#068 08-18-59 Provide Hearing Assessments Various ImprovementsResolution No. 68 August 18, 1959 Member Teresi introduced the following resolution and MOVED its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by The Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The assessment roll heretofore duly prepared for various public improvements as hereinafter set forth and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk, is hereby approved as the proposed assessments for said improvements, and this Council shall meet at the time and place in- dicated in the notice set forth in paragraph 2 hereof for the purpose of passing upon said assessments and hearing all objections thereto. 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said meeting to be published in the Suburban Press, the official newspaper of this municipality, at least two weeks before the date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: (Official Publication) NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS (village of Golden Valley) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Golden Valley, Minnesota will meet at 7800 Golden Valley Road in said Village on October 6, 1959 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. to hear, consider and pass upon allwritten or oral objec- tions, if any, to proposed assess- ments in respect of various public improvements as hereinafter set forth. The proposed assessment roll is now on file and open to public inspection by all persons interested in the office of the Village Clerk. The entireamount assessed against any parcel of land will be payable, un- less prepaid, in equal consecutive an. nualinstallments as indicated in each case, the first- of such installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1959, collectible with such taxes during the year 1960. The first installment will be payable with in- terest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum on Ithe entire as- sessment from the date of the res- olution levying said assessments to December 31, 1959, and each subse- quent installment will be payable with one year's interest at said rate on all unpaid installments, except that no interest will be charged if the entire assessment as to any par- cel Is paid at the office of the Treas- urer within thirty (30) days from the date of adoption of the assessment. roll. The general nature of the various public improvements is as follows. Bituminous surfacing of Streets: 1) 58-BS-1—All that property abut- ting Mary Hills Drive and Wasatch Lane. (The above assessment will be spread over ten (10) years.) 2) 58-BS-2—All that property abut- ting Major Avenue North, from 27th Avenue North to Culver Road. 3) 58-BS-3—All that property abut- ting Topel Road, from T.H. No. 100 to Unity Avenue, and also all of E.E. Dietrich's Third Addition, abutting Unity Avenue. 4) 58-BS-4—All of Hope Chest Ad- dition and also all that part of the Northeast one quarter (NE14), Sec- tion 6, Township 117, Range 21, abut- ting Field Drive. (The above assessments will be spread over five (5) years.) 5) 58-BS-5—All that part of West- brook Addition lying in Golden Val- ley and East of Bassett's Creek. (The above assessment will be spread over five (5) years.) 6) 58 -BS -7 ---All property abutting Triton Drive from Belt Line (No. 100) to Glenden Terrace, Glenden Terrace from Triton Drive to Scott Avenue, Scott Avenue from Glenden Terrace to Culver Road, Culver Road from Regent Avenue to Belt Line (No. 100). 7) 58-BS-8—All that property abut- ting Green Valley Road, from Kelly Drive to Louisiana Avenue North. (The above assessments will be spread over ten (10) years.) 8) '58-BS-11—All that property abut. ting Ottawa Avenue North, from T.H. No. 55 (Olson Memorial Highway) North to the South right-of-way line of Minneapolis and St. Louis Rail. way. (The above assessment will be Spread over five (5) years.) 9) 58 -BS -13 -All that property abut- ting Douglas Drive from T.H. 55 to 450 feet northerly of St. Croix Ave- nue. (The above assessment will be spread over (10) ten years.) Cur'b & Gutters and Driveway Ap- proaches: 1) 58-CG-1—All that property abut- ting Mary Hills Drive and Wasatch Lane. 2) 58-CG-2—All cif Block 15 Ken- i nedy's West Tyrol Hills Addition abutting Sunset Ridge and also all of Block 16, Kennedy's West Tyrol Hills Addition abutting Sunset Ridge and Sumac Road, 3) 58-CG-5—All that property abut- ting Green Valley Road, from Kelly Drive to Louisiana Avenue North. (The above assessments will be spread over ten (10) years.) 4) 58-CG-9—All that property abut. ting Westwood Lane. (The above assessment will be spread over five (5) years.) 5) 58-CG-10—All that property abut. ting Douglas Drive from T.H. 55 to 450 feet northerly of St. Croix Ave. riue. (The above assessment will be spread over ten (10) years.) Grading & Graveling of Streets: l) 58-CG-4—All property abutting Xenia Avenue from the South prop- erty line of Registered Lind Survey No. 661 to Wayzata Boulevard. 