95-037 - 04-04 - Adopting 1995 Budgets of Equipment Replacement & Bldg/Park Improvement Capital Funds Resolution 95-37 April 4, 1995 Member introduced the foilowing resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1995 BUDGETS OF THE EQUtPMENT REPLACEMENT, BUILDING AND PARK IMPROVEMENT CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Golden Valfey that the appropriations for the foilowing Capital Project Funds for the calendar year 1995 shall be: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND Proiect Amount Mariced Squad Cars (V8�E#1) $84,000 Pickup Truck (V 8� E#2) 16,000 Chevrolet Suburban (V& E#3) 23,000 Street Sweeper(V& E#4) 92,000 Utility Tractor(V & E#5) 30,000 Fire Pumper(V 8� E#6) 235,000 Unmariced Poiice Vehicle (V� E#7) 15,000 City-Wide Telephone System (V & E#8) 140,000 TOTAL 1995 Budget $635,000 BUILDING FUND Proiect Amount Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance (B#1) $10,000 TOTAL 1995 Budget $10,000 PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND Proiect Amount Devetop Two Softball Fields-Schaper Property (P#1) $895,000 Develop Full Size Soccer Field-Medley Park (P#2) 255,000 Resurface Tennis Courts (P#3) 10,000 Asphalt Ove�iays Park Walkways and Tennis Courts (P#4) 50,000 New Playground Equipment and Area Curbing (P#5) 75,000 Tree Planting (P#6) 10,000 Lighting Upgrade-Parking Lot and Walkway Lighting (P#7) 40,000 TOTAL 1995 Budget $1,335,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Golden Valley that the sources of financing the sums appropriated above in the various capital project funds will be those outlined in the "Financing" section of the 1995-1999 Capital Improvement Program of the City of Golden Valley (Exhibits IV-VI). Blair Tremere, Mayor ATTEST: Shirley J. Nelson, City Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member ; and upon a vote being taken thereon, the folfowing voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: ; whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk.