has provided significant screening in the form of evergreens along the
east property line, taking the additional step of pulling back the existing curb of the parking lot in
order to provide a wide enough area to plant vegetation. While the current plans focus on trees to
provide screening to a significant height, staff has also requested the addition of low shrubbery to
shield nearby homes from the glare of headlights as vehicles utilize the further row of parking
While the proposal is to remove approximately 13 significant and legacy trees, the number
replacements more than compensates for those removals as dictated by the City’s replacement
calculator (38 replacement trees required; 59 trees, 174 shrubs, and 328 perennials proposed).
Architectural and Material Standards
The proposed addition is subject to the City’s architectural and materials standards for additions
and expansions found in Section 113‐157 of the City Code:
Architectural. The exterior wall surface materials, roof treatment, colors, textures, major
divisions, proportion, rhythm of openings, and general architectural character, including
horizontal or vertical emphasis, scale, stylistic features of additions, and exterior alterations
shall address and respect the original architectural design and general appearance of the
principal building on the site and shall comply with the requirements of this section.
Staff believes the architectural design of the addition not only complements the style and
features of the original building and its mid‐century modern character, but provides an
enhanced appearance to both the public and to nearby residents of Hidden Lakes.
Materials. All façades of a building addition or expansion shall be composed of at least 90%
Class I materials until the appropriate minimum Class I percentage standards for the building
are met.
As an Institutional zoned property, any building elevation visible from a public‐right‐of‐way
must be comprised of at least 50% Class I materials and no more than 10% Class III materials.
All other building elevations must contain at least 40% Class I materials and not more than 10%
Class III materials.
Each façade must use a minimum of two types of Class I materials.
Staff finds the proposed material mix for three of the four façades (as shown in the tables on
page 20 of the plan set) meets the City standards.
The east elevation (visible as the public enters the site) has 55% Class I materials and no Class III
The south and west elevations have at least 40% Class I materials and no Class III materials.
The north elevation, which is visible only from the interior courtyards of the hospital, has only
35% Class I materials. Given the limited visibility of this façade staff is comfortable with the
proposed mix of materials.
All sides of the addition contain two types of Class I materials (both natural stone and glass). No
Class III materials are used.
Engineering and Fire Safety Considerations
As is standard practice for development proposals, plans were reviewed by the City’s Engineering
Division and the following notes were provided:
A public walkway easement must be dedicated over the portion of the public trail that
crosses the southeast corner of the site. This trail must be temporarily rerouted and
maintained for public use during construction.
The access gate and trail used by public safety staff for emergency park access must be
shown and labeled on the plans. Any proposed changes to the gate or trail must be
coordinated with public safety staff.
Staff recommends working with the City to dedicate a permanent conservation easement
along the shoreland of Twin Lake consistent with easements previously dedicated on Twin
and Sweeney Lakes. This will help the City meet its floodplain and shoreland
management, natural resources, and climate action goals. The applicant should prepare
an exhibit and the City will prepare the easement documents for recording.
Stormwater Plan
Plans must be reviewed and approved by the Bassett Creek Watershed Management
A stormwater maintenance and chloride management agreement with City shall be
If an existing MPCA Industrial Stormwater permit for outdoor storage and handling of
materials exists for this site, it must be forwarded to staff.
o Staff will work with public safety staff to get their input on potential leaks/spills
from the various sources in the southern portion of the site and the optimal
stormwater management configuration to help mitigate potential environmental
impacts and improve any emergency response effort.
o Applicant should work with public safety to ensure secondary containment on all
outdoor storage areas.
The applicant has provided a stormwater report that describes why above‐ground multi‐
benefit “green infrastructure” will not work on this site, due to balancing numerous
constraints and factors, and what they are providing for public benefit in the proposed
plan (enhanced landscaping, oversizing the required stormwater treatment volume,
capturing and treating as much runoff from existing building and parking lot as feasible).
They are also exploring the dedication of a permanent conservation easement along Twin
Lake to help provide additional public benefit and assist the City in meeting its floodplain
and shoreland management, natural resources, and climate action goals, such as:
o Encourage development that saves or increases green spaces.
o Encourage the preservation or establishment of native and natural vegetation near
o Increase tree canopy in areas with low coverage, areas with high heat
vulnerability, and areas exposed to more vehicle exhaust.
Resilience and Sustainability Goals to Consider
Add renewable energy capacity or infrastructure (including EV charging stations or
supporting infrastructure).
Integrate energy efficiency standards and sustainable design features into project.
Work with the electric utility during planning and design to identify opportunities and
programs to enhance efficiencies.
Reduce impervious surface area where possible, and use lighter colored pavements and
building materials to mitigate urban heat island effect.
The Fire Department reviewed this proposal to ensure that adequate emergency access is achieved
on the site and that any public safety concerns are addressed. One change was requested and has
been shared with the applicant – the access into the parking lot from the end of Woodland Trail
must remain unimpeded by parking stalls or by vegetation. Plans must reflect this change prior to
any approval of a PUD Permit.
Other Considerations
A number of residents expressed concern that the areas below the proposed second floor addition
were being prepped for future expansions. The applicant has assured both the City and the
Association that there are no future expansion plans. Furthermore, the ability to expand the
hospital beyond its 92 bed license would require action by the Minnesota legislature, decreasing
the likelihood this would happen.
Anticipated Development Timeline
Although delayed from the originally anticipated timeline, the work to complete the addition
(permitting and construction) is expected to take approximately 12 months from the time of
approval by the City Council.
In order approve an amendment to a PUD, the City must be able to make the following findings:
Quality Site Planning. The PUD plan must be tailored to the specific characteristics of the site
and achieve a higher quality of site planning and design than generally expected under
conventional provisions of the zoning chapter.
The PUD amendment is tailored to the specific characteristics of the site in that it avoids
impacts to Twin Lake by focusing change to the east side of the property and that the
proposed architecture complements the mid‐century modern features of the existing
Preservation. The PUD plan must preserve and protect substantial desirable portions of the
site’s characteristics, open space, and sensitive environmental features including steep
slopes, trees, scenic views, creeks, wetlands, and open waters.
Although the PUD amendment would result in the removal of a handful of existing trees, it
attempts to mitigate these removals through tree replacement and high quality landscaping.
New stormwater treatment would be added to an area in which it is currently lacking,
thereby improving water quality in the Sweeney Lake sub‐watershed.
Efficient; Effective. The PUD plan must include efficient and effective use of the land (which
includes preservation).
The proposed amendment would utilize land efficiently by maximizing the existing license for
hospital beds currently issued for this facility and improving on‐site stormwater treatment.
Consistency. The PUD plan must result in development that is compatible with adjacent uses
and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and redevelopment plans and goals.
The proposal is consistent with the current use on the site and impacts to the surrounding
residential neighborhood have been minimized through landscaping and lighting controls.
The proposal is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which calls for the support of
non‐residential growth opportunities and utilizing the PUD process as a way to achieve
zoning flexibility, as well as requiring the use of high‐quality, durable materials in new
developments and integrating new developments with existing architectural character.
General Health. The PUD plan must be consistent with preserving and improving the general
health, safety, and welfare of the people of the city.
The PUD amendment would improve general health by providing water quality
improvements to the Sweeney Lake sub‐watershed, would improve safety by spurring a
coordinated education and enforcement effort for vehicles traveling along Hidden Lakes
Parkway, and would improve the welfare by allowing for the modernization of an aging
Meets Requirements. The PUD plan must meet the intent and purpose provisions of Section
113‐123 as well as all other provisions.
The creativity and flexibility provided under the PUD section of the Zoning Code allows for
the unique arrangement of uses and parcels within the Hidden Lakes development; achieves
a high quality of site planning, design, landscaping, and building materials; and the efficient
and effective use of land. The PUD amendment meets the Intent and Purpose provision of
the City Code.
After numerous conversations with the applicant and representatives from the Hidden Lakes
Association Board, staff believes significant revisions have been made to the initial proposal that
address many of the concerns brought forward by individual residents. The Board believes a
majority of its issues have been resolved and the few items that remain appear to be close to
resolution. While all residents might not agree with the proposed solutions, staff believes enough
progress has been made to be able to recommend approval of the PUD amendment, allowing the
hospital to make the desire improvements while also protecting the interests of the surrounding
Staff recommends approval of Amendment #8 to Hidden Lakes PUD No. 74, subject to the
following conditions:
1. The plans for the Regency Hospital addition, submitted January 13, 2021, and subsequently
updated to address City comments, shall become a part of this approval. Required revisions
a. Showing and labeling the access gate and trail along the south property line.
b. Removing three parking stalls and shrubs from the emergency access directly
opposite Woodland Trail and working with staff to design the curb to allow
emergency vehicle access.
c. Adding coniferous shrubs along the eastern edge of the parking lot.
d. Reducing the lighting levels under the second floor addition and under the port
e. Indicating a location for snow storage that does not reduce the number of parking
stalls nor impact the public trail.
2. A public walkway easement shall be dedicated over the public trail in the southeast corner of
the site. This trail shall be temporarily rerouted and maintained for public use during
3. A permanent conservation easement shall be dedicated along the shoreland of Twin Lake.
4. The applicant shall work with staff to address questions around the outdoor chemical storage
areas near the southwest corner of the building.
5. Plans must be reviewed and approved by the Bassett Creek Watershed Management
6. A stormwater maintenance and chloride management agreement with the City shall be
7. The applicant shall complete all inspections related to the City’s Inflow and Infiltration
requirements and work with staff to resolve any repairs or improvements necessary.
8. An updated agreement between the hospital and association, addressing reimbursement
procedures and commitments for construction‐related damage on Hidden Lakes Parkway and
the reallocation of roadway expenses, shall be provided to the City for review.
9. The applicant shall repair and maintain the fence along the south property line to discourage
cut through foot traffic to Twin Lake.
10. The applicant shall share with the City its plan for management of trash in and around the
parking lot as well as for employee communication around these efforts.
11. The applicant shall utilize motion sensors on parking lot lighting, and utilize motions sensors
and motorized shades on timers within the day room, in order to reduce unnecessary
illumination and reduce impacts to adjacent properties.
12. The applicant shall address the three conditions outlined by the Minneapolis Park and
Recreation Board in its letter dated December 29, 2020.
13. Public bicycle racks or similar facilities a minimum of 11 bicycles shall be provided. The
applicant shall work with staff to appropriately locate the bicycle facilities.
14. The hospital shall be limited to a total of 92 beds. The building footprint shall not be
expanded without the required review and approval by the City.
15. A development agreement shall be drafted prior to City approval of the PUD Permit and shall
include details on:
a. Permitted days and hours of construction activity.
b. The location and nature of construction parking, access, delivery, staging,
equipment and materials storage, and employee parking.