2) 58-CG-9—All that property abut. , ting Westwood Lane. (The above assessments will be spread over five (5) years.) 3) 58-CG-10—All property abutting Xenia Avenue North from Laurel Avenue, to the South Line of Regis- tered Land Survey No. 661. (The above assessment will be spread over one (1) year.) Storm Ponding: 1) 58-SP-1—Lots 4 thru 8—Blk 3— Glenurban Add'n. Lots 5 thru 10—B1k 4— Glenurban Add'n. Lots 4 thru 7-BIk 5- Glenurban Add'n. Lots 9 thru 14—Blk 3— Glenurban 2nd Add'n. Lots 11 thru 14—Blk 4 Glenurban 2nd Add'n. Lots 23 thru 38—BIk 6— Glenurban 2nd Add'n. Lots 5 thru 7—Blk 2-- Glenurban 3rd Add'n. Lots 2 and 3—Blk 1 — Birchbank Add'n. (The above assessment will be spread over five (5) years.) Storm Sewer: 1) 58-SS-1,—Block 2 (including Park) Spring, Green South Addition. Regis- tered Land Survey No. 106. (The above 'assessment will be yFpread over five (5) years.) atermains 1) 58-WM-1—All that property in Delphian Heights Third Unit and Scherer Addition abutting Kewanee Way. 2) 58-WM-2—Property abutting on both sides of North Tyrol Trail from its intersection with Wayzata Boule-, vard Northerly to its intersection with Meadow Lane north and Parkview Terrace; and on both sides of Park. view Terrace from its intersection with North Tyrol Trail and Meadow Lane North, northerly to its inter- section with Glenwood Avenue on the North side of Wayzata Boulevard from its intersection with France Avenue extended to its intersection with North Tyrol Trail; and on both sides of Glenwood Avenue from its intersection with Parkview Terrace to its intersection with France Ave- nue Extended. (The above assessments will be spread over ten (10) years.) Dust Treatment: 1) 58-DA-8—All' property in Golden Valley abutting Xerxes Avenue from Plymouth Avenue to intersection of Glenwood Parkway. (The above assessment will be + spread over one (1) year.) I 2) 59-DA-1—No. Jersey Avenue from Glenwood to Laurel. i 59-DA-2—Harold Avenue— Glen- wood to Winnetka. 59-DA-3—Ridgeway Road from Winnetka to Harold Avenue. 59-DA-4—Winsdale Street, from Douglas Drive to Jersey North. 59 -DA -5- Brookridge ' Avenue 1 from Westbrook Road to North Village Limits. { �wa.a lull 1 1 1 O Resolution No. 68 the Minneapolis, Northfield a thern R. R.; thence northwest- 58 -LF -6 LATERAL SEWER All that property which may be erly > on said right-of-way line to the served by lateral sanitary sewer `39f)'14"'="31!}5�1133e 'Avenue intersection with the north property installed on the following streets !; starting, at Hampshire Lane all I line of Lot 6, Block 2, Brookfair Addi• and easements and -all that prop - of Hampshire Place. (All streets tion; thence easterly on said north erty abutting on the following in A J Anderson's First Addi- line to the southwest corner of Lot streets and easements: tion.) 5, Block 2 Brookfair Addition; thence The West Service Road of State 59-DA-7-Tyro1 Trail North from northerly on the west property lines ! Highway 100 from Golden Valley Road Tyrol Trail 200 It. of Lots 5, 4, 3, and 2, Block 2, Brook. (County Road No. 6) South to the 59 -DA -8 -Hampshire Lane from fair Addition, to the northwest corner Minnesota Western Railroad right -of - Green Valley Road to Hamp- of said Lot 2; thence easterly on the way. shire Avenue North,north property line of said Lot 2 to Phoenix Street from State Highway 59 -DA -9 -Regent Avenue- from the northeast corner of said Lot 2 and 100 (Belt Line) to Welcome Avenue. Culver to 33rd. i continuing eastrly to the point of be- Welcome Avenue from Phoenix North Lowry Terrace- from ginning. Street to Golden Valley Road (Coun- Quail to Regent. (The above assessment will be ty Road No. 6). 59 -DA -10- 33rd Avenue North spread, over twenty (20) years.) (The above assessment will be twenty from Noble to Quail. 58 -LF -4 LATr+,RAL SEWER spread over (20) years.) 59 -DA -11 -Sumter Ave. S. from The area assessed for this Lateral 58 -LF -7 LATERAL SEWER Laurel Ave. to Wayzata Blvd. Sewer is as follows: The area: assessed for this Lateral 59 -DA -14 -Hanley Road from the All that property in the SE?4 of Sewer is as follows: North line of Hope Chest Addi• Section 29, Township 11.8, Range All that property in the NWl4 of tion to the North line of Jes- I 21 included within the following Section 18, Township 29, Range 24 sends Addition. Also Ridgeway, described boundary lines, to wit: included within the following Road from Winnetka Ave. to Beginning at the intersection of the boundary lines, to wit: Hanley Rd. west right-of-way line of Louisiana Beginning at the intersection of the 59 -DA -15- Quail Avenue North Avenue North and the north property centerline of Golden Valley Road and from the North line of Wood- line of Lot 48, Belmont, extended; the east line extended of Sweeney Ter - lawn Park Addition to 33rd thence easterly along the north , line race; thence northerly along the east Avenue North, of said addition to the northeast prop- line of Sweeney Terrace and along the 59 -DA -16 -Rhode Island Avenue erty corner of Lot 30, Belmont; thence east property line of Block 2, Sleepy No. between T.H. 55 & 6th Ave- I southerly along the east property line Hollow, to, the south property line of nue North. of Lots 30 and 67 to the southeast cor. Cumberland Hills; thence westerly 59 -DA -17 -Olympia between Flor- ner of Lot 67; 'thence easterly along along the south property line of Cum. ida and Hampshire, the Porth property lines of Lots 125 berland Hills to the southwest proper. 