99-11 HRA Resolution
Resolution 99-11
August 10, 1999
Commissioner Anderson introduced the following and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Golden Hills Redevelopment Plan as adopted by the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Golden Valley (the "HRA") in 1984 provides
for the acquisition of property within this deteriorated and deteriorating area in order to initiate
a revitalization program and redevelop it; and
WHEREAS, the HRA and the City council of the City of Golden Valley have approved
the Golden Hills Redevelopment Plan to eliminate and prevent the spread of such
deterioration; and
WHEREAS, the HRA needs to acquire all of the property hereinafter described in
order to carry out and implement the Redevelopment Plan in the Golden Hills Central Area as
defined in the Redevelopment Plan, thereby making the land described therein useful and
valuable for contributing to the public health, safety and welfare.
1. It is necessary, desirable and in the public interest to promptly acquire all of the
parcels of land, which are described on the exhibits attached hereto; and
2. The HRA staff and attorney or such other persons as necessary, are hereby
authorized and directed to take all necessary steps, including "quick take" procedures under
Minnesota Statues S 117.042, and execute all necessary documents to acquire all interests in
such real property; and
3. It is necessary and desirable that the HRA staff and attorney begin immediately
to acquire all such parcels so that the property can be redeveloped as soon as reasonably
possible; and
4. The acquisition of such property is necessary and desirable and constitutes a
proper and necessary public purpose. ~. . / ~ "-.J
Motion for th ad ption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Bakken; and upon a
vote taken the. n, the following voted in favor thereof: Anderson, Bakken and Johnson; and
the following voted against the same: Micks; and the following was absent: LeSuer,
whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Chair and
her signature attested by the Director.
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
Land to be acauired
August 10, 1999
That part of Government Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Section 4,
Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin ,County, Minnesota lying
Southeasterly of the Easterly right of way line of-the Soo
Line Railroad, and lying Northerly of a line 33.00 feet
Southerly of and parallel with the East-West Quarter line of
said Section 4 and lying Westerly and Southerly of a line
described as commencing at the East Quarter Corner of said
Section 4; thence South 87 degrees 36 minutes 43 seconds West,
assumed bearing, along said Quar_~~r _ .line of Section 4, a
distance of 620.69 feet; thenee Sou~h'2' degrees ~3'minutes 17.
seconds East a distance of 33.00 ~~et-to said line lying 33.00'
feet Southerly of and parallel wi~hthe East-West'Quarter line
of Section 4 and the point of begi~ing of the line to Qe
described; thence North 2 degrees.~3 minutes 17 seconds West a '
distance of 33.00 feet; thence North 10 degrees 11 minutes 41
seconds West a distance', of, 197; 95 'feet; thence North 21
degrees 57 minutes 51 seconds West a-distance of -95.97 - feet;
thence Northerly a distance, of '285.33 feet, along a tangential
curve concave to the East having a ';r;adi_us of 862.43" feet and a
central angle of 18 degrees S7~ minutes 21 seconds; the~ce
North 3 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds West, tangent to said
curve, a dist~~C:~bf 17. 84-:i:eet;' then~'e Westerly a distance of'
46.82 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the Southwest
having a radius of 30.00 feet and a central angle of 89
degrees 24 minutes 51 seconds; thence South 87 degrees 34
minutes 39 seconds West, tangent to last described curve, a
distance of 274.22 feet; thence North 86 degrees 35 minutes 21
seconds West a distance of 98.39 feet; thence South 87 degrees
34 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 244.14 feet to said
Easterly right of way line of the Soo Line Railroad and said
line there terminating.
. -
Part of the above property is registered land as evidenced by
Certificate of Title No. 520421. '
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 1999
Owners and Encumbrancers
Legal Description:
Subparcels 1,2,3,4,8,14,15,17,18,19,21,22,23,24,25 and 26 more fully described in
Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
City of Golden Valley
Associated Homes Mfg. Co.
Project Number Twenty-Nine Corporation.
Glen Valley Realty Inc..
CAMAS Minnesota, Inc., formerly
Reierson Enterprises, Inc.
Kaitz Investment Company, a partnership
consisting of Ben B. Kaitz and Marian Joyce
Hi-Mount, Inc.
Willis M~ Allen
Ruth A. Allen
The Forster Co.
Lyle A. Murray
Delores Murray
Gerald J. Murray
Carmen Murray
Harry C. Ormes
Mildred S. Ormes
John A. Skermo
Ellen Skermo
Associated Contractors, Inc.
Herman Hadtke
Amilie Hadtke
Eugene C. Day
Ethel F. Day
International Equipment Export Co.,
Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association,
Mary Margaret Merchant and John Knutson,
Trustees of Trust A, Marital Trust Assets and
Trustees of Trust B, Residuary Trust Assets both
Established under the Last Will and Testament of
Charles W. Merchant, deceased
Mary M. Merchant
Northern States Power Company
Fee Simple, Roadway, Easements,
Restrictions, Tile Drain Permits, Access
Control and Special Assessments.