This approval is subject to all other state, federal, and local ordinances, regulations, or laws with
authority over this development.
Location Map (1 page)
Plans from Kimley‐Horn dated January 13, 2021 (21 pages)
Memorandum from Kimley‐Horn regarding Trip Generation and Roadway Capacity (3 pages)
Letter from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board dated December 29, 2020 (2 pages)
Public comments received by staff and City Council Members (28 pages)
This meeting was held via Webex in accordance with the local emergency declaration made by
the City under Minn. Stat. § 12.37. In accordance with that declaration, beginning on March 16,
2020, all Planning Commission meetings held during the emergency were conducted
electronically. The City used Webex to conduct this meeting and members of the public were
able to monitor the meetings by watching it on Comcast cable channel 16, by streaming it on
CCXmedia.org, or by dialing in to the public call‐in line.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Chair Blum.
Roll Call
Commissioners present: Rich Baker, Ron Blum, Adam Brookins, Andy Johnson, Lauren Pockl, Ryan
Sadeghi, Chuck Segelbaum
Commissioners absent: Noah Orloff
Staff present: Jason Zimmerman – Planning Manager, Myles Campbell – Planner
Council Liaison present: Gillian Rosenquist
2. Approval of Agenda
Chair Blum asked for a motion to approve the agenda.
MOTION made by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Brookins, to approve the agenda
of January 25, 2021. Staff called a roll call vote and the motion carried unanimously.
3. Approval of Minutes
Chair Blum asked for a motion to approve the minutes from December 28, 2020.
MOTION made by Commissioner Pockl, seconded by Commissioner Johnson to approve minutes.
Staff called a roll call vote and the motion carried unanimously.
1. Informal Public Hearing – Informal Public Hearing on PUD 74 Major PUD Amendment
Applicant: Regency Hospital
Addresses: 1300 Hidden Lakes Parkway, Golden Valley MN
Jason Zimmerman, Planning Manager, opened the conversation with a presentation on the Major
PUD Amendment that would allow for a 29,000 sq. foot expansion of Regency Hospital at 1300
Hidden Lakes Parkway, as well as modifications to the parking lot, landscaping, and utilities.
January 25, 2021 – 7 pm
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
Background & Existing Conditions
PUD 74 created in 1997 on the site of the former Golden Valley Health Center
Area includes 152 homes (single‐family and attached), parking lot for Courage Kenney, public
boat launch onto Sweeney Lake, and Regency Hospital
All streets within the development are private; Hidden Lakes Parkway provides the only
access to the hospital
A private access agreement between the neighborhood and the hospital covers maintenance,
cost sharing, signage, etc.; the City is not a party to this agreement
Because of Sweeney and Twin Lakes (to the west) and Theodore Wirth Park (to the south),
no other routes to the hospital are possible
Hospital built in 1957 and is two stories of approximately 83,700 sq. ft. with an existing license
for 92 beds
Historically, many patient rooms had two beds but as of now there are 66 beds in single rooms
The expansion would add 26 single‐bed rooms to regain the full 92 beds allowed under the
current license
Parking lot has 170 spaces (3 more located next to the building) – nonconforming but allowed
under the existing PUD approvals
A knoll with mature trees is south of the parking lot
A public trail is to the east, mostly outside of the hospital property
Emergency access from Woodland Trail (to the east) intersects the parking lot
South property line is fenced to prevent public access to the unofficial beach on Twin Lake –
needs repair
Residents have expressed concerns regarding existing operations:
1. Speeding on Hidden Lakes Parkway (posted speed is 20 mph)
2. Failure to stop at marked signs/crosswalks on Hidden Lakes parkway
3. Littering in and around the parking lot
Addition of 29,253 sq. ft. to the southeast side of the building
o 19,722 sq. ft. for 26 new patient rooms on the second floor facing the parking lot
o 9,531 square feet for reception, offices, conference room, etc.
Some outdoor mechanicals would be enclosed
Existing entrance/porte cochère would be reworked
New dining/day room added to the northeast corner on the second floor
Exterior materials mostly glass, natural stone, and EIFS – would continue the mid‐century
modern look
Parking lot reconfiguration triggered:
o Expand to the south, add 44 parking stalls
o Would remain under the usual required parking ratio
o Knoll and existing trees would be removed
New landscaping/screening added along east edge of parking lot – both low and high
Lighting would respond to the City’s “dark skies” requirements
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
Stormwater treated/managed through an underground system
Traffic study provided to estimate new trips:
o Current trips from hospital estimated (not observed) using the trip generation data
for nursing homes
o Increase in square footage would generate an estimated 42% increase in trips per day
(578 to 822)
Timeline/Community Engagement
Onsite meeting with staff – September, 2020
Full plans shared with City – early November, 2020
Meeting with residents of Hidden Lakes – December 3, 2020
Conversations with Association Board – December, 2020
Submittal of revised plans – mid‐January, 2021
Tentative City Council hearing date – February 16, 2021
Staff Evaluation
No impervious limit for Institutional
Applicant aims for a ratio of 2 stalls per
patient bed = 184 stalls
Plans must be revised to remove parking
stalls blocking emergency access drive
City has no role in the private access
agreement, but should ensure the two
parties have reached an agreement
before approving any PUD amendment
Speed limit on private roads is lower
than that on public roads, therefore PD
cannot enforce
o City consideration of citywide
lower speed limit may provide an
PD communicating with the hospital to
resolve “failure to stop” issues
New lighting within the parking lot and
on the exterior of the building will meet
the City’s “dark skies” requirements
o Hospital to add motion sensors to
decrease unnecessary lights
Lighting under additions to be reduced
Resident concerns regarding lights from
windows in new day room
o Hospital will add motion sensors
and electronic shade to decrease
New landscaping would be added to the east side of the parking to help provide screening
o Evergreen trees would help screen views of the building
o Shrubs would help block glare of headlights
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
o Plans must be revised to keep emergency access drive open
Other landscaping would be added to the entrance area
New architecture addresses and respect original design and general appearance of the
principal building
Materials meet the minimum requirements on 3 of 4 facades:
o Northwest elevation has only 35% Class I materials instead of 40% required by code
o Faces internally to the courtyards
No Class III materials proposed
Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board supports the proposal
MN DNR is reviewing the plans, no comments at this time
Residents expressed concern that future additions might be proposed:
o Hospital reports no additions are contemplated
o Any addition would require review and approval by the City
o An increase in the number of licensed beds would require action by the State
Preliminary Findings
There are 6 findings the City has to be able to make:
Quality Site Planning
General Health
Meets Requirements
Approval of Amendment #8 to Hidden Lakes PUD No. 74, subject to the following conditions:
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
Staff took a break from presenting and answered some questions from Commissioners regarding
roads, the PUD itself, and City PD responsibility for private rules on roads and property.
David Garman, Director of Design & Construction for Select Medical, introduced himself to the
group as the applicant representative. Garman stated that the goal is to update Regency hospital up
in order to modernize it and ensure it meets current standards for a facility. He expanded that when
Regency was built, it was common practice to have two patients per room and even have wards built
for groups of people. Regency’s goal is to create a more efficient building to conserve energy and to
build a more comfortable environment for its patients.
Chair Blum asked the applicant about a few resident concerns that were submitted regarding
ambulance noise and litter. The applicant responded that the Hospital CEO, Sean Stricker, has been
in discussion with the ambulance company regarding sirens during non‐emergency transfers. The
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
applicant added that part of the design is to increase permeant trash containers. The facility is
currently attempting to address the concern by increasing maintenance rounds to clean trash on the
Commissioner Segelbaum asked about the increase in hospital traffic on the private roads and if the
hospital will incur additional maintenance costs associated with the increase. Alan Catchpool,
Kimley‐Horn, current traffic study shows there will be an increase of 40% in hospital traffic. However,
when looking at the overall traffic, currently the hospital generates about 28.5% of the traffic on
hidden lakes parkway. The projected traffic generated by the hospital after the expansion will be
about 37% of the overall traffic.
Commissioner Pockl asked if the applicant has resolved most of the concerns raised by the local
homeowner’s association. Garman responded that majority of the concerns are resolved except for
traffic concerns and road maintenance cost adjustments. Commissioner Johnson asked if the
applicant had supporting information to illustrate that their proposed parking lot solution is the best
solution. Garman responded that they have a number of facilities with this design structure and
creating 2 stalls per room, has proven the best accommodation. Sean Stricker, CEO Select Medical,
added that the hospital only allows visitation 10‐12 hours a day, so the window of additional traffic
and parking is limited. Currently with Covid, hospital visits are on hold. Johnson asked the applicant
if they are requesting as many parking spots as listed in the plan, why isn’t light/visibility mitigation
directly addressed as well. There are spots to be saved and knolls and hills to be utilized for this
purpose. Garman responded that his team looked at maintaining the knoll but they found that
adding spots and creating an additional screen, mitigates. Shrubbery will be planted to shield
headlights from moving and parked cars. Catchpool added that the team is trying to utilize as much
of the current lot as it can, the roads have been narrowed to allow for additional screening. Utilities
to the hospital run underneath the knoll in the SE corner, as things are reconstructed and utilities
relocated, there’s no way to save the knoll as it stands.
Pockl asked if applicant has construction timeframes set. Garman stated they will work from 7‐5, M‐
F. The hardest part of the phase will be initially when the foundations are built and utilities relocated;
this process takes about 2‐3 months. After that timeframe, noises and disruptions will decrease so
the team would like to work 7‐5 on Saturday as well. Working 6 days a week will reduce the overall
construction time.
Jeff Eisenberg, President of local Homeowners Association, and Scott Booher, VP, were granted the
floor for public comment. Eisenberg stated that the HOA got involved about 7 months prior this this
public hearing and received 36‐hour notice prior to a local public engagement meeting. Eisenberg
reiterated a number of concerns already addressed and punctuated the road concerns as the top
concern for residents. He added that they would like Planning Commission to table this decision to
another meeting so they may have deeper conversations with the applicant and create a more
equitable resolution to traffic concerns. Eisenberg and Booher reiterated the short timeframe they
were given for this project and stated there are a number of issues they would still like to see a
compromise on. They added that he community knew they were living near a hospital but that
provisions for a hospital expansion were not added to their bylines. Booher stated that in the event
there was damage to the road during construction, the HOA would be responsible to repair that
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
damage and then would need to go to the hospital to negotiate fair reimbursement. This is the main
driver for why the HOA would like a new agreement with the hospital, prior to construction.
Public Hearing
Chair Blum opened the public hearing at 9:03 PM.