59 -DA -18 -Meadow Lane between through 109 inclusive to the center- ty corner of Cumberland Hills; thence Olson Highway & 8th Avenue line of Florida Avenue; thence south. northeasterly . along the northwest North. erly along said centerline to the inter. property line of Cumberland Hills and (The above assessments will be section of the south property line of southeasterly along the northeast prop - spread over one (1) year.) Lot 180, Belmont, extended; thence erty line of Cumberland Hills to the 58 -LF -1 LATERAL SEWER westerly along the south property i southeast property corner of Cumber. •ASI. that property which, may be lines of Lots 180 through 172 inclusive land Hills; thence easterly along the served by lateral sanitary sewer in- to the centerline of Hampshire Av nue north property line of Mary Hills to stalled on the following streets and North; thence southerly along said the northwest property corner of Out- lisements all* all that property abut- centerline to the intersection of the lot 2, Mary Hills thenge southeasterly ---- --- - - - -- ting on the following s reets and ease- south property .line of Lot 267, Bel- Mont, extended; thence westerly along along the southwest property lines of outlot 2, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, ments: the south property lines of Lots 267 Mary Hills, to,the southwest proper - Xenia Avenue from Golden Valley through 241 inclusive to the weak right• ty corner of Lot 3, Block' 2, Mary Road (County Road No: 6) to St. of -way line of Louisiana Avenue North Hills thence northeasterly along the Croix Avenue, Welcome Avenue from Golden Val- thence northerly along said right-of.I way line to the point of beginning ---r - - •- -- southeast property ime oi Lot 1 E'o,ck ley. Road (County Road No. 6) :to I (The above assessment will be east 2, Mary hV7.s and along the southeast Xenia Avenue. spread over twenty (20) years.) property late of Lot 1, Block 3, Mary (The, above assessment will be 58 -LF -5 LATERAL SEWER Hilis to tLe north properly co rtcr of spread over twenty (20) years.) The area assessed for this Lateral said lot, thence southeasterly Wong 58 -LF -2 LATERAL. SEWER Sewer is as follows: the nortnczst property lines of Lots 2, The area assessed for this Lateral All that property in the NE?� of 3 and 4, Bioc:c 3, Mary Hills, to the Sewer is as follows: Section 31, Township 118, Range southeast property corner of Lot 4, All that property in Section 28; 21 and in the East 1; of Section 30, Township 118, Range Block 3, Mary.Hil.ls; thence northeast - t::e line of Township 118, Range 21, included within the following described 21, in. eluded within the following bound. eriy along south property Parcel (6010) to the southeast prop - boundary lines, to wit: ary lines to "wit: erty corner of. Parcel (6010); thence Beginning at a -point on the bound- Beginnings at a point on the north northerly along the east propertyline ary line between Crystal and Golden property line of Parcel (5040) located of Parcel (6010) to the northeast prop - Valley located 188' east from the cen- 1 168' west of the centerline of Winnet- erty corner of said parcel; thence 'property terline of Douglas Drive; thence east•I ka Avenue North; thence southerly on i westerly along the north line erly on said boundary line to the cen- a line 168' west of and parallel to, of Parcel (6010) to the east line of terline of Bassett's Creek; thence said centerline to the south right -of- Section 18, T. 29, R. 24; thence north - southerly on said creek centerline to way line of Duluth Street and continu. erly along said line to a point 600' the north property line extended of ing on the east property lines of Lots north of the south line of the N. ?z of Lot 6, Block 1, St. Croix Grove; thence 1. through 9, Block 1, Golden Oaks the N. 1,'2 Sec. 18, T. 29, R. 24; thence westerly on the north property line of Third Addition, inclusive; thence westerly along a line 600' nortn of and the N. Block 1, St. Croix Grove, and said southerly on the east property lines of Lots 15 through Block 1, parallel to the south line of is the N. Sec. 18, T. 29, R. 24,to north line ,extended to a point, which is located on,'a line, 168' northeasterly 9, Golden Oaks Second Addition, inclusive and of ?z the west line of N.E.',4 of the N.E- ,4 from, and measured perpendicular to, continuing on the east property line Sec. 18, T. 29, R. 24; thence southerly I the centerline