Easements and Unknown Interest
Easements and Unknown Interest
Easements and Unknown Interest
Easements and Unknown Interest
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Remainder Interest and Possible Gap
Spouse and Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Overlap
Possible Overlap
Possible Overlap
Possible Interest in fee
Possible Interest in fee
Easements and Remainder Interest
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 1999
John A. Johnson
Unknown heirs of John A. Johnson, deceased
Unknown heirs of Hannah Johnson, deceased
Unknown heirs of J. Carl Johnson, deceased
Unknown heirs of Esther Yngve, deceased
Unknown heirs of Clara B. Petrich, deceased
Unknown heirs of Alice Stans, deceased
Unknown heirs of Irene Johnson, deceased!
Albert B. Yngve
John A. Yngve
Alan J. Stans
Florian Stans
Robert L. Stans
WTW Corporation, formerly National Airport
Equipment Company
Clifford L. Mackenzie
Laura M. Mackenzie
Glen Valley Realty,.lnc.
Frank Salter
City of St. Louis Park
Louis Hanson
Ida Hanson
Bertil E. Olson
Ruth L. Olson
Will L. Scism
Oswald 1. Grotte
.Winnifred Grotte
William P. Grotte
Ruth Pardee
David Cassidy
County of Hennepin
State of Minnesota
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Remainder Interest
Road and remainder interest
Remainder Interest and possible gap
Remainder Interest and possible gap
Remainder Interest
Remainder Interest
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Judgement Creditor
Taxes and Road
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
Legal Description:
August 10, 1999
Subparcels 5 and 27 more fully described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Breck School
Herman Hadtke
Amilie Hadtke
John A. Skermo
Ellen Skermo
City of Golden Valley
County of Hennepin
State of Minnesota
Fee Simple
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Easements, Road, Special
Taxes and Road
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
Legal Description:
August lO~ 1999
Subparcel 6 more fully described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The Luther Company Limited Partnership,
A.Minnesota limited partnership
Luther Company, a Minnesota partnership
Lumac Leasing, Inc.
Tires Plus Groupe, Ltd.
Herman Hadtke
Amilie Hadtke
John A. Skermo
Ellen Skermo
South Side Lumber Company
City of Golden Valley
County of Hennepin
State of Minnesota
Fee Simple
Unknown Interest
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Easements, Road and Special
Taxes and Road
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
Legal Description:
August 10, 1999
Subparcel 7 more fully described in Exhibit I attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Treasure's Island, Inc.
Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association
U.S. Small Business Administration
John A. Skermo
Ellen Skermo
Herman Hadtke
Amilie Hadtke
South Side Lumber Company
City of Golden Valley
County of Hennepin
State of Minnesota
Fee simple
Mortgagee and Inspection Easement
Assignee of Mortgagee
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Easements, Restrictions, Road and
Special Assessments
Taxes and Road
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 1999
Legal Description:
Subparcels 16 and 28 more fully described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Kaitz Investment Company, a partnership
consisting of Ben B. Kaitz and Marian Joyce
Miriam Collins Palm Beach Laboratories Company,
Inc., dba Palm Beach Beauty Products
CAMAS Minnesota, Inc., formerly
Reierson Enterprises, Inc.
Associated Homes Mfg. Co.
. Project Number Twenty-Nine Corporation
Northern States Power Company
Glen Valley Realty Inc.
Hi-Mount, Inc.
Willis M. Allen
Ruth A. Allen
The Forster Co.
John A. Skermo
Ellen Skermo
Associated Contractors, Inc.
Herman Hadtke
Amilie Hadtke
Fee Simple
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
Unknown Interest
Possible Gap
Possible Gap
City of Golden Valley
Easements, Restrictions, Roads and Special
Taxes and Road
County of Hennepin
State of Minnesota
Reso 1 ut i on 99-11 (.Cont i nued)
August 1Q, 1999
Subparcel~ .l.~
All of Trtct A 4e.c~ibed.belowl
Trtel A. Thal :~ar(.of Govern~enL Lot C, SeeLIon 4, ~ownshIp 117
Nordi,Jta~ge 21 WeaL, Ilennepln CO\lnl' Hi.nnesoLa,
described as foll~wsl Prom Lh~ Routhe~.t corner of
said Guvernment. Lot 4, run weslerly al~nq the south
lihe thereof for 723.A feeL, thence run uorlherly
paral1el.wi~h t.he ea~t lIne of sald G~vernment Lot 4
for .89.75 f~et. to the point of Jeqinning of ~raet A to
be delerJb~d, thene~ run wes~erly and ~a,allel with ~he
B\)uthUne of aaJd Governllent Lot 4 for 715.94 het. \.0
lh. aoutheasterly right of way line of Lhe Hinneapolis,
Nor-l1\fhld and Southern Railway (now Lhlt Soo Line
Railroad Company), thence nortteasLeely along said
.outh.aat~rly rIght of~way line to t.he south 'lne of
lhe north 20 aczeB ot aaid Cover~ment L~t 4, thence
eaa;erlyalong aald 'o~th lIne t~ It.s InLeraeetlonwi\.h~
. 11ne drawn northerly frolll t.he polnt. of beginning,
parallel with the ealt line of aai4 Government. Lot. 4,
lhence aoutherly along la1d parallel line La the point.
of beginning.. .