L. Heiland
4251 Woodland Trail
I live directly across from the hospital, near the parking lot. I would like to respond to Sean Strickler
who, I believe, said garbage wasn’t a problem. I have seen people from the HA pickup bags of garbage
and hand deliver them to the front receptionist. I have picked up multiple masks and gloves. There’s
a bigger problem than realized. My main issue is the knoll, it’s the only thing blocking us from the
garbage, deliveries, and oxygen trucks. Without the knoll, our view will be the downside of the
hospital. If the knoll is to be removed, it would seem a knoll could be replaced. If young tress are
planted, there won’t be a separation in the winter and the knoll is an excellent barrier.
T. Wildenauer
4241 Woodland Trail
I live in the building next to the hospital, we must make it understood that the association does not
represent us nor is concerned with our concerns living in this close proximity. There are global issues
to be addressed but they do not cover all the needs of the neighbors living adjacent to the hospital.
There are single family homes as well as parks and we believe the expansion should not be allowed.
The parking lot doesn’t have a buffer, there is typically a 25‐foot buffer in a situation like this. People
remote start their cars and leave cars running, people come to the public trail and smoke because
they can’t near the hospital. We have hundreds of cigarette butts on the trail and in grass. The
additional space we need is not 8‐13 feet, it’s not shrubs and greenery, those things create a buffer
for only 6 months of the year. We view this as a direct link to the devaluation of our homes. The
removal of mature trees would change our yard, new trees will not have an impact for 5‐10 years. If
there isn’t an agreement between private parties and a private road, I believe the PUD cannot go
forward and be amended. I believe amending the PUD will have a direct effect on our lifestyle, as will
the 10 months of construction.
A. Aksan
1375 Waterford
We live on the east side of the hospital parking lot. The proposal we have is not for the expansion of
a high‐tech business which will bring high end jobs and prosperity in an industrial setting. This
expansion will permanently deface a beautiful neighborhood of 53 families that is surrounded by
three lakes and wildlife. The architect of the project stated that the first floor of the expansion is
being reserved for a future expansion. This makes sense as we look at a multimillion‐dollar
expansion, an increase in footprint, and think it’s only to add 26 beds. If this project is allowed to go
forward, this will be the beginning of the end for our neighborhood. If approved we will experience
an immediate drop in property values throughout our neighborhood and as our roads will be lined
up with idling trucks and construction equipment. I ask the Commission to deny the request and
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
encourage the applicant to create a plan that is in harmony with the surroundings and not primarily
focused on financial gain.
P. Luis
1750 Waterford Ct.
I think the crux of this issue is that you have a commercial development in the middle of a residential
development. We all knew the hospital was here when we moved in and tolerate the nuisances and
potential hazards with traffic. My issue is that this hospital is planning a multifaced expansion. It’s
already too big for the current site and this will only be exasperated as time continues. I appreciate
the HOA and their work, but many of us are homeowners and we live here day to day. When we
bought our homes, we knew the hospital was here but we didn’t understand there would be an
expansion of this caliber.
N. Alexander
1430 Skyline Dr.
I have been a homeowner in Hidden Lakes for 20 years. Regency hospital has gone over many
changes in ownership and I honestly thought it would be plowed down and turned into condos. I’m
really concerned that Regency has been planning this expansion for four years and only gave
neighbors a few weeks to absorb. I’m not sure how friendly they are to the neighborhood. With a
number of other sites, I’m wondering why they are focused on this site, in a residential area, that
doesn’t fit into the long‐term plan of their business.
D. Berry
1385 Waterford Dr.
We’ve lived here for 15 years, I want to say many thanks to Jason Zimmerman and all his work to
bring the parties together and make good things happen.
(At this point the call center line was disconnected due to a technology issue and soon resumed)
I want to thanks Regency for working with us, thank you to the Commissioners for staying up to have
this discussion. Some of you may not know but Waterford Drive is all twin homes, there are 4
different design features that have mirroring floor plans. We know three units in the past few years
that directly face the hospital parking lot that have gone for sale. These homes went for sale and in
both cases, they had to lower the prices and the primary objection was the view of the hospital lot.
That is a problem that only affects those few houses on our road but devaluing any home, directly
impacts the rest of the neighborhood. I’d also like to reinforce what was said about trash pickups. I
was recently at the pond in our neighborhood, many hospital staff personal, who are not allowed to
smoke on the grounds, walk over there. I picked up over 50 cigarette butts and delivered them to
the hospital. The fact that the hospital thinks trash is not an issue perpetuated by their staff is
nonsense. I want to add that the hospital is an asset to MN and Golden Valley, the expansion is to
allow them to add patients. The hospital has the potential to expand beyond 90 patients and it’s
important we consider possible future expansions. The earlier speaker, David, said today there won’t
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
be another expansion but he already told residents they would be expanding again in the future. This
expansion, as proposed is too big for this area.
J. Janis
1460 Skyline
I know the Commissioners are aware that Golden Valley has created a 2040 Comp Plan. As far as I
can tell, the hospital proposal does not show recognition or compliance with this plan, even though
it will substantially increase noise, air and water pollution. There’s no use of solar energy or any sign
of water conservation or recycling initiatives. There aren’t environmental conservation items
factored in, no use of sustainable building materials. I recommend that you deny or table this
proposal until the applicant can demonstrate the proposal complies with the resilience and
sustainability initiative in the 2040 Comp. Plan.
J. Pittenger
1380 Waterford Drive
Has there been a formal traffic assessment done? We hear the estimated percentages but would a
formal study be better. We know the construction process is long and I ask the hospital be proactive
and get repairs done. Our HOA should not need to arrange with the truck companies contracted out
in order to get properties restored. We have residents who are realtors, is it possible to arrange with
them a study of our property values and how they will be impacted during and after the construction
process. The buffer has been discussed but has a MN qualified arborist been consulted for a year‐
round design plan.
F. Pink
1405 Waterford Dr
I agree with my neighbors who suggested the hospital should move off this property. They are a
multi‐billion dollar for profit hospital that can go anyplace else in a commercial district. My
background is as a medical social worker and I’m familiar with ventilator patients. The amount of
equipment needed for these patients makes me wonder who will use this day room. The hospital
said visitors come for an hour or two and I don’t understand how those patients will be moved. I’ll
be following up with a letter and more points.
R. Schiferl
4220 Woodland Tr.
I have a totally lack of trust for regency and its administrative team. They called a meeting with the
HOA with less than 48 hours’ notice even though they had been working on this plan for 3 months.
In that meeting they talked about themselves more than the neighborhood. They also said there
would be additional communication and we have received almost none. One communication we did
receive said that they’d agree to talk to the neighbors most impacted by lighting and buffering and I
have not yet received that communication from them. The lighting plans they have sound good on
paper but if you think about from the resident perspective, lights will be flashing on and off in our
windows all night. In addition, I agree with the other comments that the buffer needs to be
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
maintained and offer buffering during all seasons. The current buffer isn’t maintained by the hospital
so there’s no trust that it would be in the future.
D. Thompson
Local neighbor/Real Estate Broker
When new houses were built in the area we were able to quale objections to the hospital’s location
with landscaping. The hospital has always been an issue for people there and it sounds like that won’t
change and the concerns will only increase. Change is never simple, but it sounds that the hospital is
basically obsolete and I also wonder why they aren’t going to relocate.
Commissioner Discussion/Vote
Commissioner Johnson stated that most comments were in line with what was also submitted in
writing in the packet. Commissioner Baker stated that many comments are outside of the jurisdiction
of the Planning Commission. He added that it would be prudent to define the parameters so
neighbors don’t think they’re being ignored. Chair Blum agreed and asked staff to reiterate elements
for approval or denial for this amendment.
Jason Zimmerman, Planning Manager, stated the Commission is responding to the application as it’s
submitted and how it complies with city code. This group does not have the authority to ask the
hospital to sell its property and leave and the City cannot assess impacts on property value other
than in an abstract way. PUDs in general are unique, there aren’t clear standards like other items.
There are technical elements but there are some subjective elements like: Does this achieve the goals
of the comprehensive plan? Zimmerman added that some elements are black and white but it’s not
all that way. The questions regarding compliance with sustainability measures in the 2040 Comp Plan
are valid to consider, as are the questions about impacts to neighboring properties. The issue of
people who smoke, not being allowed to smoke on the property but then walk off property to smoke
and the impacts fall on the neighbors – there might be an operational way to amend that.
Blum asked about the sufficiency of the traffic study and if the City responds at all. Zimmerman
responded that traffic studies are based on the project. The traffic study provided is not hard data
but it’s an estimation based on trip evaluations. Staff can ask the City Engineer to review it and
determine if it’s sufficient. Commissioner Brookins asked if it’s within the City’s purview to review
traffic impacts on a private road. Zimmerman added that the City isn’t looking at how the traffic
impacts the public right of way. The traffic impacts discussed, refers to quality of life impacts for
traffic, this is an item on a PUD amendment as a general health and welfare consideration.
Commissioner Segelbaum added that the traffic increase seems to be a top concern but he’d like
the hospital, HOA, and residents come up with their own agreement. If one can’t be found, then
maybe the Planning Commission and City get involved. Johnson said that traffic is a concern but
there are resources and processes to address those things. The memo says the City may weigh in so
the Planning Commission is caught because there are too many elements at play. He also added that
there is a noise ordinance for the City but the Planning Commission cannot enforce a noise
regulation. Johnson added that the parking lot situation isn’t adding up to him as it’s been described.
The architect stated the parking spots allow for a 2:1 ratio for beds but the number of spaces
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
requested, exceeds that equation. Baker stated he agreed with Johnson and the group can add a
condition that the City withhold the approval until an agreement can be reached between the
hospital and HOA.
The conversation continued while Commissioners discussed options and at what point the City can
get involved.
Brookins brought up the hospital abutting the park and the potential for requesting a new fence,
one of higher quality than the current chain‐link. He wants more details on stormwater management
as well.
Blum asked if anything is required to show a metric for home value changes with an amendment.
Staff responded that it doesn’t generally happen and added that property value and potential resale
are different topics. It’s possible to reach out to the Hennepin County assessor to see what their
perspective is. Segelbaum stated that seems difficult to do but maybe Commissioners can help guide
development to mitigate home value reduction.
Pockl asked if an Environmental Impact Study was done to ensure compliance with the 2040 Comp.
Plan. Zimmerman responded that there are resilience and sustainability goals, there aren’t
benchmarks but they’re encouraged for a PUD. If staff feels these goals aren’t being met, the City
can ask the applicant to revisit and become consistent with the comp. plan goals. He added that an
EIS was not triggered.
The issue of littering was addressed and a number of Commissioners stated their disappointment to
hear the magnitude of it. Blum inquired if there was a way to regulate waste and Johnson said the
Planning Commission doesn’t have the authority to create a littering ordinance.
Chair Blum closed the Public Hearing at 10:26PM.