of St. Croix Avenue; of Lots. 21 through 11, Block 4, said along said west line and along the Thence northwesterly on a line 16W addition,. inclusive; thence southerly west property line of Block 1, Sleepy northeasterly from, and parallel to, on the east property lines of Lots 24, Hollow to the south line of 22nd Ave - the centerline of St. Croix Avenue to through 17, Block 2, Golden Oaks, in. nue; thence easterly along said south a point which is located on aline 188' elusive, to the northeast corner of Lot line to the west property line ex - east of and measured perpendicular 14; thence southeasterly on the north tended of Block 3, Sleepy Hollow; to the centerline of Douglas Drive; property lines of Lots 13 and 12, Block thence southerly along said line to thence northerly on a line 188' east of, 2, Golden Oaks, to the northeast cor• the centerline of Golden Valley Road and parallel to, the centerline of'. ner of Lot 12, Block 2, Golden Oaks; thence southeasterly to the point of Douglas Drive to the point of begin- thence southerly along the east prop- beginning. be ning. erty line of said lot and Lot 2, Block (The above assessment will (The above assessment will be 1 3, Golden Oaks Addition to, the north spread over twenty (20) years.) spread over twenty (20) years.) right•of-way line of the Minnesota ; 58 -LF -9 ,LATERAL SEWER 58 -LF -3 LATERAL SEWER Western R.thence northwesterly The area assessed for this Lateral The area assessed for this Lateral along said right-of-way to a point 165' Sewer is as follows: Sewer is as follows: east of the west property line of Par- All that property in the S.E.?4 All that property in the' Slz of cel (600) extended; thence southerly j - of Section 32, Township 118, Section 28, Township 118, Range I on a line 165' 'west of and parallel to Range 21 and the N.E. i4 of 21 included within the following i the west property lines of Parcels Section 5, Township 117, Range described" boundary line, to wit: (600) and (2660) to a point 330' south !, 21 included within the following Beginning at the intersection of the of the centerline of Busch Cross Road boundary lines, to wit: centerline of W. Constance Drive and thence westerly 330' on a line 330' Beginning at the N.W. corner of the south right-of-way line of St. CrSix south of and parallel to said center. Westchester Addition; thence north- , Avenue; thence southerly 200' on said line; thence northerly on a line 165' easterly along the south right-of-way centerline; thence easterly,' on a line, west of and parallel to the west pr p- ''i line of State Highway No. 55 to the perpendicular to said centerline, to erty lines of Parcels (2660) and (600) 'northeast property -corner Lot 7,' the east property line of Parcel (1500); to the north right-of-way line of the Block 3, Westchester; thence souther- thence southerly on said property line Minnesota Western R.R.; thence south. ly along a line 165' west of and par• to the north property line of Lot 1, easterly along said right-of-way line I allel to the east section line of Sec - Block 1, Brookfair Addition; thence !, to the west line of Golden Oaks; tion 32; Township 118, Range 21 to easterly on said north line to the thence northerly along the west lines ;' the centerline of Glenwood Avenue; northeast corner of said ,Lot 1; thence the property of Golden Oaks, Golden Oaks Second � Addition, Golden Oaks Fourth Ad- I thence east 'along said centerline to a point 135' West of the east section southwesterly on west 1, 2, Block 1, and dition to the northwest line of Section 5, Township 117, Range lines of Lots 3, and 4, Brookfair Addition, to the southeast j corner of said ,! Fourth Addition; thence westerly toq 21; thence southerly along a line 135',j corner of said Lot 4; thence westerly the southwest corner of Parcel (4910); east of and parallel to said west sec - on the south property line of said Lot I thence northerly on the west lines of tion line to the south line of Cort- 4 to the centerline of W. Constance (4910) and (4920) to the north. lawn Addition; thence westerly along Drive; thence southerly on said cen• IParcels west corner of Parcel (4920); thence said south line and continuing along terline to the point of intersection with IIeasterly on the north lines of Parcels the south fine of Cortlawn Addition, the south property line of Lot 10, (4920) and (5040),, to the point of be. Second Section, to a point 165' east Block 2, Brookfair Addition; extended; Y ginning, of the west line of Parcel (9110) 'thence southwesterly on said south (The above assessment will be L. Elstad; thence southerly on a lineL. . property line to the west right-of-way I spread over twenty (20) years.) August 1$, 1959 136 Resolution No. 68 1 and parallel to said west { 58 -LF -12 LATERAL SEWER 1 int 165' north of the north The area assessed for this Lateral line -6 L.S. No. 648; thence 330' Sewer is as follows: westerly along said north line; thence All that property in the