1>bstract Property.
Subparcel 2:
That p&rt of Tract A d.acrlbed b.lowl
Trl:t A. That plrt of Government Lot 4 of Section 4, Townahip
117 North, Ringe 21 Weat, Hennepln County, Klnnesotl,
de.cribed aa followsl Commencing at the .ou~heast
corner of Illd Covern~ent Lot ~; thence westerly along
tl\e aouth line of 5aid Goyunlllent L:lt 4 a d iltance of
723.4 feet, thence northerly parallel wlth the east
11ne of u Id Governlllent Lot 4 . .d istanee C f 283 .feet to
the pol~t of beginning of the tract to be desctlbed,
thence westerly parallel with saieS south Une a
distance of 510 feet, thence northerly paranel with
I.i~ e.a~ line a distance of 30 feet; thence westerly
pa~alle1 -with laieS south line a distance of 251.5 feet,
mo~. or Ie.., to the vest line of sald Government Lot
4, thence northerly along aald west line a distance of
76.&5 feet, more or lell, to the southeasterly right of
vay line of the Soo Line ~allroad Company (formerly the
Kinneapolls, Horthfield and Southern Rallvay), thence
northeaaterly .long said loutheasterly right of vay
line.to ita intersection wlth the south line of the
north 29 acrea of laid Covernment Lot 4, thence
.asterly along the south line of laid north 20 acres to
ita Interaecdon vlth . Une drawn northerly froll the.
pbint of beginning and parallel ~ith the ealt line of
aald GovernDent Lot 4, thence run southerly alon9 the
1..~ described Ilne to the point of beginning,
'lIeeptlng tnerefroa that part thereof describ~:d aa
.tp11ow~1 Commencing at the ~uthealt corner ~f ..ld
.Government tot 4, thence velterly along the south line
of: s.id Covernllent Let 4 . distance of 723.4 feet,
. t"enc.;..nor~~edy parallel vlth the eeat Une of said
.Govern.ent'Lot 4 . diatance of 48'.15 feet to the point
~f~~ln_nin9 of the trlct to be described, thence
~e.Lerly parallel with the aouth line or .aid
Gover~JDent Lot 4 . diatance of 715.94 feet, lIore or
leu-; to .the southeeaLwrly tight of way Une of t.he Soc
Lin. Railroad COlllpany, thence nor~healterly along a.ld
. aoutheuterly right of way Unet.o the aout.h line of
..t1'l1 north. 20 acru of aald Government -Lot. 4, thence
~i~.terly along aald aou.~ line tu lL~ interaect.lon with
a:1,ln. drawn. northerly ~rolll the polnt of begInning,
p.r~lle1 vith the ealt. line of said Government Lot 4,
thene..outhtrly ~long .,ld parallel line to the point
of. beginning,
v~lc~:il,. notl~v..tetly of . 11n. run parallel wlth and d1at.anl
10:. fut; .out~u.ur1y or the aouLhuat.uly right. ot w..y Un. ot
~.~..1:4..~co. Line h11roa4 COIBpany;
Abstract Property.
Re~olution 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 1999
, "
Subparcel 3:
That p"lrt of Trltct ... d..",cdbetJ ~1ow.-
'1'net A. Th"t p~\rt of th.. 80uth :\13 fent of Govornlll'lnt Lo': 4 of
Section ~, Townfthlp 117 Horth~ rtango 21 West, HennApln
County, I\lnnnsota, lyin9 wellt of th" n.lnt 'U31.4 foet
thoreof: C:lCCt>pt lnq therefrol. die right r.f way of Hayza tt
Boulevard as now 10cftt4d and 4ot~bliahed:
whir-h li... .outhwn..tor1y of Line 1 d..,sct"ibed below:
LIne 1.
8891nn ing at !l point on th.. w"s t Uno ofTt'Il c: t A
h~relnb~fore doseribed, di",t"lnt 10 feet northor1y of th~
llouthwo:st eorn"r thereof: thance run eouthefts-tQr1y to "
point on thft lSouth line of 8~td Tract A. dilltant 15 f~et
."stedy of tho southWQllt .c:orn~r thereof And thoro
t~rmln..tlnq: .
togflthor with tl"t p..rt of Tract A hl'!rolnbftfore d..sc:dbed, whIch
lte. northw..ter1y of . line run r~rall.l with dnd ~i.t..nt 60 feet
.outheA.ter\y of the .outheAst right of way l1nd of the Soo LIne
Railroad Company aft now located and ollt~b\l.he~ ovar and acroae
said Section <C.
Abstract PrOi:>='...rty.
