18-54 - 09-20 - Approve Election Judges for General Election Resolution 18-54 September 20, 2018
Member Clausen introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Minnesota Election Law 2048.21 requires that persons serving as
election judges be appointed by the Council at least 25 days before the election.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Golden Valley City Council that the
individuals named on Exhibit A, and on file in the city clerk's office be appointed as the City
of Golden Valley Election Judges and Absentee Ballot Board Judges for the November 6,
2018 General Election.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Golden Valley City Council also appoints other
individuals and all members appointed to the Hennepin County Absentee Ballot Board as
authorized under Minn. Stat. 2048.21, subd. 2 under the direction of the Election Manager
to serve as members of the Golden Valley Absentee Ballot Board.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is with this, authorized to make any
substitutions or additions as deemed necessary.
Sh and M. Hard, Mayor
Kristine A. Luedke, City Clerk
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member
Schmidgall and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Clausen, Fonnest, Harris, Rosenquist and Schmidgall and the following voted against the
same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by
the Mayor and his signature attested by the City Clerk.
Resolution 18-54 -2- September 20, 2018
Exhibit A
2018 Election Judges
The following individuals are appointed to serve in the 2018 State General Election:
Ambroe, Leonard Hausauer, Sarah Sell, Mike
Anderson, Chuck Hazel, Christine Silver, Sarene
Anderson, Tracy Hiebert, John Stresemann, Marjorie
Anderson, Susan Hietala, Connie Strobel, Nancy
Anderson, Margaret Hoffstedt, Diane Sunderland, Delphine
Barnard, Andra Hoyt, Robert Sunderland, Richard
Barret, Roger Ihrke, Antoinette Tenenbaum, Phillip
Bartol, Colin Ipsen, Nancy Thompson, Lindsay
Beman, David Johnson, Maria Thompson, Sylvia
Berg, David Jorgens, Gwen Tiffin, Marie
Bergman, Roger Kamman, Elizabeth Tillman, Barb
Bergquist, Lois Kampf, Howard Tirpak, Donna
Bergquist, Renee Kempfelt, James Tomko, Patricia
Boehne, Karen Kilner, Marilyn Toren, Hilary
Bona, Richard King, Dwayne Tueting Nelson, Laura
Bona, Susan Krenn, Barbara Tvedt, Gordon
Bonner, Jerry Lang, Robert Van Heel, Barbara
Brown, Bradley Lueck, Christy Van Hook, Mary
Bucklin, Alison Lund, Charles Vodovoz, Helen
Buckner, Tazha Mills, Cynthia Waffensmith, Connie
Burke-Scheffle, Kathleen Mitchell, Norman Waffensmith, Walter
Carlson, Dennis Monson, Stephen Wells, Jackie
Caulfield, Melissa Moore, Tom Wobschall, Georgeann
Cohen, Gary Moyer, Thomas Wray, Kathy
Condon, Marilyn Myers, Kay Yeager, Carrie
Copperud, David Olfe, Janet
Cummins, Carol Osvold, Bruce
Decker, Kay Osvold, Dianne Absentee Ballot Board
Decker, Daniel Pagenkopf, Jane Hietala, Connie
Doughty, Beth Palmquist, Lois Huisman, Claire
Engelen, Jeffrey Parry, Carol Stresemann, Marjorie
Forsyth, James Patrick, Sherri Van Hook, Mary
Fortman, Lloyd Plager, Jan Watson, Sue
Frailich, Midge Pugh, Laura Weber, Meagan
Gaspard, Celeste Ringsmuth, Lynell Zerull, Carol
George, Janet Robinson, Beverly
George, Teresa Rubinyi, Wendy
Girard, Pierre Sanford, Clare
Greenberg, Myron Satter, Audrey
Gustafson, Cheryl Savitt, Doug
Haggberg-Miller, Susan Scanlon, Thomas
Hanson, Ellen Schulte, Sarah
Harrity, Ronda Schultz, Janet
Hasselbusch, Cynthia Schultz, William