Wlz Sec - northerly along a line 165' west of tion 32, Township 118, Range 21, and parallel to the west line of Par- included within the following de- cel (9110), L. L. Elstad, to the. south scribed boundary lines, to wit: line extended of Cortlawn Addition, Beginning at the intersection of the ' Second Section and continuing north- centerline of Golden Valley Road erly along the same line .135' west with the east property line extended of and parallel to the y�est of Cort- of Lot 31, Auditor's Subdivision No. lawn Addition, Second Section to the '360; thence northerly on said east south section line of Section 32, Town- line of Lot 31 and said east line ex - ship 118, 'Range 21 thence easterly (tended to the intersection with the along said south section line to the south right-of-way lire extended of west line of Lot 78, Auditor's Sub- Bassett Drive; thence northeasterly division No. 332; thence northerly on said right-of-way line to the inter. along said west line to the 'center- section with the west property line of line of Glenwood Avenue; thence Lot 1, Block 20, Winnetka; thence northwesterly along said centerline to southerly on said west line to the the west line extended of Parcel southwest corner of said Lot 1; (1912) Pence northerly along said easterly on the south property west line to the south line of Lot 12, Ithence line of said Lot 1 to the southeas Auditor's Subdivision 322; thence eas- j corner of. said Lot 1; thence north- terly along said south line to the 'erly on the east property line of said west line of Westchester Addition Lot 1 to the northeast corner of said thence northerly along said west line Lot 1; thence northeasterly on the to the point of beginning. said south right-of-way line and said (The above assessment will be right -of -'Way line extended to a point spread over twenty (20) years.) 58 -LF -10 LATERAL SEWER located on a line 135' east of, and measured perpendicular to, 'the cen- The area assessed for this Lateral • terline of Pennsylvania Avenue; Sewer is as follows: thence southerly on a line 135' east All that property in the SW1.4 of of and parallel to the centerline of Section 29, Township 118, Range Pennsylvania Avenue to the North 21 and in the' NWi4 of Section property line of Lot 9, Bitzer's Place; 32, Township .118, Range 21, in- thence easterly on a line 161' north. cluded within the following boun- of and parallel to the centerline of dary lines, to wit: 6th Avenue North to the point of in. Beginning at a point on the north tersection with the east property line property line of Parcel (1220) located extended of Lot 5, Schuller's Addi• 161' east of the centerline of Win- tion; thence southerly on said east netka Avenue North thence easterly property line extended and on said on the north property line of Parcel east property line of said Lot 5 to (1220) and continuing on said north the southeast corner of said Lot 5 line extended to a point 165' east of thence southeasterly on the south the northeast corner of said Parcel; thence southerly on a line 165' east property line of Lot 4, Schuller's Ad - dition to the of and parallel to the east lines of northeast corner of Lot 9, Schuller's Addition; thence south - Parcels (1220) and (1210) to a point westerly on the east line of said Lot-. 108' north of the north right-of-way 9 and said east line extended to the line of Olympia Street; thence eas- centerline of Glenwood Avenue;) terly on a line 108' north of and thence southerly on the west property parallel to said right-of-way line to line extended and west' property line the east property line extended of Lot of Lot 34, Auditor's Subdivision No. I 14, Block 1, Winnetka; thence south- 322 to the point of intersection with erly on the east property lines of Lots the south property line of Lot 2, Block 'I 14 through 8, Block 1, Winnetka, in- 2, Schuller's first Addition, extended; clusive and Lots 14 through 9, Block thence westerly on said south line 8, Winnetka, inclusive, to the north- extended of Lot 2 to the southeast east corner of Lot 8, Block 8, Win- corner of said Lot 2; thence north- netka; thence easterly on the north 'line erly on the west property line of said property of Lot 7, Block 8, Win- Lot 2 to the northeast corner of said netka and said north line extended Lot 2; thence westerly on the north to a point 124.5' east of the west property line of said Lot 2 and said. right-of-way line of Pennsylvania north line extended to the centerline Avenue; thence southerly on a line of Kelly Drive; tlpence northerly on 124.5' east of and parallel to said said centerline to the -intersection. west line to the south property line with the south property line extended of Lot 8, Block 15, Winnetka, ex- I of Lot 1,, Block 1, Schuller's First tended; thence westerly to the west right-of-way line of Pennsylvania Ave • ,�,,,,...,,,�.- ..:� •.•. -== - Fly on said nue; thence southerly on said west Addi ion, thence wes property line of said Lot 1 to the line to the south property line of Lot 2, Block scuthwesr. corner of said Lot 1; ! 