Subparcel 4:
The South 33 feet (Wayzata BOulevard) of the follCMing described.
propo>...rty :
That part of the South 313 feet of Government Lot .t, .Section ., .
Town. hip 117, North RAn9. 21, West of the 5th Principal Meridian,
lying West of the Eaat 1233.. fc~t thereof
Abstract Prop=>...rty.
Subparcel 5:
That pan of CC'NnmCtIt I..Clt .c, Sedion.c, Township 117 Nom, bnse 21 West of lIlt5l1l Prin::ipa! MerlG&an, dcsaibed as follow:
Bqinnilll at a point in lIle 50u1herly line of said CCIVtl'ImCllt L9t.c, aJS:ilnt 1,Da3.4 feu Wr:;t of lIle 5ou:hust comer lIlereof;
lIlen:: West alcni !!Ie 5ou:n line of said lot a clls= of 150 M:; lIlence Nonn pazaliel willl the East line of said Let, a alStlllc::
of 283 feet; thenc:e East parallel willl the SoU1h rane ol said Let aass:ance of 150 f~ lIlen= Sou:n parallel willl the East line of
said Ie: a aJS:3nClt olm fee: to lIle point of bepnninc.
Abstract Pro~...rty.
Subparcel 6:
~e~;n~5~:e;t fro~t~and rear of the Eaat Z50feet front and rear of that part of
Range !Venty-oneOC;l ( )we:ectlon Four (4), T~hlp One Hundred Seventeen (117). North
described as follovs ~, c t of the 5th- Prineipa 1 ~erJ.d1an. Hennepin County, .l1nnesota.
Four (4) 41 t t ommencing pt a point on the South line of said Covernment Lot
paral:el'vlt~ :~e :J3.41~eet Wost from the Southeast corner thereof; thence North' _
thence West aralleast ne ~f .a1d Covernme~t Lot.Four (4) a diatanee of 283 feet;
vlth the E.s~ 11 ~h vlt\ the South line 'thereof ..OO.tlO feet; thence South parallel .
East along t~e S~~tb ~~eo ~o thec Soutb line of ..1d Covernment Lot Four (4); thence
ne t ereo to the point of beSlnnlns.
Abstract Property.
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 1999
Subparcel 7:
Tha~ part of Covern~en~ Lo~ 4, section 4, Township 117
Korth, Ranqe 21 West of the 5th irincipal Keridlan described
as follows, coameneinq at the Southeast corner of said
Covernment Lot 4; thence Westerly alonq the South line of
said Covernment Lo~ 4, a distance of 723.40 feet to the
point of beqlnninq of the land to be describedJ thence
Northerly parallel with the East line of said Covernment Lot
4 a IUstanee of 283.00 feet; th."lce Westerly parallel with
said South line a distance of 210.00 feet, thence Southerly
parallel with said East line a distance of 283.00 feet, to
the South line of said Covernment Lot 4J tL - ._.~1~
a1afLf aa'H 3~ulh 11..8 =, -.. A "~U9I'RJI- . - I ~ thence
Easterly along said South line to the point of beqinninq.
Abstract Property.
Subparcel 8:
All that part of Tract A described below;
~ract A. !bat ~rt of Qo..rnaent Lot 4 of Section 4, ~nahlp 111 .
.orth, bnge 21 Mut, Bennepi" County, Minn.aota, 4.acrl.~4
.. follow.. Begi~nln9 at a rolnt Oft the aoutb line of .a14
Gov.rnz'D~ 14t 4, dlct.nt 53!.4 feet ..at of the .outh...t
corner \~ereof, thence run ve.t alont the .outh line oC ..14
Governaeat Lot . for 130 feet, thence at rigbt antla. north,
tor ~~O hat, thance at right angl...ut, for 130 feet,
thence at rigbt angle. aguth, for 250f.et to the point of
which fies northwesterly of Wne 1 des::r:bed below:
Wne 1.
Commencing at a poinl on the east and west quarter fine of said Section
4, distant 409.16 feet wes~erty of the ::enter thereof; thence run .
nort'leasterly at an angle of 10 deg~ees 33 minutes 56 se::onds from said
east and west quarter fine (measure:! nom east to north) for. 103.10 feet to
L'le point of beginning ofUne 1 to be ces::n1led; thence run southwesterly
along the last described cou:se for 263.06 feet and there terminating:
Abstract Property..