Commissioner Baker proposed tabling this item and instead of a 2‐week table, potentially giving a 4‐
week table so the hospital and HOA have time to resolve issues. Zimmerman added that, legally,
there is a set amount of time for an amendment to go to City Council and the applicant would need
to request an extension.
MOTION made by Commissioner Pockl and seconded by Commissioner Johnson to table this item
and direct parties involved to resolve parking, road concerns, buffering, and trash.
Staff took a roll call vote and the motion passed unanimously.
Televised portion of the meeting concluded at 10:40 pm
4. Council Liaison Report
Council Member Rosenquist provided a brief update on community engagement efforts around
lowering speed limits on local streets, the municipal facilities study, and the policing task force. She
told Commissioners about a new report on historical structures in Golden Valley and asked them to
take a survey regarding the reopening of the Golden Valley Library. Rosenquist and Zimmerman
summarized the discussion at the recent Council/Manager meeting around the Downtown Study.
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
January 25, 2020 – 7 pm
5. Reports on Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings
6. Other Business
7. Adjournment
MOTION by Chair Blum to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, and approved
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 10:48 pm.
Adam Brookins, Secretary
Amie Kolesar, Planning Assistant
Dear Gentlemen,
I have been a homeowner in Hidden Lakes for 21 years. I was on the call a couple of weeks ago and
heard how Select Medical would benefit from an expansion of Regency. I did not hear how it would
benefit Hidden Lakes Residents. We are a residential neighborhood and I only see how an expansion of
the hospital would affect us negatively. An exponential increase in traffic, noise, and pollution from staff
and vendors. You have several other hospital locations in the Twin Cities, why don't you use your
resources into expanding one of those hospitals? It seems to make more sense.
I look forward to ongoing discussions to find solutions that work for both your company and our
Kind regards,
Nancy Alexander
Name Michael Fox
Email nhkeith@comcast.net
Comments *
Regency Hospital PUD Public Hearing. I have voiced my written communications to the City Council
several weeks ago, most likely you have my email? My question for you and the Commissioners
is......how can one party of a master PUD that consists of 152 homes and 1 hospital (< .5%) have the
full authority to make a PUD amendment that negatively effects 99% of the other PUD parties? Is this
even legal??? Lastly, the point of traffic increase/noise was really missed tonight. They 40% more
traffic means 40% more propane tanker trucks, food trucks, uniform and linen trucks, garbage trucks,
recycling trucks, regulated medical waste trucks, ambulances, medical couriers, etc. And, they start at
3:35am in the morning! I ask that all of you spend an earlier morning observing the volume and noise
of trucks and workers before you make a decision. It is a ridiculous amount at the current occupancy
of the hospital. And, the traffic study % is bull crap, they are 50% or more of the traffic, I know, I live
on the road and watch. Thank you.
Name Lil Heiland
Email brluni@yahoo.com
Comments *
I attended the meeting Monday and appreciate the thoughtful work you are doing on the hospital
expansion plan. I live next to the parking lot and the knoll area at 4251 Woodland Trail. The knoll
issue is huge for us as with out it I am looking at and listening to the filling of the oxygen tanks, the
garbage pick up, delivery trucks, and other wear house functions. The noise and view would become
an unlivable problem. I spend a great deal of time in the back yard year around. So do many of my
Currently the hospital landscaping plan is only a slight step up from what is done in strip malls. A few
river birch in the lot and surrounding trees and scrubs. They have made no effort to look at the
prairie grasses and native trees and shrubs that would fit in with the area and not need as much
tending or adding enough elevations that would meet our needs.
You have no control over many of these things, I understand. Having lived next to them the plants
they did put in were not tended and many died so my expectations are low. Will that change? The hill
is essential as it provides an all season barrier that will not die of neglect.
Another piece of information that might be helpful is they in no way need that much parking. I have
never seen the lot even close to full. I have never seen any cars in the far lot that is next to the park
fence. They could create a much better barrier without all those parking places.
Please come and look if it would help. I will make coffee. Thanks Lil Heiland
Good afternoon Gentlemen,
My husband and I were on the call Monday evening. I am wondering why my earlier question, "why
don't you expand at other Select Medical sites that fit into their current neighborhood" wasn't
answered. You own several other sites in the Twin Cities and the area where they are located are a
better fit for an expansion, not our residential neighborhood.
Mr. Stricker's comment that you are "modernizing" isn't really true. You are trying to do a major
expansion now and I'm guessing another one in the future. The way you described your design doesn't
make sense to me. Very few patients you house are capable of being wheeled down to a family room for
a chat or to play games with their family. These patients need 24/7 skilled care. Why would you need a
large family room?
Hidden Lakes Parkway was just reconstructed and having large construction vehicles, workers trucks,
and increased staff will increase traffic and harm the parkway as well as our beautiful neighborhood and
our quality of life.
My concern for your expansion has grown exponentially since the meeting Monday night. I look forward
to ongoing discussions to find solutions that work for both our neighborhood and your company.
Nancy Alexander
1430 Skyline Drive
Dear Planning Commissioners for the City of Golden Valley,
I have lived in the Hidden Lakes neighborhood for over 20 years. Our single‐family home was the second
to be built along Bridgewater Road.
Although I have heard that several of my neighbors are opposed to the Regency Hospital plan to update
and expand, I am in favor of their project to improve their facility as long as their plans meet all zoning
regulations and requirements of the city. I would also hope that eliminating the nude beach on hospital
property would be in their plans.
Regency Hospital has been a good neighbor to Hidden Lakes and has even allowed us to use
meeting/conference rooms pre‐COVID for some of our Association meetings. The staff, administrators,
and facility have always been welcoming and kind. I feel that Regency is an asset to our community and I
support their project.
Teresa Sit
1455 Bridgewater Road
Golden Valley, MN 55422
Jarrod: From the outset of the meeting with Regency Hospital representatives, the presentation focused
on their opportunity to implement hospital expansion plans. They asserted that an aggressive timetable
for approval is needed, so that they could take advantage of a particular, but narrow window for
To attest to their Good Neighbor stance, a lengthy description of architecture, materials, landscaping,
water and energy efficiencies, an attractive public face and an enlarged parking lot was offered.
However no mention was made of the impact of the expansion, on the Hidden Lakes community. Good
Neighbor they aren’t. There was no mention of an environmental impact evaluation and plan. Instead,
here are some of what we will be given.
Noise Pollution: Rumbling, banging, clattering, etc. of construction equipment; unending beeping of
backup warnings; general increase in traffic and associated congestion.
Air and Environmental Pollution: vehicle exhaust; copious amounts of construction dust and numerous
kinds of particles suspended in the air; possible physical damage to trees and all manner of current
landscaping; possible ground water contamination if any lines are breached.
Light Pollution: from added parking lot lighting; from vehicle headlights with generally increased traffic;
light emitted from the hospital itself.
Roadway and Curb Damage: Our roadbeds were never constructed to carry the weight, the volume, and
intensity of vehicle flow that will be used. The just repaved Hidden Lakes Parkway will be aged
Other Considerations: 1. Will any of us dare think about walking in our neighborhoods, given the
unknown hazards that await us? 2. Where will construction workers park and take breaks? Will there be
a “Biffy” village? 3. How will construction traffic and intersection congestion impact staff and patients
going to Courage Kenny Rehab and Mpls. Neurologic Inst.? If Regency has contacted these medical
facilities, what’s been their response? We need to know this.
If the worst happens and the hospital does expand, what’s next: increased ambulance traffic of course,
ergo, a separate ambulance bay “will be needed” at some point. But with the expansion itself, an
unstoppable new level of degradation will descend on us. A larger facility, by definition, requires more of
everything that is needed now, from personnel to the basics of materials.
ADDENDUM: We presume that the Master Board and other interested parties are or will be examining
the original license granting a 92 bed limit to the hospital. With each ownership change was there a legal
requirement for reapplication for maximum bed occupancy? Was this just grandfathered in? Can the
current push for beds in a facility that has a large number of ICU beds, and single patient per room
occupancy be equivalent to a community hospital with 2‐3 patients per room, some surgical suites, labor
and delivery facilities, and a few ICU beds?
This is a question; we have no specific knowledge base from which to ask this. Maybe it would be a
Pandora’s Box.
By now each household has the story of how the expansion will impact their lives, as do we. [ Our home
and backyard abut Hidden Lakes Pkwy, the one and only way in and out of the Regency Hospital
grounds. ]
To allow this hospital to go forward with its plans is to allow it to permanently alter the lives and
property of each household in the Hidden Lakes Community.
Nina and Anthony DiAngelis
Jason, please see that the Planning Commission and City Council members get a copy of this letter. I
don’t have all their email addresses.
The signed Hidden Lakes PUD 74 does not limit the amount of hospital rooms or the hospital size. It
doesn’t say how it should be operated. However, under A. Land Use Component, it does call for
“Continued Medical Treatment Use in (an) existing building and related accessory uses in an existing
outbuilding” on Block 6, Lot 6. That is what was agreed to in 1997 in the original PUD 74 signed by
Transitional Hospital Corporation and approved by Golden Valley before Transitional Hospital
Corporation sold the hospital to Regency Hospital Company, a Division of Select Medical. I thought
existing meant just that when we bought our home in PUD 74. I read the documents and agreed to the
consequences of an existing neighboring hospital. I am not an attorney, but I never realized that the
existing building could be expanded by simply amending PUD 74 and effectively removing the words
“existing building”.
Evidently most of the other 150 distraught homeowners feel the same way. PUD 74 was so explicit on
the development for the rest of Hidden Lakes. I thought PUDs were to protect all property owners under
the same PUD and that amendments were not supposed to take away rights of some property owners
for the benefit of others, in this case just one. The expansion affects all homeowners, some considerably
more than others. I was hoping that the city would protect the homeowners by prohibiting the hospital
If the city chooses to rule against us, I have a few more thoughts to minimize the damage the expansion
will cause:
The no‐smoking policy of the hospital appears to be forcing staff off hospital property and onto Hidden
Lakes property or public trails paid for and maintained by residents of Hidden Lakes. It would be better if
the hospital designated an outdoor area on their own property for that purpose and/or constructed a
special room within the hospital with separate special ventilation for that purpose. It can be done, and I
as an architect have done that.
One of the topics of discussion was the shortage of parking under GV standards. The hospital insisted
that 2 spaces per bed were adequate. No account was taken for construction worker’s parking, space for
onsite construction equipment, dumpsters, or material storage. Even on an as‐needed basis, there still is
a need for some material storage.
It has been said that the footprint would only be increased by 18,310 SF and the construction would
increase total square footage by 25,400 SF. Allowing for the ambulance and main entry being a part of
the footprint and the total construction area, the plan still calls for substantial amount of open space
under the second floor addition that more area can be built on in the future without increasing the
hospital footprint. Earlier, the hospital said it was for future rooms. If my calculations are correct, I figure
the space is sufficient for at least 18 additional hospital rooms, or fewer rooms and additional accessory
spaces. Either way, it means more visitors, staff, and traffic.
