12/11/08GOLDEN VALLEY HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MEETING Minutes from the Meeting of December 11, 2008 Members Present: Marion Helland, Anne Dykstra, Christopher Jordan, Roger McConico, Debra Yahle & Bob Hoyt. Members Absent: Ron Brandon and Jay Sandvik. Staff Present: Chief Stacy Altonen and Council Member DeDe Scanlon The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Dykstra at 7:07 pm. OPEN FORUM There was no one present requesting to address the Commission. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner McConico moved to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2008 meeting; seconded by Commissioner Helland. The minutes were unanimously approved. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER Bob Hoyt introduced himself to and was welcomed by the commission. COMMITTEE REPORTS SCHOOL EDUCATION Commissioner Helland distributed statistics regarding the "Choice is Yours" program and free/reduced meal counts for the Robbinsdale area schools. Staff & student survey results from Robbinsdale area schools were distributed and discussed from the Desegregation/Integration Community Collaboration Council. Commissioner Dykstra advised the school district lines have been drawn in suburban cities to exclude trailer parks and multi -cultural populations from certain districts. She expressed interest in developing a work plan with the city council to prevent this exclusion in the future. Commissioner Hoyt moved to approve extending an invitation to a representative from the Robbinsdale School District to speak to the commission regarding the district lines and how they are drawn; seconded by Commissioner Jordan. This motion was approved by consensus. Commissioner Jordan advised he would contact the school district to extend the invitation. HOUSING Commissioner Jordan distributed a flyer that could be placed in common areas of multi -housing complexes to inform residents that the commission exists and welcomes their concerns and observations. Chief Altonen advised there has been a minimal decline in foreclosures from this time last year. Commissioner Jordan inquired if the city is offering any resources to homeowners facing foreclosure to assist them through the process. Chief Altonen advised the city does not have vouchers for housing, but the city is working to obtain a resource packet for homeowners facing foreclosure. Commissioner Helland advised PRISM provides food and transportation assistance. Commissioner Dykstra suggested publishing the availability of a resource packet in the City News or advertising on a city utility bill so homeowners are aware there are resources available. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONS Commissioner Helland advised the next meeting will be in Chaska and members are welcome to attend. SHARE THE DREAM Commissioners Ron Brandon, Christopher Jordan and Debra Yahle met to brainstorm ideas for the Share the Dream event. Commissioner Jordan advised one idea for next year's event involves local celebrities giving motivational presentations about the changes they have seen in their professions over time. Commissioners discussed past events and themes, and possibilities for future events. DISCRIMINATION Chief Altonen distributed documents outlining the state bidding process (the City of Golden Valley follows the same process) when hiring contractors for various projects. The city does not have its own bid requirements which mandate a certain percentage of hired contractors be minorities. OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Helland advised a meeting is scheduled for January 26, 2009 from 7-9 PM at the Crystal Community Center. Members from the Crystal, Plymouth, New Hope, Robbinsdale and Golden Valley Human Rights Commissions will discuss training needs and grant fund allocations NEW BUSINESS ELECTION OF OFFICERS Commissioner Jordan motioned to approve electing a temporary chair to serve through April 2009; seconded by Commissioner Yahle. Motion approved by consensus. Commissioner Hoyt moved to elect Commissioner Dykstra as the temporary chair. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner McConico moved to elect Commissioner Jordan as vice chair; seconded by Commissioner Yahle. Motion carried unanimously. NEXT MEETING The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 8'h, beginning at 7PM. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Commissioner Hoyt, seconded by Commissioner McConico to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 pm.