Subparcel 9:
those pans of COoveraac..t Lou 4 lUl4 5. So.t10" 4. 'IOVIlsh1p 117. b..;o 21. Be_cp1.. Cou..ty. H1....esota dese:-1bed as follovs:
So;11l1l1n1 at tbe Soutbotast conu or said Covenu..t Lot 4; the..ee lIorth doni tbe tast line or said Con"",ont Lot 4 a dbtaneo
of 150 reet; th....e We.. parallel v1th the South l1De of sdd ConnuocDt Lot 4 a cl1stanee of .533.40 feot; tbence South parallel
~1.th said tan l1ne. 150 hot to the South 11%le of said Cove=Cllt Lot 4; thence EAst &10"1 said South l1De :Zl.21 fect; thellee
Easterly aDeI Southeasterly 220.12 het aloq a talllcllt1al curve. concave to the Southvest ha\'1nl a rael1u. of 409.26 fut aDd a
.elltral aDpe of 30 ele~eea 49 Eillutes; thellce Soutbeasterly tan,ellt to said curve to tbe tan 1111e of sdel covorume..t Lot .5;
theDce 1I0rtb aloq the last .ent10nod tast 11ne to the p01nt of becinn1n,. a.cor41%11 to tbe Covernaollt Su:vey thoreof.exeopt that
part tl'o.reof e.bra.ed vith111 the plat of Xhe Col_de 1.U.Il. 110. .5J. .
whi:h fies northwesterly of Une 1 des::nbed below:
Wne 1.
Commencing at a point on the east and west quarter line of said Section
4. distal'.t 409.16 feet westerly of the center thereof; thence run
northeasterly at an angle of 10 degrees 33 minutes 56 seconds frelTl said
east and west quarter line (measured from east to north) for 103.10 feet to
the point or beginning ofUne 1 to be des::nbed; thence run southwesterly
along the last des::n1:led cou:se for 283.06 feet and there terminating:
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 1999
:~-ing registered land as is evidenced by certificate of Title No. 1003962.
INFORMATION Nom: The office of the Registrar of T~tles advises that the
ckmer's Duplicate certificate is at the Torr~ns OffJ.ce.
. Supparcel 10:
All- of Tract A described below:
-Tract A. That part of Xenia Avenue South and the Frontage Road as the
same are dedicated and shown on the plat of the Colonnade P.U.D.
No. 53, as said plat is on file and of record in the office of
the County Recorder in and for Hennepin County, Miimesota, except
that part embraced within Tract B, Registered I.an::1 Survey No. 661,
Files of Registrar of Titles, County of "Hennepin, State of Minnesota.
Abstract Property.
Subparcel 11:
Tract C, lL<=>gistered I.an::1 Survey No. 661, Files of lL<=>gistrar of Titles, County
of Hennepin, State of Minnesota.
-Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 366904.
(also covers other land) .
INFOR~CN NOIE: The office of the lL<=>gistrar of Titles advises that the
CMner's D..1plicate Certificate is at the Torrens Office.
Subparcel 12:
Tract F, Registered Land Survey No. 661, Files of Registrar of Titles, County_
of Hennepin,. State-9fMinnesota, .
Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 366904.
(also covers other land)
INFOF.MATI<;N NorE: The office of the Registrar of Titles advises that the
CMner's Thlplicate Certificate is at the Torrens Office.
Subparcel 13:
Tract B, -Registered Land Survey No. 661, Files of Registrar of Titles, County
of Hennepin, State of Minnesota.
Being registered land, however there is no Certificate of Tit:le outstanding.
'Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 1999
Subparcel 14:
J. atrip ot la~ of T&:71i1cwidt.b lJ"ing bettle"en a Une CCllllll8ncing at. a point. 693.4
teet. ..est. ot the east. qu&rt.er corn. 1', ot SecUon b, TCllrn:sh1p 117, Range 21. _aaurell
alang t.he south line ot,t.be nort.h on....bal1' ot aaid s.ction lOll running nortberl;r 1n
& straight. l1ne t.o a point 693.4 teet. nat. ot the e'" , line o! Section h. TOIfnllhip
117, Range 21, lII8&Sur.eS along t.he nor'vh lin. oC t.h. aout.h 2b.~ acres or Government.
Lot 4 ot said aecUon (which lin. 18 hereina!'ter reCerred to as "Urat dellcribed
line-) and a line ccmmenc1ng .at a point on the nort.h line 01' t.he aoUth 24.04 acrn
ot Oonrnaent. Lot. 4, S.ction b; Townahip 117, Range 21, di.t.aat. ~3.4 teet. ....t- ot the
.a~~llne_,ot_sa1d.._a~c:.~~J~ _~~l1therl;r. parI.Ue11l1t.b.the tirst. deacriped line
a distanoe or l66.12 t..t, t.henee aouther1)r 268 t..t. t.o a point. 31.2$ teet eaat. or
the tirat. described Un., thenc, aout.h.rl;r 2$0 t.et. t.o a poL.,t. CD the- aouth line
ot t.he north one-balt ot SecUon 4. TCllrnahip 117, Range 21, diatant 663.4 t.et
...t ot the eaat. quar1:.er _co~.r ot allid s.cUcn lII8asu.rad &long said sout.h l1ne ot
t.henorth C1De-halt or .deS _aectio~.
Abstract Propc...rt:y.