The parking on the proposed plan is at a minimum now at 2 cars per bed. Traffic is proposed to increase
by over 42%, from 578 to 822 according to yesterday’s Star Tribune article. If the open space under the
second floor was built on, it would have an impact on parking and traffic in the future. If the footprint
does not increase in the future, will filling in under the second floor require and additional amendment
to PUD 74 or just a building permit?
If the expansion is approved, an agreement must be made that this expansion is final and no additional
construction or expansion of hospital square footage is permitted and the Amended PUD 74 should also
contain words to that affect so we are protected from future amendments to Amended PUD 74. The
existing hospital agreeing to no more expansion is not enough.
Berms on the newly planned buffer zone should be required to raise the new vegetation to a greater
height. This would benefit homes along Woodland Trail.
Eliminate the islands at the end of the parking rows and use that gained area to provide a raised buffer
for tall evergreen trees along the northern edge where no work is being contemplated. This would
benefit homes on Bridgewater Road and especially on Waterford Drive.
Mention was made of the need for piling. None of the homes in Hidden Lakes, many two stories with
walkout lower levels and poured foundation walls, required piling. Why couldn’t spread footings or
caissons be used instead of piling adding to the construction noise and possible damage to nearby
homes from the vibration sometimes caused by piling?
Mention was made for a six day work week to shorten the construction process. Our own Remodeling
Rules and Regulations limit construction to Monday through Friday. Let us have at least the weekend to
relax from the many construction disturbances starting at 7:00 a.m.. It was said that three months, or 13
weeks of six day weeks, or about 78 days of construction was needed to complete the exterior shell.
Two more weeks of exterior construction will make up for the lost Saturdays and give us at least quiet
construction free weekends.
Paul Pink
By definition, a PUD is a master plan that allows for some flexibility on the part of the City in exchange
for some public benefit provided by the property owner. The PUD 74 developer provided a public boat
launch, a small public park, a playground, public trails, and common areas in exchange for some City
code flexibility. What public benefit is the hospital proving for the public or the Hidden Lakes
Community for the amendment?
Originally, the hospital met the setback requirements because it owned all the land surrounding the
parking lots. The hospital sold all off its excess land to the developer. PUD 74 separated the hospital site
(Institutional) from the residential (R‐1) property without any setbacks required for the hospital parking.
For the amendment, parking is reduced from 72% of required parking spaces in PUD 74 to 67% as a
result of eliminating parking spaces for the addition and increased parking requirements for staff.
Increased staff and servicing for the increased hospital capacity results in more automobile and truck
traffic, noise, pollution, etc., which has a negative effect on the community and is not of public benefit.
Landscape buffers of 25’ in width are normally required from side property lines. An 8’ ‐9’ Landscape
buffer was proposed along the east property line for the benefit of a two corner homes on Woodland
Trail, but the addition, increased parking demands, and a shrinking parking lot will force drivers that
normally do not extensively use the north‐easterly parking spaces to fill those spaces. A heavily
landscaped raised berm buffer on the north property line would have benefited many homes on west
side of Waterford Drive overlooking the parking lot, and on Bridgewater Road, It would have been a
public benefit, but is not possible because it would further reduce parking below to even what the
hospital says is needed. More cars parking in the north‐east corner of the lot is not of public benefit.
(See attachments)
The clay soil Hidden Lakes is built on is un‐stable and the build‐out of Hidden Lakes had problems.
During the first 15 years of community development, the homeowners endured the construction
disruptions as their neighbors’ homes were built and while problems with the underline soils were being
fixed. Homeowners do not want to endure the construction of a hospital addition with its reported
piling requirement and all the other negative implications of a major construction project.
According to the Planning Commission meeting minutes, the stair towers exceed the height limit, which
indicates the addition may be taller than the existing buildings. The presentations are also not realistic.
The landscape plan indicated 6’ trees on the proposed eastern buffer, but the renderings showed
mature 30’ or taller trees. The emergency entrance/exit at the end of Woodland Trail was removed. It is
necessary in case of a hospital fire or if some reason the roads to the hospital are blocked such as during
road repair. Restoring the exit would remove part of the proposed buffer and remove cars from the
parking lot.
The proposed buffer on the east side of the parking lot for the benefit of few corner homes on Lakeland
Tail is minor compared to the major negative effects on the majority of other homes affected by the
increased noise, traffic, and pollution; possible loss of some property values; and the permanent
disruption of Hidden Lakes Community’s peaceful environment. Approval of the amendment creates
many negative consequences or effects for the Hidden Lakes Community with hardly any benefit. The
proposed amendment to the PUD should not be approved because of the considerable flexibility
required on the part of the City with little public benefit provided by the property owner.
Paul Pink
April 7, 2021
Dear Hidden Lakes Homeowners:
We would like to thank each one of you for your participation in helping to craft a binding agreement
with Regency Hospital of Minneapolis. Thanks to your input, we developed eight categories for
discussions points that have now become the foundation of an agreement with RHC. This binding
agreement is a first, giving our homeowner’s benefits that did not exist previously.
Our board of directors has unanimously voted to endorse the agreement for Hidden Lakes
Homeowners Association. We encourage you to read through the summary of our agreement with
RHC that we have outlined below, and to become familiar with the benefits that this agreement
provides now and well into the future.
[1] Additional Traffic; Wear and tear, Construction damage; Monuments
• Parkway Expense Reallocation: In anticipation of increased Regency vehicle traffic after the Project
is complete, the Regency share of Parkway-related expenses will materially increase, while the
Association will retain full control of the roadway, as is the case today.
• Construction Damage: Regency will fully remediate any damages to the Parkway that may be
caused by their expansion project, to include external engineering reviews at the start, middle and
end of the project.
[2] Employee behavior; Trash collection; Employee smoking
• Smoking: Regency will construct and maintain a designated smoking area for their staff and
visitors, which will be the only approved campus smoking area. They will also enforce that plan with
signage, rounding by security personnel and staff information/education programs.
• Trash: Regency will install additional trash receptacles in its parking lot, along the public trail and
around the perimeter of its campus, and will check those receptacles at least twice per day for
accumulated trash.
• Park Visitors: The shared fence between Regency and Theo Wirth Park will be repaired and
maintained so as to discourage unauthorized visitors, and signage will be installed in the parking lot
to affirm its private status for patients and visitors.
[3] Speed issues; Failure to stop at posted stop signs; Street noise
• Speeding: The Association and Regency will commit to working together to find creative ways to
limit speeding on the Parkway, and Regency will investigate monitoring options for its staff not
complying with posted stop signs and crosswalks. Regency will also implement an employee
communication and discipline program for staff refusing to comply with posted signs.
• Ambulance Sirens: Regency will continue to work with its ambulance partners to prohibit the use of
sirens as ambulances traverse the Parkway to the hospital.
• Deliveries & Pickups; Large Truck Traffic: With the exception of oxygen deliveries, large truck
deliveries and pick-ups will be limited to the hours of 7am - 8pm daily, starting in May 2021.
• Construction Traffic: Regency will work with its construction partners to ensure they follow posted
speed and caution signs, keep music at respectful volumes, refrain from littering and observe
pedestrian rights-of-way and will actively monitor the Parkway throughout the construction phase to
ensure the same.
[4] Added Landscaping and space buffer between the hospital and the neighborhood
• The Eastern edge of the Regency parking lot will be pulled back toward the facility, removing much
of the current parking row at the edge of the Regency property (across from Woodland Trail).
• The expanded barrier between the edge of Regency parking and the public trail will be be used for
a new space of approx. (25) new trees, along with a row of shrubs.
• A new limestone wall of 6’ height will be constructed on the Regency side of this expanded barrier,
to add further screening of car headlights and light coming from the facility. Note that City Planning is
currently engaging on detailed options for the new wall as well as in tree species selection and other
recommendations, and the final plan is subject to change.
[5] Revised Lighting Plan for the expanded hospital parking lot; Lighting impact of new Day
Room on neighbors
• The City-approved Plan, which meets Dark Sky requirements, will include new parking lot lighting,
Mecco shades and motion timers in the Day Room to limit evening light spillover into the community.
[6] Environmental Study; Water treatment plan
• The City-approved plan will be incorporated by reference in to our agreement
[7] Construction noise; Storage of materials and equipment; Parking during construction;
Construction hours
• Exterior Work Hours: With limited exceptions, exterior work activities such as foundations, concrete
and roofing will occur only Monday through Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm
• Interior Work Hours: With limited exceptions, interior work activities such as plumbing, electrical
and interior walls will occur only Monday through Saturday 7:00am to 5:00pm
• Job Site Parking: Regency will work with its construction partners to ensure that restrictions on
equipment staging, neighborhood parking and work truck identification will be strictly adhered to.
• Issue Escalation: Regency will establish a neighborhood “Hot Line” for issue resolution.
[8] Future Expansion:
• Regency will not expand beyond this proposed footprint or expand beyond this licensed bed count
in the future without agreement of the Hidden Lakes Association.
While we feel that the above agreement terms should reduce (or remediate) a substantial number of
homeowner concerns with Regency’s proposed expansion, which was our goal, we recognize that
they will not fully satisfy every homeowner’s concerns.
Based on our recent progress, and understanding that we need to finalize several open items,
Regency has asked to get back on the Planning Commission agenda for Monday, April 12th. As we
have done throughout this process, we are below sharing the info for that meeting, as well as City
contacts so that you can make your opinions heard directly to City representatives.
Please reach out to Jeff Eisenberg or Scott Booher with any questions, and thanks.
Golden Valley City Planning Website:
Jason Zimmerman, City Planning Manager: jzimmerman@goldenvalleymn.gov
Shep Harris
Mayor of Golden Valley
Council Members, City of Golden Valley:
Larry Fonnest
Maurice Harris
Gillian Rosenquist
Kimberly Sandberg
City Council and Mayor contact info:
Thank you.
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kimley-horn.com 767 Eustis Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, MN 55114 651-645-4197
To: City of Golden Valley
CC: Regency Hospital
From: Jacob Rojer, P.E.
Alan Catchpool, P.E.
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Date: January 13, 2021
Subject: Trip Generation & Roadway Capacity Memo – Regency Hospital Modernization
1300 Hidden Lakes Parkway, Golden Valley, MN
Regency Hospital is proposing a modernization of the existing hospital located on Hidden Lake Parkway
approximately three quarters of a mile east of Minnesota Highway 100 and half a mile south of Golden
Valley Road in Golden Valley, Minnesota. The modernization will increase the building from 87,000 square
feet to 123,600 square feet to improve building efficiencies and stay up with medical technology to serve
the 92 hospital beds.
