01/10/08GOLDEN VALLEY HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MEETING Minutes from the Meeting of January 10, 2008 Members Present: Ron Brandon, Marion Helland, Anne Dykstra, Theresa Jorgenson. Samuel Deputie. Members Absent: Andrea Purvis. Staff Present: DeDe Scanlon, Chief Stacy Altonen. The meeting was called to order by Chair Brandon at 7:05 pm. OPEN FORUM There was no one present requesting to address the Commission. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Jorgenson moved to approve the meeting minutes of November 8, 2007; seconded by Commissioner Helland. COMMITTEE REPORTS SCHOOL EDUCATION Commissioner Helland advised essays will be reviewed on March 14th. Commissioner Jorgenson advised the Robbinsdale School Board will be meeting on Monday, January 14tH at 7PM at the District #281 office at 42"d and Winnetka Avenue. A work session to discuss budget cuts and school closings will begin at 5:30. HOUSING Nothing to report. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONS Commissioner Helland advised the December meeting was held at Brookview Community Center. Helland expressed appreciation for coverage of the rental and food by city staff. The next meeting will be held January 19th near Audubon Park in Minneapolis. The annual conference will be held in Rochester and the chair of the Rochester commission will attend the committee meeting at 1 PM on January 13thin Edina to assist in planning the conference. SHARE THE DREAM Chair Brandon advised meetings are scheduled next week and the following week to finalize the plan for the Share the Dream event in late February/early March. DISCRIMINATION Nothing to report. COMMUNITY EDUCATION and MULTI -CULTURAL TASK FORCE Chair Brandon advised there was a funding issue in the past, and he is unaware if the task force still exists. PROCLAMATIONS Chair Brandon inquired if a proclamation has been made for Martin Luther King's birthday. Chief Altonen advised proclamations have not been made in the past for this holiday. Altonen stated proclamations for upcoming dates are on file with the council liaison and will be placed on the council agenda as the dates draw near. OLD BUSINESS BIAS/HATE CRIME RESPONSE AND PREVENTION PLAN Chief Altonen presented the most current draft of this response plan, the proposed police department policy, and a summary of past meeting minutes pertaining to the bias crime draft. Commissioner Dykstra advised this item was discussed at the council/manager work session and council member Freiberg asked that this item be expedited as it has been in the works for some time. Chief Altonen stated final edits to the draft response plan can be made immediately upon commission revision, and the document would be given to Judy Nally to place on the council agenda for review and adoption. A review meeting will be tentatively scheduled for Thursday, January 17th with commissioners Dykstra, Purvis and Jorgenson, and Mayor Loomis, Council Member Scanlon and Chief Altonen. CITY COUNCIUMANAGER WORK SESSION Commissioner Dykstra advised old business was discussed and the same-sex marriage letter was presented and accepted by the mayor and council. Commissioner Dykstra was asked if surrounding cities have a policy of acceptance of same-sex marriages and she checked into this matter and was unable to find another city that has a policy in place surrounding this topic. Further discussion ensued and commissioners decided no further action will take place regarding same-sex marriage unless another issue arises. It was agreed the responsibility for any further action rests with the State of Minnesota. Commissioners expressed interest in diversity training. Grant money is available through the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commission. RECRUITMENT FOR HRC MEMBERS Commissioners discussed recruiting student members for the commission. Commissioner Helland volunteered to write letters to high school principals to help facilitate the recruitment process. BY-LAWS UPDATE Commissioner Dykstra stated the scope of work document presented to the council should be included in Article I: Mission Statement once it is approved. Commissioner Dykstra motioned to revise the meeting schedule to monthly meetings; seconded by Commissioner Helland. Commissioner Deputie opposed; motion carried. Commissioner Jorgenson advised Article III: Meetings should be amended to state "monthly meetings" instead of "bi-monthly meetings." Commissioner Dykstra motioned to accept the revised by-laws; seconded by Commissioner Jorgenson. Motion carried unanimously. HOBBS AWARD Commissioner Helland advised the deadline for submissions is February 22"d, and no submissions have been received. Commissioners agreed notification should be placed in the Sun Post newspaper and fliers should be mailed to organizations listed on the mailing list. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Helland presented a draft of the annual report. Copies will be distributed via e-mail to other commissioners for final review and revision before presentation to the City Council. Andre Koen, Affirmative Action Officer/Cultural Confidence Coordinator for Anoka County, introduced himself and advised he works with the City of Anoka's Human Rights Commission. He stated the two commissions would benefit from working together to share ideas/expertise. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be on Thursday, February 14, 2008 beginning at 7 pm. ADJOURNMENT MOVED by Commissioner Jorgenson, seconded by Chair Brandon to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 pm.