Subparcel 15:
A strip of land 25 feet in width lying West of the follo,..Ting described
line: Carmencing at a FOint 693.4 feet West of the East Quarter corner
of Section 4, Township 117, Range 21, measured along the South line of
the North 1/2 of said Section; thence Northerly in a straight line to
a FOint 693.4 feet West of the East line of Section 4, Township 117,
Range 21, measured along the North line of the South 24.04 acres of
Governnent lot 4, of said Section.
Abstract ,Prop=>...rt:y. -
Subparcel 16:
The Eal't 5 feet of the following tract: That part or oGoverrnnent Lot 4~
Section 4, Township 117, Range 21 deBcr1b~:1 as follows ; To-Wit:
Commencing at the Southeast corner ot saldLot 44' thence West a.long
the South line of said Let 4, a distance 'of 718. feet to the actual
p~~t ~f ~eglnn~ng of the tract to ce deccribed; thence West along said
South lino of Lot 4. & distance of 49.5 feet; thence north parallel
with the East line of said Lot 4, 283. fee~-_to 'a point; theI)ce West
pu'alld w11.h tl1e S~uth line of said Lot 4 a distance of 465.5 feet;
thence North parallel wi.h the East line of said Lot 4,,& distance of
30 feet; thence West parallel with the South line of said Lot 4,
a distance of 251.5 feet to the West line of said tot ~ thence
North a~ong the West line of said Lot 4 a distance of '(0.65 feet to
the Southeasterly line of the Minneapolis Northfield and Southern
Railroad right of way; thence Northeasterly along said last described
line to ~ts point of intersection with the South line of the North
20 acres ~r s&.id Lot 4; thence East along said last described line to
a p~int in a line drawn Nor~h trom the actual point ~f beginning and
parallel with the East line of said Lot 4, which point is 695.49
feet more or less North of the actual point of beginning; thence South
par~llcl with the East line of sa1d Lot 4 to the actual point of
Abstract Property.
Resolu~ion 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 1999
~Subparce1 17:
"" That part of COvern.ent Lot ), Section 4, Tounahip 117
tI"rt.h, R.ange 21 'i.at, Hennepin County, tUnneac.u,""
de.crlbe~ aa followar aeglnnlng at a polnt.n t~e ~a.t
"lin. of a. 1d Covernment Lot 3, ~istant. 33 fe.t north of
the southeaat corner therlo!, thence run weeteely along
the north line of Superior Boulevard, a distance of 55
t.ets thence run northerly and parallel with the e.st
. line of aald Covern~ent Lot'3 to the eaaterly line of
the hlnneapolla, NorthUeld An"~ Southern Ra11way (nou-
Soo.Line Railroad Co=p.ny) right of way: thence
. northeaatedy along ....ld ..aterly right of way line to
the ..at line of ..115 CovernD.nt Lot 3: thence -
southerly along the ll~.t line of ....115 Covet:nment Lot 3
tot~e point of beginning:
Abstract" ~-rty.
Subparce1 18:
That part of GoVernrtl""...nt lot 3, Section 4, Township 117 North, Range 21
West, Hermepin County, Mi.nnesota, described as follcrvls: Beginning at a
point on the East :Line of said Government Lot 3, distant 33 feet North
of the Southeast corner thereof; thence run Westerly along the North
line of SUp<"-rior Boule....ard, a distance of 55 feet; thence run Southerly
arrl parallel with the East line of said Government Lot 3 to the South
line of said Governrtl""...ntlot 3; thence run Easterly along said South
line to the Southeast corner of said GoverrIffi""...nt tot 3; thence North
to the p:>int of beginning.
Abstract Prop=>-rty.
Subparce1 19:
'n\&t. put. of Gownu:ent. tOt. 3. SecUc:a ". Township U7. R&:I&e 21. desc:ri1>el! as ~g1=ing at. a po1nt = the SN-h ~e of
sd4 lot 3 41steJ1t 55 feet. \Out h'cc the Sout!,eut coma thereof: thCZlce tio:r1.b a:>4 p&raUel t.o the tact. llzle or sd4GoYem......ot Lot
t.o I.J: 1nt.enecUca ~lth a Hne e:rt~~ trom a pc1nt c:a the East. ll.'1e or sd4 GoYe..-n=nt Lot. 3. distant 331.51 re~t r...rt.h freo u..:
e&St. cornu then-of to & pc int. c:a the So-.;th Une of s&14 Govuz=ent Lot. 3. distant 179.53 teet. iiest rr.... the Solltheast corner 'l.bue:
thcee Soutbvect.uly ala>g u14 ],ut. 4eccri~ 11M to the SOI.It.b Une or $&14 Cicv...."=:lt. Lot. 3; ~ee :&act alo:>& sai4 SO'.r'-h Une
]2".53 feet to the po1nt of bq1nn1zlg, &c.o:"41::1 to the GoYen=t. Surve,y thereot'.. "
B'=>..ing registered.land. as is evidenced by ceJ::tificate of Ti~e No. 520421.
- O. -
INFORMATICN NOI'E: The office of the Registrar of Titles advises that the
CMner's D.lplicate certificate is at the Torrens Office.