16, Winnetka; thence wes- terly thence southerly on the west prop -i on said property line to the southwest corner of said lot; thence erty line of Lot 2, Block 1, Schuiler's First Addition to a point located on hsoutherly on the west property lines aline which is 168' southwesterly of, of Lots 3 and 4 to the southwest and measured perpendicular to, the corner of Lot 4; thence southwesterly centerline of. Glenwood Avenue; on the south line of Blocks 16, 17, 18, and 19. Winnetka, to the south- thence northwesterly on a line 168' 'southwesterly from, and parallel to, west property corner of Lot 10, Block the centerline of Glenwood Avenue to 19, Winnetka; thence northerly on the west property lines of Lots 10 through the intersection of the centerline of Avenue with the centerline 1, Block 19, Winnetka, inclusive and Glenwood of 6th Avenue North and continuing continuing northerly on the west prop- westerly on a line 168' south of, and erty lines of Lots 9 through' 1, Block to the centerline of 6th Ave - 12, Winnetka, inclusive to the north parallel nur North to the intersection with right-of-way line of Plymouth Avenue; the east property line of Block 1, Cot - thence Westerly on said north line tage Grove; thence northerly on said to the west line of Lot 6, Block 11, east property line to the southeast Winnetka thence northerly on the property corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Cot - west property lines of Lots 3 and tage Grove; thence westerly on the 6, Block 11, Winnetka to the north south property line of said Lot 2 to right-of-way line of Knoll Street; thence easterly on said north line the centerline of Rhode Island Ave.; to to, the southwest corner of Lot 7, Block thence northerly on said centerline the intersection with the south line 5, Winnetka; thence northerly on the extended of',Lot 1, Block 2, Cottage west property lines of Lots 7 through Grove; thence westerly on said south 1, Block 5 and Lots 7 through 1, line of Lot 1 to the southwest corner Block 4, Winnetka, inclusive to the north right-of-way line Of said Lot 1; thence northerly on 1 to of Olympia Street; the'west property line of said Lot thence northerly on a line the centerline of 6th Avenue North; 161' east of and parallel to the cen- thence' westerly along said centerline iterline of Winnetka Avenue North to the point beginning. to the west property line extended of 360; Lot Subdivision (The above assessment will be Orth rlyr's thence' t line lline e5extended spread over twenty (20) ,years.) Lotc45northerly and saidowest to the point of beginning. be vtwentysyea snrehd over st(20))1 August 18, 1959 58•LH-14 LATERAL SEWER The area assessed for this Lateral Sewer is as follows: All that property in the Wr,'2 of' Section 31, Township 118, Range 21, included within the following described boundary lines, to wit: Beginning at a point on the 'center- line of Mendelssohn Avenue North which is located 165' south of the in- tersection of said centerline with the centerline extended of Plymouth Ave- nue; thence easterly on a line 165' south of and parallel to the centerline of Plymouth Avenue to a point 215' east of the centerline of Mendelssohn Avenue North; thence southerly on a line 215' Past of and parallel to the centerline of Mendelssohn Avenue North to the north property line of Parcel (7200); thence easterly on said north line of said Parcel to the north- east corner of said Parcel; thence southerly on the east property line of. sa;d Parcel to a point 198' north of ; the centerline of Watertown Road; j thence easterly on a line 198' north ofand parallel to the centerline of Watertown Road to the,east propertyl line of Lot 11„Academy Acres; thence southerly on said east line of Lot 11.'. to the north right-of-way line of State Highway No. 55; thence southwester- ly on said north right-of-way line to the intersection with the west proper- ty line of Lot S, R.L.S. No. 30; thence northerly on said west property line to a point 168' south of the centerline of Watertown Road; thence westerly on a line 168' south of, and parallel to, the centerline of Watertown Road to the centerline of Mendelssohn Ave- nue North; thence northerly on said centerline to the point of beginning. (The above assessment will be spread over twenty (20) years.) 