03 - Operating BudgetCITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY 2023 - 2024 OPERATING BUDGET DIVISION: Housing (016) PROGRAM: Housing (9190) OBJECT DESCRIPTION 2020 ACTUAL 2021 ACTUAL 2022 ADOPTED 2022 ESTIMATED 2023 CONCEPT 2023 ADOPTED 2024 CONCEPT Personal Services 6110 Salaries -Regular Employees $0 $99,456 $125,150 $125,150 $129,285 $129,920 $133,815 6150 Employee Insurance - 26,620 32,225 32,225 33,290 35,050 31,130 6160 Retirement 14,539 20,025 20,025 20,685 20,785 21,410 TOTAL Personal Services - 140,615 177,400 177,400 183,260 185,755 186,355 Supplies and Services 6320 Operating Supplies - 500 500 500 500 500 6340 Professional Services 5,094 49 25,000 44,905 50,000 49,245 45,000 6344 Use of Personal Auto - - 500 500 500 500 500 6411 Conferences and Schools 164 5,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 5,500 6413 Dues and Subscriptions - 150 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL Supplies and Services 5,094 363 33,000 52,905 56,000 55,245 53,500 TOTALS 5,094 140,978 210,400 230,305 239,260 241,000 239,855 1