This memorandum documents the anticipated trip generation of the proposed Regency Hospital
modernization compared to the existing hospital and how this is expected to impact operations along
Hidden Lake Parkway.
The trip generation for the existing hospital and the proposed modernization was calculated based on the
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. For the existing and
proposed modernization, ITE Land Use Code (LUC) 620 (Nursing Home) was used as it more accurately
represents the services available at the Regency Hospital. The trip generation can be calculated using
either the square footage or the number of hospital beds. However, there is a small sample size for the
hospital beds data points, so the square footage metric was used in this analysis as the larger data set
provides more accurate trip generation rates. Table 1 provides the comparison of the existing hospital to
the proposed hospital modernization. The proposed modernization is anticipated to generate 20 additional
trips in the AM peak hour, an additional 22 trips in the PM peak hour, and 244 more daily trips. The total
trip generation for the hospital will be 68 AM peak hour trips, 73 PM peak hour trips, and 822 daily trips.
Page 2
kimley-horn.com 767 Eustis Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, MN 55114 651-645-4197
Table 1 – Trip Generation Comparison
Land Use
Intensity /
Units Daily
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
In Out Total In Out Total
Existing Hospital 620 87,000 Sq.
Ft. 578 37 11 48 21 30 51
Proposed Hospital
Modernization 620 36,600 Sq.
Ft. 244 16 4 20 9 13 22
Total Hospital Trip Generation 822 53 15 68 30 43 73
The proposed hospital modernization will maintain the same site access as the existing conditions, with the
one site access at the end of Hidden Lakes Parkway. Hidden Lakes Parkway serves as the only access to
the residential neighborhood and the Regency Hospital. There is not available daily traffic data along
Hidden Lakes Parkway, but the traffic can be estimated based on the number of houses in the neighborhood
and the Hospital trip generation determined in Table 1. Table 2 provides the trip generation of the existing
153 houses in the neighborhood. The neighborhood generates 113 AM peak hour trips, 151 PM peak hour
trips, and 1,446 daily trips.
Table 2 – Neighborhood Trip Generation
Land Use
Intensity /
Units Daily
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
In Out Total In Out Total
Detached Housing 210 153 Houses 1,446 28 85 113 95 56 151
The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), 6th Edition provides a Level of Service (LOS) estimate based on
roadway characteristics and the Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT). LOS ranges from A to F, with LOS
A as the highest (best traffic flow and least delay), LOS E as saturated or at-capacity conditions, and LOS
F as the lowest (oversaturated conditions). Hidden Lakes Parkway is classified as a two-lane undivided
urban roadway, Table 3 shows the expected LOS based on the AADT. Adding the neighborhood daily trips
to the existing hospital daily trips results in daily traffic of around 2,025 vehicles per day (vpd) on Hidden
Lakes Parkway. With the hospital modernization, the daily traffic is expected to increase to around 2,275
vpd. With 2,275 vehicles per day, Hidden Lakes Parkway is expected to operate at LOS B which is well
within the capacity of the roadway. The hospital modernization is not anticipated to have a significant impact
on traffic operations.
Page 3
kimley-horn.com 767 Eustis Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, MN 55114 651-645-4197
Table 3 – Planning Level Roadway Capacity
Facility Type Planning Level Daily
Capacity Ranges (AADT)
Under Capacity Approaching
V/C 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.85 1.0 >1.0
Two-lane undivided
urban 8,000-10,000 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,500 10,000 >10,000
The proposed Regency Hospital modernization is anticipated to generate an additional 244 daily trips, 20
AM peak hour trips, and 22 PM peak hour trips. With the proposed modernization the daily traffic on Hidden
Lakes parkway is expected to increase from 2,025 vehicles per day to 2,275 vehicles per day. Hidden Lakes
Parkway is expected to operate at LOS B which is well within the capacity of the roadway. The hospital
modernization is not anticipated to have a significant impact on traffic operations.
Jason Zimmerman, Planning Manager
City of Golden Valley
7800 Golden Valley Road,
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Re: 1300 Hidden Lakes Parkway, Golden Valley
Dear Mr. Zimmerman:
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) has received notice to
amend the current planned unit development (PUD) in order to expand the
existing hospital at the address listed above. This lot fronts public parkland
owned and operated by MPRB. As such, any use of the park property is
subject to permits issued by MPRB.
MPRB does support the development, however, please ensure that the
applicant is aware of the following:
• Should the applicant require temporary use of the parkway including by
trucks or associated MPRB lands during construction, the applicant must
secure a construction permit from Tom Johnson
tjohnson@minneapolisparks.org. Also, please be aware that the use of
parkway by a truck requires a permit from Tom Johnson.
• The applicant should provide a survey of the property line between
private and MPRB property. We would also ask that the applicant clearly
mark this property line during construction, to ensure all parties working on
the site are aware of and respect the adjacent park property, just as would
be the case with adjacent residential lots.
• The applicant should provide adequate erosion protection within the
private property, to ensure no erosion, siltation, or other impact occurs on
park property.
Please be aware that, though MPRB has standard permitting procedures,
permits can take time. The applicant should coordinate in a timely manner
with MPRB staff.
Siciid Ali,
Park Planner
Date: April 12, 2021
To: Golden Valley Planning Commission
From: Myles Campbell, Planner
Subject: Informal Public Hearing – Future Land Use Map Amendment for
Northwest corner of 7001 Golden Valley Road
Property address: 7001 Golden Valley Road
Applicant: Ron Clark Construction Property owner: Golden Valley Country Club
Zoning District: Institutional (I‐4) Lot size: 2.25 acres
Current use: Golf Course Future land use: Park & Open Space
Adjacent uses: Golf Course (South + East), Residential (North + West)
2018 aerial photo (Hennepin County)
Summary of Request
Ron Clark Construction is petitioning to amend the City’s Future Land Use Map to guide a portion of
the property located at 7001 Golden Valley Road for Low Density Residential instead of the current
guidance as Parks and Natural Areas. In tandem with this action, the applicant also proposes to
rezone this portion of the property from Institutional (I‐4) to Single Family Residential (R‐1). Both of
these changes are the first approvals necessary for the site to be able to be utilized for a single‐
family redevelopment project. Additionally, the applicant will need to return to both Planning
Commission and City Council for subsequent approvals in order to create a new Planned Unit
Development (PUD).
7001 Golden Valley Road is the street address for the Golden Valley Country Club and Golf Course.
Despite being bisected by Golden Valley Road and a Union Pacific‐owned railroad, the entire
Country Club site is considered a single parcel. Overall, the parcel has a deeded acreage of 148.76
acres, however this request is only related to a small portion of the parcel located in the northwest
corner of the site. The area in question is located at the intersection of Plymouth and Pennsylvania
City staff were first approached by the Country Club in late 2019. The Club had identified areas of
its property which were no longer necessary or relevant to the Golf Course use, and they wanted to
better understand the approvals necessary in order to sell these portions of the property for
subsequent redevelopment. This site in the northwest corner of the lot was first marketed to
builders and investors in late Spring of 2020, following which, the club selected Ron Clark
Construction to partner with on the redevelopment.
Existing Conditions
The proposed redevelopment area is approximately 2.25 acres in size. As noted previously, the area
itself has not been subdivided from the rest of the property at this time, and as such, has only a
preliminary parcel description describing its
boundaries. A preliminary survey is provided
here, with a full scale copy also being attached
with these memos for Commissioners’ review.
The proposed property would be located on the
Southeast quadrant of the Pennsylvania and
Plymouth Ave intersection. In regard to
adjacent uses, there is the remainder of the
Country Club property to the south and to the
east. To the north and west, the property
would be otherwise surrounded by residential
neighborhoods zoned Single‐Family Residential
There are currently no structures of any kind
located on this portion of the Country Club
property, instead the site is currently heavily
wooded. A formal tree inventory has not yet been
completed for the site, so staff cannot say how
many of these trees would considered significant by
the City’s Tree and Landscape Requirements. A full
tree inventory would be required prior to the
approval of a PUD should this rezoning/reguiding
be approved by the Council. Other environmental
factors to note include the site’s topography and
proximity to Bassett Creek. Based on City GIS
records, the site’s highest elevations can be found
closest to the street intersection in the northwest
corner of the potential parcel, and that elevation
then drops as you move south along Pennsylvania
and East along Plymouth.
The elevation is sufficient such that much of the
site would still sit above the modeled floodway for
Bassett Creek, which is located just to the south of
the development area. Given this proximity, staff is
already anticipating the need for additional review
to be required by the Bassett Creek Watershed
Management Commission – not only for this
approval related to the site’s guided use, but also
for subsequent approvals such as the subdivision of the parcel through the PUD process.
Required Process
Unlike in cases where the City is driving a rezoning or land use change, this case has been brought
forward by petition of Ron Clark Construction. In City Code, the site’s current zoning of Institutional
Sub‐district I‐4 limits the use of the site to parks, city facilities, golf courses, and country clubs. The
first step in any sort of residential redevelopment of the site then is to reguide the future land use
to be Low Density Residential and to rezone the area to R‐1 zoning. This, however, would only be
the first in a set of approvals necessary for the project as Ron Clark has laid it out thus far.
Assuming that the Planning Commission supported the reguiding/rezoning of the property, the
case would then be sent to the City Council for a formal public hearing and vote. The property’s
reguiding, given that it will represent a change to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, would also
require review and approval from the Metropolitan Council. As such, the City Council’s vote would
be to submit the reguiding to Met Council for review, while tabling the rezoning until that external
review was completed.
If both the rezoning and reguiding are approved by both the City and the Metropolitan Council, the
area of the Country Club parcel would be reguided and rezoned. Additional approvals would still be
needed prior to development occurring.
Given that the proposed property is still considered part of the Country Club parcel, a subdivision of
the parcel would be the next step towards redevelopment. This could be done as part of a regular
subdivision application or through a PUD approval.
Based on their submitted narrative, and staff’s preliminary discussions with the applicant, it is
assumed that a PUD would be needed for this project. As a new PUD, this would be subject to the
City’s updated PUD ordinance and Public Amenity review system, as well as meeting the PUD
findings requirements related to General Health, Preservation, and consistency with the
Comprehensive Plan and the surrounding area. The creation of PUDs are subject to a two round
review procedure, which is detailed more thoroughly in Sec. 113‐123, Sub. (d). A preliminary PUD
would be reviewed by both Planning Commission and City Council, with an associated public
hearing at both bodies. The Final PUD Plan would follow the same pattern, going before both
bodies and including public hearings.
