01-11-10 Golden Valley Human Services Foundation (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes January 11, 2010 Present: Dan Blumb, Hilmer Erickson, Brenda McGhie, Chris Monroe, Connie Sandler, and Toots Vodovoz. Also present Mayor Linda Loomis, Dean Penk and Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Not Present: Elissa Heilicher, Gloria Johnson, Diane Nimmer and Steve Schumacher. Call to Order: Chairman Blumb called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. October 12 minutes: Sandler moved and Vodovoz seconded the motion to approve the minutes of October 12. The motion passed unanimously. Taste of Golden Valley evaluation: Members felt the event was a success. Sandler will contact The Metropolitan to set a date for 2010. McGhie will add the GVHSF funded agencies to the publicity list. Run the Valley - April 10: The t-shirt designs were reviewed and Eric Lichtenberg's design was selected. Fackler will notify the entrees of the selection. Registrations have been taken for the race. A mass e-mail was sent with positive response. Sponsorship letters will be sent this month. McGhie will do publicity for the event. Sandler will get a quote on the t-shirts. Golden Valley Foundation proposal: Mayor Loomis and Dean Penk presented information on the proposed Golden Valley Foundation. Discussion followed. Members felt this was an opportunity for the GVHSF and would like to have a representative on the committee. Nimmer and Blumb have offered to represent the GVHSF on the committee. Blumb will contact Mayor Loomis. Calendar Review: Run the Valley - April 10. Golf Classic - July 9. Sandler suggested to publicize with the Junior Golf League. Fackler will contact the Golf Course Manager to help with advertising. Taste of Golden Valley - Sandler will contact The Metropolitan to set a date for November. Other Business: Fackler passed out the proposed solicitation letter. Several suggestions were made to change the letter which will be given to the Communications Department. Blumb reported that the Council accepted the GVHSF recommendations for funding. Adjournment: Sandler moved to adjourn the meeting, Monroe seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanne Fackler GVHSF Staff Liaison HUMAN SERVICES FOUNDATION 2009-2010 HOME WORK CELL YEAR TERM NAME AND ADDRESS PHONE PHONE PHONE APPOINTED EXPIRES Dan Blumb, Chair 763-205-1315 612-578-6449 9/5/06 5/1/09 5248 Golden Valley Road 55422 daniel.blumb@hotmail.com Hilmer Erickson 763-540-0279 5/3/05 5/1/11 1320 Louisiana Avenue North 55427 Elissa Heilicher 763-545-0147 612-720-8200 1994 5/1/11 30 Western Terrace 55426 telelissa@aol.com Gloria Johnson 763-588-6013 8/2/04 5/1/11 4200 Golden Valley Road 55422 Brenda McGhie 763-541-4871 612-730-6755 4/23/09 4/11 6060 Golden Valley Road 55422 lilliclare@msn.com Chris Monroe 763-374-5888 763-417-9575 9/5/06 5/1/09 4633 Sunset Ridge 55416 cdmonroe@aol.com Diane Nimmer 763-529-7662 763-242-1067 2/1/08 2/1/10 1420 Skyline Drive 55422 Diane@Nimmerfamily.com Connie Sandler 763-541-9346 952-939-1646 11/20/07 5/1/09 225 Sumter Avenue South 55426 csandler@sholom.com Steve Schumacher 763-525-8711 763-218-8587 6/17/02 5/1/11 350 Idaho Avenue North 55427 steveschumacher@comcast.net Toots Vodovoz 111 Ottawa Avenue South 55416 Toots140@juno.com 763-374-9285 952-926-4433 Staff Liaison: Jeanne Fackler, Senior Citizens Coordinator jfackler@ci.golden-valley.mn.us 763-512-2340 Meeting Date: Meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm at Brookview Community Center 5/2/06 5/1/11 3/09