58 -LF -15 LATERAL SEWER The area assessed for this Lateral Sewer is as follows: All that property in the SE ?a of Section 29, Township 118, Range 21, included within the following described boundary lines, to wit: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Florida" Avenue North and the north property line of Lot 12, Belmont, extended; thence easterly along the north line of said 'addition to the northeast property corner of Lot 2, Belmont; thence southerly alonm the east property lines of Lots 2, 85, 98, 191, 194, and 287 to a point (143' south of the south right-of-way line of Knoll Street; thence westerly, along a line 143' south of and parallel to said right-of-way line and continu- ing along the south line of Lots 276, 275, 274, 273, 272, 271, 270, 269 and 268, Belmont; extended to the centerline of Hampshire Avenue, thence northerly along said centerline to th north prop- rty line extended of Lot 213, Belmont; thence easterly along the north prop- erty lines of Lots 213 through 205, n Flelmont, inclusive to the centerline of orida Avenue North; thence north- erly along said centerline to the point (The above assessment will be spread over twenty (20) years.) 58 -LF -18 LATERAL SEWER The area assessed for this Lateral Sewer is as follows: All that property in the W ?2 of Secton 7, Township 29, Range 24, included within the following des- cribed boundary lines, to wit: Beginning'at the intersection of the east right•of-way line of State High- way No. 100 and the north property line of Lot ;0, Yale Garden Homes, thence easterly along said north line to a, point 190' west of the centerline of Regent Avenue; thence southerly along a line 190' west of and parallel to the centerline of Regent Avenue to a point 160' south of the south line of, Yale Garden Homes; thence westerly along a line 160' south of and parallel to said south line to a -point 180' west of the centerline extended of Scott Avenue North; thence northerly along a line 180' west of and parallel to the centerline extended of Scott Avenue North to the north property line of Lot 14, Yale Garden Homes; thence westerly 176.81' along said property line to the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 4, rearrangement of Lots 15, 16 and 17, Yale Garden Homes; thence northerly along the west line of said lot to the south line of Lot 16, Yale Garden Homes; thence westerly, 160" along the south line of said lot; thence northerly on a line perpendicu• lar to said lot line to the north prop- erty line of said lot; thence westerly to the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 3, rearrangement of Lots 15, 16, and 17, Yale Garden Homes; F-1�4 1 1 1 1 1 L� Reso on No.,68 August 18, 1959 +Yi:r3y along the west prop- 58 -LF -23 LATERAL SEWER58-LF-27 LATERAL SEWER erty line of said lot to the south prop- All that property which may be I The area assessed for this Lateral , erty line of Lot 18, Yale Garden served by iateral sanitary sewer !Sewer is as follows: Homes; thence westerly along said installed on the following streets All that property abutting on southline to the east right- way line and easements and all that prop- Quebec Avenue North from Ply- II of State Highway No. 100; thence erty abutting on the following mouth Avenue North to Olympia i northerly along the east right-of-way _ — _. __ __ _---_-_ _-.- --, f Street. line of State Highway No. 100 to the streets and easements: (The above assessment will be point of beginning. Glenwood Avenue from Sixth Ave- spread over twenty (20) ,years.) (The above assessment will be nue North to a point on Glenwood 58 -LF -28 LATERAL SEWER spread over twenty (20) ,years.) Avenue 500' north of T.H. No. 55. The area assessed for this Lateral 58 -LF -20 LATERAL SEWER (The above assessment will be Sewer is as follows: All that property which may be spread over twenty (20) years.) All that property abutting on Rhode served by lateral sanitary sewer 58 -LF -24 LATERAL SEWER Island Avenue North from Olympia installed on the following streets All ihat property which may be Street to Winsdale Street. and easements and all that prop. served by lateral sanitary sewer (The above assessment , will be erty abutting on the following installed on the following streets spread over twenty (20) years.) streets and easements: and easements and all that prop- 58 -LF -29 LATERAL SEWER Section A 'erty abutting on the following The area assessed for this Lateral 6th Avenue North (County Road No. streets and easements. I Sewer is as follows: 25) from a point 260' East of Jersey ,Glenwood Avenue from T. H. No. 55 All that property abutting on Avenue to a point 1,300' West of Jer- to Harold Avenue, South Service Drive Rhode Island Avenue North from sey Avenue, of T. H. No. 55 from Glenwood- Ave- Winsdale Street to Knoll Street. Jersey Avenue from 6th Avenue nue to a point 1200' east of Glenwood (The above assessment will be North (C�u my Road No. 25) to State Avenue. Harold Avenue from Glen- spread over twenty (20) years.) Highway No. 55.wood Avenue to Luouisiana Avenue 58 -LF -30 LATERAL SEWER Schuller Circle from Glenwood Ave- extended., The area assessed for this Lateral nue (County Road No. 40) to Cul -De- (The above assessment - will be Sewer is as follows: Sac. spread over twenty )20) years.) All that property abutting on Kelly Drive from Glenwood Avenue -LF -25 LATERAL SEWER Winsdale Street from Rhode Is - (County Road No. 40) to State High- 158 The area assessed for this Lateral land Avenue to Sumter Avenue. way No. 55. 