GVHSF MINUTES 11-09-1998 Golden Valley Human Services Foundation Minutes of the November 9, 1998 Meeting Golden Valley Council Conference Room Members Present: HUmer Erickson, Bob Lang, Lori Heilman, Karen Neis, Carolyn Fiterman, Elissa Heilicher, Terri DeVeau, and Sue Virnig, Staff liaison. Members Absent: Rod Wooten, Gloria Johnson, Jeff Hansen, and Duane Wosje. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Acting Chair Elissa Heilicher.Bob Lang acted as Chair at 7:30pm. New Members Welcome: All members contributed to why they are on the FOundation and welcomed Carolyn Fiterman and Lori Heilman. Approval of Minutes: Hilmer Erickson moved and Karen Neis seconded approval of the October 12 minutes. The motion passed unanimously. Run the Valley: The date is set for April 17, 1999. The sign up brochures will be ready for the February meeting for handing out to businesses. Bob Lang will work on a design fbr the t-shirt. The previous sponsors will be contacted and Terri will try to get a water sponsor. Foundation Special Revenue Fund: Sue Virnig explained what a special revenue fund is and how the Foundation accounting is separated as its own fund. Officer Replacement: Bob Lang moved and Hilmer Erickson seconded that Jeff Hansen be nominated as Chair to replace Sharon Mattison.. Sharon has resigned because of conflicts with her daughter's traveling basketball schedule. Elissa Heilicher moved and Hilmer seconded Terri DeVeau as Vice Chair. All nominations passed unanimously. Questionnaire for.Allocation of Funds: Karen Neis introduced the Minnesota Common Grant Application Form. The decision was to combine the old questionnaire and the Common Grant Form for the next allocation year. December Meeting: December 14 at 7:00pm is the next meeting. Topics will include a solicitation letter for businesses, T-shirt design, golf tourney date and update of sponsors. Adjournment: Hilmer Erickson moved and Terri DeVeau seconded adjournment at 8:30pm. The motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Sue Virnig Staff Liaison (Secretary pro tem)