Subparce1 20:
-That part of Tract B hereinafter described whiCh lies Northeasterly of the
Northerly right of way line of Trunk Highway No. 394 as nCM .1oCated and
-established and Southerly of Line 1 described below:
- Tra.:t B.
The 66 Coot vide right of way of the 500 Line Rail:oad
Coapany (foraetlt the Minneapolis, Northfleld and ~outhe~n
Railway Company) over and a~ro.. CovernmeatLot 3 of Section
4, Township 117 North, Ilang' 21 \Jut.
'Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 19.99
Un. 1.
Be Innin& at . polnt on the aoutheaaterly Ilne of Tract.R
hc!~elnbefore ducrlbed. dhtant 20 feet northeaaterly ot H.
Interaectlon w1th . Ilne run patal1el with and dlat.~t 3~
feet northerly of the louth 11ne of Bald Cioclv~3r3n~::~ p::allel
thence run aouthwelterly to a point on Ie
11ne clllt~~t 11 -feet we.terly of aeld lnteraection; thence
run ~caterly on aal-d 33 foot parallel ~lne to lU inter-
eaectlon with the northwesterly line ot .ald lract Band
theretenlna ting-. -
Abstract PrOperty.
Subparcel 21:
'Ihat part of the North 33 feet (Wayzata Boulevard) of Government IDt 5,
Section 4, Tcwnshi.p 117, Range 21, which lies East of the West _16 feet
thereof and which lies West of a line drawn Parallel with and 533.-4. feet
West of the East line of said Government IDt 5, as measure.1 along the
North line thereof.
A strip of Land 33 feet wide in GoVerTJIll">-I1t lot 5, Section 4, ~hi.p 117,
Range 21 adjoing and lying. Southerly of the fo11CMing described proPerty:
Tho.. paru of c:o.cn-c"t Lou 4 ..... S. SecUo. 4. 't.......hlp 117. b"IC 21. B.."cpl. Cou..ty. 111"""018 ....r!".. .. loll_a:
,.,1."111. at tho Southuat c!'rner. of ..1. C:O'.n-..t Lot 41 th.".. North 01.". the tnt 11". of .01. COy......."t Lot ~ . dhUn..
of 150 fact; th.... Vcat par.llel "itla tho Soutla 11.. of .d. Cover...."t Lot 4 . .1ot.... of 533.40 fact: th.".. Soutla p.ullal
vitia 11&1. toot 1111.. 150 fact to the Soutla 111>. of Ml. Coy.rna..t Lot 4: tla.".. tnt 010... .d. Soutla 11". 21.21 fut: th.o..
wecrly .". $outhn,utly ::20.12 fe.t alOD. . uo...U.l .urv.. .o"t.... to tho Southwe.t hovl"l . radlu. of 409.26 fe.t .... .
cutnl ....le of 30 ...n.. 49 d..ut..; tla.... So..th...iuly u"C...t to .d. curv. to tho t... 110. of ..14 C......-...t Lot 5:
th..... 1I0rtla alo"l tho la.t .."Uon.' ta.t 110. to tho ,ol"t of "..1",,1"1. ...0rdl"l to the Coycma..t Sur..y th.nof .u..pt that
part t!t..nof cura..' Vitlll. the plet of Ill. Col_d. r.U.D. 110. 5J.
Abstract Property.
Subparcel 22:
'!he West 16 feet of the No:c"-Jl 33 feet C.Wayzata Boulevard) of Government IDt
5, Section 4, 'I'cMnship 117, Range 21.
Abstract Prop""-rty.
Subparcel 23:
. .
The East 16 feet. of the North 33 feet (Wayzata Boulevard) of Government IDt
6, Section 4, ~hi.p 117, Pange 21.
Abstract Property.
Subparcel 24:
The West 17 feet of the East 33 feet of the North. 33 feet (Wayzata BouleVard)
of Government IF>t 6, .Section 4; 'I'cMnship 117, Range 21.
Abstract ProPe:rtY.
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 1999
Subparce1 25:
That part of the North 33 feet (WayzataBoulE::.vard) of GoVerl'1ffiC..nt lDt 6,
Section 4, TcMnship 117, Ran;e 21 which 1i~ West of the East 33 feet
thereof and which lies East of the fo11CMi.ngdescribed prop<='..rty:-
COl:ll:Iene1 TIC fit, R point 1'o:-n.!'1\ 1:, f.he int."rscct.l ~n or the E:\sterly
line or the rii-:ht-(\r-vO)' or th" J.\1nr:eal'ol1s, Northrieldand-
SOllthern p.:lllw~y '..:1th the :/orth lIne (\1' said Government ~t Six
(6) in cnid Section Four (4); thence extendin~ East'along-t.he
NClrth Une of said Covernment Lot Six (6) B distance or Thlrty-
four tnd Tvent.y-six One Itundreciths l<:~t (311-26/100); thence at
a riGht anc1e extendinc Soulh on a line parallel vith the East
line or snid Government Lot Six (6) a distnnce or O:Ie Hundred
Forty-one nnd Twenty-fOur One Hun1redths feet (141-24/100);-,
thence Yect at a richt nr.e1e ~n n line parallel to the north
line or ~aid Government. Lot Six (6) B distance of One Hundred
One nnd Sevent.y-two One Hundredths feet (101-12/100) to the
Enctcrly line or richt-of-wey or t.he Minneapolis, NCll~hfipld
nnd 50uthern Railwoy; thence lICl:'th-eacterly 1l10ng the Eosterly
lin~ of riCht-or-woy of 'soid Mlnneapolls, Northfield and
Southern noilowny Q llistonee of One Hundred Fifty-six and Six-
tentho feet (156-6/10) to the point or beginning.