1 Sewer is as follows: (The above assessment will be Rhode Island Avenue from Harold All that property in or abutting., spread over twenty (20) ,years.) Avenue to 6th Avenue North (County upon streets which are in or 158 -LF -31 LATERAL SEWER Road No. 25). 4 abutting upon the following de- The area assessed for this Lateral Winnetka Avenue from li Avenue scribed tract of land: Sewer is as follows: North (County Road No. 25) to Har. The West 150 feet of the NE1,4 of All that property abutting on old Avenue. ; the NWz of Section Five (5), Town- Sumpter Avenue North from Glenwood Avenue from a point 300' ship One Hundred Seventeen (117), I Winsdale Street to Knoll Street. North of State Highway No. 55 to Range Twenty-one (21), lying south- (The .above assessment will be State Highway No. 55.{i erly of Ridgeway Road. spread over twenty (20) years.) State Highway No. 55 from Winnetka (The above assessment will be 58 -LF -32 LATERAL SEWER Avenue to a point 200' West of Jersey spread over twenty (20) years.) The area assessed for this Lateral Avenue. 58 -LF -26 LATERAL SEWER Sewer is as follows: Harold Avenue from Winnetka Ave. The area assessed for this Lateral All that property abutting on nue to the west line of the East ?a of Sewer is as follows: Sumter Avenue North from Knoll Section 32, T. 118, R. 21. All that property in Section 1.8, Street to Plymouth Avenue North. Easement along the West line of the Township 29, Range 24 lying with- (The above assessment will be East ?a of Section 32, T. 118, R. 21 in the following described boun- spread over twenty (20) years.) and Section 5, T. 117, R. 21 from daries: I I Assessments for the lateral sanitary Harold Avenue to the S W corner of Commencing at the Northwest cor- sewer projects described above will the NW14 of the NE14 of Section 5, ner of Lot 16, Auditor's Subdivision be spread and payable over a period T. 117, R. 21. No. 361; thence west along the north I of twenty (20) years in twenty (20) (The above assessment will be line of Parcel 1800 to the intersection equal annual installments; the assess. spread over twenty (20) years.) of said north line and a line parallel ments for the other projects will be 58 -LF -21 LATERAL SEWER withand measured 150' east of the spread over and payable in the num- All that property which may be east right of way line of State High- ber of years, indicated in each case. served by lateral sanitary sewer 100; thence north along a line The area proposed to be assessed installed on the following, streets �way parallel with and measured 150' east in respect of said improvements will and easements and all that prop- of said east right of way line to the i include all of the land described erty., abutting on the following intersection with a line drawn paral- above, all land abutting on streets streets and easements: lel with and 550' south of the north described above and all land abutting St. Croix Avenue from Douglas line,,of Section 18, Township 29, Range on streets which abut on land de - Drive to a point 1,200' West of 24; thence west along the last 'men- scribed above; including all railroad Douglas Drive. tioned line to the East right of way landf and railroad rights of way in (The above assessment will be line of State.Highway No. 100; thence 1 or abutting on - the above described spread over twenty (20) years.) south along said East right of 'wayjistreets and areas. '58 -LF -22 LATERAL SEWER line to the Northwest corner of Par- I, BY ORDER OF THE All that property in Section 5, ,cel (2000); thence east along the VILLAGE CONCIL Township 117, Range 21, included j north line of Parcel (2000) to the b -s- ROGER K. ULST`AD Within the following described lNortheast corner of Parcel (2000); I' Village Clerk and Administrator boundary lines, to wit: 'thence north along west line of Audi- I STANLEY D. KANE, That part of the NW14 of the NW?4 tor's subdivision No. 361 to the point I Village Attorney, Of Section 5, Township 117, Range 21, ! of beginning.1129 Plymouth Building, lying Southeasterly of a line drawn (The above assessment will be 'Minneapolis 3, Minnesota. parallel with and 150' northwesterly ! spread over twenty (20) years.) E (Sept. 3, 10, 1959)—P from the center line of Ridgeway — -- Road, and East of the West 195' there- of. (The above ,-assessment will be spread over twenty (20) years.)' 3. Each and all of the terms and provisions of said form of notice are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions by which this Council shall govern in hearing and passing upon objections to said assessments, as fully as though the same were separately set forth and resolved herein. May Attest: Clerk s ra or 1 1 Resolution No. 68 August 18, 1959 The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Flannagan and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Bies, Flannagan, Nadasdy, Scherer, and Teresi; and the following voted against the same: None; whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the Clerk. 1 1