Neighborhood Notification
The City’s adopted Neighborhood Notification Policy requires a neighborhood meeting be held for
proposals that would change the land use designation of a property from Institutional to any other
use. However, due to the social distancing guidelines established by the State of Minnesota and the
State of Emergency declared by the City Council, this requirement has been altered in the past year
to either involve a virtual meeting or advance mailed notice.
Due to an oversight by staff, the applicant was not notified of this policy and no such additional
mailing was sent to residents, who instead received the typical City hearing notice required by
State statute. Given that the surrounding residential neighborhood may be impacted by any future
redevelopment of this site, staff is recommending that the applicant provide further informal
meeting opportunities moving forward to keep neighboring property owners informed about the
proposal. The Neighborhood Notification Policy would be applied as part of the creation of any
future PUD, at which time more developed site plans and details would be available for review and
Staff Review
The City Code does not set specific standards for changing a future land use designation, and the
City Council – with the input of the Planning Commission – has a great deal of latitude in deciding if
the request is consistent with the overall direction and vision of the Comprehensive Plan. In making
a determination, the City should take into account the land use descriptions outlined in the
Comprehensive Plan as well as any potential impacts on the character of the area.
For a baseline to this discussion, it is important to understand what both the existing and proposed
land uses entail and the expectations placed on those land uses in the Comprehensive Plan. The
2040 Comprehensive Plan has the following description of the Parks and Natural Areas land use:
This category includes open spaces used as golf courses, ball fields, playgrounds, parks, nature
areas, stormwater ponding areas, and other undeveloped remnants. This does not include vacant
land envisioned for other uses in the future.
The Low Density Residential land use is described as follows:
This category includes primarily single‐family detached units but may include single‐family
and two‐family attached units in scattered locations as appropriate. This land use should
be surrounded by other land uses with minimal impacts, such as institutional and open
Both the existing and proposed land use would not be out of place in this part of the City. As
mentioned, surrounding properties are either single‐family residential or part of the golf course
property. It is worth noting that final line in the description of the low density residential use – that
the land use should be surrounded by other land uses such as open space with minimal impacts. If
this property were to be reguided and rezoned, there would still be significant resulting greenspace
and open space in the area, but a significant portion of the vegetation and open space on this site
would be eliminated.
Another important consideration for reguiding and rezoning of the property, is whether the
planning actions makes sense in a broader context of allowing housing, separate from the
proposed designs or plans of the applicant. By rezoning the property to R‐1, and understanding
that a subdivision would need to occur prior to redevelopment, the site could be utilized to support
single‐family type housing at a density rate as described in the Comprehensive Plan (up to 5 units
per acre). Given the site’s topography, tree mitigation requirements, and shoreland proximity, it
may not be feasible to construct that many units on the site without a PUD, but generally speaking,
housing would be an allowed use moving forward. Greater detail on the details of rezoning and
subdivision are provided in the accompanying memo.
In examining the surrounding properties, which are overwhelming single‐family homes, this type of
use does is not out of character. Low density land use would still set clear limitations in regard to
disallowing apartments and other multi‐family properties which might have an outsized impact on
neighboring properties. Staff’s preference for the site would still be to utilize a PUD to provide
some flexibility in the design and to have greater control over the provision of public amenities, as
well as measures designed to reduce the impact of new construction on neighbors. However, this
would depend largely on the builder.
Whenever the City is looking at the possibility of additional housing units in an area, a common
question amongst neighbors is the impact it will have upon traffic. Based on the applicant’s current
narrative for the project, rather than having each unit have separate driveway access off of
Pennsylvania or Plymouth Avenues, a new private drive would be located on the lot, limiting the
road access to a single point along one of the two public roadways. Additional design details would
be needed to ensure safe egress from the site, however Engineering staff does not think the
addition of seven units would be unmanageable by either roadway.
Comprehensive Plan Consistency
Finally, staff reviewed the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan to help determine if this
reguiding action was following the intent of the City’s central guiding plan. Based on the application
materials, staff found the following goals and policies to support the reguiding and re‐use of the
site for housing; however, some of these items will need to be revisited throughout the remaining
approvals and building permit process.
Land Use
1. Goal 2: Minimize Conflicts And Impacts Of Change ‐ Develop a regulatory framework
designed to minimize potential conflicts between land uses
a. Objective 1.2 ‐ Arrange land uses so there are compatible transitions between major
land use types
b. Objective 1.3 ‐ Enforce subdivision regulations to reduce potential impacts to
neighborhood character
2. Goal 3: Promote High Quality Development ‐ Ensure new development meets high
construction and visual quality standards and includes measures of sustainability
a. Objective 2. ‐ Promote visual quality standards in design and material selection for
new development
b. Objective 2.3 ‐ Require significant use of trees and vegetation in all new
developments, whether through preservation or addition
c. Objective 3.1 ‐ Encourage developments to respect their surroundings
d. Objective 4. ‐ Encourage environmentally sustainable “green building” practices
3. Goal 4: Protect The Environment ‐ Encourage environmentally sustainable land use
patterns and development practices that accommodate the City’s social and economic
a. Objective 1.2 ‐ Enforce tree and landscape requirements
b. Objective 1.4 ‐ Work with developers to provide permanent open space and park
areas in development plans and to integrate native species
c. Objective 2.1 ‐ Enforce shoreland and wetland regulations to protect water quality
d. Objective 2.3 ‐ Use Planned Unit Developments to allow for flexibility in site design
when needed to preserve vegetation or other sensitive site features or to re‐
introduce natural areas
1. Goal 1: Maintain Housing Quality ‐ Maintain a high‐quality living environment, preserve
stable residential neighborhoods, and where necessary, improve of the condition of existing
housing stock in the City
a. Objective 2. ‐ Ensure all new housing meets or exceeds the quality standards
established in City ordinances
2. Goal 4: Encourage Environmentally Sustainable Housing ‐ Encourage housing development
that maintains or enhances economic opportunity and community well‐being while
protecting and restoring the natural environment
a. Objective 1. ‐ Ensure new housing developments meet or exceed energy efficiency
standards, and implement sustainable design features where possible
While not included in the goals and policies section of the Housing Chapter, this section of the
Comprehensive Plan also includes statistics on the projected demand for housing in the City in the
next 20 years. On page 3.17, the Comprehensive Plan notes that there is an existing housing
demand in Golden Valley for 177 new single‐family homes. The challenge here being that there
simply is not that type of land available in the City for that number of homes. While we will likely
never have the land available to fully meet the demand of the home market, this project does
represent an opportunity to provide a limited number of new single family homes in the City.
Recommended Action
Based on the findings above, staff recommends approval of the requested amendment to the
Future Land Use Map, changing the guided land use for the proposed parcel as described in the
land survey from Parks & Natural Areas to Low Density Residential.
Preliminary Survey (1 page)
Applicant Narrative (3 pages)
Proposed Parcel Description (1 page)
S89°00'09"E 393.84
S0°15'37"E 557.78S20°27'05"W
S27°54'00"W 320.20S0°08'23"E
63.69AREA: 2.25 ACRES
7500 West 78th Street
Edina, MN
55439 (952) 947-3000 fax (952) 947-3030
Page 1 of 3
Friday, March 12, 2021
Jason Zimmerman City of Golden Valley 7800 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55427
RE: Golden Valley Country Club Villas (GVCC Villas) Land Use & Zoning Applications Subject: Project Narrative Introduction GVCC Villas is a proposed development of an existing vacant parcel located in the NW corner of the Golden Valley Country Club’s Golf Course to be developed by Ron Clark Construction and Design.
The overall goal is to balance the existing natural environments while adding new housing to create a small neighborhood that’s adds to the city and revitalizes an underutilized property. The first step in this process is to determine if the city agrees that changing the land use and zoning for this parcel to low density residential is a good use for the property vs it sitting vacant. We feel strongly that it does by creating new housing on vacant underutilized land, improving water
quality going into Bassett Creek, creating value for the existing area and increasing the tax base.
• Existing Zoning and the Future Land Use designations are Institutional, Sub-district I-4 which includes Golf Courses, Parks and Natural Areas.
• We are proposing a zoning change to R-1 single family zoning and Land Use change to Low Density Residential, both of which allow up to 5 housing units per acre, which will allow us to build seven (7) single family Villa Homes on about 2 acres.
The proposed development plan is for seven (7) single family Villa homes located on a new private (or public) road within the site. Site access will be from either Pennsylvania or Plymouth Avenues, we need to continue working with staff and our engineers to determine the best access point. By utilizing a single access point for the site, it allows the homes to be setback from the
main streets this also allows room for the creation of a new a landscape buffer near the
intersection with many new trees and other vegetation. The concept site plan is still a work in progress, but we feel the final will be very similar to what we are showing today. A final version will be part of the subdivision approval which we plan to
submit later this spring if the new Land Use is approved. This small alcove of homes will add to
7500 West 78th Street
Edina, MN
55439 (952) 947-3000 fax (952) 947-3030
Page 2 of 3
the current neighborhood and create value for the existing neighbors by delivering new high-quality residential homes with views of the golf course to the area. Parks, Trails and Landscaping All homes within the development will have direct access to existing city sidewalks and trails
and enjoy beautiful views of the existing Golden Valley Country Club & Golf Course. The site and new home landscaping will be designed to blend with the current golf course amenities and trees.
Though replacement tree plantings can never initially make up for the necessary tree removal, many of the existing tress that will be removed are near the end of their life span, native species will be selected and placed in an effort toward reforestation for a future healthy habitat. Plant selections with wetland preservation and enhancement will create an Urban Ecology theme throughout the development. We have worked with various city’s in the past to create
neighborhoods near sensitive ecological areas with great results for both the residents and environment. We recently worked closing with the city of Minnetonka to create Legacy Oaks, a unique neighborhood surrounded by wetlands and natural areas, the final result is beautiful homes and substantial improvement of wetland functions and water quality along with improvement of the surrounding natural areas.
Housing and Architecture The single family Villa homes will be planned and designed to fit into the existing neighborhood but also will add a new style of housing not currently in the neighborhood. We are planning a
mix of home designs that range between 2700 and 3700 square feet. The home designs will offer two car-plus garages, sunrooms, porches, and decks with a variety internal floorplans and exterior styles. The overall architecture is still in the development stage and will be completed with involvement from the course as to the architectural guidelines but if you look at the neighborhoods we are currently working on, you will get a feel of the quality the homes, the
varied designs and neighborhood feel we deliver. We also focus on energy efficient building practices as part of the Minnesota Green Path Builder program. Associations
A Home Owners Association will be planned for the neighborhood. The association will
maintain the road (if it ends up being private), each homes snow removal and lawn care along with maintaining any common area landscaping.