Abstract Property.
Subparce1 26:
That part of the North 33 feet (Wayzata Boulevard) of Government lDt 6,
Section 4, 'l'c::1.vr>.ship 117, Range 21 which lies wi thin the f011CMing descrih:d
prop=>..rty: ~
. ';"'.'
COl:ll:Icne1 nc lit. R point 1'0:"1111'1\ .,:7f.lIe 1nt"..rsecU~n~or 'tohe t.~Gt.erly
11:1: tlf t.he rir":ht-(\f-wo)' or th;' J.\lnr:e81'01111, Northrleld end
Southern P.::Ilh:~y ....ith the :lorth line r>1' sBid GClverr.ment Lot Six
(6) in :;nid Section Four (4); thence extendinc East. alonf) the
NClrth "Unc of said Government Lot Six (6) B distance or '1't11rty-
four tnd Tvent.Y-llix One lIundrecit!ls l<:~t (34-26/100); thence at
a ri;;ht 3nc1e extendinc Sout.i} en a line pllrallel vith the East
line or said Govern::I~nt Lot Six (&) I distance 01' <be lIundred .
Forty-one nnd Twenty-four O:1e H~~ire;ths feet (1~1-24/100); ,
thence Yest ~t a richt nr.ele on R line parallel to the fl~h
line or uid GOvernment Lot Six (6) B distllflce of One Hundred-
One ond Seventy-two One Ilundredths feet (101-12jloo) t;o the .
Enstcrly line or riGht-of-WBY or tho Minneapolic, NCll~hripld
nlld Souther~ Railwoy; the-nee NCI:'tI1-eBsterly along the Easterly
1in~ of riCht-or-woy m~ said Mlnneapolls, Northfield and
SouLhern no1loway a llictonee of One Hundred Fifty-six and Slx-
tcntho feet (156-6/10) to the point or beslnn1ng.
Resolution 99-11 (Continued)
August 10, 1999
Subparcel 27:
Thai parI of the: Soulh :\1:\ fecI of Gcwernmenl 1.01 ~. Sectiun 4, T\l\\'T1~hlp 117 Nonh. R:mge21 WC\I. l,.inS WeSl
of the E.:1.~1 1233.<4 fc.ellllerc:oC; cxc:epling Iherefrom Ihe riI:hl of way of W:JY/;Jla Duulcv:lrd a~ hI"'" InC:llw :ind
csl:1bli.~lted; Ilnd excepling Iherefrum Ih:1l paulhercof colweycd III the St:lle of MinnC::OI:1 by W:Jrr:lnlY need U31cd
Jul)' :!S. 19M. and rcalrded Sepleml>cr 19. 19~, as Documenl No. 5455728.
Abstract Property!.
Subparcel 28:
That part of Governtnent Lot 4, Section 4, 'l'cNnship 117 North, Range 21 West of
the 5th Principal Meridian described as follaws:
COlClencingat the southeast corner of said Government Lot 41 thence westerly
along the south line of said Gove~~e~t ~t 4 a distance of 723.40 fectl thenee
no~'crly, parallel with the east line of said Govc=nment Lot 4, a distance of 4a9.75
fetot., to the point of beginning of the land tu bot u..scru,6d, thence southerly pz:.rallcl
with said east line a distance of 206.75 feetl t~ence westerly parallel with said sou~~
li..ea distance of 510.00 feetl thence r.ortherly parallel with said cast line a distance
of. 30.00 feetl thence wesurly parallel with saicl :;OUtll 11...== a dist.anc6 of 251.50 fcc~,
=ore or less, to the west lin~ of said Government Lot 41 thence northerly along said
west line a distance o'f 76.65 feet, ~re or lesS, ~o the southe~sterly rigbt-of-way
line of the MinneapOlis, Nor+~fiQld , Sou~hern Railroadl thence northeasterly along
said southeasterly right-of-way line to the intersection with a line drawn ~~sterly
frem ~le point of beginning and parallel with said south lineJ ~~ence easterly along
~e .l~st ~.es~~ibed p01r;;llel.line. to th~ p?i!lt of beg~ni~g:" -
Except that part acquired by the 'State 'Of M:innesota in I)x:ument No.
Abstract Propo-Ity.