7500 West 78th Street
Edina, MN
55439 (952) 947-3000 fax (952) 947-3030
Page 3 of 3
Included in our development application are the below listed documents: (all documents submitted electronically on 3/12/21) 1) This project description and narrative 2) Planning Application: Future Land Use Amendment 3) Planning Application: Zoning Map Amendment 4) Survey Exhibit & Legal Description 5) Fees: A check for fees totaling $1,500.00 for the above applications is being sent via U.S. Mail Conclusion Ron Clark Construction is honored to have the opportunity to develop this new single-family
Villa neighborhood in Golden Valley in conjunction with the Golden Valley Country Club. We were selected by the course from a group of application because the course felt we could deliver a new neighborhood that both the City and the Golf Course would be proud of. We believe our concept both protects and enhances the existing natural amenities while taking an underutilized area of the city adding high quality housing, new residents and increased tax base. We are proud
to present this high-quality Ron Clark Construction development concept for your consideration and look forward to working with the City of Golden Valley through the approval and construction process.
Mike Waldo CEO Mike Roebuck
That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 118, Range 21,
Hennepin County, Minnesota, except the north 33.00 feet and the west 33.00 feet thereof, lying
northwesterly of the following described line:
Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence South
89 degrees 00 minutes 09 seconds East, along the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter, a distance of 439.24 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described: thence South 20
degrees 27 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 78.68 feet; thence South 76 degrees 47 minutes 57
seconds West a distance of 113.56 feet; thence South 27 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds West a
distance of 320.20 feet; thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 36.78 feet;
thence South 10 degrees 46 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 79.86 feet; thence South 37 degrees
50 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 71.89 feet; thence South 62 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds
West a distance of 100.69 feet, more or less, to the west line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter and there terminating.
Date: April 12, 2021
To: Golden Valley Planning Commission
From: Myles Campbell, Planner
Subject: Informal Public Hearing – Zoning Map Amendment for
Northwest corner of 7001 Golden Valley Road
Property address: 7001 Golden Valley Road
Applicant: Ron Clark Construction Property owner: Golden Valley Country Club
Zoning District: Institutional (I‐4) Lot size: 2.25 acres (proposed)
Current use: Golf Course Future land use: Park & Open Space
Adjacent uses: Golf Course (South + East), Residential (North + West)
2018 aerial photo (Hennepin County)
Summary of Request
Ron Clark Construction is petitioning to rezone a portion of the property at 7001 Golden Valley
Road from Institutional (I‐4) to Single Family Residential (R‐1). In tandem with this action, the
applicant also proposes to amend the City’s Future Land Use Map to guide the site for Low Density
Residential instead of the current guidance as Parks and Natural Areas. Both of these changes are
the first approvals necessary for the site to be able to be utilized for a single‐family redevelopment
project. Additionally, the applicant will need to return to both Planning Commission and City
Council for subsequent approvals in order to create a new Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Background & Existing Conditions
For details on the background of this rezoning request and the existing conditions of the site itself,
please refer to the accompanying memo on the proposed change in guided land use.
Staff Review
The City Code does not set forth specific standards for changing a zoning designation, and the City
Council – with the input of the Planning Commission – has a great deal of latitude in deciding if the
request can be considered to be consistent with the broader zoning map for the City. In making a
determination, the City should take into account the purpose of zoning as outlined in the City Code,
which is “to regulate land use within the City, including the location, size, use, and height of
buildings, the arrangement of buildings on lots, and the density of population within the City for
the purpose of promoting the health, safety, order, convenience, and general welfare of all citizens
of the City.” (Sec. 113‐2)
This rezoning request seeks to change the sites zoning from I‐4, one of the Institutional Sub‐
Districts, to R‐1, our Single‐Family Residential zoning district. The purpose statements for both
districts follow:
Institutional Zoning
The purpose of the Institutional Zoning District is to establish areas where both
public and private institutional uses such as schools, hospitals, parks, golf courses,
nursing homes, and public buildings may be located.
Single Family Residential Zoning
The purpose of the Single‐Family Residential (R‐1) Zoning District is to provide for
detached single‐family dwelling units at a low density along with directly related
and complementary uses.
Allowed Uses
The following principal uses are listed as permitted in the I‐4 Institutional Zoning Sub‐district:
1. Golf courses, country clubs, and polo fields, excepting those carried on as a business such as
miniature golf courses
2. Parks, playgrounds, City offices, fire stations, and other lands incidental to the operation of
the City; and
3. Essential services, Class I.
In addition to these four uses, Adult Daycare Centers, Child Care Centers, and Heliports are
permitted in the I‐4 district by conditional use permit.
In the Single‐Family Residential District, allowed uses are focused on residential uses that are
considered low density, or up to 5 units per acre as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. The
following principal uses are listed as permitted in the district:
1. Single‐family dwellings, consistent with the City's Mixed‐Income Housing Policy
2. Residential facilities serving six or fewer persons
3. Foster family homes; and
4. Essential services, Class I.
In addition, residential facilities serving from seven to 25 persons, and group foster family homes
are allowed in the R‐1 district, but only with a conditional use permit.
Both districts have very clearly defined sets of allowed uses, in line with their respective district
purposes. The allowed uses are the most significant consideration with this rezoning, as the
rezoning is the first step in allowing single‐family homes to be developed in this area.
Another important consideration is whether the rezoning is consistent with surrounding uses. Both
institutional and residential uses are considered to have lower external impacts on surrounding
properties, at least compared to industrial and commercial uses. That said, the introduction of new
housing to an area does mean new vehicle trips on local roads, and modification and in some cases
removal of natural amenities.
In this case, the change in zoning to R‐1 is at least consistent with the surrounding residential
properties to the north and west, which are similarly zoned for our least intensive residential
zoning category. The R‐1 designation would not allow for any type of multi‐family housing on this
lot, which eliminates some concerns regarding the site’s impacts on surrounding properties such as
shading concerns that arise with multi‐story apartment buildings or a substantial increase in traffic.
Residential Subdivision
Based on the applicant’s narrative, and early discussions with staff, it is assumed that a PUD would
be needed for this project. This has a number of benefits from the City’s perspective, as it gives a
greater degree of review than a by‐right project and also requires that public benefits and
amenities be provided by the applicant. That said, and similar to our discussion around the change
in land use, it is important to consider the broader context of rezoning this land to residential and
to understand how a project without a PUD could proceed following the rezoning.
Without a PUD, the area being rezoned would still need to be subdivided to be eligible for
redevelopment. For a new residential subdivision, the City has a number of requirements in terms
of what it considers as an eligible lot. At the basic level, the created lots must meet the minimum
buildable requirements as discussed in Sec. 113‐88 Sub. (k).
Buildable Lots. No dwelling or accessory structure shall be erected for use or occupancy as a
residential dwelling on any tract of unplatted land which does not conform with the requirements
of this section, except on those lots located within an approved plat. In the R‐1 Zoning District a
platted lot of a minimum area of 10,000 square feet and a minimum width of 80 feet at the front
setback line shall be required for one single‐family dwelling.
To meet the 10,000 sq.ft. lot size minimum, with a minimum lot width of 80 ft., the depth of that
lot would need to be 125 ft. However, additional requirements are included in Sec. 109‐149 of the
Subdivision Code regarding new residential lots.
Corner Lots require an additional 20 ft. of width (100 ft. total)
All lots must maintain their minimum width at the front setback line for an additional 70 ft.
of depth
If the average lot area of the surrounding residential lots within 250 ft. of the property to be
subdivided is greater than 18,000 sq.ft., than the minimum lot area for the lots to be
subdivided must be 15,000 at a minimum
Starting with this last item, staff examined the deeded square footage
for all residential properties within 250 ft. of the proposed property.
30 properties fell within this buffer distance, and the average area of
those lots was 14,936.11 sq. ft., less than the 18,000 sq. ft. that would
have triggered the more substantial minimum lot size for a new
Given this, we can estimate how this property would be subdividable
without a PUD Permit:
Lot Minimum Area Minimum Width Lot Depth at Min. Width
Corner Lot 10,000 100 ft. 105 ft.*
Interior Lot 10,000 80 ft. 125 ft.
*Front Setback for R‐1 is 35’, 70’ additional depth at minimum width is required for new lots,
resulting lot area is actually 10,500 sq. ft.
The Survey provided by the applicant is not intended to
be used to prove out the exact number of lots we could
provide on the lot as proposed, it does not provide details
on wetlands or topography that would need to be taken
into account that might impact buildablility in certain
portions of the area. However, it does provide basic
dimensions, such as the frontage along Pennsylvania
being just over 557 feet. Taking into account our slightly
wider corner lot at 100 ft., and the rest being 80 feet in
width, it seems likely to staff that 5‐6 lots fronting on
Pennsylvania could be feasible with some additional lots
potentially feasible depending on the depth and natural
conditions on the southernmost tip of the proposed
property, or if additional lots were provided off of
Plymouth Avenue.
Again, the purpose of this exercise is to show how the
land could be used if it were to be rezoned to residential
zoning. Regardless of whether further approvals are
sought via subdivision or a PUD, the City’s minimum lot requirements, density guidance, and the
physical conditions of the site itself would all play some role in limiting the scale or impact of said
Staff Findings
In this case, the site under discussion is being rezoned to a use that would allow development of
the site with future approvals, but it is a use already present in the surrounding area. New single‐
family homes would not be out of character with the surrounding single‐family neighborhood, and
the would also not conflict with the existing country club use to the southeast. While this means
the rezoning would not be considered “spot zoning,” staff still thinks it is prudent to provide
adequate factual findings in the record to support the decision.
Given staff’s review, and weighing the opportunities and challenges provided by a change in
zoning, the following findings from staff are made in support of rezoning the parcels in question to
a Single‐Family Residential (R‐1) designation:
1. The site is currently in an area with other R‐1 zoned properties, and would not be out of
character with the surrounding neighborhood.
2. While more work will be needed to determine the safest location for access to the new
residential development, Engineering staff is not concerned about the traffic generated by
the inclusion of new single‐family residential in the area.
3. As noted in the accompanying memo on the site’s land use change, the use of this site for a
residential purpose fits with a number of the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive
4. Additionally, in its Housing Chapter, the Comprehensive Plan recognizes the need for new
housing in the City to maintain pace with demand, but notes the lack of available land area
for a relatively built‐out city. Rezoning this land and allowing for development would be a
path to providing some new housing in the city.
5.While the focus of rezoning should be on all potential future users under the R‐1 zoning
designation, the narrative provided by Ron Clark Construction demonstrates both a high
quality end product and an understanding that they are entering an existing neighborhood
and an area with critical natural resources to protect.
Recommended Action
Based on the findings above, staff recommends approval of the requested amendment to the
Zoning Map, changing the zoning designation for the proposed parcel as described in the land
survey from Institutional Sub‐district I‐4, to Single Family Residential R‐1.